
1939 lines
56 KiB

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* astyle_main.cpp
* This file is a part of "Artistic Style" - an indentation and
* reformatting tool for C, C++, C# and Java source files.
* http://astyle.sourceforge.net
* The "Artistic Style" project, including all files needed to
* compile it, is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this project; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
#include "astyle.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
// includes for recursive getFileNames() function
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef __VMS
#include <unixlib.h>
#include <rms.h>
#include <ssdef.h>
#include <stsdef.h>
#include <lib$routines.h>
#include <starlet.h>
#endif /* __VMS */
#include <jni.h>
// ASTYLE_LIB must be defined for ASTYLE_JNI
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB
#define ASTYLE_LIB
// Java variables
JNIEnv* g_env;
jobject g_obj;
jmethodID g_mid;
#ifndef ASTYLE_LIB // for console build only
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DMC__)
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#endif // end compiler checks
#endif // end ASTYLE_LIB
// for G++ implementation of string.compare:
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 3
#error - Use GNU C compiler release 3 or higher
// for namespace problem in version 5.0
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1200 // check for V6.0
#error - Use Microsoft compiler version 6 or higher
#define IS_OPTION(arg,op) ((arg).compare(op)==0)
#define IS_OPTIONS(arg,a,b) (IS_OPTION((arg),(a)) || IS_OPTION((arg),(b)))
#define GET_PARAM(arg,op) ((arg).substr(strlen(op)))
#define GET_PARAMS(arg,a,b) (isParamOption((arg),(a)) ? GET_PARAM((arg),(a)) : GET_PARAM((arg),(b)))
// astyle declarations
void error(const char *why, const char* what);
void getFileNames(const string &directory, const string &wildcard, vector<string> &filename);
void importOptions(istream &in, vector<string> &optionsVector);
void isOptionError(const string &arg, const string &errorInfo);
bool isParamOption(const string &arg, const char *option);
bool isParamOption(const string &arg, const char *option1, const char *option2);
bool parseOption(astyle::ASFormatter &formatter, const string &arg, const string &errorInfo);
template<typename ITER>
bool parseOptions(astyle::ASFormatter &formatter, const ITER &optionsBegin,
const ITER &optionsEnd, const string &errorInfo);
// astyle console declarations
bool formatFile(const string &fileName, astyle::ASFormatter &formatter);
string getCurrentDirectory(const string &fileName);
bool isPathExclued(const string &subPath);
void preserveFileDate(const char *oldFileName, const char *newFileName);
void printHelp();
void standardizePath(string &path, bool removeBeginningSeparator=false);
bool stringEndsWith(const string &str, const string &suffix);
int wildcmp(const char *wild, const char *data);
// astyle ASTYLE_LIB declarations
typedef void (STDCALL *fpError)(int, char*); // pointer to callback error handler
typedef char* (STDCALL *fpAlloc)(unsigned long); // pointer to callback memory allocation
extern "C" EXPORT char* STDCALL AStyleMain(const char*, const char*, fpError, fpAlloc);
extern "C" EXPORT const char* STDCALL AStyleGetVersion (void);
// astyle ASTYLE_JNI declarations
void STDCALL javaErrorHandler(int errorNumber, char* errorMessage);
char* STDCALL javaMemoryAlloc(unsigned long memoryNeeded);
// the following function names are constructed from method names in the calling java program
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_GetVersion(JNIEnv* env, jclass);
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_AStyleMain
(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jstring textInJava, jstring optionsJava);
using namespace astyle;
const char* _version = "1.22";
#ifdef _WIN32
char g_fileSeparator = '\\'; // file separator
bool g_isCaseSensitive = false;
char g_fileSeparator = '/'; // file separator
bool g_isCaseSensitive = true;
// GUI variables
stringstream *_err = NULL;
// console variables
ostream *_err = &cerr;
bool g_isRecursive = false;
bool g_hasWildcard = false;
bool g_noBackup = false;
bool g_preserveDate = false;
bool g_isVerbose = false;
bool g_isQuiet = false;
bool g_optionsFileRequired = false;
string g_origSuffix = ".orig";
vector<string> g_excludeVector; // exclude from wildcard hits
vector<bool> g_excludeHitsVector; // exclude flags for eror reporting
size_t g_mainDirectoryLength; // main directory name can be excluded for displays
// stringstream g_msg; // info messages are not printed until a file is read
int _CRT_glob = 0; // turn off MinGW automatic file globbing
#ifdef __VMS
string g_tempSuffix = "_tmp";
string g_tempSuffix = ".tmp";
#endif /* __VMS */
bool g_modeManuallySet = false;
// typename will be istringstream for GUI and istream otherwise
template<typename T>
class ASStreamIterator :
public ASSourceIterator
// function declarations
ASStreamIterator(T *in);
virtual ~ASStreamIterator();
string nextLine();
string peekNextLine();
void peekReset();
void saveLastInputLine();
// inline functions
bool compareToInputBuffer(const string &nextLine) const { return nextLine == prevBuffer; }
const char* getOutputEOL() const { return outputEOL; }
bool hasMoreLines() const { return !inStream->eof(); }
T * inStream; // pointer to the input stream
string buffer; // current input line
string prevBuffer; // previous input line
int eolWindows; // number of Windows line endings (CRLF)
int eolLinux; // number of Linux line endings (LF)
int eolMacOld; // number of old Mac line endings (CR)
char outputEOL[4]; // output end of line char
int peekStart; // starting position for peekNextLine()
template<typename T>
ASStreamIterator<T>::ASStreamIterator(T *in)
inStream = in;
eolWindows = eolLinux = eolMacOld = 0;
peekStart = 0;
template<typename T>
// save the last input line after input has reached EOF
template<typename T>
void ASStreamIterator<T>::saveLastInputLine()
prevBuffer = buffer;
* read the input stream, delete any end of line characters,
* and build a string that contains the input line.
* @return string containing the next input line minus any end of line characters
template<typename T>
string ASStreamIterator<T>::nextLine()
// verify that the current position is correct
assert (peekStart == 0);
// save the previous record for output comparison
prevBuffer = buffer;
// read the next record
char ch;
while (!inStream->eof() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')
buffer.append(1, ch);
if (inStream->eof())
return buffer;
int peekCh = inStream->peek();
// find input end-of-line characters
if (!inStream->eof())
if (ch == '\r') // CR+LF is windows otherwise Mac OS 9
if (peekCh == '\n')
else // LF is Linux, allow for improbable LF/CR
if (peekCh == '\r')
// set output end of line characters
if (eolWindows >= eolLinux)
if (eolWindows >= eolMacOld)
strcpy(outputEOL, "\r\n"); // Windows (CR+LF)
strcpy(outputEOL, "\r"); // MacOld (CR)
if (eolLinux >= eolMacOld)
strcpy(outputEOL, "\n"); // Linux (LF)
strcpy(outputEOL, "\r"); // MacOld (CR)
return buffer;
// save the current position and get the next line
// this can be called for multiple reads
// when finished peeking you MUST call peekReset()
template<typename T>
string ASStreamIterator<T>::peekNextLine()
assert (hasMoreLines());
string nextLine;
char ch;
if (peekStart == 0)
peekStart = inStream->tellg();
// read the next record
while (!inStream->eof() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')
nextLine.append(1, ch);
if (inStream->eof())
return nextLine;
int peekCh = inStream->peek();
// remove end-of-line characters
if (!inStream->eof())
if (peekCh == '\n' || peekCh == '\r')
return nextLine;
// reset current position and EOF for peekNextLine()
template<typename T>
void ASStreamIterator<T>::peekReset()
assert(peekStart != 0);
peekStart = 0;
* parse the options vector
* ITER can be either a fileOptionsVector (options file) or an optionsVector (command line)
* @return true if no errors, false if errors
template<typename ITER>
bool parseOptions(ASFormatter &formatter,
const ITER &optionsBegin,
const ITER &optionsEnd,
const string &errorInfo)
ITER option;
bool ok = true;
string arg, subArg;
for (option = optionsBegin; option != optionsEnd; ++option)
arg = *option;
if (arg.compare(0, 2, "--") == 0)
ok &= parseOption(formatter, arg.substr(2), errorInfo);
else if (arg[0] == '-')
size_t i;
for (i = 1; i < arg.length(); ++i)
if (isalpha(arg[i]) && i > 1)
ok &= parseOption(formatter, subArg, errorInfo);
subArg = "";
subArg.append(1, arg[i]);
ok &= parseOption(formatter, subArg, errorInfo);
subArg = "";
ok &= parseOption(formatter, arg, errorInfo);
subArg = "";
return ok;
void importOptions(istream &in, vector<string> &optionsVector)
char ch;
string currentToken;
while (in)
currentToken = "";
if (in.eof())
// treat '#' as line comments
if (ch == '#')
while (in)
if (ch == '\n')
// break options on spaces, tabs or new-lines
if (in.eof() || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n')
currentToken.append(1, ch);
while (in);
if (currentToken.length() != 0)
bool isParamOption(const string &arg, const char *option)
bool retVal = arg.compare(0, strlen(option), option) == 0;
// if comparing for short option, 2nd char of arg must be numeric
if (retVal && strlen(option) == 1 && arg.length() > 1)
if (!isdigit(arg[1]))
retVal = false;
return retVal;
void isOptionError(const string &arg, const string &errorInfo)
if (_err->str().length() == 0)
(*_err) << errorInfo << endl; // need main error message
(*_err) << arg; // output the option in error
(*_err) << endl << arg; // put endl after previous option
if (errorInfo.length() > 0) // to avoid a compiler warning
(*_err) << "Error in param: " << arg << endl;
bool isParamOption(const string &arg, const char *option1, const char *option2)
return isParamOption(arg, option1) || isParamOption(arg, option2);
bool parseOption(ASFormatter &formatter, const string &arg, const string &errorInfo)
if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "style=ansi") )
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "style=gnu") )
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "style=java") )
// formatter.setJavaStyle();
// g_modeManuallySet = true;
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "style=kr") )
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "style=linux") )
// must check for mode=cs before mode=c !!!
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "mode=cs") )
g_modeManuallySet = true;
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "mode=c") )
g_modeManuallySet = true;
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "mode=java") )
g_modeManuallySet = true;
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "t", "indent=tab=") )
int spaceNum = 4;
string spaceNumParam = GET_PARAMS(arg, "t", "indent=tab=");
if (spaceNumParam.length() > 0)
spaceNum = atoi(spaceNumParam.c_str());
if (spaceNum < 1 || spaceNum > 20)
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
formatter.setTabIndentation(spaceNum, false);
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "T", "force-indent=tab=") )
int spaceNum = 4;
string spaceNumParam = GET_PARAMS(arg, "T", "force-indent=tab=");
if (spaceNumParam.length() > 0)
spaceNum = atoi(spaceNumParam.c_str());
if (spaceNum < 1 || spaceNum > 20)
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
formatter.setTabIndentation(spaceNum, true);
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "indent=tab") )
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "s", "indent=spaces=") )
int spaceNum = 4;
string spaceNumParam = GET_PARAMS(arg, "s", "indent=spaces=");
if (spaceNumParam.length() > 0)
spaceNum = atoi(spaceNumParam.c_str());
if (spaceNum < 1 || spaceNum > 20)
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "indent=spaces") )
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "m", "min-conditional-indent=") )
int minIndent = 8;
string minIndentParam = GET_PARAMS(arg, "m", "min-conditional-indent=");
if (minIndentParam.length() > 0)
minIndent = atoi(minIndentParam.c_str());
if (minIndent > 40)
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "M", "max-instatement-indent=") )
int maxIndent = 40;
string maxIndentParam = GET_PARAMS(arg, "M", "max-instatement-indent=");
if (maxIndentParam.length() > 0)
maxIndent = atoi(maxIndentParam.c_str());
if (maxIndent > 80)
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "B", "indent-brackets") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "G", "indent-blocks") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "N", "indent-namespaces") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "C", "indent-classes") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "S", "indent-switches") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "K", "indent-cases") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "L", "indent-labels") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "y", "brackets=break-closing") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "b", "brackets=break") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "a", "brackets=attach") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "l", "brackets=linux") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "O", "one-line=keep-blocks") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "o", "one-line=keep-statements") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "P", "pad=paren") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "d", "pad=paren-out") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "D", "pad=paren-in") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "U", "unpad=paren") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "p", "pad=oper") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "E", "fill-empty-lines") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "w", "indent-preprocessor") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "c", "convert-tabs") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "F", "break-blocks=all") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "f", "break-blocks") )
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "e", "break-elseifs") )
// End of options used by GUI
isOptionError(arg, errorInfo);
// Options used by only console
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "n", "suffix=none") )
g_noBackup = true;
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "suffix=") )
string suffixParam = GET_PARAM(arg, "suffix=");
if (suffixParam.length() > 0)
g_origSuffix = suffixParam;
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "exclude=") )
string suffixParam = GET_PARAM(arg, "exclude=");
if (suffixParam.length() > 0)
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "r", "R") || IS_OPTION(arg, "recursive") )
g_isRecursive = true;
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "Z", "preserve-date") )
g_preserveDate = true;
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "v", "verbose") )
if (g_isQuiet)
error("Cannot use both verbose and quiet", "");
g_isVerbose = true;
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "q", "quiet") )
if (g_isVerbose)
error("Cannot use both verbose and quiet", "");
g_isQuiet = true;
else if ( IS_OPTIONS(arg, "X", "errors-to-stdout") )
_err = &cout;
(*_err) << errorInfo << arg << endl;
return false; // invalid option
// End of parseOption function
return true; //o.k.
// ************************* JNI functions *****************************************************
// called by a java program to get the version number
// the function name is constructed from method names in the calling java program
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_GetVersion(JNIEnv* env, jclass)
return env->NewStringUTF(_version);
// called by a java program to format the source code
// the function name is constructed from method names in the calling java program
extern "C" EXPORT
jstring STDCALL Java_AStyleInterface_AStyleMain(JNIEnv* env,
jobject obj,
jstring textInJava,
jstring optionsJava)
g_env = env; // make object available globally
g_obj = obj; // make object available globally
jstring textErr = env->NewStringUTF(""); // zero length text returned if an error occurs
// get the method ID
jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(obj);
g_mid = env->GetMethodID(cls, "ErrorHandler","(ILjava/lang/String;)V");
if (g_mid == 0)
cout << "Cannot find java method ErrorHandler" << endl;
return textErr;
// convert jstring to char*
const char* textIn = env->GetStringUTFChars(textInJava, NULL);
const char* options = env->GetStringUTFChars(optionsJava, NULL);
// call the C++ formatting function
char* textOut = AStyleMain(textIn, options, javaErrorHandler, javaMemoryAlloc);
// if an error message occurred it was displayed by errorHandler
if (textOut == NULL)
return textErr;
// release memory
jstring textOutJava = env->NewStringUTF(textOut);
delete [] textOut;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(textInJava, textIn);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(optionsJava, options);
return textOutJava;
// Call the Java error handler
void STDCALL javaErrorHandler(int errorNumber, char* errorMessage)
jstring errorMessageJava = g_env->NewStringUTF(errorMessage);
g_env->CallVoidMethod(g_obj, g_mid, errorNumber, errorMessageJava);
// Allocate memory for the formatted text
char* STDCALL javaMemoryAlloc(unsigned long memoryNeeded)
// error condition is checked after return from AStyleMain
char* buffer = new(nothrow) char [memoryNeeded];
return buffer;
// ************************* GUI functions *****************************************************
* IMPORTANT VC DLL linker must have the parameter /EXPORT:AStyleMain=_AStyleMain@16
* /EXPORT:AStyleGetVersion=_AStyleGetVersion@0
* For Dll only - "warning C4702: unreachable code" in the <vector> header
* is caused by using the Optimization options.
* /O2 Maximize speed
* /O1 Minimize size
* /Ob2 Inline Expansion
* This is a bug in the Microsoft compiler. The program runs about twice as fast
* with the options set. There haven't been any problems so far.
extern "C" EXPORT char* STDCALL
AStyleMain(const char* pSourceIn, // pointer to the source to be formatted
const char* pOptions, // pointer to AStyle options, separated by \n
fpError fpErrorHandler, // pointer to error handler function
fpAlloc fpMemoryAlloc) // pointer to memory allocation function
if (fpErrorHandler == NULL) // cannot display a message if no error handler
return NULL;
if (pSourceIn == NULL)
fpErrorHandler(101, (char*)"No pointer to source input.");
return NULL;
if (pOptions == NULL)
fpErrorHandler(102, (char*)"No pointer to AStyle options.");
return NULL;
if (fpMemoryAlloc == NULL)
fpErrorHandler(103, (char*)"No pointer to memory allocation function.");
return NULL;
ASFormatter formatter;
string arg;
vector<string> optionsVector;
istringstream opt(pOptions);
_err = new stringstream;
g_modeManuallySet = false;
importOptions(opt, optionsVector);
"Invalid Artistic Style options.\n"
"The following options were not processed:");
if (_err->str().length() > 0)
fpErrorHandler(210, (char*) _err->str().c_str());
delete _err;
_err = NULL;
istringstream in(pSourceIn);
ASStreamIterator<istringstream> streamIterator(&in);
ostringstream out;
while (formatter.hasMoreLines())
out << formatter.nextLine();
if (formatter.hasMoreLines())
out << streamIterator.getOutputEOL();
unsigned long textSizeOut = out.str().length();
char* pTextOut = fpMemoryAlloc(textSizeOut + 1); // call memory allocation function
// pTextOut = NULL; // for testing
if (pTextOut == NULL)
fpErrorHandler(110, (char*)"Allocation failure on output.");
return NULL;
strcpy(pTextOut, out.str().c_str());
return pTextOut;
extern "C" EXPORT const char* STDCALL AStyleGetVersion (void)
return _version;
// *********************** console functions ***************************************************
void preserveFileDate(const char *oldFileName, const char *newFileName)
struct stat stBuf;
bool statErr = false;
if (stat (oldFileName, &stBuf) == -1)
statErr = true;
struct utimbuf outBuf;
outBuf.actime = stBuf.st_atime;
// add 1 so 'make' will recoginze a change
outBuf.modtime = stBuf.st_mtime + 1;
if (utime (newFileName, &outBuf) == -1)
statErr = true;
if (statErr)
(*_err) << " Could not preserve file date" << endl;
bool stringEndsWith(const string &str, const string &suffix)
int strIndex = (int) str.length() - 1;
int suffixIndex = (int) suffix.length() - 1;
while (strIndex >= 0 && suffixIndex >= 0)
if (tolower(str[strIndex]) != tolower(suffix[suffixIndex]))
return false;
return true;
#ifdef _WIN32 // Windows specific
* WINDOWS function to resolve wildcards and recurse into sub directories.
* The fileName vector is filled with the path and names of files to process.
* @param directory The path of the directory to be processed.
* @param wildcard The wildcard to be processed (e.g. *.cpp).
* @param filenam An empty vector which will be filled with the path and names of files to process.
void getFileNames(const string &directory, const string &wildcard, vector<string> &fileName)
vector<string> subDirectory; // sub directories of directory
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; // for FindFirstFile and FindNextFile
// Find the first file in the directory
string firstFile = directory + "\\*";
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(firstFile.c_str(), &FindFileData);
error("Cannot open directory", directory.c_str());
// save files and sub directories
// skip hidden or read only
if (FindFileData.cFileName[0] == '.'
|| (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)
|| (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY))
// if a sub directory and recursive, save sub directory
if ((FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && g_isRecursive)
string subDirectoryPath = directory + g_fileSeparator + FindFileData.cFileName;
if (isPathExclued(subDirectoryPath))
if (!g_isQuiet)
cout << "exclude " << subDirectoryPath.substr(g_mainDirectoryLength) << endl;
// save the file name
string filePathName = directory + g_fileSeparator + FindFileData.cFileName;
// check exclude before wildcmp to avoid "unmatched exclude" error
bool isExcluded = isPathExclued(filePathName);
// save file name if wildcard match
if (wildcmp(wildcard.c_str(), FindFileData.cFileName))
if (isExcluded)
cout << "exclude " << filePathName.substr(g_mainDirectoryLength) << endl;
while (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) != 0);
// check for processing error
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if (dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
error("Error processing directory", directory.c_str());
// recurse into sub directories
// if not doing recursive subDirectory is empty
for (unsigned i = 0; i < subDirectory.size(); i++)
// cout << "directory " << subDirectory[i] << endl;
getFileNames(subDirectory[i], wildcard, fileName);
* WINDOWS function to get the current directory.
* NOTE - getenv("CD") does not work for Windows Vista.
* The Wndows function GetCurrentDirectory is used instead.
* @return The path of the current directory
string getCurrentDirectory(const string &fileName)
char currdir[MAX_PATH];
currdir[0] = '\0';
if (!GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(currdir), currdir))
error("Cannot find file", fileName.c_str());
return string(currdir);
#else // not _WIN32
* LINUX function to resolve wildcards and recurse into sub directories.
* The fileName vector is filled with the path and names of files to process.
* @param directory The path of the directory to be processed.
* @param wildcard The wildcard to be processed (e.g. *.cpp).
* @param filenam An empty vector which will be filled with the path and names of files to process.
void getFileNames(const string &directory, const string &wildcard, vector<string> &fileName)
struct dirent *entry; // entry from readdir()
struct stat statbuf; // entry from stat()
vector<string> subDirectory; // sub directories of this directory
// errno is defined in <errno.h> and is set for errors in opendir, readdir, or stat
errno = 0;
DIR *dp = opendir(directory.c_str());
if (errno)
error("Cannot open directory", directory.c_str());
// save the first fileName entry for this recursion
const unsigned firstEntry = fileName.size();
// save files and sub directories
while ((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
// get file status
string entryFilepath = directory + g_fileSeparator + entry->d_name;
stat(entryFilepath.c_str(), &statbuf);
if (errno)
error("Error getting file status in directory", directory.c_str());
// skip hidden or read only
if (entry->d_name[0] == '.' || !(statbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
// if a sub directory and recursive, save sub directory
if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) && g_isRecursive)
if (isPathExclued(entryFilepath))
cout << "exclude " << entryFilepath.substr(g_mainDirectoryLength) << endl;
// if a file, save file name
if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
// check exclude before wildcmp to avoid "unmatched exclude" error
bool isExcluded = isPathExclued(entryFilepath);
// save file name if wildcard match
if (wildcmp(wildcard.c_str(), entry->d_name))
if (isExcluded)
cout << "exclude " << entryFilepath.substr(g_mainDirectoryLength) << endl;
if (errno)
error("Error reading directory", directory.c_str());
// sort the current entries for fileName
if (firstEntry < fileName.size())
sort(&fileName[firstEntry], &fileName[fileName.size()]);
// recurse into sub directories
// if not doing recursive, subDirectory is empty
if (subDirectory.size() > 1)
sort(subDirectory.begin(), subDirectory.end());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < subDirectory.size(); i++)
// cout << "directory " << subDirectory[i] << endl;
getFileNames(subDirectory[i], wildcard, fileName);
* LINUX function to get the current directory.
* This is done if the fileSpec does not contain a path.
* It is probably from an editor sending a single file.
* @param fileName The filename is used only for the error message.
* @return The path of the current directory
string getCurrentDirectory(const string &fileName)
char *currdir = getenv("PWD");
if (currdir == NULL)
error("Cannot find file", fileName.c_str());
return string(currdir);
#endif // _WIN32
// From The Code Project http://www.codeproject.com/string/wildcmp.asp
// Written by Jack Handy - jakkhandy@hotmail.com
// Modified to compare case insensitive for Windows (the LC macro)
int wildcmp(const char *wild, const char *data)
const char *cp = NULL, *mp = NULL;
bool cmpval;
while ((*data) && (*wild != '*'))
if (!g_isCaseSensitive)
cmpval = (tolower(*wild) != tolower(*data)) && (*wild != '?');
cmpval = (*wild != *data) && (*wild != '?');
if (cmpval)
return 0;
while (*data)
if (*wild == '*')
if (!*++wild)
return 1;
mp = wild;
cp = data+1;
if (!g_isCaseSensitive)
cmpval = (tolower(*wild) == tolower(*data) || (*wild == '?'));
cmpval = (*wild == *data) || (*wild == '?');
if (cmpval)
wild = mp;
data = cp++;
while (*wild == '*')
return !*wild;
// compare a path to the exclude vector
// used for both directories and filenames
// return true if a match
bool isPathExclued(const string &subPath)
bool retVal = false;
// read the exclude vector chacking for a match
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_excludeVector.size(); i++)
string exclude = g_excludeVector[i];
if (subPath.length() > exclude.length())
size_t compareStart = subPath.length() - exclude.length();
char lastPathChar = subPath[compareStart - 1];
// exclude must start with a directory name
if (lastPathChar == g_fileSeparator)
string compare = subPath.substr(compareStart);
if (!g_isCaseSensitive)
// make it case insensitive for Windows
for (size_t j=0; j<compare.length(); j++)
compare[j] = (char)tolower(compare[j]);
for (size_t j=0; j<exclude.length(); j++)
exclude[j] = (char)tolower(exclude[j]);
// compare sub directory to exclude data - must check them all
if (compare == exclude)
g_excludeHitsVector[i] = true;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
// make sure file separators are correct type (Windows or Linux)
// remove ending file separator
// remove beginning file separatot if requested and NOT a complete file path
void standardizePath(string &path, bool removeBeginningSeparator /*false*/)
#ifdef __VMS
struct FAB fab;
struct NAML naml;
char less[NAML$C_MAXRSS];
char sess[NAM$C_MAXRSS];
int r0_status;
// If we are on a VMS system, translate VMS style filenames to unix
// style.
fab = cc$rms_fab;
fab.fab$l_fna = (char *)-1;
fab.fab$b_fns = 0;
fab.fab$l_naml = &naml;
naml = cc$rms_naml;
strcpy (sess, path.c_str());
naml.naml$l_long_filename = (char *)sess;
naml.naml$l_long_filename_size = path.length();
naml.naml$l_long_expand = less;
naml.naml$l_long_expand_alloc = sizeof (less);
naml.naml$l_esa = sess;
naml.naml$b_ess = sizeof (sess);
naml.naml$v_no_short_upcase = 1;
r0_status = sys$parse (&fab);
if (r0_status == RMS$_SYN)
error("File syntax error", path.c_str());
if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS(r0_status))
(void)lib$signal (r0_status);
less[naml.naml$l_long_expand_size - naml.naml$b_ver] = '\0';
sess[naml.naml$b_esl - naml.naml$b_ver] = '\0';
if (naml.naml$l_long_expand_size > naml.naml$b_esl)
path = decc$translate_vms (less);
path = decc$translate_vms (sess);
#endif /* __VMS */
// make sure separators are correct type (Windows or Linux)
for (size_t i = 0; i < path.length(); i++)
i = path.find_first_of("/\\", i);
if (i == string::npos)
path[i] = g_fileSeparator;
// remove separator from the end
if (path[path.length()-1] == g_fileSeparator)
path.erase(path.length()-1, 1);
// remove beginning separator if requested
if (removeBeginningSeparator && (path[0] == g_fileSeparator))
path.erase(0, 1);
void error(const char *why, const char* what)
(*_err) << why << ' ' << what << '\n' << endl;
void printHelp()
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " Artistic Style " << _version << endl;
(*_err) << " Maintained by: Jim Pattee\n";
(*_err) << " Original Author: Tal Davidson\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Usage : astyle [options] Source1.cpp Source2.cpp [...]\n";
(*_err) << " astyle [options] < Original > Beautified\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "When indenting a specific file, the resulting indented file RETAINS the\n";
(*_err) << "original file-name. The original pre-indented file is renamed, with a\n";
(*_err) << "suffix of \".orig\" added to the original filename.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "By default, astyle is set up to indent C/C++/C#/Java files, with 4 spaces\n";
(*_err) << "per indent, a maximal indentation of 40 spaces inside continuous statements,\n";
(*_err) << "and NO formatting.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Option's Format:\n";
(*_err) << "----------------\n";
(*_err) << " Long options (starting with '--') must be written one at a time.\n";
(*_err) << " Short options (starting with '-') may be appended together.\n";
(*_err) << " Thus, -bps4 is the same as -b -p -s4.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Predefined Style Options:\n";
(*_err) << "-------------------------\n";
(*_err) << " --style=ansi\n";
(*_err) << " ANSI style formatting/indenting.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --style=gnu\n";
(*_err) << " GNU style formatting/indenting.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --style=kr\n";
(*_err) << " Kernighan&Ritchie style formatting/indenting.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --style=linux\n";
(*_err) << " Linux mode (8 spaces per indent, break definition-block\n";
(*_err) << " brackets but attach command-block brackets).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --style=java\n";
(*_err) << " Java mode, with standard java style formatting/indenting.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Tab and Bracket Options:\n";
(*_err) << "------------------------\n";
(*_err) << " default indent option\n";
(*_err) << " If no indentation option is set,\n";
(*_err) << " the default option of 4 spaces will be used.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent=spaces=# OR -s#\n";
(*_err) << " Indent using # spaces per indent. Not specifying #\n";
(*_err) << " will result in a default of 4 spaces per indent.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent=tab OR --indent=tab=# OR -t OR -t#\n";
(*_err) << " Indent using tab characters, assuming that each\n";
(*_err) << " tab is # spaces long. Not specifying # will result\n";
(*_err) << " in a default assumption of 4 spaces per tab.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --force-indent=tab=# OR -T#\n";
(*_err) << " Indent using tab characters, assuming that each\n";
(*_err) << " tab is # spaces long. Force tabs to be used in areas\n";
(*_err) << " Astyle would prefer to use spaces.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " default brackets option\n";
(*_err) << " If no brackets option is set,\n";
(*_err) << " the brackets will not be changed.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --brackets=break OR -b\n";
(*_err) << " Break brackets from pre-block code (i.e. ANSI C/C++ style).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --brackets=attach OR -a\n";
(*_err) << " Attach brackets to pre-block code (i.e. Java/K&R style).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --brackets=linux OR -l\n";
(*_err) << " Break definition-block brackets and attach command-block\n";
(*_err) << " brackets.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --brackets=break-closing OR -y\n";
(*_err) << " Break brackets before closing headers (e.g. 'else', 'catch', ...).\n";
(*_err) << " Should be appended to --brackets=attach or --brackets=linux.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Indentation options:\n";
(*_err) << "--------------------\n";
(*_err) << " --indent-classes OR -C\n";
(*_err) << " Indent 'class' blocks, so that the inner 'public:',\n";
(*_err) << " 'protected:' and 'private: headers are indented in\n";
(*_err) << " relation to the class block.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-switches OR -S\n";
(*_err) << " Indent 'switch' blocks, so that the inner 'case XXX:'\n";
(*_err) << " headers are indented in relation to the switch block.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-cases OR -K\n";
(*_err) << " Indent case blocks from the 'case XXX:' headers.\n";
(*_err) << " Case statements not enclosed in blocks are NOT indented.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-brackets OR -B\n";
(*_err) << " Add extra indentation to '{' and '}' block brackets.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-blocks OR -G\n";
(*_err) << " Add extra indentation entire blocks (including brackets).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-namespaces OR -N\n";
(*_err) << " Indent the contents of namespace blocks.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-labels OR -L\n";
(*_err) << " Indent labels so that they appear one indent less than\n";
(*_err) << " the current indentation level, rather than being\n";
(*_err) << " flushed completely to the left (which is the default).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --indent-preprocessor OR -w\n";
(*_err) << " Indent multi-line #define statements.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --max-instatement-indent=# OR -M#\n";
(*_err) << " Indent a maximal # spaces in a continuous statement,\n";
(*_err) << " relative to the previous line.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --min-conditional-indent=# OR -m#\n";
(*_err) << " Indent a minimal # spaces in a continuous conditional\n";
(*_err) << " belonging to a conditional header.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Formatting options:\n";
(*_err) << "-------------------\n";
(*_err) << " --break-blocks OR -f\n";
(*_err) << " Insert empty lines around unrelated blocks, labels, classes, ...\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --break-blocks=all OR -F\n";
(*_err) << " Like --break-blocks, except also insert empty lines \n";
(*_err) << " around closing headers (e.g. 'else', 'catch', ...).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --break-elseifs OR -e\n";
(*_err) << " Break 'else if()' statements into two different lines.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --pad=oper OR -p\n";
(*_err) << " Insert space paddings around operators.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --pad=paren OR -P\n";
(*_err) << " Insert space padding around parenthesis on both the outside\n";
(*_err) << " and the inside.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --pad=paren-out OR -d\n";
(*_err) << " Insert space padding around parenthesis on the outside only.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --pad=paren-in OR -D\n";
(*_err) << " Insert space padding around parenthesis on the inside only.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --unpad=paren OR -U\n";
(*_err) << " Remove unnecessary space padding around parenthesis. This\n";
(*_err) << " can be used in combination with the 'pad' options above.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --one-line=keep-statements OR -o\n";
(*_err) << " Don't break lines containing multiple statements into\n";
(*_err) << " multiple single-statement lines.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --one-line=keep-blocks OR -O\n";
(*_err) << " Don't break blocks residing completely on one line.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --convert-tabs OR -c\n";
(*_err) << " Convert tabs to spaces.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --fill-empty-lines OR -E\n";
(*_err) << " Fill empty lines with the white space of their\n";
(*_err) << " previous lines.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --mode=c\n";
(*_err) << " Indent a C or C++ source file (this is the default).\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --mode=java\n";
(*_err) << " Indent a Java source file.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --mode=cs\n";
(*_err) << " Indent a C# source file.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Other options:\n";
(*_err) << "--------------\n";
(*_err) << " --suffix=####\n";
(*_err) << " Append the suffix #### instead of '.orig' to original filename.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --suffix=none OR -n\n";
(*_err) << " Do not retain a backup of the original file.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --options=####\n";
(*_err) << " Specify an options file #### to read and use.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --options=none\n";
(*_err) << " Disable the default options file.\n";
(*_err) << " Only the command-line parameters will be used.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --recursive OR -r OR -R\n";
(*_err) << " Process subdirectories recursively.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --exclude=####\n";
(*_err) << " Specify a file or directory #### to be excluded from processing.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --preserve-date OR -Z\n";
(*_err) << " The date and time modified will not be changed in the formatted file.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --verbose OR -v\n";
(*_err) << " Verbose mode. Extra informational messages will be displayed.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --errors-to-stdout OR -X\n";
(*_err) << " Print errors and help information to standard-output rather than\n";
(*_err) << " to standard-error.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --version OR -V\n";
(*_err) << " Print version number.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << " --help OR -h OR -?\n";
(*_err) << " Print this help message.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
(*_err) << "Default options file:\n";
(*_err) << "---------------------\n";
(*_err) << " Artistic Style looks for a default options file in the\n";
(*_err) << " following order:\n";
(*_err) << " 1. The contents of the ARTISTIC_STYLE_OPTIONS environment\n";
(*_err) << " variable if it exists.\n";
(*_err) << " 2. The file called .astylerc in the directory pointed to by the\n";
(*_err) << " HOME environment variable ( i.e. $HOME/.astylerc ).\n";
(*_err) << " 3. The file called astylerc in the directory pointed to by the\n";
(*_err) << " USERPROFILE environment variable ( i.e. %USERPROFILE%\\astylerc ).\n";
(*_err) << " If a default options file is found, the options in this file\n";
(*_err) << " will be parsed BEFORE the command-line options.\n";
(*_err) << " Long options within the default option file may be written without\n";
(*_err) << " the preliminary '--'.\n";
(*_err) << endl;
* Open input file, format it, and close the output.
* @param fileName The path and name of the file to be processed.
* @param formatter The formatter object.
* @return true if the file was formatted, false if it was not (no changes).
bool formatFile(const string &fileName, ASFormatter &formatter)
bool isFormatted = false; // return value
// open input file
ifstream in(fileName.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (!in)
error("Could not open input file", fileName.c_str());
// open tmp file
string tmpFileName = fileName + g_tempSuffix;
remove(tmpFileName.c_str()); // remove the old .tmp if present
ofstream out(tmpFileName.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (!out)
error("Could not open output file", tmpFileName.c_str());
// Unless a specific language mode has been set, set the language mode
// according to the file's suffix.
if (!g_modeManuallySet)
if (stringEndsWith(fileName, string(".java")))
else if (stringEndsWith(fileName, string(".cs")))
// cout << "formatting " << fileName.c_str() << endl;
// save the filename used by the trace macros
size_t fname = fileName.find_last_of(g_fileSeparator);
if (fname == string::npos)
fname = 0;
fname +=1;
// filename is used by the trace macros
formatter.traceFileName = fileName.substr(fname);
// format the file
ASStreamIterator<istream> streamIterator(&in);
bool filesAreIdentical = true; // input and output files are identical
string nextLine; // next output line
while (formatter.hasMoreLines())
nextLine = formatter.nextLine();
out << nextLine;
if (formatter.hasMoreLines())
out << streamIterator.getOutputEOL();
streamIterator.saveLastInputLine(); // to compare the last input line
if (filesAreIdentical)
if (!streamIterator.compareToInputBuffer(nextLine))
filesAreIdentical = false;
// if input and output are identical, don't change anything
if (filesAreIdentical)
// create a backup
string origFileName = fileName + g_origSuffix;
remove(origFileName.c_str()); // remove the old .orig if present
if (rename(fileName.c_str(), origFileName.c_str()) < 0)
error("Could not create backup file", origFileName.c_str());
// change tmp name to original (reformatted)
if (rename(tmpFileName.c_str(), fileName.c_str()) < 0)
error("Could not rename tmp file", tmpFileName.c_str());
// change date modified to original file date
if (g_preserveDate)
preserveFileDate(origFileName.c_str(), fileName.c_str());
if (g_noBackup)
isFormatted = true;
return isFormatted;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ASFormatter formatter;
vector<string> fileNameVector; // file paths and names from the command line
vector<string> optionsVector; // options from the command line
vector<string> fileOptionsVector; // options from the options vector
string optionsFileName = ""; // file path and name of the options file to use
string arg;
bool ok = true;
bool shouldParseOptionsFile = true;
g_modeManuallySet = false;
// get command line options
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
arg = string(argv[i]);
if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "--options=none") )
shouldParseOptionsFile = false;
else if ( isParamOption(arg, "--options=") )
optionsFileName = GET_PARAM(arg, "--options=");
g_optionsFileRequired = true;
if (optionsFileName.compare("") == 0)
optionsFileName = ' ';
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "-h")
|| IS_OPTION(arg, "--help")
|| IS_OPTION(arg, "-?") )
else if ( IS_OPTION(arg, "-V" )
|| IS_OPTION(arg, "--version") )
(*_err) << "Artistic Style Version " << _version << endl;
else if (arg[0] == '-')
else // file-name
// get options file path and name
if (shouldParseOptionsFile)
if (optionsFileName.compare("") == 0)
char* env = getenv("ARTISTIC_STYLE_OPTIONS");
if (env != NULL)
optionsFileName = string(env);
if (optionsFileName.compare("") == 0)
char* env = getenv("HOME");
if (env != NULL)
optionsFileName = string(env) + string("/.astylerc");
if (optionsFileName.compare("") == 0)
char* env = getenv("USERPROFILE");
if (env != NULL)
optionsFileName = string(env) + string("/astylerc");
if (optionsFileName.compare("") != 0)
// create the options file vector and parse the options for errors
if (optionsFileName.compare("") != 0)
ifstream optionsIn(optionsFileName.c_str());
if (optionsIn)
importOptions(optionsIn, fileOptionsVector);
ok = parseOptions(formatter,
string("Invalid option in default options file: "));
if (g_optionsFileRequired)
error("Could not open options file", optionsFileName.c_str());
if (!ok)
(*_err) << "For help on options, type 'astyle -h' " << endl;
// parse the command line options vector for errors
ok = parseOptions(formatter,
string("Invalid command line option: "));
if (!ok)
(*_err) << "For help on options, type 'astyle -h' \n" << endl;
// if no files have been given, use cin for input and cout for output
// this is used to format text for text editors like TextWrangler
// do NOT display any console messages when this branch is used
if (fileNameVector.empty())
ASStreamIterator<istream> streamIterator(&cin); // create iterator for cin
while (formatter.hasMoreLines())
cout << formatter.nextLine();
if (formatter.hasMoreLines())
cout << streamIterator.getOutputEOL();
// indent the given files
// standarize the exclude names
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < g_excludeVector.size(); ix++)
standardizePath(g_excludeVector[ix], true);
if (g_isVerbose)
cout << "Artistic Style " << _version << endl;
if (optionsFileName.compare("") != 0)
cout << "Using default options file " << optionsFileName << endl;
// loop thru input fileNameVector formatting the files
clock_t startTime = clock(); // start time of file formatting
int filesFormatted = 0; // number of files formatted
int filesUnchanged = 0; // number of files unchanged
for (size_t i = 0; i < fileNameVector.size(); i++)
vector<string> fileName; // files to be processed including path
string targetDirectory; // path to the directory being processed
string targetFilename; // file name being processed
standardizePath(fileNameVector[i]); // standardize the file separators
string fileSpec = fileNameVector[i];
// separate directory and file name
size_t separator = fileSpec.find_last_of(g_fileSeparator);
if (separator == string::npos)
// if no directory is present, use the currently active directory
targetDirectory = getCurrentDirectory(fileSpec);
targetFilename = fileSpec;
g_mainDirectoryLength = targetDirectory.length() + 1; // +1 includes trailing separator
targetDirectory = fileSpec.substr(0, separator);
targetFilename = fileSpec.substr(separator+1);
g_mainDirectoryLength = targetDirectory.length() + 1; // +1 includes trailing separator
if (targetFilename.length() == 0)
error("Missing filename in", fileSpec.c_str());
// check filename for wildcards
g_hasWildcard = false;
if (targetFilename.find_first_of( "*?") != string::npos)
g_hasWildcard = true;
// clear exclude hits vector
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < g_excludeHitsVector.size(); ix++)
g_excludeHitsVector[ix] = false;
// display directory name for wildcard processing
if (g_hasWildcard && ! g_isQuiet)
cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "directory " << targetDirectory << g_fileSeparator << targetFilename << endl;
// create a vector of paths and file names to process
getFileNames(targetDirectory, targetFilename, fileName);
if (g_hasWildcard && ! g_isQuiet)
cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
// check for unprocessed excludes
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < g_excludeHitsVector.size(); ix++)
if (!g_excludeHitsVector[ix])
error("Unmatched exclude", g_excludeVector[ix].c_str());
// check if files were found (probably an input error if not)
if (fileName.size() == 0)
(*_err) << "No file to process " << fileSpec.c_str() << endl;
// loop thru fileName vector to format the files
for (size_t j = 0; j < fileName.size(); j++)
// format the file
bool isFormatted = formatFile(fileName[j], formatter);
// remove targetDirectory from filename if required
string displayName;
if (g_hasWildcard)
displayName = fileName[j].substr(targetDirectory.length() + 1);
displayName = fileName[j];
if (isFormatted)
if (!g_isQuiet)
cout << "formatted " << displayName.c_str() << endl;
if (!g_isQuiet)
cout << "unchanged* " << displayName.c_str() << endl;
// files are processed, display stats
if (g_isVerbose)
if (g_hasWildcard)
cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << filesFormatted << " formatted, ";
cout << filesUnchanged << " unchanged, ";
// show processing time
clock_t stopTime = clock();
float secs = (float) (stopTime - startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
if (secs < 60)
// show tenths of a second if time is less than 20 seconds
if (secs >= 10 && secs < 20)
cout << secs << " seconds" << endl;
cout << endl;
// show minutes and seconds if time is greater than one minute
int min = (int) secs / 60;
secs -= min * 60;
int minsec = int (secs + .5);
cout << min << " min " << minsec << " sec" << endl;
// ************************* end of console functions *****************************************