Denis Rouzaud 9441fcc947
drag'n'drop improvements part 3 (#34479)
* drag'n'drop improvements

part 3

this completely removes hidden config accessible under double click
now a widget groupbox (by opposition to the field config) is shown on top of the right panel
2020-02-14 23:19:42 +01:00

289 lines
8.3 KiB

* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgseditformconfig.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsEditFormConfig
#include "qgseditformconfig.h"
static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject;
enum EditorLayout
struct GroupData
Constructor for GroupData
GroupData( const QString &name, const QList<QString> &fields );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
struct TabData
Constructor for TabData
TabData( const QString &name, const QList<QString> &fields, const QList<QgsEditFormConfig::GroupData> &groups );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
QList<QgsEditFormConfig::GroupData> mGroups;
enum FeatureFormSuppress
enum PythonInitCodeSource
QgsEditFormConfig( const QgsEditFormConfig &o );
Copy constructor
.. versionadded:: 3.0
bool operator==( const QgsEditFormConfig &o );
void addTab( QgsAttributeEditorElement *data /Transfer/ );
Adds a new element to the invisible root container in the layout.
This is only useful in combination with EditorLayout.TabLayout.
QList< QgsAttributeEditorElement * > tabs() const;
Returns a list of tabs for EditorLayout.TabLayout obtained from the invisible root container.
void clearTabs();
Clears all the tabs for the attribute editor form with EditorLayout.TabLayout.
QgsAttributeEditorContainer *invisibleRootContainer();
Gets the invisible root container for the drag and drop designer form (EditorLayout.TabLayout).
.. versionadded:: 3
EditorLayout layout() const;
Gets the active layout style for the attribute editor for this layer
void setLayout( EditorLayout editorLayout );
Sets the active layout style for the attribute editor for this layer
QString uiForm() const;
Returns the path or URL to the .ui form. Only meaningful with EditorLayout.UiFileLayout
void setUiForm( const QString &ui );
Set path to the .ui form.
When a string is provided in ``ui``, the layout style will be set to EditorLayout.UiFileLayout,
if an empty or a null string is provided, the layout style will be set to
If ``ui`` is a URL, a local copy of the file will be made and will be used to create the forms
``context`` is provided to save error messages
bool setWidgetConfig( const QString &widgetName, const QVariantMap &config );
Set the editor widget config for a widget which is not for a simple field.
.. code-block:: python
editFormConfig = layer.editFormConfig()
editFormConfig.setWidgetConfig( 'relation_id', { 'nm-rel': 'other_relation' } )
:param widgetName: The name of the widget to configure
:param config: The config to set for this widget
:return: ``False`` if a field exists with the provided widgetName. In this case
QgsVectorLayer.setEditorWidgetSetup should be used.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`QgsVectorLayer.setEditorWidgetSetup`
QVariantMap widgetConfig( const QString &widgetName ) const;
Gets the configuration for the editor widget with the given name.
:param widgetName: The name of the widget.
:return: The configuration for the editor widget or an empty config if the field does not exist
bool removeWidgetConfig( const QString &widgetName );
Remove the configuration for the editor widget with the given name
:param widgetName: The name of the widget.
:return: ``True`` if a configuration has been removed
bool readOnly( int idx ) const;
This returns ``True`` if the field is manually set to read only or if the field
does not support editing like joins or virtual fields.
void setReadOnly( int idx, bool readOnly = true );
If set to ``False``, the widget at the given index will be read-only.
bool labelOnTop( int idx ) const;
If this returns ``True``, the widget at the given index will receive its label on the previous line
while if it returns ``False``, the widget will receive its label on the left hand side.
Labeling on top leaves more horizontal space for the widget itself.
void setLabelOnTop( int idx, bool onTop );
If this is set to ``True``, the widget at the given index will receive its label on
the previous line while if it is set to ``False``, the widget will receive its label
on the left hand side.
Labeling on top leaves more horizontal space for the widget itself.
QString initFunction() const;
Gets Python function for edit form initialization.
Will be looked up in a Python file relative to the project folder if it
includes a module name or if it's a pure function name it will searched
in the Python code set with setInitCode().
void setInitFunction( const QString &function );
Set Python function for edit form initialization.
Will be looked up in a Python file relative to the project folder if it
includes a module name or if it's a pure function name it will searched
in the Python code set with setInitCode().
QString initCode() const;
Gets Python code for edit form initialization.
void setInitCode( const QString &code );
Set Python code for edit form initialization.
Make sure that you also set the appropriate function name in
QString initFilePath() const;
Gets Python external file path for edit form initialization.
void setInitFilePath( const QString &filePath );
Set Python external file path for edit form initialization.
Make sure that you also set the appropriate function name in
PythonInitCodeSource initCodeSource() const;
Returns Python code source for edit form initialization
(if it shall be loaded from a file, read from the
provided dialog editor or inherited from the environment)
void setInitCodeSource( PythonInitCodeSource initCodeSource );
Sets if Python code shall be used for edit form initialization and its origin
FeatureFormSuppress suppress() const;
Type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting)
void setSuppress( FeatureFormSuppress s );
Sets type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting)
void readXml( const QDomNode &node, QgsReadWriteContext &context );
Read XML information
Deserialize on project load
void writeXml( QDomNode &node, const QgsReadWriteContext &context ) const;
Write XML information
Serialize on project save
QgsAttributeEditorElement *attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( QDomElement &elem, QgsAttributeEditorElement *parent, const QString &layerId = QString(), const QgsReadWriteContext &context = QgsReadWriteContext() );
Deserialize drag and drop designer elements.
explicit QgsEditFormConfig();
Create a new edit form config. Normally invoked by :py:class:`QgsVectorLayer`
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgseditformconfig.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *