2010-06-05 20:38:15 +00:00

213 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

# creates a NSIS installer from OSGeo4W packages
# note: works also on Unix
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jürgen E. Fischer <jef@norbit.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Download OSGeo4W packages
mkdir "packages", 0755 unless -d "packages";
chdir "packages";
my $root = "http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w";
system "wget -q -c http://nsis.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/images/9/9d/Untgz.zip" unless -f "Untgz.zip";
system "wget -q -c http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip" unless -f "nircmd.zip";
my %dep;
my %file;
system "wget -q -c $root/setup.ini";
open F, "setup.ini" || die "setup.ini not found";
while(<F>) {
if(/^@ (\S+)/) {
$package = $1;
} elsif( /^requires: (.*)$/ ) {
@{$dep{$package}} = split / /, $1;
} elsif( /^install:\s+(\S+)\s+/) {
$file{$package} = $1 unless exists $file{$package};
close F;
my %pkgs;
sub getDeps {
my ($pkg) = @_;
return if exists $pkgs{$pkg};
$pkgs{$pkg} = 1;
foreach my $p ( @{ $dep{$pkg} } ) {
if(-f "../addons/bin/NCSEcw.dll") {
print "Enabling ECW support...\n";
if(-f "../addons/bin/lti_dsdk_dll.dll") {
print "Enabling MrSID support...\n";
delete $pkgs{"qgis-dev"};
foreach my $p ( keys %pkgs ) {
$f = "$root/$file{$p}";
$f =~ s/\/\.\//\//g;
my($file) = $f =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
next if -f $file;
print "Downloading $file [$f]...\n";
system "wget -q -c $f";
chdir "..";
# Unpack them
# Add nircmd
# Add addons
system "rm -rf unpacked" if -d "unpacked" && !grep(/^-k$/, @ARGV);
unless(-d "unpacked") {
mkdir "unpacked", 0755;
for my $p (<packages/*.tar.bz2>) {
print "Unpacking $p...\n";
system "tar -C unpacked -xjf $p";
chdir "unpacked";
mkdir "bin", 0755;
mkdir "apps", 0755;
mkdir "apps/nircmd", 0755;
system "cd apps/nircmd; unzip ../../../packages/nircmd.zip && mv nircmd.exe ../../bin";
system "tar -C ../addons -cf . | tar -xf -" if -d "../addons";
chdir "..";
# Create postinstall.bat
unless(-f "../Installer-Files/postinstall.bat") {
open F, ">../Installer-Files/postinstall.bat";
print F "\@echo off\r\n";
print F "del postinstall.log>>postinstall.log\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\\=/%\r\n";
print F "if \"%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~1,1%\"==\":\" set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~0,1%/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~3%\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "PATH %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\\bin;%PATH%>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "cd %OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
chdir "unpacked";
for my $p (<etc/postinstall/*.bat>) {
$p =~ s/\//\\/g;
my($dir,$file) = $p =~ /^(.+)\\([^\\]+)$/;
print F "echo Running postinstall $file...\r\n";
print F "%COMSPEC% /c $p>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "ren $p $file.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n";
chdir "..";
print F "ren postinstall.bat postinstall.bat.done\r\n";
close F;
unless(-f "../Installer-Files/preremove.bat") {
open F, ">../Installer-Files/preremove.bat";
print F "\@echo off\r\n";
print F "del preremove.log>>preremove.log\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\\=/%\r\n";
print F "if \"%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~1,1%\"==\":\" set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~0,1%/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~3%\r\n";
print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "PATH %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\\bin;%PATH%>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "cd %OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
chdir "unpacked";
for my $p (<etc/preremove/*.bat>) {
$p =~ s/\//\\/g;
my($dir,$file) = $p =~ /^(.+)\\([^\\]+)$/;
print F "echo Running preremove $file...\r\n";
print F "%COMSPEC% /c $p>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
print F "ren $p $file.done>>preremove.log 2>&1\r\n";
chdir "..";
print F "ren preremove.bat preremove.bat.done\r\n";
close F;
my($major, $minor, $patch, $release, $revision);
open F, "../../CMakeLists.txt";
while(<F>) {
$major = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "(\d+)"\)/) {
$minor = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "(\d+)"\)/) {
$patch = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(RELEASE_NAME "(.+)"\)/) {
$release = $1;
close F;
open F, "svnversion|";
$revision = <F>;
$revision =~ s/\D+$//g;
close F;
chdir "..";
my $cmd = "makensis";
$cmd .= " -DVERSION_NUMBER='$major.$minor.$patch'";
$cmd .= " -DVERSION_NAME='$release'";
$cmd .= " -DSVN_REVISION='$revision'";
$cmd .= " -DQGIS_BASE='Quantum GIS $release'";
$cmd .= " -DINSTALLER_NAME='QGIS-OSGeo4W-$major.$minor.$patch-$revision-Setup.exe'";
$cmd .= " -DDISPLAYED_NAME='Quantum GIS OSGeo4W ($release)'";
$cmd .= " -DBINARY_REVISION=1";
$cmd .= " -DINSTALLER_TYPE=OSGeo4W";
$cmd .= " -DPACKAGE_FOLDER=osgeo4w/unpacked";
$cmd .= " QGIS-Installer.nsi";
system $cmd;