2018-09-07 00:33:13 +02:00

122 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/raster/qgsrasterpipe.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsRasterPipe
Base class for processing modules.
#include "qgsrasterpipe.h"
enum Role
Constructor for QgsRasterPipe.
bool insert( int idx, QgsRasterInterface *interface /Transfer/ );
Try to insert interface at specified index and connect
if connection would fail, the interface is not inserted and false is returned *
sipRes = sipCpp->insert( a0, a1 );
if ( !sipRes )
// if insertion failed transfer ownership back to python
PyObject *o = sipGetPyObject( a1, sipType_QgsRasterInterface );
if ( o )
sipTransferBreak( o );
bool replace( int idx, QgsRasterInterface *interface /Transfer/ );
Try to replace interface at specified index and connect
if connection would fail, the interface is not inserted and false is returned *
bool set( QgsRasterInterface *interface /Transfer/ );
Insert a new known interface in default place or replace interface of the same
role if it already exists. Known interfaces are: QgsRasterDataProvider,
:py:class:`QgsRasterRenderer`, :py:class:`QgsRasterResampleFilter`, QgsRasterProjector and their
subclasses. For unknown interfaces it mus be explicitly specified position
where it should be inserted using insert() method.
bool remove( int idx );
Remove and delete interface at given index if possible
bool remove( QgsRasterInterface *interface );
Remove and delete interface from pipe if possible
int size() const;
QgsRasterInterface *at( int idx ) const;
QgsRasterInterface *last() const;
bool setOn( int idx, bool on );
Set interface at index on/off
Returns true on success *
bool canSetOn( int idx, bool on );
Test if interface at index may be switched on/off
QgsRasterDataProvider *provider() const;
QgsRasterRenderer *renderer() const;
QgsRasterResampleFilter *resampleFilter() const;
QgsBrightnessContrastFilter *brightnessFilter() const;
QgsHueSaturationFilter *hueSaturationFilter() const;
QgsRasterProjector *projector() const;
QgsRasterNuller *nuller() const;
QgsRasterPipe( const QgsRasterPipe &pipe );
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/raster/qgsrasterpipe.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *