timlinux 906ef71810 Cleaned out some duplicate includes from widgets/projectionselector/qgsprojectionselector.cpp
Added initial start of user custom projection dialog (doesnt do anything much yet and not wired into gui yet)

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk/qgis@3118 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
2005-04-10 23:50:32 +00:00

340 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Tim Sutton *
* tim@linfiniti.com *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
#include "qgsprojectionselector.h"
//standard includes
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <cstdlib>
//qgis includes
#include "qgscsexception.h"
#include "qgsconfig.h"
//qt includes
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextedit.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qprogressdialog.h>
//gdal and ogr includes
#include <ogr_api.h>
#include <ogr_spatialref.h>
#include <cpl_error.h>
// set the default coordinate system
static const char* defaultWktKey = "4326";
QgsProjectionSelector::QgsProjectionSelector( QWidget* parent , const char* name , WFlags fl )
: QgsProjectionSelectorBase( parent, "Projection Selector", fl )
// Get the package data path and set the full path name to the sqlite3 spatial reference
// database.
#if defined(Q_OS_MACX) || defined(WIN32)
QString PKGDATAPATH = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/share/qgis";
srsDatabaseFileName = PKGDATAPATH;
srsDatabaseFileName += "/resources/srs.db";
// Populate the projection list view
void QgsProjectionSelector::setSelectedWKT(QString theWKT)
//get the srid given the wkt so we can pick the correct list item
std::cout << "QgsProjectionSelector::setSelectedWKT called with \n" << theWKT << std::endl;
//now delegate off to the rest of the work
QListViewItemIterator myIterator (lstCoordinateSystems);
while (myIterator.current())
if (myIterator.current()->text(0)==theWKT)
void QgsProjectionSelector::setSelectedSRID(QString theSRID)
QListViewItemIterator myIterator (lstCoordinateSystems);
while (myIterator.current())
if (myIterator.current()->text(1)==theSRID)
//note this line just returns the projection name!
QString QgsProjectionSelector::getSelectedWKT()
// return the selected wkt name from the list view
QListViewItem *lvi = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
return lvi->text(0);
return QString::null;
// Returns the whole wkt for the selected projection node
QString QgsProjectionSelector::getCurrentWKT()
// Only return the projection if there is a node in the tree
// selected that has an srid. This prevents error if the user
// selects a top-level node rather than an actual coordinate
// system
// Get the selected node
QListViewItem *lvi = lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem();
// Make sure the selected node is a srs and not a top-level projection node
std::cout << lvi->text(1) << std::endl;
if(lvi->text(1).length() > 0)
// set up the database
// XXX We could probabaly hold the database open for the life of this object,
// assuming that it will never be used anywhere else. Given the low overhead,
// opening it each time seems to be a reasonable approach at this time.
sqlite3 *db;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_open(srsDatabaseFileName, &db);
std::cout << "Can't open database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << std::endl;
// XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
// database if it does not exist.
assert(rc == 0);
// prepare the sql statement
const char *pzTail;
sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt;
char *pzErrmsg;
QString sql = "select srtext from spatial_ref_sys where srid = ";
sql += lvi->text(1);
std::cout << "Finding selected wkt using : " << sql << std::endl;
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, (const char *)sql, sql.length(), &ppStmt, &pzTail);
// XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
QString wkt;
if(rc == SQLITE_OK)
// get the first row of the result set
if(sqlite3_step(ppStmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
// get the wkt
wkt = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 0);
// close the statement
// close the database
// return the srs wkt
return wkt;
// No node is selected, return null
return NULL;
QString QgsProjectionSelector::getCurrentSRID()
if(lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem()->text(1).length() > 0)
return lstCoordinateSystems->currentItem()->text(1);
return NULL;
void QgsProjectionSelector::getProjList()
// Create the top-level nodes for the list view of projections
// Geographic coordinate system node
geoList = new QListViewItem(lstCoordinateSystems,"Geographic Coordinate System");
// Projected coordinate system node
projList = new QListViewItem(lstCoordinateSystems,"Projected Coordinate System");
// open the database containing the spatial reference data
sqlite3 *db;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_open(srsDatabaseFileName, &db);
std::cout << "Can't open database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << std::endl;
// XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
// database if it does not exist.
assert(rc == 0);
// prepare the sql statement
const char *pzTail;
sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt;
char *pzErrmsg;
// get total count of records in the projection table
QString sql = "select count(*) from srs_name";
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, sql, sql.length(), &ppStmt, &pzTail);
assert(rc == SQLITE_OK);
// Set the max for the progress dialog to the number of entries in the srs_name table
int myEntriesCount = sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 0);
// Set up the query to retreive the projection information needed to populate the list
sql = "select * from srs_name order by name";
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, (const char *)sql, sql.length(), &ppStmt, &pzTail);
// XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
if(rc == SQLITE_OK)
QListViewItem *newItem;
// set up the progress dialog
int myProgress = 1;
QProgressDialog myProgressBar( "Building Projections List...", 0, myEntriesCount,
this, "progress", TRUE );
// set initial value to 1
while(sqlite3_step(ppStmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
// only update the progress dialog every 10 records
if((myProgress++ % 10) == 0)
// check to see if the srs is geographic
int isGeo = sqlite3_column_int(ppStmt, 3);
// this is a geographic coordinate system
// Add it to the tree
newItem = new QListViewItem(geoList, (char *)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt,1));
// display the spatial reference id in the second column of the list view
newItem->setText(1,(char *)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 0));
// This is a projected srs
QListViewItem *node;
// Fine the node for this type and add the projection to it
// If the node doesn't exist, create it
node = lstCoordinateSystems->findItem(QString((char*)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 2)),0);
if(node == 0)
// the node doesn't exist -- create it
node = new QListViewItem(projList, (char*)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 2));
// add the item, setting the projection name in the first column of the list view
newItem = new QListViewItem(node, (char *)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt,1));
// set the srid in the second column on the list view
newItem->setText(1,(char *)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 0));
// update the progress bar to 100% -- just for eye candy purposes (some people hate to
// see a progress dialog end at 99%)
// close the sqlite3 statement
// close the database
// New coordinate system selected from the list
void QgsProjectionSelector::coordinateSystemSelected( QListViewItem * theItem)
if(theItem->text(1).length() > 0)
sqlite3 *db;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_open(srsDatabaseFileName, &db);
std::cout << "Can't open database: " << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << std::endl;
// XXX This will likely never happen since on open, sqlite creates the
// database if it does not exist.
assert(rc == 0);
// prepare the sql statement
const char *pzTail;
sqlite3_stmt *ppStmt;
char *pzErrmsg;
QString sql = "select srtext from spatial_ref_sys where srid = ";
sql += theItem->text(1);
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, (const char *)sql, sql.length(), &ppStmt, &pzTail);
// XXX Need to free memory from the error msg if one is set
QString wkt;
if(rc == SQLITE_OK)
if(sqlite3_step(ppStmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
wkt = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(ppStmt, 0);
// close the statement
// close the database
std::cout << "Item selected : " << theItem->text(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item selected full wkt : " << wkt << std::endl;
assert(wkt.length() > 0);
// reformat the wkt to improve the display in the textedit
// box
wkt = wkt.replace(",", ", ");
// let anybody who's listening know about the change
// XXX Is this appropriate here if the dialog is cancelled??
emit wktSelected(wkt);