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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgssnappingconfig.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsSnappingConfig
This is a container for configuration of the snapping of the project
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgssnappingconfig.h"
enum SnappingMode
enum SnappingType
class IndividualLayerSettings
This is a container of advanced configuration (per layer) of the snapping of the project
.. versionadded:: 3.0
#include "qgssnappingconfig.h"
IndividualLayerSettings( bool enabled, QgsSnappingConfig::SnappingType type, double tolerance, QgsTolerance::UnitType units );
:param enabled:
:param type:
:param tolerance:
:param units:
Constructs an invalid setting
bool valid() const;
return if settings are valid
bool enabled() const;
return if snapping is enabled
void setEnabled( bool enabled );
enables the snapping
QgsSnappingConfig::SnappingType type() const;
return the type (vertices and/or segments)
void setType( QgsSnappingConfig::SnappingType type );
define the type of snapping
double tolerance() const;
return the tolerance
void setTolerance( double tolerance );
set the tolerance
QgsTolerance::UnitType units() const;
return the type of units
void setUnits( QgsTolerance::UnitType units );
set the type of units
bool operator!= ( const QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings &other ) const;
Compare this configuration to other.
bool operator== ( const QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings &other ) const;
explicit QgsSnappingConfig( QgsProject *project = 0 );
Constructor with default parameters defined in global settings
bool operator==( const QgsSnappingConfig &other ) const;
void reset();
reset to default values
bool enabled() const;
return if snapping is enabled
void setEnabled( bool enabled );
enables the snapping
SnappingMode mode() const;
return the mode (all layers, active layer, per layer settings)
void setMode( SnappingMode mode );
define the mode of snapping
SnappingType type() const;
return the type (vertices and/or segments)
void setType( SnappingType type );
define the type of snapping
double tolerance() const;
return the tolerance
void setTolerance( double tolerance );
set the tolerance
QgsTolerance::UnitType units() const;
return the type of units
void setUnits( QgsTolerance::UnitType units );
set the type of units
bool intersectionSnapping() const;
return if the snapping on intersection is enabled
void setIntersectionSnapping( bool enabled );
set if the snapping on intersection is enabled
SIP_PYDICT individualLayerSettings() const;
return individual snapping settings for all layers
// Create the dictionary.
PyObject *d = PyDict_New();
if ( !d )
return nullptr;
// Set the dictionary elements.
QHash<QgsVectorLayer *, QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings> container = sipCpp->individualLayerSettings();
QHash<QgsVectorLayer *, QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings>::const_iterator i = container.constBegin();
while ( i != container.constEnd() )
QgsVectorLayer *vl = i.key();
QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings *ils = new QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings( i.value() );
PyObject *vlobj = sipConvertFromType( vl, sipType_QgsVectorLayer, nullptr );
PyObject *ilsobj = sipConvertFromType( ils, sipType_QgsSnappingConfig_IndividualLayerSettings, Py_None );
if ( !vlobj || !ilsobj || PyDict_SetItem( d, vlobj, ilsobj ) < 0 )
Py_DECREF( d );
if ( vlobj )
Py_DECREF( vlobj );
if ( ilsobj )
Py_DECREF( ilsobj );
delete ils;
PyErr_SetString( PyExc_StopIteration, "" );
Py_DECREF( vlobj );
Py_DECREF( ilsobj );
sipRes = d;
QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings individualLayerSettings( QgsVectorLayer *vl ) const;
return individual layer snappings settings (applied if mode is AdvancedConfiguration)
void setIndividualLayerSettings( QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QgsSnappingConfig::IndividualLayerSettings &individualLayerSettings );
set individual layer snappings settings (applied if mode is AdvancedConfiguration)
bool operator!= ( const QgsSnappingConfig &other ) const;
Compare this configuration to other.
void readProject( const QDomDocument &doc );
Reads the configuration from the specified QGIS project document.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
void writeProject( QDomDocument &doc );
Writes the configuration to the specified QGIS project document.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
bool addLayers( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers );
Adds the specified layers as individual layers to the configuration
with standard configuration.
When implementing a long-living QgsSnappingConfig (like the one in QgsProject)
it is best to directly feed this with information from the layer registry.
:return: True if changes have been done.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
bool removeLayers( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers );
Removes the specified layers from the individual layer configuration.
When implementing a long-living QgsSnappingConfig (like the one in QgsProject)
it is best to directly feed this with information from the layer registry.
:return: True if changes have been done.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
QgsProject *project() const;
The project from which the snapped layers should be retrieved
.. versionadded:: 3.0
void setProject( QgsProject *project );
The project from which the snapped layers should be retrieved
.. versionadded:: 3.0
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/qgssnappingconfig.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *