Stéphane Brunner c9f0d83aaf The plugin define the following methods:
* layerFilterExpression
  Return an additional filter, used in
  WMS/GetMap, WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature to filter the features
* layerFilterSubsetString
  Return an additional the subset string (typically SQL) filter.
  Faster than the layerFilterExpression but not supported on all the
  type of layer
* layerPermissions
  Change the rights on the layer per user (known by the plugin)
  Concern rights: publish, insert, update, delete.
  Mostly used in WFS/Transaction, and the publish in all requests.
* authorizedLayerAttributes
  Be able to show some attributes only for a subset of user
  Used in: WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature
* allowToEdit
  Be able to don't allow to edit a particular feature, in our case base
  on the Geometry
  Used in: WFS/Transaction
* cacheKey
  Cache key to used to create the capabilities cache, "" for no cache,
  shouldn't contains any "-", default to ""
2015-11-18 14:49:43 +01:00

59 lines
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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:smspillaz/cmake-3.0.2 -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kedazo/doxygen-updates-precise -y # For doxygen 1.8.8
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bison \
cmake \
cmake-data \
doxygen \
flex \
git \
graphviz \
grass-dev \
grass7-dev \
libexpat1-dev \
libfcgi-dev \
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libgsl0-dev \
libpq-dev \
libproj-dev \
libqca2-dev \
libqca2-plugin-ossl \
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libspatialindex-dev \
libspatialite-dev \
libsqlite3-dev \
lighttpd \
pkg-config \
poppler-utils \
pyqt4-dev-tools \
python \
python-dev \
python-qt4 \
python-qt4-dev \
python-qt4-sql \
python-sip \
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python-gdal \
spawn-fcgi \
txt2tags \
xauth \
xfonts-100dpi \
xfonts-75dpi \
xfonts-base \
xfonts-scalable \
xvfb \
postgresql-9.1-postgis-2.1/precise # from ubuntugis-unstable, not pgdg
cmake --version
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