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synced 2025-03-03 00:02:25 -05:00
272 lines
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272 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# creates a new release
# Copyright (C) 2014 Jürgen E. Fischer <jef@norbit.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use POSIX;
my $dryrun;
sub updateCMakeLists($$$$) {
my($major,$minor,$patch,$release) = @_;
if( $dryrun ) {
print "DRYRUN: Update CMakeLists.txt to $major.$minor.$patch ($release)\n";
rename "CMakeLists.txt", "CMakeLists.txt.orig" or die "cannot rename CMakeLists.txt: $!";
open I, "CMakeLists.txt.orig";
open O, ">CMakeLists.txt" or die "cannot create CMakeLists.txt: $!";
while(<I>) {
s/SET\(RELEASE_NAME "(.+)"\)/SET(RELEASE_NAME "$release")/;
print O;
close O;
close I;
sub run($$) {
my($cmd, $errmsg) = @_;
if( $dryrun ) {
print "DRYRUN: $cmd\n";
} elsif( system($cmd) != 0 ) {
print STDERR "error: $errmsg [$?]";
exit 1;
my $newreleasename;
my $help;
my $domajor;
my $dominor;
my $dopoint;
my $doltr = 0;
my $dopremajor = 0;
my $skipts = 0;
my $result = GetOptions(
"major" => \$domajor,
"minor" => \$dominor,
"point" => \$dopoint,
"releasename=s" => \$newreleasename,
"help" => \$help,
"ltr" => \$doltr,
"dryrun" => \$dryrun,
"premajor" => \$dopremajor,
"skipts" => \$skipts,
pod2usage(1) if $help;
my $i = 0;
$i++ if defined $domajor;
$i++ if defined $dominor;
$i++ if defined $dopoint;
pod2usage("Exactly one of -major, -minor or -point expected") if $i!=1;
pod2usage("Release name for major and minor releases expected") if !$dopoint && !defined $newreleasename;
pod2usage("Pre-major releases can only be minor releases") if $dopremajor && !$dominor;
pod2usage("No CMakeLists.txt in current directory") unless -r "CMakeLists.txt";
my $major;
my $minor;
my $patch;
my $releasename;
open F, "CMakeLists.txt";
while(<F>) {
$major = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "(\d+)"\)/) {
$minor = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "(\d+)"\)/) {
$patch = $1;
} elsif(/SET\(RELEASE_NAME \"(.*)\"\)/) {
$releasename = $1;
close F;
my $branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null`;
$branch =~ s/\s+$//;
pod2usage("Not on a branch") unless $branch;
pod2usage("Current branch is $branch. master or a release branch expected") if $branch !~ /^(master.*|release-(\d+)_(\d+))$/;
pod2usage("Version mismatch ($2.$3) in branch $branch vs. $major.$minor in CMakeLists.txt)") if $branch !~ /master/ && ( $major != $2 || $minor != $3 );
pod2usage("Release name Master expected on master branch" ) if $branch =~ /^master/ && $releasename ne "Master";
if( $branch =~ /^master.*/ ) {
pod2usage("No point releases on master branch") if $dopoint;
pod2usage("No new release name for major/minor release") unless $newreleasename || $newreleasename eq $releasename;
} else {
pod2usage("Only point releases on release branches") if !$dopoint;
pod2usage("New release names only for new minor releases") if $newreleasename;
$newreleasename = $releasename;
my $newmajor;
my $newminor;
my $newpatch;
if( $domajor ) {
$newmajor = $major + 1;
$newminor = 0;
$newpatch = 0;
} elsif( $dominor ) {
$newmajor = $major;
$newminor = $minor + 1;
$newpatch = 0;
} elsif( $dopoint ) {
$newmajor = $major;
$newminor = $minor;
$newpatch = $patch + 1;
} else {
pod2usage("No version change");
my $splashwidth;
unless( $dopoint ) {
pod2usage("Splash images/splash/splash-$newmajor.$newminor.png not found") unless -r "images/splash/splash-$newmajor.$newminor.png";
pod2usage("NSIS image ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-$newmajor.$newminor.png not found") unless -r "ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-$newmajor.$newminor.png";
my $welcomeformat = `identify -format '%wx%h %m' ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-$newmajor.$newminor.png`;
pod2usage("NSIS Image ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-$newmajor.$newminor.png mis-sized [$welcomeformat vs. 164x314 BMP3]") unless $welcomeformat =~ /^164x314 /;
print "Last pull rebase...\n";
run( "git pull --rebase", "git pull rebase failed" );
my $release = "$newmajor.$newminor";
my $version = "$release.$newpatch";
my $relbranch = "release-${newmajor}_${newminor}";
my $ltrtag = $doltr ? "ltr-${newmajor}_${newminor}" : "";
my $reltag = "final-${newmajor}_${newminor}_${newpatch}";
unless( $skipts ) {
print "Pulling transifex translations...\n";
run( "scripts/pull_ts.sh", "pull_ts.sh failed" );
run( "git add i18n/*.ts", "adding translations failed" );
run( "git commit -n -a -m \"translation update for $version from transifex\"", "could not commit translation updates" );
} else {
print "Updating changelog...\n";
run( "scripts/create_changelog.sh", "create_changelog.sh failed" );
run( "perl -i -pe 's#<releases>#<releases>\n <release version=\"$newmajor.$newminor.$newpatch\" date=\"" . strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime) . "\" />#' linux/org.qgis.qgis.appdata.xml.in", "appdata update failed" );
unless( $dopoint ) {
run( "scripts/update-news.pl $newmajor.$newminor '$newreleasename'", "could not update news" ) if $major>2 || ($major==2 && $minor>14);
run( "git commit -n -a -m \"changelog and news update for $release\"", "could not commit changelog and news update" );
print "Creating and checking out branch...\n";
run( "git checkout -b $relbranch", "git checkout release branch failed" );
print "Updating version...\n";
run( "dch -r ''", "dch failed" );
run( "dch --newversion $version 'Release of $version'", "dch failed" );
run( "cp debian/changelog /tmp", "backup changelog failed" );
unless( $dopoint ) {
run( "perl -i -pe 's/qgis-dev-deps/qgis-ltr-deps/;' doc/msvc.t2t", "could not update osgeo4w deps package" ) if $doltr;
run( "perl -i -pe 's/qgis-dev-deps/qgis-rel-deps/;' doc/msvc.t2t", "could not update osgeo4w deps package" ) unless $doltr;
run( "txt2tags --encoding=utf-8 -odoc/INSTALL.html -t html doc/INSTALL.t2t", "could not update INSTALL.html" );
run( "txt2tags --encoding=utf-8 -oINSTALL -t txt doc/INSTALL.t2t", "could not update INSTALL" );
run( "cp -v images/splash/splash-$newmajor.$newminor.png images/splash/splash.png", "splash png switch failed" );
run( "convert -resize 164x314 ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-$newmajor.$newminor.png BMP3:ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage.bmp", "installer bitmap switch failed" );
run( "git commit -n -a -m 'Release of $release ($newreleasename)'", "release commit failed" );
run( "git tag $reltag -m 'Version $release'", "release tag failed" );
} else {
run( "git commit -n -a -m 'Release of $version'", "release commit failed" );
run( "git tag $reltag -m 'Version $version'", "tag failed" );
run( "git tag $ltrtag -m 'Long term release $release'", "ltr tag failed" ) if $doltr;
print "Producing archive...\n";
run( "git archive --format tar --prefix=qgis-$version/ $reltag | bzip2 -c >qgis-$version.tar.bz2", "git archive failed" );
run( "sha256sum qgis-$version.tar.bz2 >qgis-$version.tar.bz2.sha256", "sha256sum failed" );
my @topush;
unless( $dopoint ) {
print "Updating master...\n";
run( "git checkout $branch", "checkout master failed" );
if($dopremajor) {
print " Creating master_$newmajor...\n";
run( "git checkout -b master_$newmajor", "checkout master_$newmajor failed" );
run( "cp /tmp/changelog debian", "restore changelog failed" );
run( "dch -r ''", "dch failed" );
run( "dch --newversion $newmajor.$newminor.0 'New development version $newmajor.$newminor after branch of $release'", "dch failed" );
run( "git commit -n -a -m 'New development branch for interim $newmajor.x releases'", "bump version failed" );
push @topush, "master_$newmajor";
run( "git checkout master", "checkout master failed" );
run( "cp /tmp/changelog debian", "restore changelog failed" );
run( "dch -r ''", "dch failed" );
run( "dch --newversion $newmajor.$newminor.0 'New development version $newmajor.$newminor after branch of $release'", "dch failed" );
run( "git commit -n -a -m 'Bump version to $newmajor.$newminor'", "bump version failed" );
push @topush, $branch;
push @topush, $relbranch;
my $topush = join(" ", @topush);
print "Push dry-run...\n";
run( "git push -n --follow-tags origin $topush", "push dry run failed" );
print "Now manually push and upload the tar balls:\n\tgit push --follow-tags origin $topush\n\trsync qgis-$version.tar.bz2* ssh.qgis.org:/var/www/downloads/\n\n";
=head1 NAME
release.pl - create a new release
release.pl {{-major|-minor [-premajor]} [-skipts] -releasename=releasename|-point} [-ltr]
-major do a new major release
-minor do a new minor release
-point do a new point release
-releasename=name new release name for master/minor release
-ltr new release is a long term release
-dryrun just echo but don't run any commands
-skipts skip transifex update
-premajor branch off a second "master" branch before
a major release
Major and minor releases also require a new splash screen
images/splash/splash-M.N.png and bitmap for the NSIS
installer ms-windows/Installer-Files/WelcomeFinishPage-M.N.bmp.
A pre-major minor release also produces a second branch
master_$currentmajor to allow more interim minor releases
while the new major version is being developed in master.
For that the minor version of the master branch leading
to the next major release is bumped to 999.