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406 lines
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Executable File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# fTools
# Copyright (C) 2009 Carson Farmer
# EMAIL: carson.farmer (at) gmail.com
# WEB : http://www.ftools.ca/fTools.html
# A collection of data management and analysis tools for vector data
# Geoprocessing functions adapted from 'Geoprocessing Plugin',
# (C) 2008 by Dr. Horst Duester, Stefan Ziegler
# licensed under the terms of GNU GPL 2
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from qgis.core import *
import resources_rc
import os.path, sys
# Set up current path, so that we know where to look for mudules
currentPath = os.path.dirname( __file__ )
sys.path.append( os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__) + '/tools' ) )
# Multi-function modules
import doGeometry, doGeoprocessing, doVisual
# Single function modules
# TODO: Eliminate the following modules in favour of above multi-function formats
import doIntersectLines, doJoinAttributes, doSelectByLocation, doVectorSplit, doMeanCoords
import doPointDistance, doPointsInPolygon, doRandom, doRandPoints, doRegPoints, doDefineProj
import doReProject, doSpatialJoin, doSubsetSelect, doSumLines, doVectorGrid, doMergeShapes
import doAbout
class fToolsPlugin:
def __init__( self,iface ):
self.iface = iface
self.QgisVersion = unicode( QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT )
self.QgisVersion = unicode( QGis.qgisVersion )[ 0 ]
def getThemeIcon( self, icon ):
settings = QSettings()
pluginPath = QString( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) )
themePath = QString( "icons" ) + QDir.separator() + QString( settings.value( "/Themes" ).toString() ) + QDir.separator() + QString( icon)
defaultPath = QString( "icons" ) + QDir.separator() + QString( "default" ) + QDir.separator() + QString( icon )
if QFile.exists( pluginPath + QDir.separator() + themePath ):
return QIcon( ":" + themePath )
elif QFile.exists( pluginPath + QDir.separator() + defaultPath ):
return QIcon( ":" + defaultPath )
return QIcon()
def updateThemeIcons( self, theme ):
self.analysisMenu.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "analysis.png" ) ) )
self.distMatrix.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "matrix.png" ) ) )
self.sumLines.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "sum_lines.png" ) ) )
self.pointsPoly.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "sum_points.png" ) ) )
self.compStats.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "basic_statistics.png" ) ) )
self.listUnique.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "unique.png" ) ) )
self.nearestNeigh.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "neighbour.png" ) ) )
self.meanCoords.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "mean.png" ) ) )
self.intLines.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "intersections.png" ) ) )
self.researchMenu.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "sampling.png" ) ) )
self.randSel.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "random_selection.png" ) ) )
self.randSub.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "sub_selection.png" ) ) )
self.randPoints.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "random_points.png" ) ) )
self.regPoints.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "regular_points.png" ) ) )
self.vectGrid.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "vector_grid.png" ) ) )
self.selectLocation.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "select_location.png" ) ) )
self.layerExtent.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "layer_extent.png" ) ) )
self.geoMenu.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "geoprocessing.png" ) ) )
self.minConvex.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "convex_hull.png" ) ) )
self.dynaBuffer.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "buffer.png" ) ) )
self.intersect.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "intersect.png" ) ) )
self.union.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "union.png" ) ) )
self.symDifference.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "sym_difference.png" ) ) )
self.clip.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "clip.png" ) ) )
self.dissolve.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "dissolve.png" ) ) )
self.erase.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "difference.png" ) ) )
self.conversionMenu.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "geometry.png" ) ) )
self.compGeo.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "export_geometry.png") ) )
self.checkGeom.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "check_geometry.png") ) )
self.centroids.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "centroids.png") ) )
self.delaunay.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "delaunay.png") ) )
self.extNodes.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "extract_nodes.png") ) )
self.simplify.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "simplify.png") ) )
self.multiToSingle.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "multi_to_single.png") ) )
self.singleToMulti.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "single_to_multi.png") ) )
self.polysToLines.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "to_lines.png") ) )
self.dataManageMenu.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "management.png") ) )
self.project.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "export_projection.png") ) )
self.define.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "define_projection.png" ) ) )
self.joinAttr.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "join_attributes.png" ) ) )
self.spatJoin.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "join_location.png" ) ) )
self.splitVect.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "split_layer.png" ) ) )
self.mergeShapes.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "merge_shapes.png" ) ) )
self.ftools_aboot.setIcon( QIcon( self.getThemeIcon( "ftools_logo.png" ) ) )
def initGui( self ):
if int( self.QgisVersion ) < 1:
QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.getMainWindow(), "fTools",
QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Quantum GIS version detected: " ) +unicode( self.QgisVersion )+".xx\n"
+ QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "This version of fTools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0\nPlugin will not be enabled." ) )
return None
QObject.connect( self.iface, SIGNAL( "currentThemeChanged ( QString )" ), self.updateThemeIcons )
self.menu = QMenu()
self.menu.setTitle( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "&Vector" ) )
self.analysisMenu = QMenu( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "&Analysis Tools" ) )
self.distMatrix = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Distance matrix" ),self.iface.mainWindow( ) )
self.sumLines = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Sum line lengths" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.pointsPoly = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Points in polygon" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.compStats = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Basic statistics" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.listUnique = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "List unique values" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.nearestNeigh = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Nearest neighbour analysis" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.meanCoords = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Mean coordinate(s)" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.intLines = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Line intersections" ) ,self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.analysisMenu.addActions( [ self.distMatrix, self.sumLines, self.pointsPoly,
self.listUnique, self.compStats, self.nearestNeigh, self.meanCoords, self.intLines ] )
self.researchMenu = QMenu( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "&Research Tools" ) )
self.randSel = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Random selection" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.randSub = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Random selection within subsets" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.randPoints = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Random points" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.regPoints = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Regular points" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.vectGrid = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Vector grid" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.selectLocation = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Select by location" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.layerExtent = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Polygon from layer extent" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.researchMenu.addActions( [ self.randSel, self.randSub, self.randPoints,
self.regPoints, self.vectGrid, self.selectLocation, self.layerExtent ] )
self.geoMenu = QMenu( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "&Geoprocessing Tools" ) )
self.minConvex = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Convex hull(s)" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.dynaBuffer = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Buffer(s)" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.intersect = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Intersect" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.union = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Union" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.symDifference = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Symetrical difference" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.clip = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Clip" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.dissolve = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Dissolve" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.erase = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Difference" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.geoMenu.addActions( [ self.minConvex, self.dynaBuffer, self.intersect,
self.union, self.symDifference, self.clip, self.erase, self.dissolve ] )
self.conversionMenu = QMenu( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "G&eometry Tools" ) )
self.compGeo = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Export/Add geometry columns" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.checkGeom = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Check geometry validity" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.centroids = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Polygon centroids" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.delaunay = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Delaunay triangulation" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.extNodes = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Extract nodes" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.simplify = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Simplify geometries" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.multiToSingle = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Multipart to singleparts" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.singleToMulti = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Singleparts to multipart" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.polysToLines = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Polygons to lines" ),self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.conversionMenu.addActions( [ self.checkGeom, self.compGeo, self.centroids, self.delaunay,
self.simplify, self.multiToSingle, self.singleToMulti, self.polysToLines, self.extNodes] )
self.dataManageMenu = QMenu( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "&Data Management Tools") )
self.project = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Export to new projection" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.define = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Define current projection" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.joinAttr = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Join attributes" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.spatJoin = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Join attributes by location" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.splitVect = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Split vector layer" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.mergeShapes = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "Merge shapefiles to one" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.dataManageMenu.addActions( [ self.project, self.define, self.joinAttr, self.spatJoin, self.splitVect, self.mergeShapes ] )
self.ftools_aboot = QAction( QCoreApplication.translate( "fTools", "fTools Information" ), self.iface.mainWindow() )
self.updateThemeIcons( "theme" )
self.menu.addMenu( self.analysisMenu )
self.menu.addMenu( self.researchMenu )
self.menu.addMenu( self.geoMenu )
self.menu.addMenu( self.conversionMenu )
self.menu.addMenu( self.dataManageMenu )
self.menu.addAction( self.ftools_aboot )
menu_bar = self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar()
actions = menu_bar.actions()
lastAction = actions[ len( actions ) - 1 ]
menu_bar.insertMenu( lastAction, self.menu )
QObject.connect( self.distMatrix, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dodistMatrix )
QObject.connect( self.sumLines, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dosumLines )
QObject.connect( self.pointsPoly, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dopointsPoly )
QObject.connect( self.compStats, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.docompStats )
QObject.connect( self.listUnique, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dolistUnique )
QObject.connect( self.nearestNeigh, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.donearestNeigh )
QObject.connect( self.meanCoords, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.domeanCoords )
QObject.connect( self.intLines, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dointLines )
QObject.connect( self.randSel, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dorandSel )
QObject.connect( self.randSub, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dorandSub )
QObject.connect( self.randPoints, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dorandPoints )
QObject.connect( self.regPoints, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doregPoints )
QObject.connect( self.vectGrid, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dovectGrid )
QObject.connect( self.selectLocation, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doselectLocation )
QObject.connect( self.layerExtent, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doextent )
QObject.connect( self.minConvex, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dominConvex )
QObject.connect( self.intersect, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dointersect )
QObject.connect( self.dissolve, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dodissolve )
QObject.connect( self.symDifference, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dosymdifference )
QObject.connect( self.erase, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doerase )
QObject.connect( self.union, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dounion )
QObject.connect( self.clip, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doclip )
QObject.connect( self.dynaBuffer, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dodynaBuffer )
QObject.connect( self.multiToSingle, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.domultiToSingle )
QObject.connect( self.singleToMulti, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dosingleToMulti )
QObject.connect( self.checkGeom, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.docheckGeom )
QObject.connect( self.simplify, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dosimplify )
QObject.connect( self.centroids, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.docentroids )
QObject.connect( self.delaunay, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dodelaunay )
QObject.connect( self.polysToLines, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dopolysToLines )
QObject.connect( self.compGeo, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.docompGeo )
QObject.connect( self.extNodes, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doextNodes )
QObject.connect( self.project, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doproject )
QObject.connect( self.define, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dodefine )
QObject.connect( self.joinAttr, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dojoinAttr )
QObject.connect( self.spatJoin, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dospatJoin )
QObject.connect( self.splitVect, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.dosplitVect )
QObject.connect( self.mergeShapes, SIGNAL( "triggered()" ), self.doMergeShapes )
QObject.connect( self.ftools_aboot, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doaboot )
def unload( self ):
def dosimplify( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 6 )
def dopolysToLines( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 4 )
def docheckGeom( self ):
d = doVisual.VisualDialog( self.iface, 1 )
def domultiToSingle( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 2 )
def dosingleToMulti( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 1 )
def doselectLocation( self ):
d = doSelectByLocation.Dialog( self.iface )
def domeanCoords( self ):
d = doMeanCoords.Dialog( self.iface, 1 )
def dominConvex( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 2 )
def dodynaBuffer( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 1 )
def dointersect( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 5 )
def dodissolve( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 4 )
def doerase( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 3 )
def dosymdifference( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 7 )
def dounion( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 6 )
def doclip( self):
d = doGeoprocessing.GeoprocessingDialog( self.iface, 8 )
def donearestNeigh( self ):
d = doVisual.VisualDialog( self.iface, 4 )
def dodistMatrix( self ):
d = doPointDistance.Dialog( self.iface )
def docentroids( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 7 )
def dodelaunay( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 8 )
def doextent( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 9 )
def dosumLines(self):
d = doSumLines.Dialog(self.iface)
def dopointsPoly( self ):
d = doPointsInPolygon.Dialog( self.iface )
def dorandSel( self ):
d = doRandom.Dialog( self.iface )
def dorandSub( self ):
d = doSubsetSelect.Dialog( self.iface )
def dorandPoints( self ):
d = doRandPoints.Dialog( self.iface )
def doregPoints( self ):
d = doRegPoints.Dialog( self.iface )
def dovectGrid( self ):
d = doVectorGrid.Dialog( self.iface )
def doextNodes( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 3 )
def dointLines( self ):
d = doIntersectLines.Dialog( self.iface )
def dosplitVect( self ):
d = doVectorSplit.Dialog( self.iface )
def docompGeo( self ):
d = doGeometry.GeometryDialog( self.iface, 5 )
def dolistUnique( self ):
d = doVisual.VisualDialog( self.iface, 2 )
def docompStats( self ):
d = doVisual.VisualDialog( self.iface, 3 )
def doproject( self ):
d = doReProject.Dialog( self.iface )
def dodefine( self ):
d = doDefineProj.Dialog( self.iface )
def dojoinAttr( self ):
d = doJoinAttributes.Dialog( self.iface )
def dospatJoin( self ):
d = doSpatialJoin.Dialog( self.iface )
def doMergeShapes( self ):
d = doMergeShapes.Dialog( self.iface )
def doaboot( self ):
d = doAbout.Dialog( self.iface )