
1330 lines
42 KiB

qgspostgresprovider.cpp - QGIS data provider for PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers
begin : 2004/01/07
copyright : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
email : sherman at mrcc.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
// for ntohl
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "../../src/qgis.h"
#include "../../src/qgsfeature.h"
#include "../../src/qgsfield.h"
#include "../../src/qgsrect.h"
#include "qgspostgresprovider.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define QGISEXTERN extern "C"
QgsPostgresProvider::QgsPostgresProvider(QString uri):dataSourceUri(uri)
// assume this is a valid layer until we determine otherwise
valid = true;
// Make connection to the data source
// For postgres, the connection information is passed as a space delimited
// string:
// host= dbname=test port=5342 user=gsherman password=xxx table=tablename
//--std::cout << "Data source uri is " << uri << std::endl;
// Strip the table and sql statement name off and store them
int sqlStart = uri.find(" sql");
int tableStart = uri.find("table=");
qDebug( "****************************************");
qDebug( "**** Postgresql Layer Creation *****" );
qDebug( "****************************************");
qDebug( "URI: " + uri );
QString msg;
qDebug( "tableStart: " + msg.setNum(tableStart) );
qDebug( "sqlStart: " + msg.setNum(sqlStart));
tableName = uri.mid(tableStart + 6, sqlStart - tableStart -6);
if(sqlStart > -1)
sqlWhereClause = uri.mid(sqlStart + 5);
sqlWhereClause = QString::null;
QString connInfo = uri.left(uri.find("table="));
qDebug( "Table name is " + tableName);
qDebug( "SQL is " + sqlWhereClause );
qDebug( "Connection info is " + connInfo);
// calculate the schema if specified
QString schema = "";
if (tableName.find(".") > -1) {
schema = tableName.left(tableName.find("."));
geometryColumn = tableName.mid(tableName.find(" (") + 2);
geometryColumn.truncate(geometryColumn.length() - 1);
tableName = tableName.mid(tableName.find(".") + 1, tableName.find(" (") - (tableName.find(".") + 1));
/* populate the uri structure */
mUri.schema = schema;
mUri.table = tableName;
mUri.geometryColumn = geometryColumn;
mUri.sql = sqlWhereClause;
// parse the connection info
QStringList conParts = QStringList::split(" ", connInfo);
QStringList parm = QStringList::split("=", conParts[0]);
if(parm.size() == 2)
mUri.host = parm[1];
parm = QStringList::split("=", conParts[1]);
if(parm.size() == 2)
mUri.database = parm[1];
parm = QStringList::split("=", conParts[2]);
if(parm.size() == 2)
mUri.port = parm[1];
parm = QStringList::split("=", conParts[3]);
if(parm.size() == 2)
mUri.username = parm[1];
parm = QStringList::split("=", conParts[4]);
if(parm.size() == 2)
mUri.password = parm[1];
/* end uri structure */
std::cerr << "Geometry column is: " << geometryColumn << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Schema is: " + schema << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Table name is: " + tableName << std::endl;
//QString logFile = "./pg_provider_" + tableName + ".log";
//pLog.open((const char *)logFile);
std::cerr << "Opened log file for " << tableName << std::endl;
PGconn *pd = PQconnectdb((const char *) connInfo);
// check the connection status
if (PQstatus(pd) == CONNECTION_OK) {
/* Check to see if we have GEOS support and if not, warn the user about
the problems they will see :) */
std::cerr << "Checking for GEOS support" << std::endl;
QMessageBox::warning(0, "No GEOS Support!",
"Your PostGIS installation has no GEOS support.\nFeature selection and "
"identification will not work properly.\nPlease install PostGIS with "
"GEOS support (http://geos.refractions.net)");
//--std::cout << "Connection to the database was successful\n";
// set the schema
PQexec(pd,(const char *)QString("set search_path = '%1','public'").arg(schema));
// store the connection for future use
connection = pd;
// check the geometry column
QString sql = "select f_geometry_column,type,srid from geometry_columns where f_table_name='"
+ tableName + "' and f_geometry_column = '" + geometryColumn + "' and f_table_schema = '" + schema + "'";
std::cerr << "Getting geometry column: " + sql << std::endl;
PGresult *result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
// this is a valid layer
valid = true;
//--std::cout << "geometry column query returned " << PQntuples(result) << std::endl;
// store the srid
//--std::cout << "column number of srid is " << PQfnumber(result, "srid") << std::endl;
srid = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "srid"));
//--std::cout << "SRID is " << srid << std::endl;
// need to store the PostgreSQL endian format used in binary cursors
// since it appears that starting with
// version 7.4, binary cursors return data in XDR whereas previous versions
// return data in the endian of the server
QString firstOid = "select oid from " + tableName + " limit 1";
PGresult * oidResult = PQexec(pd, firstOid);
// get the int value from a "normal" select
QString oidValue = PQgetvalue(oidResult,0,0);
std::cerr << "Creating binary cursor" << std::endl;
// get the same value using a binary cursor
PQexec(pd,"begin work");
QString oidDeclare = QString("declare oidcursor binary cursor for select oid from %1 where oid = %2").arg(tableName).arg(oidValue);
// set up the cursor
PQexec(pd, (const char *)oidDeclare);
QString fetch = "fetch forward 1 from oidcursor";
std::cerr << "Fetching a record and attempting to get check endian-ness" << std::endl;
PGresult *fResult = PQexec(pd, (const char *)fetch);
if(PQntuples(fResult) > 0){
// get the oid value from the binary cursor
int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(fResult,0,0);
//--std::cout << "Got oid of " << oid << " from the binary cursor" << std::endl;
//--std::cout << "First oid is " << oidValue << std::endl;
// compare the two oid values to determine if we need to do an endian swap
if(oid == oidValue.toInt()){
swapEndian = false;
swapEndian = true;
// end the cursor transaction
PQexec(pd, "end work");
std::cerr << "Setting layer type" << std::endl;
// set the type
// set the simple type for use with symbology operations
QString fType = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "type"));
if (fType == "POINT" || fType == "MULTIPOINT")
geomType = QGis::WKBPoint;
else if (fType == "LINESTRING" || fType == "MULTILINESTRING")
geomType = QGis::WKBLineString;
else if (fType == "POLYGON" || fType == "MULTIPOLYGON")
geomType = QGis::WKBPolygon;
//--std::cout << "Feature type is " << geomType << std::endl;
//--std::cout << "Feature type name is " << QGis::qgisFeatureTypes[geomType] << std::endl;
// free the result
// get the extents
sql = "select extent(" + geometryColumn + ") from " + tableName;
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
sql += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
sql = "select xmax(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as xmax,"
"xmin(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as xmin,"
"ymax(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as ymax," "ymin(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as ymin" " from " + tableName;
std::cerr << "Getting extents using schema.table: " + sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
std::string box3d = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
std::string s;
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of("(")+1);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_not_of(" "));
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double minx = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(" ")+1);
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double miny = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(",")+1);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_not_of(" "));
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double maxx = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(" ")+1);
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double maxy = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
QString xMsg;
QTextOStream(&xMsg) << "Set extents to: " << layerExtent.
xMin() << ", " << layerExtent.yMin() << " " << layerExtent.xMax() << ", " << layerExtent.yMax();
std::cerr << xMsg << std::endl;
// clear query result
// get total number of features
sql = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
sql += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
numberFeatures = QString(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)).toLong();
//--std::cout << "Feature count is " << numberFeatures << std::endl;
// selectSQL stores the select sql statement. This has to include each attribute
// plus the geometry column in binary form
selectSQL = "select ";
// Populate the field vector for this layer. The field vector contains
// field name, type, length, and precision (if numeric)
sql = "select * from " + tableName + " limit 1";
result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
//--std::cout << "Field: Name, Type, Size, Modifier:" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PQnfields(result); i++) {
QString fieldName = PQfname(result, i);
int fldtyp = PQftype(result, i);
QString typOid = QString().setNum(fldtyp);
int fieldModifier = PQfmod(result, i);
QString sql = "select typelem from pg_type where typelem = " + typOid + " and typlen = -1";
// //--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
PGresult *oidResult = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
// get the oid of the "real" type
QString poid = PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, PQfnumber(oidResult, "typelem"));
sql = "select typname, typlen from pg_type where oid = " + poid;
// //--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
oidResult = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
QString fieldType = PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 0);
QString fieldSize = PQgetvalue(oidResult, 0, 1);
sql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + tableName + "'";
PGresult *tresult= PQexec(pd, (const char *)sql);
QString tableoid = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
sql = "select attnum from pg_attribute where attrelid = " + tableoid + " and attname = '" + fieldName + "'";
tresult = PQexec(pd, (const char *)sql);
QString attnum = PQgetvalue(tresult, 0, 0);
std::cerr << "Field: " << attnum << " maps to " << i << " " << fieldName << ", "
<< fieldType << " (" << fldtyp << "), " << fieldSize << ", "
<< fieldModifier << std::endl;
attributeFieldsIdMap[attnum.toInt()] = i;
attributeFields.push_back(QgsField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldSize.toInt(), fieldModifier));
// add to the select sql statement
if(i > 0){
selectSQL += ", ";
if(fieldType == "geometry"){
selectSQL += "asbinary(" + geometryColumn + ",'" + endianString() + "') as qgs_feature_geometry";
selectSQL += fieldName;
// set the primary key
selectSQL += " from " + tableName;
//--std::cout << "selectSQL: " << (const char *)selectSQL << std::endl;
// get the total number of features in the layer
sql = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
sql += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
numberFeatures = QString(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)).toLong();
std::cerr << "Number of features: " << numberFeatures << std::endl;
numberFeatures = 0;
valid = false;
}//--std::cout << "Number of features in " << (const char *) tableName << ": " << numberFeatures << std::endl;
} else {
// the table is not a geometry table
valid = false;
std::cerr << "Invalid Postgres layer" << std::endl;
// reset tableName to include schema
schemaTableName += schema + "." + tableName;
ready = false; // not ready to read yet cuz the cursor hasn't been created
} else {
valid = false;
//--std::cout << "Connection to database failed\n";
//create a boolean vector and set every entry to false
/* if (valid) {
selected = new std::vector < bool > (ogrLayer->GetFeatureCount(), false);
} else {
selected = 0;
} */
// tabledisplay=0;
//draw the selected features in yellow
// selectionColor.setRgb(255,255,0);
//TODO - we may not need this function - consider removing it from
// the dataprovider.h interface
* Get the first feature resutling from a select operation
* @return QgsFeature
//TODO - this function is a stub and always returns 0
QgsFeature *QgsPostgresProvider::getFirstFeature(bool fetchAttributes)
QgsFeature *f = 0;
if (valid) {
//--std::cout << "getting first feature\n";
f = new QgsFeature();
/* f->setGeometry(getGeometryPointer(feat));
getFeatureAttributes(feat, f);
} */
return f;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::getNextFeature(QgsFeature &feature, bool fetchAttributes)
return true;
* Get the next feature resutling from a select operation
* Return 0 if there are no features in the selection set
* @return QgsFeature
QgsFeature *QgsPostgresProvider::getNextFeature(bool fetchAttributes)
QgsFeature *f = 0;
if (valid){
QString fetch = "fetch forward 1 from qgisf";
queryResult = PQexec(connection, (const char *)fetch);
// std::cerr << "Error: " << PQerrorMessage(connection) << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "Fetched " << PQntuples(queryResult) << "rows" << std::endl;
if(PQntuples(queryResult) == 0){
PQexec(connection, "end work");
ready = false;
return 0;
// //--std::cout <<"Raw value of the geometry field: " << PQgetvalue(queryResult,0,PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry")) << std::endl;
//--std::cout << "Length of oid is " << PQgetlength(queryResult,0, PQfnumber(queryResult,"oid")) << std::endl;
// get the value of the primary key based on type
int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(queryResult,0,PQfnumber(queryResult,primaryKey));
// std::cerr << "OID from database: " << oid << std::endl;
// oid is in big endian
// XXX If you're so sure about that, then why do you have to check to swap?
int *noid;
// We don't support primary keys that are not int4 so if
// the key is int8 we use the oid as the id instead.
// TODO Throw a warning to let the user know that the layer
// is not using a primary key and that performance will suffer
// XXX noid = &oid could probably be moved out of if statements since all
// XXX valid execution paths do that
if(primaryKeyType == "int8")
noid = &oid;
// XXX I'm assuming swapping from big-endian, or network, byte order to little endian
// std::cerr << "swapping endian for oid" << std::endl;
// convert oid to opposite endian
// XXX "Opposite?" Umm, that's not enough information.
oid = ntohl(oid);
noid = &oid;
noid = &oid;
// noid contains the oid to be used in fetching attributes if
// fetchAttributes = true
// std::cerr << "Using OID: " << *noid << std::endl;
int returnedLength = PQgetlength(queryResult,0, PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry"));
//--std::cout << "Returned length is " << returnedLength << std::endl;
if(returnedLength > 0){
unsigned char *feature = new unsigned char[returnedLength + 1];
memset(feature, '\0', returnedLength + 1);
memcpy(feature, PQgetvalue(queryResult,0,PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry")), returnedLength);
int wkbType = *((int *) (feature + 1));
//--std::cout << "WKBtype is: " << wkbType << std::endl;
f = new QgsFeature(*noid);
f->setGeometry(feature, returnedLength + 1);
if (fetchAttributes) {
getFeatureAttributes(*noid, f);
//--std::cout <<"Couldn't get the feature geometry in binary form" << std::endl;
else {
//--std::cout << "Read attempt on an invalid postgresql data source\n";
return f;
QgsFeature* QgsPostgresProvider::getNextFeature(std::list<int> const & attlist)
QgsFeature *f = 0;
if (valid)
QString fetch = "fetch forward 1 from qgisf";
queryResult = PQexec(connection, (const char *)fetch);
if(PQntuples(queryResult) == 0)
std::cerr << "Feature is null\n";
PQexec(connection, "end work");
ready = false;
return 0;
int *noid;
int oid = *(int *)PQgetvalue(queryResult,0,PQfnumber(queryResult,primaryKey));
// std::cerr << "Primary key type is " << primaryKeyType << std::endl;
// We don't support primary keys that are not int4 so if
// the key is int8 we use the oid as the id instead.
// TODO Throw a warning to let the user know that the layer
// is not using a primary key and that performance will suffer
if(primaryKeyType == "int8")
noid = &oid;
char *temp = new char[sizeof(oid)];
char *ptr = (char *)&oid + sizeof(oid) -1;
int cnt = 0;
while(cnt < sizeof(oid))
temp[cnt] = *ptr--;
noid = (int *)temp;
noid = &oid;
int returnedLength = PQgetlength(queryResult,0, PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry"));
if(returnedLength > 0)
unsigned char *feature = new unsigned char[returnedLength + 1];
memset(feature, '\0', returnedLength + 1);
memcpy(feature, PQgetvalue(queryResult,0,PQfnumber(queryResult,"qgs_feature_geometry")), returnedLength);
int wkbType = *((int *) (feature + 1));
f = new QgsFeature(*noid);
f->setGeometry(feature, returnedLength + 1);
getFeatureAttributes(*noid, f, attlist);
//--std::cout <<"Couldn't get the feature geometry in binary form" << std::endl;
//--std::cout << "Read attempt on an invalid postgresql data source\n";
return f;
* Select features based on a bounding rectangle. Features can be retrieved
* with calls to getFirstFeature and getNextFeature.
* @param mbr QgsRect containing the extent to use in selecting features
void QgsPostgresProvider::select(QgsRect * rect, bool useIntersect)
// spatial query to select features
std::cerr << "Selection rectangle is " << *rect << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Selection polygon is " << rect->asPolygon() << std::endl;
QString declare = QString("declare qgisf binary cursor for select "
+ primaryKey
+ ",asbinary(%1,'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry from %3").arg(geometryColumn).arg(endianString()).arg(tableName);
std::cout << "Binary cursor: " << declare << std::endl;
declare += " where intersects(" + geometryColumn;
declare += ", GeometryFromText('BOX3D(" + rect->stringRep();
declare += ")'::box3d,";
declare += srid;
declare += "))";
declare += " where " + geometryColumn;
declare += " && GeometryFromText('BOX3D(" + rect->stringRep();
declare += ")'::box3d,";
declare += srid;
declare += ")";
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
declare += " and " + sqlWhereClause;
std::cerr << "Selecting features using: " << declare << std::endl;
// set up the cursor
PQexec(connection, "end work");
PQexec(connection,"begin work");
PQexec(connection, (const char *)declare);
* Set the data source specification. This may be a path or database
* connection string
* @uri data source specification
void QgsPostgresProvider::setDataSourceUri(QString uri)
dataSourceUri = uri;
* Get the data source specification. This may be a path or database
* connection string
* @return data source specification
QString QgsPostgresProvider::getDataSourceUri()
return dataSourceUri;
QgsDataSourceURI * QgsPostgresProvider::getURI()
return &mUri;
* Identify features within the search radius specified by rect
* @param rect Bounding rectangle of search radius
* @return std::vector containing QgsFeature objects that intersect rect
std::vector<QgsFeature>& QgsPostgresProvider::identify(QgsRect * rect)
// select the features
return features;
/* unsigned char * QgsPostgresProvider::getGeometryPointer(OGRFeature *fet){
// OGRGeometry *geom = fet->GetGeometryRef();
unsigned char *gPtr=0;
// get the wkb representation
gPtr = new unsigned char[geom->WkbSize()];
geom->exportToWkb((OGRwkbByteOrder) endian(), gPtr);
return gPtr;
} */
// TODO - make this function return the real extent_
QgsRect *QgsPostgresProvider::extent()
return &layerExtent; //extent_->MinX, extent_->MinY, extent_->MaxX, extent_->MaxY);
* Return the feature type
int QgsPostgresProvider::geometryType() const
return geomType;
* Return the feature type
long QgsPostgresProvider::featureCount() const
return numberFeatures;
* Return the number of fields
int QgsPostgresProvider::fieldCount() const
return attributeFields.size();
* Fetch attributes for a selected feature
void QgsPostgresProvider::getFeatureAttributes(int key, QgsFeature *f){
QString sql = QString("select * from %1 where %2 = %3").arg(tableName).arg(primaryKey).arg(key);
// std::cerr << "getFeatureAttributes using: " << sql << std::endl;
PGresult *attr = PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount(); i++) {
QString fld = PQfname(attr, i);
// Dont add the WKT representation of the geometry column to the identify
// results
if(fld != geometryColumn){
// Add the attribute to the feature
QString val = PQgetvalue(attr,0, i);
f->addAttribute(fld, val);
/**Fetch attributes with indices contained in attlist*/
void QgsPostgresProvider::getFeatureAttributes(int key,
QgsFeature *f,
std::list<int> const & attlist)
std::list<int>::const_iterator iter;
int i=-1;
QString sql = QString("select %1 from %2 where %3 = %4")
.arg(key);//todo: only query one attribute
PGresult *attr = PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
QString fld = PQfname(attr, 0);
// Dont add the WKT representation of the geometry column to the identify
// results
if(fld != geometryColumn)
// Add the attribute to the feature
QString val = PQgetvalue(attr,0, i);
f->addAttribute(fld, val);
std::vector<QgsField> const & QgsPostgresProvider::fields() const
return attributeFields;
void QgsPostgresProvider::reset()
// reset the cursor to the first record
//--std::cout << "Resetting the cursor to the first record " << std::endl;
QString declare = QString("declare qgisf binary cursor for select " +
primaryKey +
",asbinary(%1,'%2') as qgs_feature_geometry from %3").arg(geometryColumn)
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
declare += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
//--std::cout << "Selecting features using: " << declare << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Setting up binary cursor: " << declare << std::endl;
// set up the cursor
PQexec(connection,"end work");
PQexec(connection,"begin work");
PQexec(connection, (const char *)declare);
//--std::cout << "Error: " << PQerrorMessage(connection) << std::endl;
ready = true;
/* QString QgsPostgresProvider::getFieldTypeName(PGconn * pd, int oid)
QString typOid = QString().setNum(oid);
QString sql = "select typelem from pg_type where typelem = " + typOid + " and typlen = -1";
////--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
PGresult *result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
// get the oid of the "real" type
QString poid = PQgetvalue(result, 0, PQfnumber(result, "typelem"));
sql = "select typname, typlen from pg_type where oid = " + poid;
// //--std::cout << sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(pd, (const char *) sql);
QString typeName = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
QString typeLen = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 1);
typeName += "(" + typeLen + ")";
return typeName;
} */
/** @todo XXX Perhaps this should be promoted to QgsDataProvider? */
QString QgsPostgresProvider::endianString()
switch ( endian() )
case QgsDataProvider::NDR :
return QString("NDR");
case QgsDataProvider::XDR :
return QString("XDR");
default :
return QString("UNKNOWN");
QString QgsPostgresProvider::getPrimaryKey(){
QString sql = "select oid from pg_class where relname = '" + tableName + "'";
std::cerr << "Getting primary key" << std::endl;
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
PGresult *pk = PQexec(connection,(const char *)sql);
std::cerr << "Got " << PQntuples(pk) << " rows " << std::endl;
// get the oid for the table
QString oid = PQgetvalue(pk,0,0);
// check to see if there is a primary key
sql = "select indkey from pg_index where indrelid = " +
oid + " and indisprimary = 't'";
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
pk = PQexec(connection,(const char *)sql);
// if we got no tuples we ain't go no pk :)
if(PQntuples(pk) == 0){
// no key - should we warn the user that performance will suffer
std::cerr << "Table has no primary key -- using oid to fetch records" << std::endl;
primaryKey = "oid";
// store the key column
QString keyString = PQgetvalue(pk,0,0);
QStringList columns = QStringList::split(" ", keyString);
if(columns.count() > 1){
//TODO concatenated key -- can we use this?
std::cerr << "Table has a concatenated primary key" << std::endl;
primaryKeyIndex = attributeFieldsIdMap[columns[0].toInt()];
QgsField fld = attributeFields[primaryKeyIndex];
// if the primary key is 4-byte integer we use it
if(fld.type() == "int4")
primaryKey = fld.name();
primaryKeyType = fld.type();
// key is not a 4-byte int -- use the oid instead
primaryKey = "oid";
std::cerr << "Primary key is " << primaryKey << std::endl;//);// +<< " at column " << primaryKeyIndex << std::endl;
// pLog.flush();
return primaryKey;
Process to determine the fields used in a primary key:
test=# select oid from pg_class where relname = 'earthquakes';
(1 row)
test=# select indkey from pg_index where indrelid = 24865 and indisprimary = 't';
1 5
(1 row)
Primary key is composed of fields 1 and 5
// Returns the minimum value of an attribute
QString QgsPostgresProvider::minValue(int position){
// get the field name
QgsField fld = attributeFields[position];
QString sql;
sql = QString("select min(%1) from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(tableName);
sql = QString("select min(%1) from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(tableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
PGresult *rmin = PQexec(connection,(const char *)sql);
QString minValue = PQgetvalue(rmin,0,0);
return minValue;
// Returns the maximum value of an attribute
QString QgsPostgresProvider::maxValue(int position){
// get the field name
QgsField fld = attributeFields[position];
QString sql;
sql = QString("select max(%1) from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(tableName);
sql = QString("select max(%1) from %2").arg(fld.name()).arg(tableName)+" where "+sqlWhereClause;
PGresult *rmax = PQexec(connection,(const char *)sql);
QString maxValue = PQgetvalue(rmax,0,0);
return maxValue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::isValid(){
return valid;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::addFeature(QgsFeature* f)
QString insert("INSERT INTO ");
//add the name of the geometry column to the insert statement
insert+=geometryColumn;//first the geometry
//add the names of the other fields to the insert
std::vector<QgsFeatureAttribute> attributevec=f->attributeMap();
for(std::vector<QgsFeatureAttribute>::iterator it=attributevec.begin();it!=attributevec.end();++it)
QString fieldname=it->fieldName();
insert+=") VALUES (GeomFromWKB('";
//add the wkb geometry to the insert statement
unsigned char* geom=f->getGeometry();
for(int i=0;i<f->getGeometrySize();++i)
QString hex=QString::number((int)geom[i],16).upper();
//add the field values to the insert statement
for(std::vector<QgsFeatureAttribute>::iterator it=attributevec.begin();it!=attributevec.end();++it)
QString fieldvalue=it->fieldValue();
bool charactertype=false;
//add quotes if the field is a characted type
for(std::vector<QgsField>::iterator iter=attributeFields.begin();iter!=attributeFields.end();++iter)
qWarning("insert statement is: "+insert);
//send INSERT statement and do error handling
PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)insert);
QMessageBox::information(0,"INSERT error","An error occured during feature insertion",QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
QMessageBox::information(0,"INSERT error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)),QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
return true;
return false;
QString QgsPostgresProvider::getDefaultValue(const QString& attr, QgsFeature* f)
return "NULL";
bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteFeature(int id)
QString sql("DELETE FROM "+tableName+" WHERE "+primaryKey+" = "+QString::number(id));
qWarning("delete sql: "+sql);
//send DELETE statement and do error handling
PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
QMessageBox::information(0,"DELETE error","An error occured during deletion from disk",QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
QMessageBox::information(0,"DELETE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)),QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
return true;
* Check to see if GEOS is available
bool QgsPostgresProvider::hasGEOS(PGconn *connection){
// make sure info is up to date for the current connection
// get geos capability
return geosAvailable;
/* Functions for determining available features in postGIS */
QString QgsPostgresProvider::postgisVersion(PGconn *connection){
PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, "select postgis_version()");
postgisVersionInfo = PQgetvalue(result,0,0);
std::cerr << "PostGIS version info: " << postgisVersionInfo << std::endl;
// assume no capabilities
geosAvailable = false;
gistAvailable = false;
projAvailable = false;
// parse out the capabilities and store them
QStringList postgisParts = QStringList::split(" ", postgisVersionInfo);
QStringList geos = postgisParts.grep("GEOS");
if(geos.size() == 1){
geosAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);
QStringList gist = postgisParts.grep("STATS");
if(gist.size() == 1){
gistAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);
QStringList proj = postgisParts.grep("PROJ");
if(proj.size() == 1){
projAvailable = (proj[0].find("=1") > -1);
return postgisVersionInfo;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::addFeatures(std::list<QgsFeature*> flist)
bool returnvalue=true;
for(std::list<QgsFeature*>::iterator it=flist.begin();it!=flist.end();++it)
return returnvalue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteFeatures(std::list<int> id)
bool returnvalue=true;
for(std::list<int>::iterator it=id.begin();it!=id.end();++it)
return returnvalue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::addAttributes(std::list<QString> const & name, std::list<QString> const & type)
bool returnvalue=true;
std::list<QString>::const_iterator itert=type.begin();
for(std::list<QString>::const_iterator itern=name.begin();itern!=name.end();++itern)
QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" ADD COLUMN "+(*itern)+" "+(*itert);
//send sql statement and do error handling
PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
QMessageBox::information(0,"ALTER TABLE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)),QMessageBox::Ok);
return returnvalue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::deleteAttributes(std::list<QString> const & name)
bool returnvalue=true;
for(std::list<QString>::const_iterator iter=name.begin();iter!=name.end();++iter)
QString sql="ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" DROP COLUMN "+(*iter);
//send sql statement and do error handling
PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
QMessageBox::information(0,"ALTER TABLE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)),QMessageBox::Ok);
return returnvalue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::changeAttributeValues(std::map<int,std::map<QString,QString> > const & attr_map)
bool returnvalue=true;
for(std::map<int,std::map<QString,QString> >::const_iterator iter=attr_map.begin();iter!=attr_map.end();++iter)
for(std::map<QString,QString>::const_iterator siter=(*iter).second.begin();siter!=(*iter).second.end();++siter)
//TODO: collect several attribute changes for a feature in one statement (possibly more efficient)
QString sql="UPDATE "+tableName+" SET "+(*siter).first+" = "+(*siter).second+" WHERE " +primaryKey+" = "+QString::number((*iter).first);
//send sql statement and do error handling
PGresult* result=PQexec(connection, (const char *)sql);
ExecStatusType message=PQresultStatus(result);
QMessageBox::information(0,"UPDATE error",QString(PQresultErrorMessage(result)),QMessageBox::Ok);
return returnvalue;
bool QgsPostgresProvider::supportsSaveAsShapefile() const
return false;
void QgsPostgresProvider::setSubsetString(QString theSQL)
// need to recalculate the number of features...
long QgsPostgresProvider::getFeatureCount()
// get total number of features
QString sql = "select count(*) from " + tableName;
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
sql += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) sql);
numberFeatures = QString(PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0)).toLong();
//--std::cout << "Feature count is " << numberFeatures << std::endl;
return numberFeatures;
void QgsPostgresProvider::calculateExtents()
// get the extents
QString sql = "select extent(" + geometryColumn + ") from " + tableName;
if(sqlWhereClause.length() > 0)
sql += " where " + sqlWhereClause;
sql = "select xmax(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as xmax,"
"xmin(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as xmin,"
"ymax(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as ymax," "ymin(extent(" + geometryColumn + ")) as ymin" " from " + tableName;
qDebug("+++++++++QgsPostgresProvider::calculateExtents - Getting extents using schema.table: " + sql);
PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, (const char *) sql);
std::string box3d = PQgetvalue(result, 0, 0);
std::string s;
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of("(")+1);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_not_of(" "));
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double minx = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(" ")+1);
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double miny = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(",")+1);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_not_of(" "));
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double maxx = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
box3d = box3d.substr(box3d.find_first_of(" ")+1);
s = box3d.substr(0, box3d.find_first_of(" "));
double maxy = strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);
QString xMsg;
QTextOStream(&xMsg) << "Set extents to: " << layerExtent.
xMin() << ", " << layerExtent.yMin() << " " << layerExtent.xMax() << ", " << layerExtent.yMax();
std::cerr << xMsg << std::endl;
// clear query result
* Class factory to return a pointer to a newly created
* QgsPostgresProvider object
QGISEXTERN QgsPostgresProvider * classFactory(const char *uri)
return new QgsPostgresProvider(uri);
/** Required key function (used to map the plugin to a data store type)
QGISEXTERN QString providerKey(){
return QString("postgres");
* Required description function
QGISEXTERN QString description(){
return QString("PostgreSQL/PostGIS data provider");
* Required isProvider function. Used to determine if this shared library
* is a data provider plugin
QGISEXTERN bool isProvider(){
return true;