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synced 2025-03-28 00:04:04 -04:00
- rename methods with XML to Xml, CRS to Crs, WMS to Wms, ID to Id - rename methods with SRS to Crs - rename methods with abbreviations like "dest" to "destination" - rename methods with abbreviations like "src" to "source"
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169 lines
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* \brief Dialog to create connections and add layers from WMS, WFS, WCS etc.
* This dialog allows the user to define and save connection information
* for WMS servers, etc.
* The user can then connect and add
* layers from the WMS server to the map canvas.
class QgsOWSSourceSelect : QDialog
#include <qgsowssourceselect.h>
/** Formats supported by provider */
struct SupportedFormat
QString format;
QString label;
//! Constructor
QgsOWSSourceSelect( const QString& service, QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0, const Qt::WindowFlags& fl = QgisGui::ModalDialogFlags, bool managerMode = false, bool embeddedMode = false );
//! Destructor
public slots:
//! Opens the create connection dialog to build a new connection
void on_mNewButton_clicked();
//! Opens a dialog to edit an existing connection
void on_mEditButton_clicked();
//! Deletes the selected connection
void on_mDeleteButton_clicked();
//! Saves connections to the file
void on_mSaveButton_clicked();
//! Loads connections from the file
void on_mLoadButton_clicked();
/** Connects to the database using the stored connection parameters.
* Once connected, available layers are displayed.
void on_mConnectButton_clicked();
//! Determines the layers the user selected
virtual void addClicked();
void searchFinished();
//! Opens the Spatial Reference System dialog.
void on_mChangeCRSButton_clicked();
//! Signaled when a layer selection is changed.
virtual void on_mLayersTreeWidget_itemSelectionChanged();
//! Set status message to theMessage
void showStatusMessage( const QString &theMessage );
//! show whatever error is exposed.
void showError( const QString &theTitle, const QString &theFormat, const QString &theError );
//! Stores the selected datasource whenerver it is changed
void on_mConnectionsComboBox_activated( int );
//! Add some default wms servers to the list
void on_mAddDefaultButton_clicked();
void on_mDialogButtonBox_helpRequested();
void addRasterLayer( const QString & rasterLayerPath,
const QString & baseName,
const QString & providerKey );
void connectionsChanged();
* List of image formats (encodings) supported by provider
* @return list of format/label pairs
virtual QList<QgsOWSSourceSelect::SupportedFormat> providerFormats();
//! List of formats supported for currently selected layer item(s)
virtual QStringList selectedLayersFormats();
//! Server CRS supported for currently selected layer item(s)
virtual QStringList selectedLayersCrses();
//! List of times (temporalDomain timePosition/timePeriod for currently selected layer item(s)
virtual QStringList selectedLayersTimes();
//virtual QStringList layerCrs( int id );
//! Populate the connection list combo box
void populateConnectionList();
//! Populate supported formats
void populateFormats();
//! Clear previously set formats
void clearFormats();
//! Set supported CRSs
void populateCrs();
//! Clear CRSs
void clearCrs();
//! Populate times
void populateTimes();
//! Clear times
void clearTimes();
//! Connection name
QString connName();
//! Connection info (uri)
QString connectionInfo();
//! Set the server connection combo box to that stored in the config file.
void setConnectionListPosition();
//! Add a few example servers to the list.
void addDefaultServers();
* \brief Populate the layer list.
* \retval false if the layers could not be retrieved or parsed
virtual void populateLayerList();
//! create an item including possible parents
//! @note not available in python bindings
QgsNumericSortTreeWidgetItem *createItem( int id,
const QStringList &names,
QMap<int, QgsNumericSortTreeWidgetItem *> &items,
int &layerAndStyleCount,
const QMap<int, int> &layerParents,
const QMap<int, QStringList> &layerParentNames ) /Factory/;
//! Returns a textual description for the authority id
QString descriptionForAuthId( const QString& authId );
void addWmsListRow( const QDomElement& item, int row );
void addWmsListItem( const QDomElement& el, int row, int column );
virtual void enableLayersForCrs( QTreeWidgetItem *item );
//! Returns currently selected format
QString selectedFormat();
//! Returns currently selected Crs
QString selectedCrs();
//! Returns currently selected time
QString selectedTime();
//! Returns currently selected cache load control
QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControl selectedCacheLoadControl();