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synced 2025-03-15 00:04:37 -04:00
Now all classes and members are either exposed to bindings or marked as "not available in Python bindings" in the docs. Drop test thresholds to 0. Now it should be much easier to determine what missing members have been added which are causing test failures.
363 lines
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363 lines
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%Feature ANDROID
class QgsApplication : QApplication
#include <qgsapplication.h>
// Convert a Python argv list to a conventional C argc count and argv array.
static char **qtgui_ArgvToC(PyObject *argvlist, int &argc)
char **argv;
argc = PyList_GET_SIZE(argvlist);
// Allocate space for two copies of the argument pointers, plus the
// terminating NULL.
if ((argv = (char **)sipMalloc(2 * (argc + 1) * sizeof (char *))) == NULL)
return NULL;
// Convert the list.
for (int a = 0; a < argc; ++a)
char *arg;
// Get the argument and allocate memory for it.
if ((arg = PyString_AsString(PyList_GET_ITEM(argvlist, a))) == NULL ||
(argv[a] = (char *)sipMalloc(strlen(arg) + 1)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((arg = PyBytes_AsString(PyList_GET_ITEM(argvlist, a))) == NULL ||
(argv[a] = (char *)sipMalloc(strlen(arg) + 1)) == NULL)
return NULL;
// Copy the argument and save a pointer to it.
strcpy(argv[a], arg);
argv[a + argc + 1] = argv[a];
argv[argc + argc + 1] = argv[argc] = NULL;
return argv;
// Remove arguments from the Python argv list that have been removed from the
// C argv array.
static void qtgui_UpdatePyArgv(PyObject *argvlist, int argc, char **argv)
for (int a = 0, na = 0; a < argc; ++a)
// See if it was removed.
if (argv[na] == argv[a + argc + 1])
PyList_SetSlice(argvlist, na, na + 1, NULL);
static const char* QGIS_ORGANIZATION_NAME;
static const char* QGIS_ORGANIZATION_DOMAIN;
static const char* QGIS_APPLICATION_NAME;
//QgsApplication(int argc, char ** argv, bool GUIenabled);
QgsApplication(SIP_PYLIST argv, bool GUIenabled, QString customConfigPath = QString() ) /PostHook=__pyQtQAppHook__/ [(int &argc, char **argv, bool GUIenabled, const QString& customConfigPath = QString() )];
// The Python interface is a list of argument strings that is modified.
int argc;
char **argv;
// Convert the list.
if ((argv = qtgui_ArgvToC(a0, argc)) == NULL)
sipIsErr = 1;
// Create it now the arguments are right.
static int nargc = argc;
sipCpp = new sipQgsApplication(nargc, argv, a1, *a2);
// Now modify the original list.
qtgui_UpdatePyArgv(a0, argc, argv);
virtual ~QgsApplication();
//! Set the FileOpen event receiver
static void setFileOpenEventReceiver( QObject * receiver );
/** Set the active theme to the specified theme.
* The theme name should be a single word e.g. 'default','classic'.
* The theme search path usually will be pkgDataPath + "/themes/" + themName + "/"
* but plugin writers etc can use themeName() as a basis for searching
* for resources in their own datastores e.g. a Qt4 resource bundle.
* @note A basic test will be carried out to ensure the theme search path
* based on the supplied theme name exists. If it does not the theme name will
* be reverted to 'default'.
static void setThemeName( const QString &theThemeName );
/** Set the active theme to the specified theme.
* The theme name should be a single word e.g. 'default','classic'.
* The theme search path usually will be pkgDataPath + "/themes/" + themName + "/"
* but plugin writers etc can use this method as a basis for searching
* for resources in their own datastores e.g. a Qt4 resource bundle.
static QString themeName();
* @brief Set the current UI theme used to style the interface. Use uiThemes() to
* find valid themes to use. Variabels found in variables.qss will be added to the stylesheet
* on load.
* @param themeName The name of the theme.
* @note using an invalid theme name will reset to default
static void setUITheme( const QString &themeName );
* @brief All themes found in ~/.qgis2/themes folder.
* The path is to the root folder for the theme
* @note Valid theme folders must contain a style.qss file.
* @return A hash of theme name and theme path. Valid theme folders contain style.qss
static QHash<QString, QString> uiThemes();
//! Returns the path to the authors file.
static QString authorsFilePath();
/** Returns the path to the contributors file.
* Contributors are people who have submitted patches
* but don't have commit access. */
static QString contributorsFilePath();
/** Returns the path to the developers map file.
* The developers map was created by using leaflet framework,
* it shows the doc/contributors.json file.
* @note this function was added in version 2.7 */
static QString developersMapFilePath();
/** Returns the path to the sponsors file. */
static QString sponsorsFilePath();
/** Returns the path to the donors file. */
static QString donorsFilePath();
* Returns the path to the sponsors file.
static QString translatorsFilePath();
Returns the path to the licence file.
static QString licenceFilePath();
//! Returns the path to the help application.
static QString helpAppPath();
//! Returns the path to the translation directory.
static QString i18nPath();
//! Returns the path to the master qgis.db file.
static QString qgisMasterDbFilePath();
//! Returns the path to the settings directory in user's home dir
static QString qgisSettingsDirPath();
//! Returns the path to the user qgis.db file.
static QString qgisUserDbFilePath();
//! Returns the path to the user authentication database file: qgis-auth.db.
static QString qgisAuthDbFilePath();
//! Returns the path to the splash screen image directory.
static QString splashPath();
//! Returns the path to the icons image directory.
static QString iconsPath();
//! Returns the path to the srs.db file.
static QString srsDbFilePath();
//! Returns the pathes to svg directories.
static QStringList svgPaths();
//! Returns the pathes to composer template directories
static QStringList composerTemplatePaths();
//! Returns the system environment variables passed to application.
static QMap<QString, QString> systemEnvVars();
//! Returns the path to the application prefix directory.
static QString prefixPath();
//! Returns the path to the application plugin directory.
static QString pluginPath();
//! Returns the common root path of all application data directories.
static QString pkgDataPath();
//! Returns the path to the currently active theme directory.
static QString activeThemePath();
//! Returns the path to the default theme directory.
static QString defaultThemePath();
//! Returns path to the desired icon file.
//! First it tries to use the active theme path, then default theme path
static QString iconPath( const QString& iconFile );
//! Helper to get a theme icon. It will fall back to the
//! default theme if the active theme does not have the required icon.
static QIcon getThemeIcon( const QString &theName );
//! Helper to get a theme icon as a pixmap. It will fall back to the
//! default theme if the active theme does not have the required icon.
static QPixmap getThemePixmap( const QString &theName );
//! Returns the path to user's style.
static QString userStyleV2Path();
//! Returns the short name regular exprecience for line edit validator
static QRegExp shortNameRegExp();
//! Returns the path to user's themes folder
static QString userThemesFolder();
//! Returns the path to default style (works as a starting point).
static QString defaultStyleV2Path();
//! Returns the path to default themes folder from install (works as a starting point).
static QString defaultThemesFolder();
//! Returns the path containing qgis_core, qgis_gui, qgispython (and other) libraries
static QString libraryPath();
//! Returns the path with utility executables (help viewer, crssync, ...)
static QString libexecPath();
//! Alters prefix path - used by 3rd party apps
static void setPrefixPath( const QString &thePrefixPath, bool useDefaultPaths = false );
//! Alters plugin path - used by 3rd party apps
static void setPluginPath( const QString &thePluginPath );
//! Alters pkg data path - used by 3rd party apps
static void setPkgDataPath( const QString &thePkgDataPath );
//! Alters default svg paths - used by 3rd party apps.
static void setDefaultSvgPaths( const QStringList& pathList );
//! Alters authentication data base directory path - used by 3rd party apps
static void setAuthDbDirPath( const QString& theAuthDbDirPath );
//! loads providers
static void initQgis();
//! initialise qgis.db
static bool createDB( QString* errorMessage = 0 );
//! Create the users theme folder
static bool createThemeFolder( );
//! deletes provider registry and map layer registry
static void exitQgis();
//! get application icon
static QString appIconPath();
/** Constants for endian-ness */
enum endian_t
XDR, // network, or big-endian, byte order
NDR, // little-endian byte order
//! Returns whether this machine uses big or little endian
static endian_t endian();
/** \brief get a standard css style sheet for reports.
* Typically you will use this method by doing:
* QString myStyle = QgsApplication::reportStyleSheet();
* textBrowserReport->document()->setDefaultStyleSheet(myStyle);
* @return QString containing the CSS 2.1 compliant stylesheet.
* @note you can use the special Qt extensions too, for example
* the gradient fills for backgrounds.
static QString reportStyleSheet();
/** Convenience function to get a summary of the paths used in this
* application instance useful for debugging mainly.*/
static QString showSettings();
/** Register OGR drivers ensuring this only happens once.
* This is a workaround for an issue with older gdal versions that
* caused duplicate driver name entries to appear in the list
* of registered drivers when QgsApplication::registerOgrDrivers was called multiple
* times.
static void registerOgrDrivers();
/** Converts absolute path to path relative to target */
static QString absolutePathToRelativePath( const QString& apath, const QString& targetPath );
/** Converts path relative to target to an absolute path */
static QString relativePathToAbsolutePath( const QString& rpath, const QString& targetPath );
/** Indicates whether running from build directory (not installed) */
static bool isRunningFromBuildDir();
/** Returns path to the source directory. Valid only when running from build directory */
static QString buildSourcePath();
/** Returns path to the build output directory. Valid only when running from build directory */
static QString buildOutputPath();
/** Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to include the specified driver
* and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it. The
* driver name should be the short format of the Gdal driver name e.g. GTIFF.
static void skipGdalDriver( const QString& theDriver );
/** Sets the GDAL_SKIP environment variable to exclude the specified driver
* and then calls GDALDriverManager::AutoSkipDrivers() to unregister it. The
* driver name should be the short format of the Gdal driver name e.g. GTIFF.
static void restoreGdalDriver( const QString& theDriver );
/** Returns the list of gdal drivers that should be skipped (based on
* GDAL_SKIP environment variable)
static QStringList skippedGdalDrivers();
/** Apply the skipped drivers list to gdal
* @see skipGdalDriver
* @see restoreGdalDriver
* @see skippedGdalDrivers */
static void applyGdalSkippedDrivers();
/** Get maximum concurrent thread count
* @note added in 2.4 */
static int maxThreads();
/** Set maximum concurrent thread count
* @note must be between 1 and \#cores, -1 means use all available cores
* @note added in 2.4 */
static void setMaxThreads( int maxThreads );
//dummy method to workaround sip generation issue issue
bool x11EventFilter ( XEvent * event );
//! @note not available in python bindings
// void preNotify( QObject * receiver, QEvent * event, bool * done );