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/** \class QgsField
* \ingroup core
* Encapsulate a field in an attribute table or data source.
* QgsField stores metadata about an attribute field, including name, type
* length, and if applicable, precision.
* \note QgsField objects are implicitly shared.
class QgsField
#include <qgsfield.h>
/** Constructor. Constructs a new QgsField object.
* @param name Field name
* @param type Field variant type, currently supported: String / Int / Double
* @param typeName Field type (eg. char, varchar, text, int, serial, double).
Field types are usually unique to the source and are stored exactly
as returned from the data store.
* @param len Field length
* @param prec Field precision. Usually decimal places but may also be
* used in conjunction with other fields types (eg. variable character fields)
* @param comment Comment for the field
QgsField( QString name = QString(),
QVariant::Type type = QVariant::Invalid,
QString typeName = QString(),
int len = 0,
int prec = 0,
QString comment = QString() );
/** Copy constructor
QgsField( const QgsField& other );
//! Destructor
virtual ~QgsField();
bool operator==( const QgsField& other ) const;
bool operator!=( const QgsField& other ) const;
//! Gets the name of the field
const QString& name() const;
//! Gets variant type of the field as it will be retrieved from data source
QVariant::Type type() const;
Gets the field type. Field types vary depending on the data source. Examples
are char, int, double, blob, geometry, etc. The type is stored exactly as
the data store reports it, with no attempt to standardize the value.
@return QString containing the field type
const QString& typeName() const;
Gets the length of the field.
@return int containing the length of the field
int length() const;
Gets the precision of the field. Not all field types have a related precision.
@return int containing the precision or zero if not applicable to the field type.
int precision() const;
Returns the field comment
const QString& comment() const;
Set the field name.
@param name Name of the field
void setName( const QString& name );
Set variant type.
void setType( QVariant::Type type );
Set the field type.
@param typeName Field type
void setTypeName( const QString& typeName );
Set the field length.
@param len Length of the field
void setLength( int len );
Set the field precision.
@param precision Precision of the field
void setPrecision( int precision );
Set the field comment
void setComment( const QString& comment );
/** Formats string for display*/
QString displayString( const QVariant& v ) const;
* Converts the provided variant to a compatible format
* @param v The value to convert
* @return True if the conversion was successful
QVariant convertCompatible( QVariant& v ) const;
PyObject *sipParseErr = NULL;
QVariant * a0;
int a0State = 0;
const QgsField *sipCpp;
if (sipParseArgs(&sipParseErr, sipArgs, "BJ1", &sipSelf, sipType_QgsField, &sipCpp, sipType_QVariant,&a0, &a0State))
bool sipRes;
QgsDebugMsg( a0->toString() );
sipRes = sipCpp->convertCompatible(*a0);
QgsDebugMsg( a0->toString() );
catch (...)
return NULL;
PyObject* res = sipConvertFromType( a0, sipType_QVariant, NULL );
if ( !sipRes )
QString( "Value %1 (%2) could not be converted to field type %3." ).arg( a0->toString() ).arg ( a0->typeName() ).arg( sipCpp->type() ).toUtf8().constData() );
sipError = sipErrorFail;
return res;
/* Raise an exception if the arguments couldn't be parsed. */
sipNoMethod(sipParseErr, sipName_QgsField, sipName_convertCompatible, doc_QgsField_convertCompatible);
return NULL;
}; // class QgsField
/** \class QgsFields
* \ingroup core
* Container of fields for a vector layer.
* In addition to storing a list of QgsField instances, it also:
* - allows quick lookups of field names to index in the list
*- keeps track of where the field definition comes from (vector data provider, joined layer or newly added from an editing operation)
* \note QgsFields objects are implicitly shared.
class QgsFields
#include <qgsfield.h>
enum FieldOrigin
OriginUnknown, //!< it has not been specified where the field comes from
OriginProvider, //!< field comes from the underlying data provider of the vector layer (originIndex = index in provider's fields)
OriginJoin, //!< field comes from a joined layer (originIndex / 1000 = index of the join, originIndex % 1000 = index within the join)
OriginEdit, //!< field has been temporarily added in editing mode (originIndex = index in the list of added attributes)
OriginExpression //!< field is calculated from an expression
/** Constructor for an empty field container
/** Copy constructor
QgsFields( const QgsFields& other );
virtual ~QgsFields();
//! Remove all fields
void clear();
//! Append a field. The field must have unique name, otherwise it is rejected (returns false)
bool append( const QgsField& field, FieldOrigin origin = OriginProvider, int originIndex = -1 );
//! Append an expression field. The field must have unique name, otherwise it is rejected (returns false)
bool appendExpressionField( const QgsField& field, int originIndex );
//! Remove a field with the given index
void remove( int fieldIdx );
//! Extend with fields from another QgsFields container
void extend( const QgsFields& other );
//! Check whether the container is empty
bool isEmpty() const;
//! Return number of items
int count() const;
// __len__ annotation since sip 4.10.3
//int count() const /__len__/;
int __len__() const;
sipRes = sipCpp->count();
//! Return number of items
int size() const;
//! Return if a field index is valid
//! @param i Index of the field which needs to be checked
//! @return True if the field exists
bool exists( int i ) const;
//! Get field at particular index (must be in range 0..N-1)
// const QgsField& operator[]( int i ) const;
QgsField& operator[](int i) /Factory/;
SIP_SSIZE_T idx = sipConvertFromSequenceIndex(a0, sipCpp->count());
if (idx < 0)
sipIsErr = 1;
sipRes = new QgsField(sipCpp->operator[](idx));
//! Get field at particular index (must be in range 0..N-1)
const QgsField& at( int i ) const;
//! Get field at particular index (must be in range 0..N-1)
const QgsField& field( int fieldIdx ) const;
//! Get field at particular index (must be in range 0..N-1)
const QgsField& field( const QString& name ) const;
//! Get field's origin (value from an enumeration)
FieldOrigin fieldOrigin( int fieldIdx ) const;
//! Get field's origin index (its meaning is specific to each type of origin)
int fieldOriginIndex( int fieldIdx ) const;
//! Look up field's index from name. Returns -1 on error
int indexFromName( const QString& name ) const;
//! Look up field's index from name - case insensitive
//! TODO: sort out case sensitive (indexFromName()) vs insensitive (fieldNameIndex()) calls
//! @note added in 2.4
int fieldNameIndex( const QString& fieldName ) const;
//! Utility function to get list of attribute indexes
//! @note added in 2.4
QgsAttributeList allAttributesList() const;
//! Utility function to return a list of QgsField instances
QList<QgsField> toList() const;
//! @note added in 2.6
bool operator==( const QgsFields& other ) const;
//! @note added in 2.6
bool operator!=( const QgsFields& other ) const;
/* SIP_PYOBJECT __getitem__(int key);
if (a0 = sipConvertFromSequenceIndex(a0, sipCpp->count()) < 0)
sipIsErr = 1;
qDebug("__getitem__ %d", a0);
QgsField* fld = new QgsField(sipCpp->at(a0));
sipRes = sipConvertFromType(fld, sipType_QgsField, Py_None);
void __setitem__(int key, const QgsField& field);
int idx = (int)sipConvertFromSequenceIndex(a0, sipCpp->count());
if (idx < 0)
sipIsErr = 1;
(*sipCpp)[idx] = *a1;