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# Author: Luca Cinquini
The wps module of the OWSlib package provides client-side functionality for executing invocations to a remote Web Processing Server.
PLEASE NOTE: the owslib wps module should be considered in beta state: it has been tested versus only a handful of WPS services (deployed by the USGS, BADC and PML).
More extensive testing is needed and feedback is appreciated.
The module can be used to execute three types of requests versus a remote WPS endpoint:
a) "GetCapabilities"
- use the method wps.getcapabilities(xml=None)
- the optional keyword argument "xml" may be used to avoid a real live request, and instead read the WPS capabilities document from a cached XML file
b) "DescribeProcess"
- use the method wps.describeprocess(identifier, xml=None)
- identifier is the process identifier, retrieved from the list obtained from a previous "GetCapabilities" invocation
- the optional keyword argument "xml" may be used to avoid a real live request, and instead read the WPS process description document from a cached XML file
c) "Execute"
- use the method wps.execute(identifier, inputs, output=None, request=None, response=None),
which submits the job to the remote WPS server and returns a WPSExecution object that can be used to periodically check the job status until completion
(or error)
- the optional keyword argument "request" may be used to avoid re-building the request XML from input arguments, and instead submit a request from a
pre-made XML file
- alternatively, an "Execute" request can be built from input arguments by supplying the "identifier", "inputs" and "output" arguments to the execute() method.
- "identifier" is the mandatory process identifier
- "inputs" is a dictionary of (key,value) pairs where:
- key is a named input parameter
- value is either a string, or any python object that supports a getXml() method
In particular, a few classes are included in the package to support a FeatuteCollection input:
- "WFSFeatureCollection" can be used in conjunction with "WFSQuery" to define a FEATURE_COLLECTION retrieved from a live WFS server.
- "GMLMultiPolygonFeatureCollection" can be used to define one or more polygons of (latitude, longitude) points.
- "output" is an optional output identifier to be included in the ResponseForm section of the request.
- the optional keyword argument "response" mey be used to avoid submitting a real live request, and instead reading the WPS execution response document
from a cached XML file (for debugging or testing purposes)
- the convenience module function monitorExecution() can be used to periodically check the status of a remote running job, and eventually download the output
either to a named file, or to a file specified by the server.
The files examples/wps-usgs-script.py, examples/wps-pml-script-1.py and examples/wps-pml-script-2.py contain real-world usage examples
that submits a "GetCapabilities", "DescribeProcess" and "Execute" requests to the live USGS and PML servers. To run:
cd examples
python wps-usgs-script.py
python wps-pml-script-1.py
python wps-pml-script-2.py
The file wps-client.py contains a command-line client that can be used to submit a "GetCapabilities", "DescribeProcess" or "Execute"
request to an arbitratry WPS server. For example, you can run it as follows:
cd examples
To prints out usage and example invocations: wps-client -help
To execute a (fake) WPS invocation:
wps-client.py -v -u http://cida.usgs.gov/climate/gdp/process/WebProcessingService -r GetCapabilities -x ../tests/USGSCapabilities.xml
The directory tests/ includes several doctest-style files wps_*.txt that show how to interactively submit a
"GetCapabilities", "DescribeProcess" or "Execute" request, without making a live request but rather parsing the response of cached XML response documents. To run:
cd tests
python -m doctest wps_*.txt
(or python -m doctest -v wps_*.txt for verbose output)
Also, the directory tests/ contains several examples of well-formed "Execute" requests:
- The files wps_USGSExecuteRequest*.xml contain requests that can be submitted to the live USGS WPS service.
- The files PMLExecuteRequest*.xml contain requests that can be submitted to the live PML WPS service.
from owslib.etree import etree
from owslib.ows import DEFAULT_OWS_NAMESPACE, ServiceIdentification, ServiceProvider, OperationsMetadata
from time import sleep
from owslib.util import (testXMLValue, build_get_url, dump, getTypedValue,
getNamespace, element_to_string, nspath, openURL, nspath_eval)
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from owslib.namespaces import Namespaces
# namespace definition
n = Namespaces()
# These static namespaces are DEPRECIATED. Please don't use them.
# No great way of printing a message since there are at the file level
WPS_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = n.get_namespace("wps")
WFS_NAMESPACE = n.get_namespace("wfs")
OGC_NAMESPACE = n.get_namespace("ogc")
GML_NAMESPACE = n.get_namespace("gml")
DRAW_NAMESPACE = n.get_namespace("draw")
GML_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.1/base/feature.xsd"
DRAW_SCHEMA_LOCATION = 'http://cida.usgs.gov/climate/derivative/xsd/draw.xsd'
WPS_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_LOCATION = 'http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsExecute_request.xsd'
def get_namespaces():
ns = n.get_namespaces(["ogc","wfs","wps","gml","xsi","xlink"])
ns[None] = n.get_namespace("wps")
return ns
namespaces = get_namespaces()
class IWebProcessingService():
Abstract interface for an OGC Web Processing Service (WPS).
url = property("""URL for the remote WPS server (string).""")
def getcapabilities(**kw):
Makes a GetCapabilities request to the remote WPS server,
returns an XML document wrapped in a python file-like object.
def describeprocess(**kw):
Makes a DescribeProcess request to the remote WPS server,
returns a Process object containing all the process metadata.
def execute(**kw):
Submits an Execute request to the remote WPS server,
returns a WPSExecution object, which can be used to monitor the status of the job, and ultimately retrieve the result.
class IComplexData():
Abstract interface representing complex input object for a WPS request.
def getXml(self):
Method that returns the object data as an XML snippet,
to be inserted into the WPS request document sent to the server.
class WebProcessingService(object):
Class that contains client-side functionality for invoking an OGC Web Processing Service (WPS).
Implements IWebProcessingService.
def __init__(self, url, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, username=None, password=None, verbose=False, skip_caps=False):
Initialization method resets the object status.
By default it will execute a GetCapabilities invocation to the remote service,
which can be skipped by using skip_caps=True.
# fields passed in from object initializer
self.url = url
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.version = version
self.verbose = verbose
# fields populated by method invocations
self._capabilities = None
self.identification = None
self.provider = None
if not skip_caps:
def getcapabilities(self, xml=None):
Method that requests a capabilities document from the remote WPS server and populates this object's metadata.
keyword argument xml: local XML GetCapabilities document, prevents actual HTTP invocation.
# read capabilities document
reader = WPSCapabilitiesReader(version=self.version, verbose=self.verbose)
if xml:
# read from stored XML file
self._capabilities = reader.readFromString(xml)
self._capabilities = reader.readFromUrl(self.url, username=self.username, password=self.password)
if self.verbose==True:
print element_to_string(self._capabilities)
# populate the capabilities metadata obects from the XML tree
def describeprocess(self, identifier, xml=None):
Requests a process document from a WPS service and populates the process metadata.
Returns the process object.
# read capabilities document
reader = WPSDescribeProcessReader(version=self.version, verbose=self.verbose)
if xml:
# read from stored XML file
rootElement = reader.readFromString(xml)
# read from server
rootElement = reader.readFromUrl(self.url, identifier)
if self.verbose==True:
print element_to_string(rootElement)
# build metadata objects
return self._parseProcessMetadata(rootElement)
def execute(self, identifier, inputs, output=None, request=None, response=None):
Submits a WPS process execution request.
Returns a WPSExecution object, which can be used to monitor the status of the job, and ultimately retrieve the result.
identifier: the requested process identifier
inputs: list of process inputs as (key, value) tuples (where value is either a string for LiteralData, or an object for ComplexData)
output: optional identifier for process output reference (if not provided, output will be embedded in the response)
request: optional pre-built XML request document, prevents building of request from other arguments
response: optional pre-built XML response document, prevents submission of request to live WPS server
# instantiate a WPSExecution object
print 'Executing WPS request...'
execution = WPSExecution(version=self.version, url=self.url, username=self.username, password=self.password, verbose=self.verbose)
# build XML request from parameters
if request is None:
requestElement = execution.buildRequest(identifier, inputs, output)
request = etree.tostring( requestElement )
if self.verbose==True:
print request
# submit the request to the live server
if response is None:
response = execution.submitRequest(request)
response = etree.fromstring(response)
if self.verbose==True:
print etree.tostring(response)
# parse response
return execution
def _parseProcessMetadata(self, rootElement):
Method to parse a <ProcessDescriptions> XML element and returned the constructed Process object
processDescriptionElement = rootElement.find( 'ProcessDescription' )
process = Process(processDescriptionElement, verbose=self.verbose)
# override existing processes in object metadata, if existing already
found = False
for n, p in enumerate(self.processes):
if p.identifier==process.identifier:
found = True
# otherwise add it
if not found:
return process
def _parseCapabilitiesMetadata(self, root):
''' Sets up capabilities metadata objects '''
# use the WPS namespace defined in the document root
wpsns = getNamespace(root)
# loop over children WITHOUT requiring a specific namespace
for element in root:
# thie element's namespace
ns = getNamespace(element)
# <ows:ServiceIdentification> metadata
if element.tag.endswith('ServiceIdentification'):
self.identification=ServiceIdentification(element, namespace=ns)
if self.verbose==True:
# <ows:ServiceProvider> metadata
elif element.tag.endswith('ServiceProvider'):
self.provider=ServiceProvider(element, namespace=ns)
if self.verbose==True:
# <ns0:OperationsMetadata xmlns:ns0="http://www.opengeospatial.net/ows">
# <ns0:Operation name="GetCapabilities">
# <ns0:DCP>
# <ns0:HTTP>
# <ns0:Get xlink:href="http://ceda-wps2.badc.rl.ac.uk/wps?" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" />
# </ns0:HTTP>
# </ns0:DCP>
# </ns0:Operation>
# ........
# </ns0:OperationsMetadata>
elif element.tag.endswith('OperationsMetadata'):
for child in element.findall( nspath('Operation', ns=ns) ):
self.operations.append( OperationsMetadata(child, namespace=ns) )
if self.verbose==True:
# <wps:ProcessOfferings>
# <wps:Process ns0:processVersion="1.0.0">
# <ows:Identifier xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">gov.usgs.cida.gdp.wps.algorithm.filemanagement.ReceiveFiles</ows:Identifier>
# <ows:Title xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">gov.usgs.cida.gdp.wps.algorithm.filemanagement.ReceiveFiles</ows:Title>
# </wps:Process>
# ......
# </wps:ProcessOfferings>
elif element.tag.endswith('ProcessOfferings'):
for child in element.findall( nspath('Process', ns=ns) ):
p = Process(child, verbose=self.verbose)
if self.verbose==True:
class WPSReader(object):
Superclass for reading a WPS document into a lxml.etree infoset.
def __init__(self, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, verbose=False):
self.version = version
self.verbose = verbose
def _readFromUrl(self, url, data, method='Get', username=None, password=None):
Method to get and parse a WPS document, returning an elementtree instance.
url: WPS service base url.
data: GET: dictionary of HTTP (key, value) parameter pairs, POST: XML document to post
username, password: optional user credentials
if method == 'Get':
# full HTTP request url
request_url = build_get_url(url, data)
if self.verbose==True:
print request_url
# split URL into base url and query string to use utility function
u = openURL(spliturl[0], spliturl[1], method='Get', username=username, password=password)
return etree.fromstring(u.read())
elif method == 'Post':
u = openURL(url, data, method='Post', username = username, password = password)
return etree.fromstring(u.read())
raise Exception("Unrecognized HTTP method: %s" % method)
def readFromString(self, string):
Method to read a WPS GetCapabilities document from an XML string.
if not isinstance(string, str):
raise ValueError("Input must be of type string, not %s" % type(string))
return etree.fromstring(string)
class WPSCapabilitiesReader(WPSReader):
Utility class that reads and parses a WPS GetCapabilities document into a lxml.etree infoset.
def __init__(self, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, verbose=False):
# superclass initializer
super(WPSCapabilitiesReader,self).__init__(version=version, verbose=verbose)
def readFromUrl(self, url, username=None, password=None):
Method to get and parse a WPS capabilities document, returning an elementtree instance.
url: WPS service base url, to which is appended the HTTP parameters: service, version, and request.
username, password: optional user credentials
return self._readFromUrl(url,
{'service':'WPS', 'request':'GetCapabilities', 'version':self.version},
username=username, password=password)
class WPSDescribeProcessReader(WPSReader):
Class that reads and parses a WPS DescribeProcess document into a etree infoset
def __init__(self, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, verbose=False):
# superclass initializer
super(WPSDescribeProcessReader,self).__init__(version=version, verbose=verbose)
def readFromUrl(self, url, identifier, username=None, password=None):
Reads a WPS DescribeProcess document from a remote service and returns the XML etree object
url: WPS service base url, to which is appended the HTTP parameters: 'service', 'version', and 'request', and 'identifier'.
return self._readFromUrl(url,
{'service':'WPS', 'request':'DescribeProcess', 'version':self.version, 'identifier':identifier},
username=username, password=password)
class WPSExecuteReader(WPSReader):
Class that reads and parses a WPS Execute response document into a etree infoset
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
# superclass initializer
def readFromUrl(self, url, data={}, method='Get', username=None, password=None):
Reads a WPS status document from a remote service and returns the XML etree object.
url: the URL to submit the GET/POST request to.
return self._readFromUrl(url, data, method, username=username, password=password)
class WPSExecution():
Class that represents a single WPS process executed on a remote WPS service.
def __init__(self, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, url=None, username=None, password=None, verbose=False):
# initialize fields
self.url = url
self.version = version
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.verbose = verbose
# request document
self.request = None
# last response document
self.response = None
# status fields retrieved from the response documents
self.process = None
self.serviceInstance = None
self.status = None
self.percentCompleted = 0
self.statusMessage = None
self.errors = []
self.statusLocation = None
def buildRequest(self, identifier, inputs=[], output=None):
Method to build a WPS process request.
identifier: the requested process identifier
inputs: array of input arguments for the process.
- LiteralData inputs are expressed as simple (key,value) tuples where key is the input identifier, value is the value
- ComplexData inputs are express as (key, object) tuples, where key is the input identifier,
and the object must contain a 'getXml()' method that returns an XML infoset to be included in the WPS request
output: optional identifier if process output is to be returned as a hyperlink reference
#<wps:Execute xmlns:wps="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0"
# xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1"
# xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
# xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
# service="WPS"
# version="1.0.0"
# xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsExecute_request.xsd">
root = etree.Element(nspath_eval('wps:Execute', namespaces))
root.set('service', 'WPS')
root.set('version', WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION)
root.set(nspath_eval('xsi:schemaLocation', namespaces), '%s %s' % (namespaces['wps'], WPS_DEFAULT_SCHEMA_LOCATION) )
# <ows:Identifier>gov.usgs.cida.gdp.wps.algorithm.FeatureWeightedGridStatisticsAlgorithm</ows:Identifier>
identifierElement = etree.SubElement(root, nspath_eval('ows:Identifier', namespaces))
identifierElement.text = identifier
# <wps:DataInputs>
dataInputsElement = etree.SubElement(root, nspath_eval('wps:DataInputs', namespaces))
for (key,val) in inputs:
inputElement = etree.SubElement(dataInputsElement, nspath_eval('wps:Input', namespaces))
identifierElement = etree.SubElement(inputElement, nspath_eval('ows:Identifier', namespaces))
identifierElement.text = key
# Literal data
# <wps:Input>
# <ows:Identifier>DATASET_URI</ows:Identifier>
# <wps:Data>
# <wps:LiteralData>dods://igsarm-cida-thredds1.er.usgs.gov:8080/thredds/dodsC/dcp/conus_grid.w_meta.ncml</wps:LiteralData>
# </wps:Data>
# </wps:Input>
if isinstance(val, str):
dataElement = etree.SubElement(inputElement, nspath_eval('wps:Data', namespaces))
literalDataElement = etree.SubElement(dataElement, nspath_eval('wps:LiteralData', namespaces))
literalDataElement.text = val
# Complex data
# <wps:Input>
# <ows:Identifier>FEATURE_COLLECTION</ows:Identifier>
# <wps:Reference xlink:href="http://igsarm-cida-gdp2.er.usgs.gov:8082/geoserver/wfs">
# <wps:Body>
# <wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" service="WFS" version="1.1.0" outputFormat="text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs ../wfs/1.1.0/WFS.xsd">
# <wfs:Query typeName="sample:CONUS_States">
# <wfs:PropertyName>the_geom</wfs:PropertyName>
# <wfs:PropertyName>STATE</wfs:PropertyName>
# <ogc:Filter>
# <ogc:GmlObjectId gml:id="CONUS_States.508"/>
# </ogc:Filter>
# </wfs:Query>
# </wfs:GetFeature>
# </wps:Body>
# </wps:Reference>
# </wps:Input>
inputElement.append( val.getXml() )
# <wps:ResponseForm>
# <wps:ResponseDocument storeExecuteResponse="true" status="true">
# <wps:Output asReference="true">
# <ows:Identifier>OUTPUT</ows:Identifier>
# </wps:Output>
# </wps:ResponseDocument>
# </wps:ResponseForm>
if output is not None:
responseFormElement = etree.SubElement(root, nspath_eval('wps:ResponseForm', namespaces))
responseDocumentElement = etree.SubElement(responseFormElement, nspath_eval('wps:ResponseDocument', namespaces),
attrib={'storeExecuteResponse':'true', 'status':'true'} )
if isinstance(output, str):
self._add_output(responseDocumentElement, output, asReference=True)
elif isinstance(output, list):
for (identifier,as_reference) in output:
self._add_output(responseDocumentElement, identifier, asReference=as_reference)
raise Exception('output parameter is neither string nor list. output=%s' % output)
return root
def _add_output(self, element, identifier, asReference=False):
outputElement = etree.SubElement(element, nspath_eval('wps:Output', namespaces),
attrib={'asReference':str(asReference).lower()} )
outputIdentifierElement = etree.SubElement(outputElement, nspath_eval('ows:Identifier', namespaces)).text = identifier
# wait for 60 seconds by default
def checkStatus(self, url=None, response=None, sleepSecs=60):
Method to check the status of a job execution.
In the process, this method will upadte the object 'response' attribute.
url: optional 'statusLocation' URL retrieved from a previous WPS Execute response document.
If not provided, the current 'statusLocation' URL will be used.
sleepSecs: number of seconds to sleep before returning control to the caller.
reader = WPSExecuteReader(verbose=self.verbose)
if response is None:
# override status location
if url is not None:
self.statusLocation = url
print '\nChecking execution status... (location=%s)' % self.statusLocation
response = reader.readFromUrl(self.statusLocation, username=self.username, password=self.password)
response = reader.readFromString(response)
# store latest response
self.response = etree.tostring(response)
if self.verbose==True:
print self.response
# sleep given number of seconds
if self.isComplete()==False:
print 'Sleeping %d seconds...' % sleepSecs
def getStatus(self):
return self.status
def isComplete(self):
if (self.status=='ProcessSucceeded' or self.status=='ProcessFailed' or self.status=='Exception'):
return True
elif (self.status=='ProcessStarted'):
return False
elif (self.status=='ProcessAccepted' or self.status=='ProcessPaused'):
return False
raise Exception('Unknown process execution status: %s' % self.status)
def isSucceded(self):
if self.status=='ProcessSucceeded':
return True
return False
def isNotComplete(self):
return not self.isComplete()
def getOutput(self, filepath=None):
Method to write the outputs of a WPS process to a file:
either retrieves the referenced files from the server, or writes out the content of response embedded output.
filepath: optional path to the output file, otherwise a file will be created in the local directory with the name assigned by the server,
or default name 'wps.out' for embedded output.
if self.isSucceded():
content = ''
for output in self.processOutputs:
output_content = output.retrieveData(self.username, self.password)
# ExecuteResponse contains reference to server-side output
if output_content is not "":
content = content + output_content
if filepath is None:
filepath = output.fileName
# ExecuteResponse contain embedded output
if len(output.data)>0:
if filepath is None:
filepath = 'wps.out'
for data in output.data:
content = content + data
# write out content
if content is not '':
out = open(filepath, 'wb')
print 'Output written to file: %s' %filepath
raise Exception("Execution not successfully completed: status=%s" % self.status)
def submitRequest(self, request):
Submits a WPS Execute document to a remote service, returns the XML response document from the server.
This method will save the request document and the first returned response document.
request: the XML request document to be submitted as POST to the server.
self.request = request
reader = WPSExecuteReader(verbose=self.verbose)
response = reader.readFromUrl(self.url, request, method='Post', username=self.username, password=self.password)
self.response = response
return response
if response is None:
# override status location
if url is not None:
self.statusLocation = url
response = reader.readFromString(response)
def parseResponse(self, response):
Method to parse a WPS response document
rootTag = response.tag.split('}')[1]
# <ns0:ExecuteResponse>
if rootTag == 'ExecuteResponse':
# <ows:ExceptionReport>
elif rootTag == 'ExceptionReport':
print 'Unknown Response'
# print status, errors
print 'Execution status=%s' % self.status
print 'Percent completed=%s' % self.percentCompleted
print 'Status message=%s' % self.statusMessage
for error in self.errors:
def _parseExceptionReport(self, root):
Method to parse a WPS ExceptionReport document and populate this object's metadata.
# set exception status, unless set already
if self.status is None:
self.status = "Exception"
for exceptionEl in root.findall( nspath('Exception', ns=namespaces['ows']) ):
self.errors.append( WPSException(exceptionEl) )
def _parseExecuteResponse(self, root):
Method to parse a WPS ExecuteResponse response document and populate this object's metadata.
# retrieve WPS namespace directly from root element
wpsns = getNamespace(root)
self.serviceInstance = root.get( 'serviceInstance' )
self.statusLocation = root.get( 'statusLocation' )
# <ns0:Status creationTime="2011-11-09T14:19:50Z">
# <ns0:ProcessSucceeded>PyWPS Process v.net.path successfully calculated</ns0:ProcessSucceeded>
# </ns0:Status>
# OR
# <ns0:Status creationTime="2011-11-07T08:26:44.359-06:00">
# <ns0:ProcessFailed>
# <ows:ExceptionReport xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">
# <ows:Exception>
# <ows:ExceptionText>Attribute null not found in feature collection</ows:ExceptionText>
# </ows:Exception>
# </ows:ExceptionReport>
# </ns0:ProcessFailed>
# </ns0:Status>
statusEl = root.find( nspath('Status/*', ns=wpsns) )
self.status = statusEl.tag.split('}')[1]
# get progress info
percentCompleted = int(statusEl.get('percentCompleted'))
self.percentCompleted = percentCompleted
# get status message
self.statusMessage = statusEl.text
# exceptions ?
for element in statusEl:
if element.tag.endswith('ExceptionReport'):
self.process = Process(root.find(nspath('Process', ns=wpsns)), verbose=self.verbose)
#<wps:DataInputs xmlns:wps="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0"
# xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
for inputElement in root.findall( nspath('DataInputs/Input', ns=wpsns) ):
self.dataInputs.append( Input(inputElement) )
if self.verbose==True:
# <ns:ProcessOutputs>
# xmlns:ns="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0"
for outputElement in root.findall( nspath('ProcessOutputs/Output', ns=wpsns) ):
self.processOutputs.append( Output(outputElement) )
if self.verbose==True:
class ComplexData(object):
Class that represents a ComplexData element in a WPS document
def __init__(self, mimeType=None, encoding=None, schema=None):
self.mimeType = mimeType
self.encoding = encoding
self.schema = schema
class InputOutput(object):
Superclass of a WPS input or output data object.
def __init__(self, element):
# loop over sub-elements without requiring a specific namespace
for subElement in element:
# <ows:Identifier xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">SUMMARIZE_TIMESTEP</ows:Identifier>
if subElement.tag.endswith('Identifier'):
self.identifier = testXMLValue( subElement )
# <ows:Title xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">Summarize Timestep</ows:Title>
elif subElement.tag.endswith('Title'):
self.title = testXMLValue( subElement )
# <ows:Abstract xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">If selected, processing output will include columns with summarized statistics for all feature attribute values for each timestep</ows:Abstract>
elif subElement.tag.endswith('Abstract'):
self.abstract = testXMLValue( subElement )
self.allowedValues = []
self.supportedValues = []
self.defaultValue = None
self.dataType = None
def _parseData(self, element):
Method to parse a "Data" element
# <ns0:Data>
# <ns0:ComplexData mimeType="text/plain">
# 7504912.93758151 -764109.175074507,7750849.82379226 -22141.8611641468,8561828.42371234 -897195.923493867,7724946.16844165 -602984.014261927
# </ns0:ComplexData>
# </ns0:Data>
#nspath('Data', ns=WPS_NAMESPACE)
complexDataElement = element.find( nspath('ComplexData', ns=getNamespace(element)) )
if complexDataElement is not None:
self.dataType = "ComplexData"
def _parseLiteralData(self, element, literalElementName):
Method to parse the LiteralData element.
# <LiteralData>
# <ows:DataType ows:reference="xs:string" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" />
# <ows:AllowedValues xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">
# <ows:Value>COMMA</ows:Value>
# <ows:Value>TAB</ows:Value>
# <ows:Value>SPACE</ows:Value>
# </ows:AllowedValues>
# <DefaultValue>COMMA</DefaultValue>
# </LiteralData>
# <LiteralData>
# <ows:DataType ows:reference="xs:anyURI" xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" />
# <ows:AnyValue xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1" />
# </LiteralData>
literalDataElement = element.find( literalElementName )
if literalDataElement is not None:
self.dataType = 'LiteralData'
for subElement in literalDataElement:
subns = getNamespace(subElement)
if subElement.tag.endswith('DataType'):
self.dataType = subElement.get( nspath("reference", ns=subns) ).split(':')[1]
elif subElement.tag.endswith('AllowedValues'):
for value in subElement.findall( nspath('Value', ns=subns) ):
self.allowedValues.append( getTypedValue(self.dataType, value.text) )
elif subElement.tag.endswith('DefaultValue'):
self.defaultValue = getTypedValue(self.dataType, subElement.text)
elif subElement.tag.endswith('AnyValue'):
self.allowedValues.append( getTypedValue(self.dataType, 'AnyValue') )
def _parseComplexData(self, element, complexDataElementName):
Method to parse a ComplexData or ComplexOutput element.
# <ComplexData>
# <Default>
# <Format>
# <MimeType>text/xml</MimeType>
# <Encoding>UTF-8</Encoding>
# <Schema>http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.0.0/feature.xsd</Schema>
# </Format>
# </Default>
# <Supported>
# <Format>
# <MimeType>text/xml</MimeType>
# <Encoding>UTF-8</Encoding>
# <Schema>http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.0.0/feature.xsd</Schema>
# </Format>
# <Format>
# <MimeType>text/xml</MimeType>
# <Encoding>UTF-8</Encoding>
# <Schema>http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.1/feature.xsd</Schema>
# </Format>
# </Supported>
# </ComplexData>
# OR
# <ComplexOutput defaultEncoding="UTF-8" defaultFormat="text/XML" defaultSchema="NONE">
# <SupportedComplexData>
# <Format>text/XML</Format>
# <Encoding>UTF-8</Encoding>
# <Schema>NONE</Schema>
# </SupportedComplexData>
# </ComplexOutput>
complexDataElement = element.find( complexDataElementName )
if complexDataElement is not None:
self.dataType = "ComplexData"
for supportedComlexDataElement in complexDataElement.findall( 'SupportedComplexData' ):
self.supportedValues.append( ComplexData( mimeType=testXMLValue( supportedComlexDataElement.find( 'Format' ) ),
encoding=testXMLValue( supportedComlexDataElement.find( 'Encoding' ) ),
schema=testXMLValue( supportedComlexDataElement.find( 'Schema' ) )
for formatElement in complexDataElement.findall( 'Supported/Format'):
self.supportedValues.append( ComplexData( mimeType=testXMLValue( formatElement.find( 'MimeType' ) ),
encoding=testXMLValue( formatElement.find( 'Encoding' ) ),
schema=testXMLValue( formatElement.find( 'Schema' ) )
defaultFormatElement = complexDataElement.find( 'Default/Format' )
if defaultFormatElement is not None:
self.defaultValue = ComplexData( mimeType=testXMLValue( defaultFormatElement.find( 'MimeType' ) ),
encoding=testXMLValue( defaultFormatElement.find( 'Encoding' ) ),
schema=testXMLValue( defaultFormatElement.find( 'Schema' ) )
class Input(InputOutput):
Class that represents a WPS process input.
def __init__(self, inputElement):
# superclass initializer
# <Input maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
# OR
# <MinimumOccurs>1</MinimumOccurs>
self.minOccurs = -1
if inputElement.get("minOccurs") is not None:
self.minOccurs = int( inputElement.get("minOccurs") )
if inputElement.find('MinimumOccurs') is not None:
self.minOccurs = int( testXMLValue( inputElement.find('MinimumOccurs') ) )
self.maxOccurs = -1
if inputElement.get("maxOccurs") is not None:
self.maxOccurs = int( inputElement.get("maxOccurs") )
if inputElement.find('MaximumOccurs') is not None:
self.maxOccurs = int( testXMLValue( inputElement.find('MaximumOccurs') ) )
# <LiteralData>
self._parseLiteralData(inputElement, 'LiteralData')
# <ComplexData>
self._parseComplexData(inputElement, 'ComplexData')
class Output(InputOutput):
Class that represents a WPS process output.
def __init__(self, outputElement):
# superclass initializer
self.reference = None
self.mimeType = None
self.data = []
self.fileName = None
self.filePath = None
# extract wps namespace from outputElement itself
wpsns = getNamespace(outputElement)
# <ns:Reference encoding="UTF-8" mimeType="text/csv"
# href="http://cida.usgs.gov/climate/gdp/process/RetrieveResultServlet?id=1318528582026OUTPUT.601bb3d0-547f-4eab-8642-7c7d2834459e" />
referenceElement = outputElement.find( nspath('Reference', ns=wpsns) )
if referenceElement is not None:
self.reference = referenceElement.get('href')
self.mimeType = referenceElement.get('mimeType')
# <LiteralOutput>
self._parseLiteralData(outputElement, 'LiteralOutput')
# <ComplexData> or <ComplexOutput>
self._parseComplexData(outputElement, 'ComplexOutput')
# <Data>
# <ns0:Data>
# <ns0:ComplexData mimeType="text/plain">
# 7504912.93758151 -764109.175074507,7750849.82379226 -22141.8611641468,8561828.42371234 -897195.923493867,7724946.16844165 -602984.014261927
# </ns0:ComplexData>
# </ns0:Data>
# OR:
# <ns0:Data>
# <ns0:ComplexData encoding="UTF-8" mimeType="text/xml" schema="http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd">
# <ns3:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="http://ogr.maptools.org/ output_0n7ij9D.xsd" xmlns:ns3="http://ogr.maptools.org/">
# <gml:boundedBy xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">
# <gml:Box>
# <gml:coord><gml:X>-960123.1421801626</gml:X><gml:Y>4665723.56559387</gml:Y></gml:coord>
# <gml:coord><gml:X>-101288.6510608822</gml:X><gml:Y>5108200.011823481</gml:Y></gml:coord>
# </gml:Box>
# </gml:boundedBy>
# <gml:featureMember xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">
# <ns3:output fid="F0">
# <ns3:geometryProperty><gml:LineString><gml:coordinates>-960123.142180162365548,4665723.565593870356679,0 -960123.142180162365548,4665723.565593870356679,0 -960123.142180162598379,4665723.565593870356679,0 -960123.142180162598379,4665723.565593870356679,0 -711230.141176006174646,4710278.48552671354264,0 -711230.141176006174646,4710278.48552671354264,0 -623656.677859728806652,4848552.374973464757204,0 -623656.677859728806652,4848552.374973464757204,0 -410100.337491964863148,4923834.82589447684586,0 -410100.337491964863148,4923834.82589447684586,0 -101288.651060882242746,5108200.011823480948806,0 -101288.651060882242746,5108200.011823480948806,0 -101288.651060882257298,5108200.011823480948806,0 -101288.651060882257298,5108200.011823480948806,0</gml:coordinates></gml:LineString></ns3:geometryProperty>
# <ns3:cat>1</ns3:cat>
# <ns3:id>1</ns3:id>
# <ns3:fcat>0</ns3:fcat>
# <ns3:tcat>0</ns3:tcat>
# <ns3:sp>0</ns3:sp>
# <ns3:cost>1002619.181</ns3:cost>
# <ns3:fdist>0</ns3:fdist>
# <ns3:tdist>0</ns3:tdist>
# </ns3:output>
# </gml:featureMember>
# </ns3:FeatureCollection>
# </ns0:ComplexData>
# </ns0:Data>
dataElement = outputElement.find( nspath('Data', ns=wpsns) )
if dataElement is not None:
complexDataElement = dataElement.find( nspath('ComplexData', ns=wpsns) )
if complexDataElement is not None:
self.dataType = "ComplexData"
self.mimeType = complexDataElement.get('mimeType')
#print etree.tostring(complexDataElement)
if complexDataElement.text is not None and complexDataElement.text.strip() is not '':
for child in complexDataElement:
literalDataElement = dataElement.find( nspath('LiteralData', ns=wpsns) )
if literalDataElement is not None:
self.dataType = literalDataElement.get('dataType')
if literalDataElement.text is not None and literalDataElement.text.strip() is not '':
def retrieveData(self, username=None, password=None):
Method to retrieve data from server-side reference:
returns "" if the reference is not known.
username, password: credentials to access the remote WPS server
url = self.reference
if url is None:
return ""
# a) 'http://cida.usgs.gov/climate/gdp/process/RetrieveResultServlet?id=1318528582026OUTPUT.601bb3d0-547f-4eab-8642-7c7d2834459e'
# b) 'http://rsg.pml.ac.uk/wps/wpsoutputs/outputImage-11294Bd6l2a.tif'
print 'Output URL=%s' % url
if '?' in url:
u = openURL(spliturl[0], spliturl[1], method='Get', username = username, password = password)
# extract output filepath from URL query string
self.fileName = spliturl[1].split('=')[1]
u = openURL(url, '', method='Get', username = username, password = password)
# extract output filepath from base URL
self.fileName = url.split('/')[-1]
return u.read()
def writeToDisk(self, path=None, username=None, password=None):
Method to write an output of a WPS process to disk:
it either retrieves the referenced file from the server, or write out the content of response embedded output.
filepath: optional path to the output file, otherwise a file will be created in the local directory with the name assigned by the server,
username, password: credentials to access the remote WPS server
# Check if ExecuteResponse contains reference to server-side output
content = self.retrieveData(username, password)
# ExecuteResponse contain embedded output
if content is "" and len(self.data)>0:
self.fileName = self.identifier
for data in self.data:
content = content + data
# write out content
if content is not "":
if self.fileName == "":
self.fileName = self.identifier
self.filePath = path + self.fileName
out = open(self.filePath, 'wb')
print 'Output written to file: %s' %self.filePath
class WPSException:
Class representing an exception raised by a WPS.
def __init__(self, root):
self.code = root.attrib.get("exceptionCode", None)
self.locator = root.attrib.get("locator", None)
textEl = root.find( nspath('ExceptionText', ns=getNamespace(root)) )
if textEl is not None:
self.text = textEl.text
self.text = ""
class Process(object):
Class that represents a WPS process.
def __init__(self, elem, verbose=False):
""" Initialization method extracts all available metadata from an XML document (passed in as etree object) """
# <ns0:ProcessDescriptions service="WPS" version="1.0.0"
# xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0/wpsDescribeProcess_response.xsd"
# xml:lang="en-US" xmlns:ns0="http://www.opengis.net/wps/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
# OR:
# <ns0:Process ns0:processVersion="1.0.0">
self._root = elem
self.verbose = verbose
wpsns = getNamespace(elem)
# <ProcessDescription statusSupported="true" storeSupported="true" ns0:processVersion="1.0.0">
self.processVersion = elem.get( nspath('processVersion', ns=wpsns) )
self.statusSupported = bool( elem.get( "statusSupported" ) )
self.storeSupported = bool( elem.get( "storeSupported" ) )
for child in elem:
# this element's namespace
ns = getNamespace(child)
# <ows:Identifier xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">gov.usgs.cida.gdp.wps.algorithm.FeatureWeightedGridStatisticsAlgorithm</ows:Identifier>
if child.tag.endswith('Identifier'):
self.identifier = testXMLValue( child )
# <ows:Title xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">Feature Weighted Grid Statistics</ows:Title>
elif child.tag.endswith('Title'):
self.title = testXMLValue( child )
# <ows:Abstract xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1">This algorithm generates area weighted statistics of a gridded dataset for a set of vector polygon features. Using the bounding-box that encloses the feature data and the time range, if provided, a subset of the gridded dataset is requested from the remote gridded data server. Polygon representations are generated for cells in the retrieved grid. The polygon grid-cell representations are then projected to the feature data coordinate reference system. The grid-cells are used to calculate per grid-cell feature coverage fractions. Area-weighted statistics are then calculated for each feature using the grid values and fractions as weights. If the gridded dataset has a time range the last step is repeated for each time step within the time range or all time steps if a time range was not supplied.</ows:Abstract>
elif child.tag.endswith('Abstract'):
self.abstract = testXMLValue( child )
if self.verbose==True:
# <DataInputs>
self.dataInputs = []
for inputElement in elem.findall( 'DataInputs/Input' ):
self.dataInputs.append( Input(inputElement) )
if self.verbose==True:
dump(self.dataInputs[-1], prefix='\tInput: ')
# <ProcessOutputs>
self.processOutputs = []
for outputElement in elem.findall( 'ProcessOutputs/Output' ):
self.processOutputs.append( Output(outputElement) )
if self.verbose==True:
dump(self.processOutputs[-1], prefix='\tOutput: ')
class FeatureCollection():
Base class to represent a Feature Collection used as input to a WPS request.
The method getXml() is invoked by the WPS execute() method to build the WPS request.
All subclasses must implement the getXml() method to provide their specific XML.
Implements IComplexData.
def __init__(self):
def getXml(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class WFSFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection):
FeatureCollection specified by a WFS query.
All subclasses must implement the getQuery() method to provide the specific query portion of the XML.
def __init__(self, wfsUrl, wfsQuery):
wfsUrl: the WFS service URL
example: wfsUrl = "http://igsarm-cida-gdp2.er.usgs.gov:8082/geoserver/wfs"
wfsQuery : a WFS query instance
self.url = wfsUrl
self.query = wfsQuery
# <wps:Reference xlink:href="http://igsarm-cida-gdp2.er.usgs.gov:8082/geoserver/wfs">
# <wps:Body>
# <wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" service="WFS" version="1.1.0" outputFormat="text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs ../wfs/1.1.0/WFS.xsd">
# .......
# </wfs:GetFeature>
# </wps:Body>
# </wps:Reference>
def getXml(self):
root = etree.Element(nspath_eval('wps:Reference', namespaces), attrib = { nspath_eval("xlink:href",namespaces) : self.url} )
bodyElement = etree.SubElement(root, nspath_eval('wps:Body', namespaces))
getFeatureElement = etree.SubElement(bodyElement, nspath_eval('wfs:GetFeature', namespaces),
attrib = { "service":"WFS",
"outputFormat":"text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1",
nspath_eval("xsi:schemaLocation",namespaces):"%s %s" % (namespaces['wfs'], '../wfs/1.1.0/WFS.xsd')})
# <wfs:Query typeName="sample:CONUS_States">
# <wfs:PropertyName>the_geom</wfs:PropertyName>
# <wfs:PropertyName>STATE</wfs:PropertyName>
# <ogc:Filter>
# <ogc:GmlObjectId gml:id="CONUS_States.508"/>
# </ogc:Filter>
# </wfs:Query>
getFeatureElement.append( self.query.getXml() )
return root
class WFSQuery():
Class representing a WFS query, for insertion into a WFSFeatureCollection instance.
Implements IComplexData.
def __init__(self, typeName, propertyNames=[], filters=[]):
self.typeName = typeName
self.propertyNames = propertyNames
self.filters = filters
def getXml(self):
# <wfs:Query typeName="sample:CONUS_States">
# <wfs:PropertyName>the_geom</wfs:PropertyName>
# <wfs:PropertyName>STATE</wfs:PropertyName>
# <ogc:Filter>
# <ogc:GmlObjectId gml:id="CONUS_States.508"/>
# </ogc:Filter>
# </wfs:Query>
queryElement = etree.Element(nspath_eval('wfs:Query', namespaces), attrib = { "typeName":self.typeName })
for propertyName in self.propertyNames:
propertyNameElement = etree.SubElement(queryElement, nspath_eval('wfs:PropertyName', namespaces))
propertyNameElement.text = propertyName
if len(self.filters)>0:
filterElement = etree.SubElement(queryElement, nspath_eval('ogc:Filter', namespaces))
for filter in self.filters:
gmlObjectIdElement = etree.SubElement(filterElement, nspath_eval('ogc:GmlObjectId', namespaces),
attrib={nspath_eval('gml:id', namespaces):filter})
return queryElement
class GMLMultiPolygonFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection):
Class that represents a FeatureCollection defined as a GML multi-polygon.
def __init__(self, polygons):
Initializer accepts an array of polygons, where each polygon is an array of (lat,lon) tuples.
Example: polygons = [ [(-102.8184, 39.5273), (-102.8184, 37.418), (-101.2363, 37.418), (-101.2363, 39.5273), (-102.8184, 39.5273)],
[(-92.8184, 39.5273), (-92.8184, 37.418), (-91.2363, 37.418), (-91.2363, 39.5273), (-92.8184, 39.5273)] ]
self.polygons = polygons
def getXml(self):
<wps:ComplexData mimeType="text/xml" encoding="UTF-8"
<gml:featureMembers xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"
xmlns:draw="gov.usgs.cida.gdp.draw" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xmlns:ows="http://www.opengis.net/ows" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"
xsi:schemaLocation="gov.usgs.cida.gdp.draw http://cida.usgs.gov/climate/derivative/xsd/draw.xsd">
<gml:box gml:id="box.1">
<gml:MultiPolygon srsDimension="2"
<gml:posList>-102.8184 39.5273 -102.8184 37.418 -101.2363 37.418 -101.2363 39.5273 -102.8184 39.5273</gml:posList>
dataElement = etree.Element(nspath_eval('wps:Data', namespaces))
complexDataElement = etree.SubElement(dataElement, nspath_eval('wps:ComplexData', namespaces),
attrib={"mimeType":"text/xml", "encoding":"UTF-8", "schema":GML_SCHEMA_LOCATION} )
featureMembersElement = etree.SubElement(complexDataElement, nspath_eval('gml:featureMembers', namespaces),
attrib={ nspath_eval("xsi:schemaLocation",namespaces):"%s %s" % (DRAW_NAMESPACE, DRAW_SCHEMA_LOCATION)})
boxElement = etree.SubElement(featureMembersElement, nspath_eval('gml:box', namespaces), attrib={ nspath_eval("gml:id",namespaces):"box.1" })
geomElement = etree.SubElement(boxElement, nspath_eval('gml:the_geom', namespaces))
multiPolygonElement = etree.SubElement(geomElement, nspath_eval('gml:MultiPolygon', namespaces),
attrib={"srsDimension":"2", "srsName":"http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326"} )
for polygon in self.polygons:
polygonMemberElement = etree.SubElement(multiPolygonElement, nspath_eval('gml:polygonMember', namespaces))
polygonElement = etree.SubElement(polygonMemberElement, nspath_eval('gml:Polygon', namespaces))
exteriorElement = etree.SubElement(polygonElement, nspath_eval('gml:exterior', namespaces))
linearRingElement = etree.SubElement(exteriorElement, nspath_eval('gml:LinearRing', namespaces))
posListElement = etree.SubElement(linearRingElement, nspath_eval('gml:posList', namespaces))
posListElement.text = ' '.join(["%s %s" % (x, y) for x, y in polygon[:] ])
idElement = etree.SubElement(boxElement, nspath_eval('gml:ID', namespaces))
idElement.text = "0"
return dataElement
def monitorExecution(execution, sleepSecs=3, download=False, filepath=None):
Convenience method to monitor the status of a WPS execution till it completes (succesfully or not),
and write the output to file after a succesfull job completion.
execution: WPSExecution instance
sleepSecs: number of seconds to sleep in between check status invocations
download: True to download the output when the process terminates, False otherwise
filepath: optional path to output file (if downloaded=True), otherwise filepath will be inferred from response document
while execution.isComplete()==False:
print 'Execution status: %s' % execution.status
if execution.isSucceded():
if download:
for output in execution.processOutputs:
if output.reference is not None:
print 'Output URL=%s' % output.reference
for ex in execution.errors:
print 'Error: code=%s, locator=%s, text=%s' % (ex.code, ex.locator, ex.text)
def printValue(value):
Utility method to format a value for printing.
# ComplexData type
if isinstance(value, ComplexData):
return "mimeType=%s, encoding=%s, schema=%s" % (value.mimeType, value.encoding, value.schema)
# other type
return value
def printInputOutput(value, indent=''):
Utility method to inspect an input/output element.
# InputOutput fields
print '%s identifier=%s, title=%s, abstract=%s, data type=%s' % (indent, value.identifier, value.title, value.abstract, value.dataType)
for val in value.allowedValues:
print '%s Allowed Value: %s' % (indent, printValue(val))
for val in value.supportedValues:
print '%s Supported Value: %s' % (indent, printValue(val))
print '%s Default Value: %s ' % (indent, printValue(value.defaultValue))
# Input fields
if isinstance(value, Input):
print '%s minOccurs=%d, maxOccurs=%d' % (indent, value.minOccurs, value.maxOccurs)
# Output fields
if isinstance(value, Output):
print '%s reference=%s, mimeType=%s' % (indent, value.reference, value.mimeType)
for datum in value.data:
print '%s Data Value: %s' % (indent, printValue(datum))