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synced 2025-03-09 00:35:20 -05:00
Includes icons for zoom next tool (same icon for all themes). git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk@10588 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
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233 lines
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* \class QgisInterface
* \brief Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and
* made available to plugins.
* Only functionality exposed by QgisInterface can be used in plugins.
* This interface has to be implemented with application specific details.
* QGIS implements it in QgisAppInterface class, 3rd party applications
* could provide their own implementation to be able to use plugins.
class QgisInterface : QObject
#include <qgisinterface.h>
/** Constructor */
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~QgisInterface();
public slots: // TODO: do these functions really need to be slots?
//! Zoom to full extent of map layers
virtual void zoomFull()=0;
//! Zoom to previous view extent
virtual void zoomToPrevious()=0;
//! Zoom to next view extent
virtual void zoomToNext()=0;
//! Zoome to extent of the active layer
virtual void zoomToActiveLayer()=0;
//! Add a vector layer
virtual QgsVectorLayer* addVectorLayer(QString vectorLayerPath, QString baseName, QString providerKey)=0;
//! Add a raster layer given a raster layer file name
virtual QgsRasterLayer* addRasterLayer(QString rasterLayerPath, QString baseName = QString())=0;
//! Add a WMS layer
virtual QgsRasterLayer* addRasterLayer(const QString& url, const QString& layerName, const QString& providerKey, const QStringList& layers, const QStringList& styles, const QString& format, const QString& crs) = 0;
//! Add a project
virtual bool addProject(QString theProject)=0;
//! Start a blank project
virtual void newProject(bool thePromptToSaveFlag=false)=0;
//! Get pointer to the active layer (layer selected in the legend)
virtual QgsMapLayer *activeLayer()=0;
//! Add an icon to the plugins toolbar
virtual int addToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction) =0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the plugin toolbar
virtual void removeToolBarIcon(QAction *qAction) = 0;
//! Add toolbar with specified name
virtual QToolBar* addToolBar(QString name)=0 /Factory/;
// TODO: is this deprecated in favour of QgsContextHelp?
/** Open a url in the users browser. By default the QGIS doc directory is used
* as the base for the URL. To open a URL that is not relative to the installed
* QGIS documentation, set useQgisDocDirectory to false.
* @param url URL to open
* @param useQgisDocDirectory If true, the URL will be formed by concatenating
* url to the QGIS documentation directory path (<prefix>/share/doc)
virtual void openURL(QString url, bool useQgisDocDirectory=true)=0;
/** Return a pointer to the map canvas */
virtual QgsMapCanvas * mapCanvas()=0;
/** Return a pointer to the main window (instance of QgisApp in case of QGIS) */
virtual QWidget * mainWindow()=0;
/** Return pointers to the composer views of the running instance (currently only one)*/
//virtual QList<QgsComposerView*> composerViews()=0;
/**Return mainwindows / composer views of running composer instances (currently only one)*/
virtual QList<QgsComposerView*> activeComposers() = 0;
/** Add action to the plugins menu */
virtual void addPluginToMenu(QString name, QAction* action)=0;
/** Remove action from the plugins menu */
virtual void removePluginMenu(QString name, QAction* action)=0;
/** Add a dock widget to the main window */
virtual void addDockWidget ( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget * dockwidget )=0;
/** Remove specified dock widget from main window (doesn't delete it). Added in QGIS 1.1. */
virtual void removeDockWidget ( QDockWidget * dockwidget )=0;
/** refresh legend of a layer */
virtual void refreshLegend( QgsMapLayer * layer )=0;
/** Add window to Window menu. The action title is the window title
* and the action should raise, unminimize and activate the window. */
virtual void addWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Remove window from Window menu. Calling this is necessary only for
* windows which are hidden rather than deleted when closed. */
virtual void removeWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Accessors for inserting items into menus and toolbars.
* An item can be inserted before any existing action.
//! Menus
virtual QMenu *fileMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *editMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *viewMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *layerMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *settingsMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *pluginMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *windowMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *helpMenu() = 0;
//! ToolBars
virtual QToolBar *fileToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *layerToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *mapNavToolToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *digitizeToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *attributesToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *pluginToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *helpToolBar() = 0;
//! File menu actions
virtual QAction *actionNewProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOpenProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionFileSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveProjectAs() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveMapAsImage() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionFileSeparator2() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionProjectProperties() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionFileSeparator3() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPrintComposer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionFileSeparator4() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionExit() = 0;
//! Edit menu actions
virtual QAction *actionCutFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCopyFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPasteFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionEditSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCapturePoint() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCaptureLine() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCapturePologon() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDeleteSelected() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMoveFeature() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSplitFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddVertex() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDeleteVertex() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMoveVertex() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddRing() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddIsland() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionEditSeparator2() = 0;
//! View menu actions
virtual QAction *actionPan() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomIn() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomOut() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSelect() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionIdentify() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMeasure() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMeasureArea() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionViewSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomFullExtent() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomToLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomToSelected() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomLast() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionZoomActualSize() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionViewSeparator2() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMapTips() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionNewBookmark() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowBookmarks() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDraw() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionViewSeparator3() = 0;
//! Layer menu actions
virtual QAction *actionNewVectorLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddOgrLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddRasterLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddPgLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddWmsLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOpenTable() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionToggleEditing() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSaveAs() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSelectionSaveAs() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionRemoveLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerProperties() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSeparator2() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddToOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddAllToOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionRemoveAllFromOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSeparator3() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionHideAllLayers() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowAllLayers() = 0;
//! Plugin menu actions
virtual QAction *actionManagePlugins() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPluginSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPluginListSeparator() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPluginSeparator2() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPluginPythonSeparator() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowPythonDialog() = 0;
//! Settings menu actions
virtual QAction *actionToggleFullScreen() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSettingsSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOptions() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCustomProjection() = 0;
//! Help menu actions
virtual QAction *actionHelpContents() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionHelpSeparator1() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionQgisHomePage() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCheckQgisVersion() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionHelpSeparator2() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAbout() = 0;
/** Emited whenever current (selected) layer changes.
* The pointer to layer can be null if no layer is selected
void currentLayerChanged ( QgsMapLayer * layer );