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/** \ingroup gui
* QgisInterface
* Abstract base class defining interfaces exposed by QgisApp and
* made available to plugins.
* Only functionality exposed by QgisInterface can be used in plugins.
* This interface has to be implemented with application specific details.
* QGIS implements it in QgisAppInterface class, 3rd party applications
* could provide their own implementation to be able to use plugins.
class QgisInterface : QObject
#include <qgisinterface.h>
/** Constructor */
/** Virtual destructor */
virtual ~QgisInterface();
virtual QgsPluginManagerInterface* pluginManagerInterface() = 0;
virtual QgsLayerTreeView* layerTreeView() = 0;
/** Add action to context menu for layers in the layer tree.
* If allLayers is true, then the action will be available for all layers of given type,
* otherwise the action will be available only for specific layers added with addCustomActionForLayer()
* after this call.
* If menu argument is not empty, the action will be also added to a menu within the main window,
* creating menu with the given name if it does not exist yet.
* @see removeCustomActionForLayerType()
* @see addCustomActionForLayer()
virtual void addCustomActionForLayerType( QAction* action, QString menu,
QgsMapLayer::LayerType type, bool allLayers ) = 0;
/** Add action to context menu for a specific layer in the layer tree.
* It is necessary to first call addCustomActionForLayerType() with allLayers=false
* in order for this method to have any effect.
* @see addCustomActionForLayerType()
virtual void addCustomActionForLayer( QAction* action, QgsMapLayer* layer ) = 0;
/** Remove action for layers in the layer tree previously added with addCustomActionForLayerType()
* @see addCustomActionForLayerType()
virtual bool removeCustomActionForLayerType( QAction* action ) = 0;
public slots: // TODO: do these functions really need to be slots?
/* Exposed functions */
//! Zoom to full extent of map layers
virtual void zoomFull() = 0;
//! Zoom to previous view extent
virtual void zoomToPrevious() = 0;
//! Zoom to next view extent
virtual void zoomToNext() = 0;
//! Zoom to extent of the active layer
virtual void zoomToActiveLayer() = 0;
//! Add a vector layer
virtual QgsVectorLayer* addVectorLayer( const QString& vectorLayerPath, const QString& baseName, const QString& providerKey ) = 0;
//! Add a raster layer given a raster layer file name
virtual QgsRasterLayer* addRasterLayer( const QString& rasterLayerPath, const QString& baseName = QString() ) = 0;
//! Add a WMS layer
virtual QgsRasterLayer* addRasterLayer( const QString& url, const QString& layerName, const QString& providerKey ) = 0;
//! Add a project
virtual bool addProject( const QString& theProject ) = 0;
//! Start a blank project
virtual void newProject( bool thePromptToSaveFlag = false ) = 0;
//! Get pointer to the active layer (layer selected in the legend)
virtual QgsMapLayer *activeLayer() = 0;
//! Set the active layer (layer gets selected in the legend)
//! returns true if the layer exists, false otherwise
virtual bool setActiveLayer( QgsMapLayer * ) = 0;
//! Add an icon to the plugins toolbar
virtual int addToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
* Add a widget to the plugins toolbar.
* To remove this widget again, call {@link removeToolBarIcon}
* with the returned QAction.
* @param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
* @return the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
virtual QAction* addToolBarWidget( QWidget* widget /Transfer/ ) = 0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the plugin toolbar
virtual void removeToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
* Add a widget to the raster toolbar.
* To remove this widget again, call {@link removeRasterToolBarIcon}
* with the returned QAction.
* @param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
* @return the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
virtual QAction* addRasterToolBarWidget( QWidget* widget /Transfer/ ) = 0;
//! Add an icon to the Raster toolbar
virtual int addRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the Raster toolbar
virtual void removeRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
//! Add an icon to the Vector toolbar
virtual int addVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
* Add a widget to the vector toolbar.
* To remove this widget again, call {@link removeVectorToolBarIcon}
* with the returned QAction.
* @param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
* @return the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
virtual QAction* addVectorToolBarWidget( QWidget* widget /Transfer/ ) = 0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the Vector toolbar
virtual void removeVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
//! Add an icon to the Database toolbar
virtual int addDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
* Add a widget to the database toolbar.
* To remove this widget again, call {@link removeDatabaseToolBarIcon}
* with the returned QAction.
* @param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
* @return the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
virtual QAction* addDatabaseToolBarWidget( QWidget* widget /Transfer/ ) = 0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the Database toolbar
virtual void removeDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
//! Add an icon to the Web toolbar
virtual int addWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
* Add a widget to the web toolbar.
* To remove this widget again, call {@link removeWebToolBarIcon}
* with the returned QAction.
* @param widget widget to add. The toolbar will take ownership of this widget
* @return the QAction you can use to remove this widget from the toolbar
virtual QAction* addWebToolBarWidget( QWidget* widget /Transfer/ ) = 0;
//! Remove an action (icon) from the Web toolbar
virtual void removeWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction ) = 0;
//! Add toolbar with specified name
virtual QToolBar *addToolBar( const QString& name ) = 0 /Factory/;
//! Add a toolbar
//! @note added in 2.3
virtual void addToolBar( QToolBar* toolbar /Transfer/, Qt::ToolBarArea area = Qt::TopToolBarArea ) = 0;
/** Return a pointer to the map canvas */
virtual QgsMapCanvas * mapCanvas() = 0;
* Returns a pointer to the layer tree canvas bridge
* @note added in 2.12
virtual QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge* layerTreeCanvasBridge() = 0;
/** Return a pointer to the main window (instance of QgisApp in case of QGIS) */
virtual QWidget * mainWindow() = 0;
/** Return the message bar of the main app */
virtual QgsMessageBar * messageBar() = 0;
/** Open the message log dock widget **/
virtual void openMessageLog() = 0;
/** Adds a widget to the user input tool bar.*/
virtual void addUserInputWidget( QWidget* widget ) = 0;
/** Return mainwindows / composer views of running composer instances (currently only one) */
virtual QList<QgsComposerView*> activeComposers() = 0;
/** Create a new composer
* @param title window title for new composer (one will be generated if empty)
* @return pointer to composer's view
* @note new composer window will be shown and activated
virtual QgsComposerView* createNewComposer( const QString& title = QString() ) = 0;
/** Duplicate an existing parent composer from composer view
* @param composerView pointer to existing composer view
* @param title window title for duplicated composer (one will be generated if empty)
* @return pointer to duplicate composer's view
* @note dupicate composer window will be hidden until loaded, then shown and activated
virtual QgsComposerView* duplicateComposer( QgsComposerView* composerView, const QString& title = QString() ) = 0;
/** Deletes parent composer of composer view, after closing composer window */
virtual void deleteComposer( QgsComposerView* composerView ) = 0;
/** Return changeable options built from settings and/or defaults */
virtual QMap<QString, QVariant> defaultStyleSheetOptions() = 0;
/** Generate stylesheet
* @param opts generated default option values, or a changed copy of them
virtual void buildStyleSheet( const QMap<QString, QVariant>& opts ) = 0;
/** Save changed default option keys/values to user settings */
virtual void saveStyleSheetOptions( const QMap<QString, QVariant>& opts ) = 0;
/** Get reference font for initial qApp (may not be same as QgisApp) */
virtual QFont defaultStyleSheetFont() = 0;
/** Add action to the plugins menu */
virtual void addPluginToMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Remove action from the plugins menu */
virtual void removePluginMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Add "add layer" action to layer menu */
virtual void insertAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Remove "add layer" action from layer menu */
virtual void removeAddLayerAction( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Add action to the Database menu */
virtual void addPluginToDatabaseMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Remove action from the Database menu */
virtual void removePluginDatabaseMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Add action to the Raster menu */
virtual void addPluginToRasterMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Remove action from the Raster menu */
virtual void removePluginRasterMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Add action to the Vector menu */
virtual void addPluginToVectorMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Remove action from the Vector menu */
virtual void removePluginVectorMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Add action to the Web menu */
virtual void addPluginToWebMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Remove action from the Web menu */
virtual void removePluginWebMenu( const QString& name, QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Add a dock widget to the main window */
virtual void addDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget * dockwidget ) = 0;
/** Remove specified dock widget from main window (doesn't delete it). */
virtual void removeDockWidget( QDockWidget * dockwidget ) = 0;
/** Advanced digitizing dock widget
* @note Added in 2.12
virtual QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget* cadDockWidget() = 0;
/** Open layer properties dialog */
virtual void showLayerProperties( QgsMapLayer *l ) = 0;
/** Open attribute table dialog */
virtual QDialog* showAttributeTable( QgsVectorLayer *l, const QString& filterExpression = QString() ) = 0;
/** Add window to Window menu. The action title is the window title
* and the action should raise, unminimize and activate the window. */
virtual void addWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Remove window from Window menu. Calling this is necessary only for
* windows which are hidden rather than deleted when closed. */
virtual void removeWindow( QAction *action ) = 0;
/** Register action to the shortcuts manager so its shortcut can be changed in GUI */
virtual bool registerMainWindowAction( QAction* action, const QString& defaultShortcut ) = 0;
/** Unregister a previously registered action. (e.g. when plugin is going to be unloaded) */
virtual bool unregisterMainWindowAction( QAction* action ) = 0;
/** Register a new tab in the vector layer properties dialog.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
* @note Ownership of the factory is not transferred, and the factory must
* be unregistered when plugin is unloaded.
* @see unregisterMapLayerPropertiesFactory() */
virtual void registerMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory* factory ) = 0;
/** Unregister a previously registered tab in the vector layer properties dialog.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
* @see registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory()
virtual void unregisterMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory* factory ) = 0;
/** Register a new custom drop handler.
* @note added in QGIS 3.0
* @note Ownership of the factory is not transferred, and the factory must
* be unregistered when plugin is unloaded.
* @see unregisterCustomDropHandler() */
virtual void registerCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler* handler ) = 0;
/** Unregister a previously registered custom drop handler.
* @note added in QGIS 3.0
* @see registerCustomDropHandler() */
virtual void unregisterCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler* handler ) = 0;
// @todo is this deprecated in favour of QgsContextHelp?
/** Open a url in the users browser. By default the QGIS doc directory is used
* as the base for the URL. To open a URL that is not relative to the installed
* QGIS documentation, set useQgisDocDirectory to false.
* @param url URL to open
* @param useQgisDocDirectory If true, the URL will be formed by concatenating
* url to the QGIS documentation directory path (prefix/share/doc)
* @deprecated
virtual void openURL( const QString& url, bool useQgisDocDirectory = true ) = 0 /Deprecated/;
/** Accessors for inserting items into menus and toolbars.
* An item can be inserted before any existing action.
// Menus
virtual QMenu *projectMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *editMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *viewMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *layerMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *newLayerMenu() = 0;
/** @note added in 2.5 */
virtual QMenu *addLayerMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *settingsMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *pluginMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *rasterMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *databaseMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *vectorMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *webMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *firstRightStandardMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *windowMenu() = 0;
virtual QMenu *helpMenu() = 0;
// ToolBars
virtual QToolBar *fileToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *layerToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *mapNavToolToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *digitizeToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *advancedDigitizeToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *attributesToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *pluginToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *helpToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *rasterToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *vectorToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *databaseToolBar() = 0;
virtual QToolBar *webToolBar() = 0;
// Project menu actions
virtual QAction *actionNewProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOpenProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveProject() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveProjectAs() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveMapAsImage() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionProjectProperties() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPrintComposer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowComposerManager() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionExit() = 0;
// Edit menu actions
virtual QAction *actionCutFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCopyFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPasteFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddFeature() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDeleteSelected() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionMoveFeature() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSplitFeatures() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSplitParts() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddRing() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddPart() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSimplifyFeature() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDeleteRing() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDeletePart() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionNodeTool() = 0;
// View menu actions
//! Get access to the native pan action. Call trigger() on it to set the default pan map tool.
virtual QAction *actionPan() = 0;
//! Get access to the native touch action.
virtual QAction *actionTouch() = 0;
//! Get access to the native pan to selected action. Call trigger() on it to pan the map canvas to the selection.
virtual QAction *actionPanToSelected() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom in action. Call trigger() on it to set the default zoom in map tool.
virtual QAction *actionZoomIn() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom out action. Call trigger() on it to set the default zoom out map tool.
virtual QAction *actionZoomOut() = 0;
//! Get access to the native select action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select map tool.
virtual QAction *actionSelect() = 0;
//! Get access to the native select rectangle action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select rectangle map tool.
virtual QAction *actionSelectRectangle() = 0;
//! Get access to the native select polygon action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select polygon map tool.
virtual QAction *actionSelectPolygon() = 0;
//! Get access to the native select freehand action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select freehand map tool.
virtual QAction *actionSelectFreehand() = 0;
//! Get access to the native select radius action. Call trigger() on it to set the default select radius map tool.
virtual QAction *actionSelectRadius() = 0;
//! Get access to the native identify action. Call trigger() on it to set the default identify map tool.
virtual QAction *actionIdentify() = 0;
//! Get access to the native run action feature action. Call trigger() on it to set the default run feature action map tool.
virtual QAction *actionFeatureAction() = 0;
//! Get access to the native measure action. Call trigger() on it to set the default measure map tool.
virtual QAction *actionMeasure() = 0;
//! Get access to the native measure area action. Call trigger() on it to set the default measure area map tool.
virtual QAction *actionMeasureArea() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom full extent action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to the full extent.
virtual QAction *actionZoomFullExtent() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom to layer action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to the active layer.
virtual QAction *actionZoomToLayer() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom to selected action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to the current selection.
virtual QAction *actionZoomToSelected() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom last action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to last.
virtual QAction *actionZoomLast() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom next action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to next.
virtual QAction *actionZoomNext() = 0;
//! Get access to the native zoom resolution (100%) action. Call trigger() on it to zoom to actual size.
virtual QAction *actionZoomActualSize() = 0;
//! Get access to the native map tips action. Call trigger() on it to toggle map tips.
virtual QAction *actionMapTips() = 0;
//! Get access to the native new bookmark action. Call trigger() on it to open the new bookmark dialog.
virtual QAction *actionNewBookmark() = 0;
//! Get access to the native show bookmarks action. Call trigger() on it to open the bookmarks dialog.
virtual QAction *actionShowBookmarks() = 0;
//! Get access to the native draw action.
virtual QAction *actionDraw() = 0;
// Layer menu actions
virtual QAction *actionNewVectorLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddOgrLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddRasterLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddPgLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddWmsLayer() = 0;
/** Get access to the native Add ArcGIS FeatureServer action. */
virtual QAction *actionAddAfsLayer() = 0;
/** Get access to the native Add ArcGIS MapServer action. */
virtual QAction *actionAddAmsLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCopyLayerStyle() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPasteLayerStyle() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOpenTable() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOpenFieldCalculator() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionToggleEditing() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveActiveLayerEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAllEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionSaveAllEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionRollbackEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionRollbackAllEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCancelEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCancelAllEdits() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerSaveAs() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionDuplicateLayer() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionLayerProperties() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddToOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAddAllToOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionRemoveAllFromOverview() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionHideAllLayers() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowAllLayers() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionHideSelectedLayers() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowSelectedLayers() = 0;
// Plugin menu actions
virtual QAction *actionManagePlugins() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionPluginListSeparator() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionShowPythonDialog() = 0;
// Settings menu actions
virtual QAction *actionToggleFullScreen() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionOptions() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCustomProjection() = 0;
// Help menu actions
virtual QAction *actionHelpContents() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionQgisHomePage() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionCheckQgisVersion() = 0;
virtual QAction *actionAbout() = 0;
* Open feature form
* @param l vector layer
* @param f feature to show/modify
* @param updateFeatureOnly only update the feature update (don't change any attributes of the layer) [UNUSED]
* @param showModal if true, will wait for the dialog to be executed (only shown otherwise)
virtual bool openFeatureForm( QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f, bool updateFeatureOnly = false, bool showModal = true ) = 0;
* Returns a feature form for a given feature
* @param l The layer for which the dialog will be created
* @param f The feature for which the dialog will be created
* @return A feature form
virtual QgsAttributeDialog* getFeatureForm( QgsVectorLayer *l, QgsFeature &f ) = 0;
* Access the vector layer tools instance.
* With the help of this you can access methods like addFeature, startEditing
* or stopEditing while giving the user the appropriate dialogs.
* @return An instance of the vector layer tools
virtual QgsVectorLayerTools* vectorLayerTools() = 0;
/** This method is only needed when using a UI form with a custom widget plugin and calling
* openFeatureForm or getFeatureForm from Python (PyQt4) and you havn't used the info tool first.
* Python will crash bringing QGIS wtih it
* if the custom form is not loaded from a C++ method call.
* This method uses a QTimer to call QUiLoader in order to load the form via C++
* you only need to call this once after that you can call openFeatureForm/getFeatureForm
* like normal
* More information here: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/27098/
virtual void preloadForm( const QString& uifile ) = 0;
/** Return vector layers in edit mode
* @param modified whether to return only layers that have been modified
* @returns list of layers in legend order, or empty list */
virtual QList<QgsMapLayer *> editableLayers( bool modified = false ) const = 0;
/** Get timeout for timed messages: default of 5 seconds */
virtual int messageTimeout() = 0;
/** Emitted whenever current (selected) layer changes.
* The pointer to layer can be null if no layer is selected
void currentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer * layer );
* This signal is emitted when a new composer instance has been created
void composerAdded( QgsComposerView* v );
* This signal is emitted before a new composer instance is going to be removed
void composerWillBeRemoved( QgsComposerView* v );
/** This signal is emitted when a composer instance has been removed
* @note added in version 2.9
void composerRemoved( QgsComposerView* v );
* This signal is emitted when the initialization is complete
void initializationCompleted();
/** Emitted when a project file is successfully read
* @note
* This is useful for plug-ins that store properties with project files. A
* plug-in can connect to this signal. When it is emitted, the plug-in
* knows to then check the project properties for any relevant state.
void projectRead();
/** Emitted when starting an entirely new project
* @note
* This is similar to projectRead(); plug-ins might want to be notified
* that they're in a new project. Yes, projectRead() could have been
* overloaded to be used in the case of new projects instead. However,
* it's probably more semantically correct to have an entirely separate
* signal for when this happens.
void newProjectCreated();
/** This signal is emitted when a layer has been saved using save as
* @note
* added in version 2.7
void layerSavedAs( QgsMapLayer* l, const QString& path );