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import logging
import multiprocessing
import select
import unittest
import collections
import os
import sys
import six
import multiprocessing.connection as connection
from nose2 import events, loader, result, runner, session, util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MultiProcess(events.Plugin):
configSection = 'multiprocess'
def __init__(self):
self.addArgument(self.setProcs, 'N', 'processes', '# o procs')
self.testRunTimeout = self.config.as_float('test-run-timeout', 60.0)
self.procs = self.config.as_int(
'processes', multiprocessing.cpu_count())
self.setAddress(self.config.as_str('bind_address', None))
self.cases = {}
def setProcs(self, num):
self.procs = int(num[0]) # FIXME merge n fix
def setAddress(self, address):
if address is None or address.strip() == '':
address = []
address = [x.strip() for x in address.split(':')[:2]]
#Background: On Windows, select.select only works on sockets. So the
#ability to select a bindable address and optionally port for the mp
#plugin was added. Pipes should support a form of select, but this
#would require using pywin32. There are altnernatives but all have
#some kind of downside. An alternative might be creating a connection
#like object using a shared queue for incomings events.
self.bind_host = None
self.bind_port = 0
if sys.platform == "win32" or address:
self.bind_host = ''
if address and address[0]:
self.bind_host = address[0]
self.bind_port = 0
if len(address) >= 2:
self.bind_port = int(address[1])
def pluginsLoaded(self, event):
self.addMethods('registerInSubprocess', 'startSubprocess',
def startTestRun(self, event):
event.executeTests = self._runmp
def beforeInteraction(self, event):
# prevent interactive plugins from running
event.handled = True
return False
def _runmp(self, test, result):
flat = list(self._flatten(test))
procs = self._startProcs()
# send one initial task to each process
for proc, conn in procs:
if not flat:
caseid = flat.pop(0)
rdrs = [conn for proc, conn in procs if proc.is_alive()]
while flat or rdrs:
ready, _, _ = select.select(rdrs, [], [], self.testRunTimeout)
for conn in ready:
# XXX proc could be dead
remote_events = conn.recv()
except EOFError:
# probably dead/12
log.warning("Subprocess connection closed unexpectedly")
continue # XXX or die?
if remote_events is None:
# XXX proc is done, how to mark it dead?
# replay events
testid, events = remote_events
log.debug("Received results for %s", testid)
for (hook, event) in events:
log.debug("Received %s(%s)", hook, event)
getattr(self.session.hooks, hook)(event)
# send a new test to the worker if there is one left
if not flat:
# if there isn't send None - it's the 'done' flag
caseid = flat.pop(0)
for _, conn in procs:
# ensure we wait until all processes are done before
# exiting, to allow plugins running there to finalize
for proc, _ in procs:
def _prepConns(self):
If the bind_host is not none, return:
(multiprocessing.connection.Listener, (address, port, authkey))
(parent_connection, child_connection)
For the former case: accept must be called on the listener. In order
to get a Connection object for the socket.
if self.bind_host is not None:
#prevent "accidental" wire crossing
authkey = os.urandom(20)
address = (self.bind_host, self.bind_port)
listener = connection.Listener(address, authkey=authkey)
return (listener, listener.address + (authkey,))
return multiprocessing.Pipe()
def _acceptConns(self, parent_conn):
When listener is is a connection.Listener instance: accept the next
incoming connection. However, a timeout mechanism is needed. Since,
this functionality was added to support mp over inet sockets, will
assume a Socket based listen and will accept the private _socket
member to get a low_level socket to do a select on.
if isinstance(parent_conn, connection.Listener):
#ick private interface
rdrs = [parent_conn._listener._socket]
readable, _, _ = select.select(rdrs, [], [],
if readable:
return parent_conn.accept()
raise RuntimeError('MP: Socket Connection Failed')
return parent_conn
def _startProcs(self):
# XXX create session export
session_export = self._exportSession()
procs = []
for i in range(0, self.procs):
parent_conn, child_conn = self._prepConns()
proc = multiprocessing.Process(
target=procserver, args=(session_export, child_conn))
proc.daemon = True
parent_conn = self._acceptConns(parent_conn)
procs.append((proc, parent_conn))
return procs
def _flatten(self, suite):
# examine suite tests to find out if they have class
# or module fixtures and group them that way into names
# of test classes or modules
# ALSO record all test cases in self.cases
mods = {}
classes = {}
stack = [suite]
while stack:
suite = stack.pop()
for test in suite:
if isinstance(test, unittest.TestSuite):
testid = util.test_name(test)
self.cases[testid] = test
if util.has_module_fixtures(test):
mods.setdefault(test.__class__.__module__, []).append(
elif util.has_class_fixtures(test):
"%s.%s" % (test.__class__.__module__,
yield testid
for cls in sorted(classes.keys()):
yield cls
for mod in sorted(mods.keys()):
yield mod
def _localize(self, event):
# XXX set loader, case, result etc to local ones, if present in event
# (event case will be just the id)
# (traceback in exc_info if any won't be real!)
if hasattr(event, 'result'):
event.result = self.session.testResult
if hasattr(event, 'loader'):
event.loader = self.session.testLoader
if hasattr(event, 'runner'):
event.runner = self.session.testRunner
if hasattr(event, 'test') and isinstance(event.test, six.string_types):
# remote event.case is the test id
event.test = self.cases[event.test]
except KeyError:
event.test = self.session.testLoader.failedLoadTests(
RuntimeError("Unable to locate test case for %s in "
"main process" % event.test))._tests[0]
def _exportSession(self):
# argparse isn't pickleable
# no plugin instances
# no hooks
export = {'config': self.session.config,
'verbosity': self.session.verbosity,
'startDir': self.session.startDir,
'topLevelDir': self.session.topLevelDir,
'logLevel': self.session.logLevel,
# XXX classes or modules?
'pluginClasses': []}
# XXX fire registerInSubprocess -- add those plugin classes
# (classes must be pickleable!)
event = RegisterInSubprocessEvent() # FIXME should be own event type
return export
def procserver(session_export, conn):
# init logging system
rlog = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr()
# make a real session from the "session" we got
ssn = session.Session()
ssn.config = session_export['config']
ssn.hooks = RecordingPluginInterface()
ssn.verbosity = session_export['verbosity']
ssn.startDir = session_export['startDir']
ssn.topLevelDir = session_export['topLevelDir']
loader_ = loader.PluggableTestLoader(ssn)
ssn.testLoader = loader_
result_ = result.PluggableTestResult(ssn)
ssn.testResult = result_
runner_ = runner.PluggableTestRunner(ssn) # needed??
ssn.testRunner = runner_
# load and register plugins
ssn.plugins = [
plugin(session=ssn) for plugin in session_export['pluginClasses']]
rlog.debug("Plugins loaded: %s", ssn.plugins)
for plugin in ssn.plugins:
rlog.debug("Registered %s in subprocess", plugin)
if isinstance(conn, collections.Sequence):
conn = connection.Client(conn[:2], authkey=conn[2])
event = SubprocessEvent(loader_, result_, runner_, ssn.plugins, conn)
res = ssn.hooks.startSubprocess(event)
if event.handled and not res:
# receive and run tests
executor = event.executeTests
for testid in gentests(conn):
if testid is None:
# XXX to handle weird cases like layers, need to
# deal with the case that testid is something other
# than a simple string.
test = event.loader.loadTestsFromName(testid)
# xxx try/except?
rlog.debug("Execute test %s (%s)", testid, test)
executor(test, event.result)
events = [e for e in ssn.hooks.flush()]
conn.send((testid, events))
rlog.debug("Log for %s returned", testid)
# test generator
def gentests(conn):
while True:
testid = conn.recv()
if testid is None:
yield testid
except EOFError:
# custom event classes
class SubprocessEvent(events.Event):
"""Event fired at start and end of subprocess execution.
.. attribute :: loader
Test loader instance
.. attribute :: result
Test result
.. attribute :: plugins
List of plugins loaded in the subprocess.
.. attribute :: connection
The :class:`multiprocessing.Connection` instance that the
subprocess uses for communication with the main process.
.. attribute :: executeTests
Callable that will be used to execute tests. Plugins may set
this attribute to wrap or otherwise change test execution. The
callable must match the signature::
def execute(suite, result):
def __init__(self, loader, result, runner, plugins, connection, **metadata):
self.loader = loader
self.result = result
self.runner = runner
self.plugins = plugins
self.connection = connection
self.executeTests = lambda test, result: test(result)
super(SubprocessEvent, self).__init__(**metadata)
class RegisterInSubprocessEvent(events.Event):
"""Event fired to notify plugins that multiprocess testing will occur
.. attribute :: pluginClasses
Add a plugin class to this list to cause the plugin to be
instantiated in each test-running subprocess. The most common
thing to do, for plugins that need to run in subprocesses, is::
def registerInSubprocess(self, event):
def __init__(self, **metadata):
self.pluginClasses = []
super(RegisterInSubprocessEvent, self).__init__(**metadata)
# custom hook system that records calls and events
class RecordingHook(events.Hook):
def __init__(self, method, interface):
super(RecordingHook, self).__init__(method)
self.interface = interface
def __call__(self, event):
res = super(RecordingHook, self).__call__(event)
self.interface.log(self.method, event)
return res
class RecordingPluginInterface(events.PluginInterface):
hookClass = RecordingHook
noLogMethods = set(
['getTestCaseNames', 'startSubprocess', 'stopSubprocess',
'registerInSubprocess', 'moduleLoadedSuite'])
def __init__(self):
super(RecordingPluginInterface, self).__init__()
self.events = []
def log(self, method, event):
self.events.append((method, event))
def flush(self):
events = self.events[:]
self.events = []
return events
def register(self, method, plugin):
"""Register a plugin for a method.
:param method: A method name
:param plugin: A plugin instance
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr.startswith('__'):
raise AttributeError('No %s in %s' % (attr, self))
return self._hookForMethod(attr)
def _hookForMethod(self, method):
# return recording hook for most hooks, normal hook for those
# (like test loading and subprocess events) that we don't want
# to send back to the main process.
return self.hooks[method]
except KeyError:
if method in self.noLogMethods or method.startswith('loadTest'):
hook = events.Hook(method)
hook = self.hookClass(method, self)
self.hooks[method] = hook
return hook