Nyall Dawson 881074b194 Boost coverage of SIP bindings
Now all classes and members are either exposed to bindings or marked
as "not available in Python bindings" in the docs.

Drop test thresholds to 0. Now it should be much easier to determine
what missing members have been added which are causing test
2016-01-05 11:16:15 +11:00

355 lines
12 KiB

class QgsLabelPosition
#include <qgsmaprenderer.h>
QgsLabelPosition( int id, double r, const QVector< QgsPoint >& corners, const QgsRectangle& rect, double w, double h, const QString& layer, const QString& labeltext, const QFont& labelfont, bool upside_down, bool diagram = false, bool pinned = false );
int featureId;
double rotation;
QVector< QgsPoint > cornerPoints;
QgsRectangle labelRect;
double width;
double height;
QString layerID;
QString labelText;
QFont labelFont;
bool upsideDown;
bool isDiagram;
bool isPinned;
/** Labeling engine interface. */
class QgsLabelingEngineInterface
#include <qgsmaprenderer.h>
virtual ~QgsLabelingEngineInterface();
//! called when we're going to start with rendering
//! @deprecated since 2.4 - use override with QgsMapSettings
virtual void init( QgsMapRenderer* mp ) = 0 /Deprecated/;
//! called when we're going to start with rendering
virtual void init( const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings ) = 0;
//! called to find out whether the layer is used for labeling
virtual bool willUseLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ) = 0;
//! clears all PAL layer settings for registered layers
virtual void clearActiveLayers() = 0;
//! clears data defined objects from PAL layer settings for a registered layer
virtual void clearActiveLayer( const QString& layerID ) = 0;
//! called when starting rendering of a layer
virtual int prepareLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QStringList& attrNames, QgsRenderContext& ctx ) = 0;
//! returns PAL layer settings for a registered layer
//! @deprecated since 2.12 - if direct access to QgsPalLayerSettings is necessary, use QgsPalLayerSettings::fromLayer()
virtual QgsPalLayerSettings& layer( const QString& layerName ) = 0 /Deprecated/;
//! adds a diagram layer to the labeling engine
//! @note added in QGIS 2.12
virtual int prepareDiagramLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QStringList& attrNames, QgsRenderContext& ctx );
//! adds a diagram layer to the labeling engine
//! @deprecated since 2.12 - use prepareDiagramLayer()
virtual int addDiagramLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QgsDiagramLayerSettings* s ) /Deprecated/;
//! called for every feature
virtual void registerFeature( const QString& layerID, QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context, const QString& dxfLayer = QString::null ) = 0;
//! called for every diagram feature
virtual void registerDiagramFeature( const QString& layerID, QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context );
//! called when the map is drawn and labels should be placed
virtual void drawLabeling( QgsRenderContext& context ) = 0;
//! called when we're done with rendering
virtual void exit() = 0;
//! return infos about labels at a given (map) position
//! @deprecated since 2.4 - use takeResults() and methods of QgsLabelingResults
virtual QList<QgsLabelPosition> labelsAtPosition( const QgsPoint& p ) = 0 /Deprecated/;
//! return infos about labels within a given (map) rectangle
//! @deprecated since 2.4 - use takeResults() and methods of QgsLabelingResults
virtual QList<QgsLabelPosition> labelsWithinRect( const QgsRectangle& r ) = 0 /Deprecated/;
//! called when passing engine among map renderers
virtual QgsLabelingEngineInterface* clone() = 0 /Factory/;
struct QgsLayerCoordinateTransform
QString srcAuthId;
QString destAuthId;
int srcDatumTransform; //-1 if unknown or not specified
int destDatumTransform;
// ### QGIS 3: remove QgsMapRenderer in favor of QgsMapRendererJob
/** \ingroup core
* A non GUI class for rendering a map layer set onto a QPainter.
class QgsMapRenderer : QObject
#include <qgsmaprenderer.h>
/** Output units for pen width and point marker width/height*/
enum OutputUnits
//MAP_UNITS probably supported in future versions
/** Blending modes enum defining the available composition modes that can
* be used when rendering a layer
enum BlendMode
//! constructor
//! destructor
//! starts rendering
//! @param painter painter to render to
//! @param forceWidthScale Force a specific scale factor for line widths and marker sizes. Automatically calculated from output device DPI if 0
void render( QPainter* painter, double* forceWidthScale = 0 );
//! sets extent and checks whether suitable (returns false if not)
bool setExtent( const QgsRectangle& extent );
//! returns current extent
QgsRectangle extent() const;
//! sets rotation
//! value in clockwise degrees
//! @note added in 2.8
void setRotation( double degrees );
//! returns current rotation in clockwise degrees
//! @note added in 2.8
double rotation() const;
const QgsMapToPixel* coordinateTransform();
//! Scale denominator
double scale() const;
/** Sets scale for scale based visibility. Normally, the scale is calculated automatically. This
function is only used to force a preview scale (e.g. for print composer)*/
void setScale( double scale );
double mapUnitsPerPixel() const;
int width() const;
int height() const;
//! Recalculate the map scale
void updateScale();
QGis::UnitType mapUnits() const;
void setMapUnits( QGis::UnitType u );
//! sets whether map image will be for overview
void enableOverviewMode( bool isOverview = true );
void setOutputSize( QSize size, int dpi );
void setOutputSize( QSizeF size, double dpi );
//!accessor for output dpi
double outputDpi();
//!accessor for output size
QSize outputSize();
QSizeF outputSizeF();
* @brief transform bounding box from layer's CRS to output CRS
* @see layerToMapCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsRectangle rect ) if you want to transform a rectangle
* @return a bounding box (aligned rectangle) containing the transformed extent
QgsRectangle layerExtentToOutputExtent( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsRectangle extent );
* @brief transform bounding box from output CRS to layer's CRS
* @see mapToLayerCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer,QgsRectangle rect ) if you want to transform a rectangle
* @return a bounding box (aligned rectangle) containing the transformed extent
QgsRectangle outputExtentToLayerExtent( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsRectangle extent );
* @brief transform point coordinates from layer's CRS to output CRS
* @return the transformed point
QgsPoint layerToMapCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsPoint point );
* @brief transform rectangle from layer's CRS to output CRS
* @see layerExtentToOutputExtent() if you want to transform a bounding box
* @return the transformed rectangle
QgsRectangle layerToMapCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsRectangle rect );
* @brief transform point coordinates from output CRS to layer's CRS
* @return the transformed point
QgsPoint mapToLayerCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsPoint point );
* @brief transform rectangle from output CRS to layer's CRS
* @see outputExtentToLayerExtent() if you want to transform a bounding box
* @return the transformed rectangle
QgsRectangle mapToLayerCoordinates( QgsMapLayer* theLayer, QgsRectangle rect );
//! sets whether to use projections for this layer set
void setProjectionsEnabled( bool enabled );
//! returns true if projections are enabled for this layer set
bool hasCrsTransformEnabled() const;
//! sets destination coordinate reference system
void setDestinationCrs( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& crs, bool refreshCoordinateTransformInfo = true, bool transformExtent = true );
//! returns CRS of destination coordinate reference system
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem& destinationCrs() const;
void setOutputUnits( OutputUnits u );
OutputUnits outputUnits() const;
//! returns current extent of layer set
QgsRectangle fullExtent();
//! returns current layer set
QStringList& layerSet();
//! change current layer set
void setLayerSet( const QStringList& layers );
//! updates extent of the layer set
void updateFullExtent();
//! read settings
bool readXML( QDomNode & theNode );
//! write settings
bool writeXML( QDomNode & theNode, QDomDocument & theDoc );
//! Accessor for render context
QgsRenderContext* rendererContext();
//! Labeling engine (NULL if there's no custom engine)
QgsLabelingEngineInterface* labelingEngine();
//! Set labeling engine. Previous engine (if any) is deleted.
//! Takes ownership of the engine.
void setLabelingEngine( QgsLabelingEngineInterface* iface /Transfer/ );
//! Returns a QPainter::CompositionMode corresponding to a BlendMode
static QPainter::CompositionMode getCompositionMode( const QgsMapRenderer::BlendMode &blendMode );
//! Returns a BlendMode corresponding to a QPainter::CompositionMode
static QgsMapRenderer::BlendMode getBlendModeEnum( const QPainter::CompositionMode &blendMode );
void addLayerCoordinateTransform( const QString& layerId, const QString& srcAuthId, const QString& destAuthId, int srcDatumTransform = -1, int destDatumTransform = -1 );
void clearLayerCoordinateTransforms();
const QgsCoordinateTransform* transformation( const QgsMapLayer *layer ) const;
//! bridge to QgsMapSettings
//! @note added in 2.4
const QgsMapSettings& mapSettings();
/** Convenience function to project an extent into the layer source
* CRS, but also split it into two extents if it crosses
* the +/- 180 degree line. Modifies the given extent to be in the
* source CRS coordinates, and if it was split, returns true, and
* also sets the contents of the r2 parameter
bool splitLayersExtent( QgsMapLayer* layer, QgsRectangle& extent /In,Out/, QgsRectangle& r2 /Out/ );
/** Set a feature filter provider to filter the features shown in the map.
* @param ffp the feature filter provider
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
void setFeatureFilterProvider( const QgsFeatureFilterProvider* ffp );
//! @deprecated in 2.4 - not emitted anymore
void drawingProgress( int current, int total );
/** This signal is emitted when CRS transformation is enabled/disabled.
* @param flag true if transformation is enabled.
* @deprecated Use hasCrsTransformEnabledChanged( bool flag )
* to avoid conflict with method of the same name). */
void hasCrsTransformEnabled( bool flag ) /Deprecated/;
/** This signal is emitted when CRS transformation is enabled/disabled.
* @param flag true if transformation is enabled.
* @note Added in 2.4 */
void hasCrsTransformEnabledChanged( bool flag );
void destinationSrsChanged();
//! @deprecated in 2.4 - not emitted anymore
void updateMap();
void mapUnitsChanged();
//! emitted when layer's draw() returned false
void drawError( QgsMapLayer* );
//! emitted when the current extent gets changed
//! @note added in 2.4
void extentsChanged();
//! emitted when the current rotation gets changed
//! @note added in 2.8
void rotationChanged( double );
//! Notifies higher level components to show the datum transform dialog and add a QgsLayerCoordinateTransformInfo for that layer
//! @note not available in Python bindings
//void datumTransformInfoRequested( const QgsMapLayer* ml, const QString& srcAuthId, const QString& destAuthId ) const;
public slots:
//! @deprecated in 2.4 - does nothing
void onDrawingProgress( int current, int total ) /Deprecated/;
//! adjust extent to fit the pixmap size
void adjustExtentToSize();