mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:02:25 -04:00
1928 lines
62 KiB
1928 lines
62 KiB
begin : May 14, 2006
copyright : (C) 2006 by Marco Hugentobler & Ionut Iosifescu Enescu
email : marco dot hugentobler at karto dot baug dot ethz dot ch
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgswmsserver.h"
#include "qgsconfigparser.h"
#include "qgsepsgcache.h"
#include "qgsfield.h"
#include "qgsgeometry.h"
#include "qgsmaplayer.h"
#include "qgsmaplayerregistry.h"
#include "qgsmaprenderer.h"
#include "qgsmaptopixel.h"
#include "qgspallabeling.h"
#include "qgsproject.h"
#include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
#include "qgsscalecalculator.h"
#include "qgscoordinatereferencesystem.h"
#include "qgsvectordataprovider.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include "qgsmapserviceexception.h"
#include "qgssldparser.h"
#include "qgssymbol.h"
#include "qgssymbolv2.h"
#include "qgsrenderer.h"
#include "qgslegendmodel.h"
#include "qgscomposerlegenditem.h"
#include "qgslogger.h"
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDir>
//for printing
#include "qgscomposition.h"
#include <QBuffer>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QSvgGenerator>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QPaintEngine>
QgsWMSServer::QgsWMSServer( std::map<QString, QString> parameters, QgsMapRenderer* renderer )
: mParameterMap( parameters )
, mConfigParser( 0 )
, mMapRenderer( renderer )
QDomDocument QgsWMSServer::getCapabilities()
QgsDebugMsg( "Entering." );
QDomDocument doc;
//wms:WMS_Capabilities element
QDomElement wmsCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "WMS_Capabilities"/*wms:WMS_Capabilities*/ );
wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns", "http://www.opengis.net/wms" );
wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" );
wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "xsi:schemaLocation", "http://www.opengis.net/wms http://schemas.opengis.net/wms/1.3.0/capabilities_1_3_0.xsd" );
wmsCapabilitiesElement.setAttribute( "version", "1.3.0" );
doc.appendChild( wmsCapabilitiesElement );
if ( mConfigParser )
mConfigParser->serviceCapabilities( wmsCapabilitiesElement, doc );
//wms:Capability element
QDomElement capabilityElement = doc.createElement( "Capability"/*wms:Capability*/ );
wmsCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilityElement );
//wms:Request element
QDomElement requestElement = doc.createElement( "Request"/*wms:Request*/ );
capabilityElement.appendChild( requestElement );
QDomElement getCapabilitiesElement = doc.createElement( "GetCapabilities"/*wms:GetCapabilities*/ );
requestElement.appendChild( getCapabilitiesElement );
QDomElement capabilitiesFormatElement = doc.createElement( "Format" );/*wms:Format*/
getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( capabilitiesFormatElement );
QDomText capabilitiesFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/xml" );
capabilitiesFormatElement.appendChild( capabilitiesFormatText );
QDomElement dcpTypeElement = doc.createElement( "DCPType"/*wms:DCPType*/ );
getCapabilitiesElement.appendChild( dcpTypeElement );
QDomElement httpElement = doc.createElement( "HTTP"/*wms:HTTP*/ );
dcpTypeElement.appendChild( httpElement );
//Prepare url
//Some client requests already have http://<SERVER_NAME> in the REQUEST_URI variable
QString hrefString;
QString requestUrl = getenv( "REQUEST_URI" );
QUrl mapUrl( requestUrl );
mapUrl.setHost( QString( getenv( "SERVER_NAME" ) ) );
//Add non-default ports to url
QString portString = getenv( "SERVER_PORT" );
if ( !portString.isEmpty() )
bool portOk;
int portNumber = portString.toInt( &portOk );
if ( portOk )
if ( portNumber != 80 )
mapUrl.setPort( portNumber );
if ( QString( getenv( "HTTPS" ) ).compare( "on", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
mapUrl.setScheme( "https" );
mapUrl.setScheme( "http" );
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > queryItems = mapUrl.queryItems();
QList<QPair<QString, QString> >::const_iterator queryIt = queryItems.constBegin();
for ( ; queryIt != queryItems.constEnd(); ++queryIt )
if ( queryIt->first.compare( "REQUEST", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
else if ( queryIt->first.compare( "VERSION", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
else if ( queryIt->first.compare( "SERVICE", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
else if ( queryIt->first.compare( "_DC", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
mapUrl.removeQueryItem( queryIt->first );
hrefString = mapUrl.toString();
// SOAP platform
//only give this information if it is not a WMS request to be in sync with the WMS capabilities schema
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator service_it = mParameterMap.find( "SERVICE" );
if ( service_it != mParameterMap.end() && service_it->second.compare( "WMS", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
QDomElement soapElement = doc.createElement( "SOAP"/*wms:SOAP*/ );
httpElement.appendChild( soapElement );
QDomElement soapResourceElement = doc.createElement( "OnlineResource"/*wms:OnlineResource*/ );
soapResourceElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" );
soapResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" );
soapResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:href", hrefString );
soapElement.appendChild( soapResourceElement );
//only Get supported for the moment
QDomElement getElement = doc.createElement( "Get"/*wms:Get*/ );
httpElement.appendChild( getElement );
QDomElement olResourceElement = doc.createElement( "OnlineResource"/*wms:OnlineResource*/ );
olResourceElement.setAttribute( "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" );
olResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" );
requestUrl.truncate( requestUrl.indexOf( "?" ) + 1 );
olResourceElement.setAttribute( "xlink:href", hrefString );
getElement.appendChild( olResourceElement );
// POST already used by SOAP
// QDomElement postElement = doc.createElement("post"/*wms:SOAP*/);
// httpElement.appendChild(postElement);
// QDomElement postResourceElement = doc.createElement("OnlineResource"/*wms:OnlineResource*/);
// postResourceElement.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink","http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
// postResourceElement.setAttribute("xlink:type","simple");
// postResourceElement.setAttribute("xlink:href", "http://" + QString(getenv("SERVER_NAME")) + QString(getenv("REQUEST_URI")));
// postElement.appendChild(postResourceElement);
// dcpTypeElement.appendChild(postElement);
QDomElement getMapElement = doc.createElement( "GetMap"/*wms:GetMap*/ );
requestElement.appendChild( getMapElement );
QDomElement jpgFormatElement = doc.createElement( "Format"/*wms:Format*/ );
QDomText jpgFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "image/jpeg" );
jpgFormatElement.appendChild( jpgFormatText );
getMapElement.appendChild( jpgFormatElement );
QDomElement pngFormatElement = doc.createElement( "Format"/*wms:Format*/ );
QDomText pngFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "image/png" );
pngFormatElement.appendChild( pngFormatText );
getMapElement.appendChild( pngFormatElement );
QDomElement getMapDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
getMapElement.appendChild( getMapDhcTypeElement );
QDomElement getFeatureInfoElem = doc.createElement( "GetFeatureInfo" );
QDomElement textFormatElem = doc.createElement( "Format" );
QDomText textFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/plain" );
textFormatElem.appendChild( textFormatText );
getFeatureInfoElem.appendChild( textFormatElem );
QDomElement htmlFormatElem = doc.createElement( "Format" );
QDomText htmlFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/html" );
htmlFormatElem.appendChild( htmlFormatText );
getFeatureInfoElem.appendChild( htmlFormatElem );
QDomElement xmlFormatElem = doc.createElement( "Format" );
QDomText xmlFormatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/xml" );
xmlFormatElem.appendChild( xmlFormatText );
getFeatureInfoElem.appendChild( xmlFormatElem );
QDomElement getFeatureInfoDhcTypeElement = dcpTypeElement.cloneNode().toElement();//this is the same as for 'GetCapabilities'
getFeatureInfoElem.appendChild( getFeatureInfoDhcTypeElement );
requestElement.appendChild( getFeatureInfoElem );
//Exception element is mandatory
QDomElement exceptionElement = doc.createElement( "Exception" );
QDomElement exFormatElement = doc.createElement( "Format" );
QDomText formatText = doc.createTextNode( "text/xml" );
exFormatElement.appendChild( formatText );
exceptionElement.appendChild( exFormatElement );
capabilityElement.appendChild( exceptionElement );
//Insert <ComposerTemplate> elements derived from wms:_ExtendedCapabilities
if ( mConfigParser )
mConfigParser->printCapabilities( capabilityElement, doc );
//add the xml content for the individual layers/styles
QgsDebugMsg( "calling layersAndStylesCapabilities" );
if ( mConfigParser )
mConfigParser->layersAndStylesCapabilities( capabilityElement, doc );
QgsDebugMsg( "layersAndStylesCapabilities returned" );
#if 0
//for debugging: save the document to disk
QFile capabilitiesFile( QDir::tempPath() + "/capabilities.txt" );
if ( capabilitiesFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
QTextStream capabilitiesStream( &capabilitiesFile );
doc.save( capabilitiesStream, 4 );
return doc;
QImage* QgsWMSServer::getLegendGraphics()
if ( !mConfigParser || !mMapRenderer )
return false;
QStringList layersList, stylesList;
if ( readLayersAndStyles( layersList, stylesList ) != 0 )
QgsDebugMsg( "error reading layers and styles" );
return 0;
if ( layersList.size() < 1 )
return 0;
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem dummyCRS;
QStringList layerIds = layerSet( layersList, stylesList, dummyCRS );
QgsLegendModel legendModel;
legendModel.setLayerSet( layerIds );
//create first image (to find out dpi)
QImage* theImage = createImage( 10, 10 );
if ( !theImage )
return 0;
double mmToPixelFactor = theImage->dotsPerMeterX() / 1000;
//get icon size, spaces between legend items and font from config parser
double boxSpace, layerSpace, symbolSpace, iconLabelSpace, symbolWidth, symbolHeight;
boxSpace = mConfigParser->legendBoxSpace() * mmToPixelFactor;
layerSpace = mConfigParser->legendLayerSpace() * mmToPixelFactor;
symbolSpace = mConfigParser->legendSymbolSpace() * mmToPixelFactor;
iconLabelSpace = mConfigParser->legendIconLabelSpace() * mmToPixelFactor;
symbolWidth = mConfigParser->legendSymbolWidth() * mmToPixelFactor;
symbolHeight = mConfigParser->legendSymbolHeight() * mmToPixelFactor;
double maxTextWidth = 0;
double maxSymbolWidth = 0;
double currentY = 0;
double fontOversamplingFactor = 10.0;
QFont layerFont = mConfigParser->legendLayerFont();
layerFont.setPixelSize( layerFont.pointSizeF() * 0.3528 * mmToPixelFactor * fontOversamplingFactor );
QFont itemFont = mConfigParser->legendItemFont();
itemFont.setPixelSize( itemFont.pointSizeF() * 0.3528 * mmToPixelFactor * fontOversamplingFactor );
//first find out image dimensions without painting
QStandardItem* rootItem = legendModel.invisibleRootItem();
if ( !rootItem )
return 0;
int numLayerItems = rootItem->rowCount();
if ( numLayerItems < 1 )
return 0;
currentY = boxSpace;
for ( int i = 0; i < numLayerItems; ++i )
QgsComposerLayerItem* layerItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( rootItem->child( i ) );
if ( layerItem )
drawLegendLayerItem( layerItem, 0, maxTextWidth, maxSymbolWidth, currentY, layerFont, itemFont, boxSpace, layerSpace, symbolSpace,
iconLabelSpace, symbolWidth, symbolHeight, fontOversamplingFactor, theImage->dotsPerMeterX() * 0.0254 );
currentY += boxSpace;
//create second image with the right dimensions
QImage* paintImage = createImage( maxTextWidth + maxSymbolWidth, currentY );
//go through the items a second time for painting
QPainter p( paintImage );
p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
currentY = boxSpace;
for ( int i = 0; i < numLayerItems; ++i )
QgsComposerLayerItem* layerItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLayerItem*>( rootItem->child( i ) );
if ( layerItem )
drawLegendLayerItem( layerItem, &p, maxTextWidth, maxSymbolWidth, currentY, layerFont, itemFont, boxSpace, layerSpace, symbolSpace,
iconLabelSpace, symbolWidth, symbolHeight, fontOversamplingFactor, theImage->dotsPerMeterX() * 0.0254 );
delete theImage;
return paintImage;
QDomDocument QgsWMSServer::getStyle()
QDomDocument doc;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator style_it = mParameterMap.find( "STYLE" );
if ( style_it == mParameterMap.end() )
throw QgsMapServiceException( "StyleNotSpecified", "Style is mandatory for GetStyle operation" );
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator layer_it = mParameterMap.find( "LAYER" );
if ( layer_it == mParameterMap.end() )
throw QgsMapServiceException( "LayerNotSpecified", "Layer is mandatory for GetStyle operation" );
QString styleName = style_it->second;
QString layerName = layer_it->second;
return mConfigParser->getStyle( styleName, layerName );
// Hack to workaround Qt #5114 by disabling PatternTransform
class QgsPaintEngineHack : public QPaintEngine
void fixFlags()
gccaps = 0;
gccaps |= ( QPaintEngine::PrimitiveTransform
// | QPaintEngine::PatternTransform
| QPaintEngine::PixmapTransform
| QPaintEngine::PatternBrush
// | QPaintEngine::LinearGradientFill
// | QPaintEngine::RadialGradientFill
// | QPaintEngine::ConicalGradientFill
| QPaintEngine::AlphaBlend
// | QPaintEngine::PorterDuff
| QPaintEngine::PainterPaths
| QPaintEngine::Antialiasing
| QPaintEngine::BrushStroke
| QPaintEngine::ConstantOpacity
| QPaintEngine::MaskedBrush
// | QPaintEngine::PerspectiveTransform
| QPaintEngine::BlendModes
// | QPaintEngine::ObjectBoundingModeGradients
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040500
| QPaintEngine::RasterOpModes
| QPaintEngine::PaintOutsidePaintEvent
QByteArray* QgsWMSServer::getPrint( const QString& formatString )
QStringList layersList, stylesList, layerIdList;
QString dummyFormat;
QImage* theImage = initializeRendering( layersList, stylesList, layerIdList );
if ( !theImage )
return 0;
delete theImage;
QMap<QString, QString> originalLayerFilters = applyRequestedLayerFilters( layersList );
QStringList selectedLayerIdList = applyFeatureSelections( layersList );
//GetPrint request needs a template parameter
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator templateIt = mParameterMap.find( "TEMPLATE" );
if ( templateIt == mParameterMap.end() )
throw QgsMapServiceException( "ParameterMissing", "The TEMPLATE parameter is required for the GetPrint request" );
QgsComposition* c = mConfigParser->createPrintComposition( templateIt->second, mMapRenderer, QMap<QString, QString>( mParameterMap ) );
if ( !c )
restoreLayerFilters( originalLayerFilters );
clearFeatureSelections( selectedLayerIdList );
return 0;
QByteArray* ba = 0;
c->setPlotStyle( QgsComposition::Print );
//SVG export without a running X-Server is a problem. See e.g. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/2038
if ( formatString.compare( "svg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
c->setPlotStyle( QgsComposition::Print );
QSvgGenerator generator;
ba = new QByteArray();
QBuffer svgBuffer( ba );
generator.setOutputDevice( &svgBuffer );
int width = ( int )( c->paperWidth() * c->printResolution() / 25.4 ); //width in pixel
int height = ( int )( c->paperHeight() * c->printResolution() / 25.4 ); //height in pixel
generator.setSize( QSize( width, height ) );
generator.setResolution( c->printResolution() ); //because the rendering is done in mm, convert the dpi
QPainter p( &generator );
QRectF sourceArea( 0, 0, c->paperWidth(), c->paperHeight() );
QRectF targetArea( 0, 0, width, height );
if ( c->printAsRaster() ) //embed one raster into the svg
QImage* img = printCompositionToImage( c );
if ( img )
p.drawImage( targetArea, *img, QRectF( 0, 0, img->width(), img->height() ) );
delete img;
c->render( &p, targetArea, sourceArea );
else if ( formatString.compare( "png", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || formatString.compare( "jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
QImage* image = printCompositionToImage( c );
if ( image )
ba = new QByteArray();
QBuffer buffer( ba );
buffer.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
image->save( &buffer, formatString.toLocal8Bit().data(), -1 );
delete image;
else if ( formatString.compare( "pdf", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
QTemporaryFile tempFile;
if ( !tempFile.open() )
delete c;
restoreLayerFilters( originalLayerFilters );
clearFeatureSelections( selectedLayerIdList );
return 0;
QPrinter printer;
printer.setResolution( c->printResolution() );
printer.setFullPage( true );
printer.setOutputFormat( QPrinter::PdfFormat );
printer.setOutputFileName( tempFile.fileName() );
printer.setPaperSize( QSizeF( c->paperWidth(), c->paperHeight() ), QPrinter::Millimeter );
QRectF paperRectMM = printer.pageRect( QPrinter::Millimeter );
QRectF paperRectPixel = printer.pageRect( QPrinter::DevicePixel );
QPaintEngine *engine = printer.paintEngine();
if ( engine )
QgsPaintEngineHack *hack = static_cast<QgsPaintEngineHack*>( engine );
QPainter p( &printer );
if ( c->printAsRaster() ) //embed one raster into the pdf
QImage* img = printCompositionToImage( c );
if ( img )
p.drawImage( paperRectPixel, *img, QRectF( 0, 0, img->width(), img->height() ) );
delete img;
else //vector pdf
c->render( &p, paperRectPixel, paperRectMM );
ba = new QByteArray();
*ba = tempFile.readAll();
else //unknown format
throw QgsMapServiceException( "InvalidFormat", "Output format '" + formatString + "' is not supported in the GetPrint request" );
restoreLayerFilters( originalLayerFilters );
clearFeatureSelections( selectedLayerIdList );
delete c;
return ba;
QImage* QgsWMSServer::printCompositionToImage( QgsComposition* c ) const
int width = ( int )( c->paperWidth() * c->printResolution() / 25.4 ); //width in pixel
int height = ( int )( c->paperHeight() * c->printResolution() / 25.4 ); //height in pixel
QImage* image = new QImage( QSize( width, height ), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
image->setDotsPerMeterX( c->printResolution() / 25.4 * 1000 );
image->setDotsPerMeterY( c->printResolution() / 25.4 * 1000 );
image->fill( 0 );
QPainter p( image );
QRectF sourceArea( 0, 0, c->paperWidth(), c->paperHeight() );
QRectF targetArea( 0, 0, width, height );
c->render( &p, targetArea, sourceArea );
return image;
QImage* QgsWMSServer::getMap()
QStringList layersList, stylesList, layerIdList;
QImage* theImage = initializeRendering( layersList, stylesList, layerIdList );
QPainter thePainter( theImage );
thePainter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); //make it look nicer
QMap<QString, QString> originalLayerFilters = applyRequestedLayerFilters( layersList );
QStringList selectedLayerIdList = applyFeatureSelections( layersList );
mMapRenderer->render( &thePainter );
restoreLayerFilters( originalLayerFilters );
clearFeatureSelections( selectedLayerIdList );
return theImage;
int QgsWMSServer::getFeatureInfo( QDomDocument& result )
if ( !mMapRenderer || !mConfigParser )
return 1;
QStringList layersList, stylesList;
bool conversionSuccess;
for ( std::map<QString, QString>::iterator it = mParameterMap.begin(); it != mParameterMap.end(); ++it )
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "%1 // %2" ).arg( it->first ).arg( it->second ) );
if ( readLayersAndStyles( layersList, stylesList ) != 0 )
return 0;
if ( initializeSLDParser( layersList, stylesList ) != 0 )
return 0;
QImage* outputImage = createImage();
if ( !outputImage )
return 1;
if ( configureMapRender( outputImage ) != 0 )
delete outputImage;
return 2;
//find out the current scale denominater and set it to the SLD parser
QgsScaleCalculator scaleCalc(( outputImage->logicalDpiX() + outputImage->logicalDpiY() ) / 2 , mMapRenderer->destinationCrs().mapUnits() );
QgsRectangle mapExtent = mMapRenderer->extent();
mConfigParser->setScaleDenominator( scaleCalc.calculate( mapExtent, outputImage->width() ) );
delete outputImage; //no longer needed for feature info
int featureCount = 1;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator feature_count_it = mParameterMap.find( "FEATURE_COUNT" );
if ( feature_count_it != mParameterMap.end() )
featureCount = feature_count_it->second.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
featureCount = 1;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator query_layers_it = mParameterMap.find( "QUERY_LAYERS" );
if ( query_layers_it == mParameterMap.end() )
return 3;
QStringList queryLayerList = query_layers_it->second.split( ",", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
if ( queryLayerList.size() < 1 )
return 4;
//read I,J resp. X,Y
QString iString, jString;
int i = -1;
int j = -1;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator i_it = mParameterMap.find( "I" );
if ( i_it == mParameterMap.end() )
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator x_it = mParameterMap.find( "X" );
if ( x_it != mParameterMap.end() )
iString = x_it->second;
iString = i_it->second;
i = iString.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
i = -1;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator j_it = mParameterMap.find( "J" );
if ( j_it == mParameterMap.end() )
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator y_it = mParameterMap.find( "Y" );
if ( y_it != mParameterMap.end() )
jString = y_it->second;
jString = j_it->second;
j = jString.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
j = -1;
//Normally, I/J or X/Y are mandatory parameters.
//However, in order to make attribute only queries via the FILTER parameter, it is allowed to skip them if the FILTER parameter is there
QgsRectangle* featuresRect = 0;
QgsPoint* infoPoint = 0;
if ( i == -1 || j == -1 )
if ( mParameterMap.find( "FILTER" ) != mParameterMap.end() )
featuresRect = new QgsRectangle();
throw QgsMapServiceException( "ParameterMissing", "I/J parameters are required for GetFeatureInfo" );
infoPoint = new QgsPoint();
//get the layer registered in QgsMapLayerRegistry and apply possible filters
QStringList layerIds = layerSet( layersList, stylesList, mMapRenderer->destinationCrs() );
QMap<QString, QString> originalLayerFilters = applyRequestedLayerFilters( layersList );
QDomElement getFeatureInfoElement = result.createElement( "GetFeatureInfoResponse" );
result.appendChild( getFeatureInfoElement );
QStringList nonIdentifiableLayers = mConfigParser->identifyDisabledLayers();
QMap< QString, QMap< int, QString > > aliasInfo = mConfigParser->layerAliasInfo();
QMap< QString, QSet<QString> > hiddenAttributes = mConfigParser->hiddenAttributes();
QList<QgsMapLayer*> layerList;
QgsMapLayer* currentLayer = 0;
QStringList::const_iterator layerIt;
for ( layerIt = queryLayerList.constBegin(); layerIt != queryLayerList.constEnd(); ++layerIt )
//create maplayers from sld parser (several layers are possible in case of feature info on a group)
layerList = mConfigParser->mapLayerFromStyle( *layerIt, "" );
QList<QgsMapLayer*>::iterator layerListIt = layerList.begin();
for ( ; layerListIt != layerList.end(); ++layerListIt )
currentLayer = *layerListIt;
if ( !currentLayer || nonIdentifiableLayers.contains( currentLayer->id() ) )
if ( infoPoint && infoPointToLayerCoordinates( i, j, infoPoint, mMapRenderer, currentLayer ) != 0 )
QDomElement layerElement = result.createElement( "Layer" );
layerElement.setAttribute( "name", currentLayer->name() );
getFeatureInfoElement.appendChild( layerElement );
//switch depending on vector or raster
QgsVectorLayer* vectorLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( currentLayer );
if ( vectorLayer )
//is there alias info for this vector layer?
QMap< int, QString > layerAliasInfo;
QMap< QString, QMap< int, QString > >::const_iterator aliasIt = aliasInfo.find( currentLayer->id() );
if ( aliasIt != aliasInfo.constEnd() )
layerAliasInfo = aliasIt.value();
//hidden attributes for this layer
QSet<QString> layerHiddenAttributes;
QMap< QString, QSet<QString> >::const_iterator hiddenIt = hiddenAttributes.find( currentLayer->id() );
if ( hiddenIt != hiddenAttributes.constEnd() )
layerHiddenAttributes = hiddenIt.value();
if ( featureInfoFromVectorLayer( vectorLayer, infoPoint, featureCount, result, layerElement, mMapRenderer, layerAliasInfo, layerHiddenAttributes, featuresRect ) != 0 )
else //raster layer
QgsRasterLayer* rasterLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsRasterLayer*>( currentLayer );
if ( rasterLayer )
if ( featureInfoFromRasterLayer( rasterLayer, infoPoint, result, layerElement ) != 0 )
if ( featuresRect )
QDomElement bBoxElem = result.createElement( "BoundingBox" );
bBoxElem.setAttribute( "CRS", mMapRenderer->destinationCrs().authid() );
bBoxElem.setAttribute( "minx", featuresRect->xMinimum() );
bBoxElem.setAttribute( "maxx", featuresRect->xMaximum() );
bBoxElem.setAttribute( "miny", featuresRect->yMinimum() );
bBoxElem.setAttribute( "maxy", featuresRect->yMaximum() );
getFeatureInfoElement.insertBefore( bBoxElem, QDomNode() ); //insert as first child
restoreLayerFilters( originalLayerFilters );
delete featuresRect;
delete infoPoint;
return 0;
QImage* QgsWMSServer::initializeRendering( QStringList& layersList, QStringList& stylesList, QStringList& layerIdList )
if ( !mConfigParser )
QgsDebugMsg( "Error: mSLDParser is 0" );
return 0;
if ( !mMapRenderer )
QgsDebugMsg( "Error: mMapRenderer is 0" );
return 0;
if ( readLayersAndStyles( layersList, stylesList ) != 0 )
QgsDebugMsg( "error reading layers and styles" );
return 0;
if ( initializeSLDParser( layersList, stylesList ) != 0 )
return 0;
//pass external GML to the SLD parser.
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator gmlIt = mParameterMap.find( "GML" );
if ( gmlIt != mParameterMap.end() )
QDomDocument* gmlDoc = new QDomDocument();
if ( gmlDoc->setContent( gmlIt->second, true ) )
QString layerName = gmlDoc->documentElement().attribute( "layerName" );
QgsDebugMsg( "Adding entry with key: " + layerName + " to external GML data" );
mConfigParser->addExternalGMLData( layerName, gmlDoc );
QgsDebugMsg( "Error, could not add external GML to QgsSLDParser" );
delete gmlDoc;
QImage* theImage = createImage();
if ( !theImage )
return 0;
if ( configureMapRender( theImage ) != 0 )
delete theImage;
return 0;
mMapRenderer->setLabelingEngine( new QgsPalLabeling() );
//find out the current scale denominater and set it to the SLD parser
QgsScaleCalculator scaleCalc(( theImage->logicalDpiX() + theImage->logicalDpiY() ) / 2 , mMapRenderer->destinationCrs().mapUnits() );
QgsRectangle mapExtent = mMapRenderer->extent();
mConfigParser->setScaleDenominator( scaleCalc.calculate( mapExtent, theImage->width() ) );
layerIdList = layerSet( layersList, stylesList, mMapRenderer->destinationCrs() );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Number of layers to be rendered. %1" ).arg( layerIdList.count() ) );
mMapRenderer->setLayerSet( layerIdList );
return theImage;
QImage* QgsWMSServer::createImage( int width, int height ) const
bool conversionSuccess;
if ( width < 0 )
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator wit = mParameterMap.find( "WIDTH" );
if ( wit == mParameterMap.end() )
width = 0; //width parameter is mandatory
width = wit->second.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
width = 0;
if ( height < 0 )
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator hit = mParameterMap.find( "HEIGHT" );
if ( hit == mParameterMap.end() )
height = 0; //height parameter is mandatory
height = hit->second.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
height = 0;
if ( width < 0 || height < 0 )
return 0;
QImage* theImage = 0;
//is format jpeg?
bool jpeg = false;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator formatIt = mParameterMap.find( "FORMAT" );
if ( formatIt != mParameterMap.end() )
if ( formatIt->second.compare( "jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
|| formatIt->second.compare( "jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
|| formatIt->second.compare( "image/jpeg", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
jpeg = true;
//transparent parameter
bool transparent = false;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator transparentIt = mParameterMap.find( "TRANSPARENT" );
if ( transparentIt != mParameterMap.end() && transparentIt->second.compare( "true", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
transparent = true;
//use alpha channel only if necessary because it slows down performance
if ( transparent && !jpeg )
theImage = new QImage( width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
theImage->fill( 0 );
theImage = new QImage( width, height, QImage::Format_RGB32 );
theImage->fill( qRgb( 255, 255, 255 ) );
if ( !theImage )
return 0;
//apply DPI parameter if present. This is an extension of QGIS mapserver compared to WMS 1.3.
//Because of backwards compatibility, this parameter is optional
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator dit = mParameterMap.find( "DPI" );
if ( dit != mParameterMap.end() )
int dpi = dit->second.toInt( &conversionSuccess );
if ( conversionSuccess )
int dpm = dpi / 0.0254;
theImage->setDotsPerMeterX( dpm );
theImage->setDotsPerMeterY( dpm );
return theImage;
int QgsWMSServer::configureMapRender( const QPaintDevice* paintDevice ) const
if ( !mMapRenderer || !paintDevice )
return 1; //paint device is needed for height, width, dpi
mMapRenderer->setOutputSize( QSize( paintDevice->width(), paintDevice->height() ), paintDevice->logicalDpiX() );
//map extent
bool conversionSuccess;
double minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator bbIt = mParameterMap.find( "BBOX" );
if ( bbIt == mParameterMap.end() )
//GetPrint request is allowed to have missing BBOX parameter
minx = 0; miny = 0; maxx = 0; maxy = 0;
bool bboxOk = true;
QString bbString = bbIt->second;
minx = bbString.section( ",", 0, 0 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
bboxOk = false;
miny = bbString.section( ",", 1, 1 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
bboxOk = false;
maxx = bbString.section( ",", 2, 2 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
bboxOk = false;
maxy = bbString.section( ",", 3, 3 ).toDouble( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
bboxOk = false;
if ( !bboxOk )
//throw a service exception
throw QgsMapServiceException( "InvalidParameterValue", "Invalid BBOX parameter" );
QGis::UnitType mapUnits = QGis::Degrees;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator crsIt = mParameterMap.find( "CRS" );
if ( crsIt == mParameterMap.end() )
crsIt = mParameterMap.find( "SRS" ); //some clients (e.g. QGIS) call it SRS
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem outputCRS;
//wms spec says that CRS parameter is mandatory.
//we don't rejeict the request if it is not there but disable reprojection on the fly
if ( crsIt == mParameterMap.end() )
//disable on the fly projection
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry( "SpatialRefSys", "/ProjectionsEnabled", 0 );
//enable on the fly projection
QgsDebugMsg( "enable on the fly projection" );
QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry( "SpatialRefSys", "/ProjectionsEnabled", 1 );
QString crsString = crsIt->second;
if ( !( crsString.left( 4 ) == "EPSG" ) )
return 3; // only EPSG ids supported
long epsgId = crsString.section( ":", 1, 1 ).toLong( &conversionSuccess );
if ( !conversionSuccess )
return 4;
//destination SRS
outputCRS = QgsEPSGCache::instance()->searchCRS( epsgId );
if ( !outputCRS.isValid() )
QgsDebugMsg( "Error, could not create output CRS from EPSG" );
throw QgsMapServiceException( "InvalidCRS", "Could not create output CRS" );
return 5;
mMapRenderer->setDestinationCrs( outputCRS );
mMapRenderer->setProjectionsEnabled( true );
mapUnits = outputCRS.mapUnits();
mMapRenderer->setMapUnits( mapUnits );
//Change x- and y- of BBOX for WMS 1.3.0 and geographic coordinate systems
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator versionIt = mParameterMap.find( "VERSION" );
if ( versionIt != mParameterMap.end() )
QString version = versionIt->second;
if ( version == "1.3.0" && outputCRS.geographicFlag() )
//switch coordinates of extent
double tmp;
tmp = minx;
minx = miny; miny = tmp;
tmp = maxx;
maxx = maxy; maxy = tmp;
QgsRectangle mapExtent( minx, miny, maxx, maxy );
mMapRenderer->setExtent( mapExtent );
if ( mConfigParser )
mMapRenderer->setOutputUnits( mConfigParser->outputUnits() );
mMapRenderer->setOutputUnits( QgsMapRenderer::Pixels ); //SLD units are in pixels normally
return 0;
int QgsWMSServer::readLayersAndStyles( QStringList& layersList, QStringList& stylesList ) const
//get layer and style lists from the parameters
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator layersIt = mParameterMap.find( "LAYERS" );
if ( layersIt != mParameterMap.end() )
layersList = layersIt->second.split( "," );
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator stylesIt = mParameterMap.find( "STYLES" );
if ( stylesIt != mParameterMap.end() )
stylesList = stylesIt->second.split( "," );
return 0;
int QgsWMSServer::initializeSLDParser( QStringList& layersList, QStringList& stylesList )
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator sldIt = mParameterMap.find( "SLD" );
if ( sldIt != mParameterMap.end() )
//ignore LAYERS and STYLES and take those information from the SLD
QString xml = sldIt->second;
QDomDocument* theDocument = new QDomDocument( "user.sld" );
QString errorMsg;
int errorLine, errorColumn;
if ( !theDocument->setContent( xml, true, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
//std::cout << xml.toAscii().data() << std::endl;
QgsDebugMsg( "Error, could not create DomDocument from SLD" );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "The error message is: %1" ).arg( errorMsg ) );
delete theDocument;
return 0;
QgsSLDParser* userSLDParser = new QgsSLDParser( theDocument );
userSLDParser->setParameterMap( mParameterMap );
userSLDParser->setFallbackParser( mConfigParser );
mConfigParser = userSLDParser;
//now replace the content of layersList and stylesList (if present)
QStringList layersSTDList;
QStringList stylesSTDList;
if ( mConfigParser->layersAndStyles( layersSTDList, stylesSTDList ) != 0 )
QgsDebugMsg( "Error, no layers and styles found in SLD" );
return 0;
QStringList::const_iterator layersIt;
QStringList::const_iterator stylesIt;
for ( layersIt = layersSTDList.constBegin(), stylesIt = stylesSTDList.constBegin(); layersIt != layersSTDList.constEnd(); ++layersIt, ++stylesIt )
layersList << *layersIt;
stylesList << *stylesIt;
return 0;
int QgsWMSServer::infoPointToLayerCoordinates( int i, int j, QgsPoint* layerCoords, QgsMapRenderer* mapRender,
QgsMapLayer* layer ) const
if ( !layerCoords || !mapRender || !layer || !mapRender->coordinateTransform() )
return 1;
//first transform i,j to map output coordinates
QgsPoint mapPoint = mapRender->coordinateTransform()->toMapCoordinates( i, j );
//and then to layer coordinates
*layerCoords = mapRender->mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, mapPoint );
return 0;
int QgsWMSServer::featureInfoFromVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer,
const QgsPoint* infoPoint,
int nFeatures,
QDomDocument& infoDocument,
QDomElement& layerElement,
QgsMapRenderer* mapRender,
QMap<int, QString>& aliasMap,
QSet<QString>& hiddenAttributes, QgsRectangle* featureBBox ) const
if ( !layer || !mapRender )
return 1;
//we need a selection rect (0.01 of map width)
QgsRectangle mapRect = mapRender->extent();
QgsRectangle layerRect = mapRender->mapToLayerCoordinates( layer, mapRect );
QgsRectangle searchRect;
//info point could be 0 in case there is only an attribute filter
if ( infoPoint )
double searchRadius = ( layerRect.xMaximum() - layerRect.xMinimum() ) / 200;
searchRect.set( infoPoint->x() - searchRadius, infoPoint->y() - searchRadius,
infoPoint->x() + searchRadius, infoPoint->y() + searchRadius );
//do a select with searchRect and go through all the features
QgsVectorDataProvider* provider = layer->dataProvider();
if ( !provider )
return 2;
QgsFeature feature;
QgsAttributeMap featureAttributes;
int featureCounter = 0;
const QgsFieldMap& fields = provider->fields();
bool addWktGeometry = mConfigParser && mConfigParser->featureInfoWithWktGeometry();
provider->select( provider->attributeIndexes(), searchRect, addWktGeometry || featureBBox, true );
while ( provider->nextFeature( feature ) )
if ( featureCounter > nFeatures )
QDomElement featureElement = infoDocument.createElement( "Feature" );
featureElement.setAttribute( "id", FID_TO_STRING( feature.id() ) );
layerElement.appendChild( featureElement );
//read all attribute values from the feature
featureAttributes = feature.attributeMap();
for ( QgsAttributeMap::const_iterator it = featureAttributes.begin(); it != featureAttributes.end(); ++it )
QString attributeName = fields[it.key()].name();
//skip attribute if it has edit type 'hidden'
if ( hiddenAttributes.contains( attributeName ) )
//check if the attribute name should be replaced with an alias
QMap<int, QString>::const_iterator aliasIt = aliasMap.find( it.key() );
if ( aliasIt != aliasMap.constEnd() )
attributeName = aliasIt.value();
QDomElement attributeElement = infoDocument.createElement( "Attribute" );
attributeElement.setAttribute( "name", attributeName );
attributeElement.setAttribute( "value", it->toString() );
featureElement.appendChild( attributeElement );
//also append the wkt geometry as an attribute
QgsGeometry* geom = feature.geometry();
if ( addWktGeometry && geom )
QDomElement geometryElement = infoDocument.createElement( "Attribute" );
geometryElement.setAttribute( "name", "geometry" );
geometryElement.setAttribute( "value", geom->exportToWkt() );
geometryElement.setAttribute( "type", "derived" );
featureElement.appendChild( geometryElement );
if ( featureBBox && geom && mapRender ) //extend feature info bounding box if requested
QgsRectangle box = mapRender->layerExtentToOutputExtent( layer, geom->boundingBox() );
if ( featureBBox->isEmpty() )
*featureBBox = box;
featureBBox->combineExtentWith( &box );
return 0;
int QgsWMSServer::featureInfoFromRasterLayer( QgsRasterLayer* layer,
const QgsPoint* infoPoint,
QDomDocument& infoDocument,
QDomElement& layerElement ) const
if ( !infoPoint || !layer )
return 1;
QMap<QString, QString> attributes;
layer->identify( *infoPoint, attributes );
for ( QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = attributes.constBegin(); it != attributes.constEnd(); ++it )
QDomElement attributeElement = infoDocument.createElement( "Attribute" );
attributeElement.setAttribute( "name", it.key() );
attributeElement.setAttribute( "value", it.value() );
layerElement.appendChild( attributeElement );
return 0;
QStringList QgsWMSServer::layerSet( const QStringList &layersList,
const QStringList &stylesList,
const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destCRS ) const
Q_UNUSED( destCRS );
QStringList layerKeys;
QStringList::const_iterator llstIt;
QStringList::const_iterator slstIt;
QgsMapLayer* theMapLayer = 0;
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Calculating layerset using %1 layers, %2 styles and CRS %3" ).arg( layersList.count() ).arg( stylesList.count() ).arg( destCRS.description() ) );
for ( llstIt = layersList.begin(), slstIt = stylesList.begin(); llstIt != layersList.end(); ++llstIt )
QString styleName;
if ( slstIt != stylesList.end() )
styleName = *slstIt;
QgsDebugMsg( "Trying to get layer " + *llstIt + "//" + styleName );
//does the layer name appear several times in the layer list?
//if yes, layer caching must be disabled because several named layers could have
//several user styles
bool allowCaching = true;
if ( layersList.count( *llstIt ) > 1 )
allowCaching = false;
QList<QgsMapLayer*> layerList = mConfigParser->mapLayerFromStyle( *llstIt, styleName, allowCaching );
int listIndex;
for ( listIndex = layerList.size() - 1; listIndex >= 0; listIndex-- )
theMapLayer = layerList.at( listIndex );
QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking layer: %1" ).arg( theMapLayer->name() ) );
if ( theMapLayer )
layerKeys.push_front( theMapLayer->id() );
QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->addMapLayer( theMapLayer, false );
QgsDebugMsg( "Layer or style not defined, aborting" );
throw QgsMapServiceException( "LayerNotDefined", "Layer '" + *llstIt + "' and/or style '" + styleName + "' not defined" );
if ( slstIt != stylesList.end() )
return layerKeys;
void QgsWMSServer::drawLegendLayerItem( QgsComposerLayerItem* item, QPainter* p, double& maxTextWidth, double& maxSymbolWidth, double& currentY, const QFont& layerFont,
const QFont& itemFont, double boxSpace, double layerSpace, double symbolSpace,
double iconLabelSpace, double symbolWidth, double symbolHeight, double fontOversamplingFactor,
double dpi ) const
if ( !item )
QFontMetricsF layerFontMetrics( layerFont );
currentY += layerFontMetrics.ascent() / fontOversamplingFactor;
//draw layer title first
if ( p )
p->scale( 1.0 / fontOversamplingFactor, 1.0 / fontOversamplingFactor );
p->setFont( layerFont );
p->drawText( boxSpace * fontOversamplingFactor, currentY * fontOversamplingFactor, item->text() );
double layerItemWidth = layerFontMetrics.width( item->text() ) / fontOversamplingFactor + boxSpace;
if ( layerItemWidth > maxTextWidth )
maxTextWidth = layerItemWidth;
currentY += layerSpace;
int opacity = 0;
QgsMapLayer* layerInstance = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( item->layerID() );
if ( layerInstance )
opacity = layerInstance->getTransparency(); //maplayer says transparency but means opacity
//then draw all the children
if ( p )
p->setFont( itemFont );
QFontMetricsF itemFontMetrics( itemFont );
int nChildItems = item->rowCount();
QgsComposerLegendItem* currentComposerItem = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nChildItems; ++i )
currentComposerItem = dynamic_cast<QgsComposerLegendItem*>( item->child( i ) );
if ( !currentComposerItem )
double currentSymbolHeight = symbolHeight;
double currentSymbolWidth = symbolWidth; //symbol width (without box space and icon/label space
double currentTextWidth = 0;
//if the font is larger than the standard symbol size, try to draw the symbol centered (shifting towards the bottom)
double symbolDownShift = ( itemFontMetrics.ascent() / fontOversamplingFactor - symbolHeight ) / 2.0;
if ( symbolDownShift < 0 )
symbolDownShift = 0;
QgsComposerLegendItem::ItemType type = currentComposerItem->itemType();
switch ( type )
case QgsComposerLegendItem::SymbologyItem:
drawLegendSymbol( currentComposerItem, p, boxSpace, currentY, currentSymbolWidth, currentSymbolHeight, opacity, dpi, symbolDownShift );
case QgsComposerLegendItem::SymbologyV2Item:
drawLegendSymbolV2( currentComposerItem, p, boxSpace, currentY, currentSymbolWidth, currentSymbolHeight, dpi, symbolDownShift );
case QgsComposerLegendItem::RasterSymbolItem:
drawRasterSymbol( currentComposerItem, p, boxSpace, currentY, currentSymbolWidth, currentSymbolHeight, symbolDownShift );
case QgsComposerLegendItem::GroupItem:
//QgsDebugMsg( "GroupItem not handled" );
case QgsComposerLegendItem::LayerItem:
//QgsDebugMsg( "GroupItem not handled" );
//finally draw text
currentTextWidth = itemFontMetrics.width( currentComposerItem->text() ) / fontOversamplingFactor;
double symbolItemHeight = qMax( itemFontMetrics.ascent() / fontOversamplingFactor, currentSymbolHeight );
if ( p )
p->scale( 1.0 / fontOversamplingFactor, 1.0 / fontOversamplingFactor );
p->drawText( maxSymbolWidth * fontOversamplingFactor,
( currentY + symbolItemHeight / 2.0 ) * fontOversamplingFactor + itemFontMetrics.ascent() / 2.0, currentComposerItem->text() );
if ( currentTextWidth > maxTextWidth )
maxTextWidth = currentTextWidth;
double symbolWidth = boxSpace + currentSymbolWidth + iconLabelSpace;
if ( symbolWidth > maxSymbolWidth )
maxSymbolWidth = symbolWidth;
currentY += symbolItemHeight;
currentY += symbolSpace;
void QgsWMSServer::drawLegendSymbol( QgsComposerLegendItem* item, QPainter* p, double boxSpace, double currentY, double& symbolWidth, double& symbolHeight, double layerOpacity,
double dpi, double yDownShift ) const
QgsComposerSymbolItem* symbolItem = dynamic_cast< QgsComposerSymbolItem* >( item );
if ( !symbolItem )
QgsSymbol* symbol = symbolItem->symbol();
if ( !symbol )
QGis::GeometryType symbolType = symbol->type();
switch ( symbolType )
case QGis::Point:
drawPointSymbol( p, symbol, boxSpace, currentY, symbolWidth, symbolHeight, layerOpacity, dpi );
case QGis::Line:
drawLineSymbol( p, symbol, boxSpace, currentY, symbolWidth, symbolHeight, layerOpacity, yDownShift );
case QGis::Polygon:
drawPolygonSymbol( p, symbol, boxSpace, currentY, symbolWidth, symbolHeight, layerOpacity, yDownShift );
case QGis::UnknownGeometry:
case QGis::NoGeometry:
// shouldn't occur
void QgsWMSServer::drawPointSymbol( QPainter* p, QgsSymbol* s, double boxSpace, double currentY, double& symbolWidth, double& symbolHeight, double layerOpacity, double dpi ) const
if ( !s )
QImage pointImage;
//width scale is 1.0
pointImage = s->getPointSymbolAsImage( dpi / 25.4, false, Qt::yellow, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, layerOpacity / 255.0 );
if ( p )
QPointF imageTopLeft( boxSpace, currentY );
p->drawImage( imageTopLeft, pointImage );
symbolWidth = pointImage.width();
symbolHeight = pointImage.height();
void QgsWMSServer::drawPolygonSymbol( QPainter* p, QgsSymbol* s, double boxSpace, double currentY, double symbolWidth, double symbolHeight, double layerOpacity, double yDownShift ) const
if ( !s || !p )
QBrush symbolBrush = s->brush();
QColor brushColor = symbolBrush.color();
brushColor.setAlpha( layerOpacity );
symbolBrush.setColor( brushColor );
p->setBrush( symbolBrush );
QPen symbolPen = s->pen();
QColor penColor = symbolPen.color();
penColor.setAlpha( layerOpacity );
symbolPen.setColor( penColor );
p->setPen( symbolPen );
p->drawRect( QRectF( boxSpace, currentY + yDownShift, symbolWidth, symbolHeight ) );
void QgsWMSServer::drawLineSymbol( QPainter* p, QgsSymbol* s, double boxSpace, double currentY, double symbolWidth, double symbolHeight, double layerOpacity, double yDownShift ) const
if ( !s || !p )
QPen symbolPen = s->pen();
QColor penColor = symbolPen.color();
penColor.setAlpha( layerOpacity );
symbolPen.setColor( penColor );
symbolPen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );
p->setPen( symbolPen );
double lineY = currentY + symbolHeight / 2.0 + symbolPen.widthF() / 2.0 + yDownShift;
p->drawLine( QPointF( boxSpace, lineY ), QPointF( boxSpace + symbolWidth, lineY ) );
void QgsWMSServer::drawLegendSymbolV2( QgsComposerLegendItem* item, QPainter* p, double boxSpace, double currentY, double& symbolWidth,
double& symbolHeight, double dpi, double yDownShift ) const
QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* symbolItem = dynamic_cast< QgsComposerSymbolV2Item* >( item );
if ( !symbolItem )
QgsSymbolV2* symbol = symbolItem->symbolV2();
if ( !symbol )
//markers might have a different size
QgsMarkerSymbolV2* markerSymbol = dynamic_cast< QgsMarkerSymbolV2* >( symbol );
if ( markerSymbol )
symbolWidth = markerSymbol->size() * dpi / 25.4;
symbolHeight = markerSymbol->size() * dpi / 25.4;
double rasterScaleFactor = dpi / 2.0 / 25.4;
if ( p )
p->translate( boxSpace, currentY + yDownShift );
p->scale( 1.0 / rasterScaleFactor, 1.0 / rasterScaleFactor );
symbol->drawPreviewIcon( p, QSize( symbolWidth * rasterScaleFactor, symbolHeight * rasterScaleFactor ) );
void QgsWMSServer::drawRasterSymbol( QgsComposerLegendItem* item, QPainter* p, double boxSpace, double currentY, double symbolWidth, double symbolHeight, double yDownShift ) const
if ( !item || ! p )
QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* rasterItem = dynamic_cast< QgsComposerRasterSymbolItem* >( item );
if ( !rasterItem )
QgsRasterLayer* layer = qobject_cast< QgsRasterLayer* >( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( rasterItem->layerID() ) );
if ( !layer )
p->setBrush( QBrush( rasterItem->color() ) );
p->drawRect( QRectF( boxSpace, currentY + yDownShift, symbolWidth, symbolHeight ) );
QMap<QString, QString> QgsWMSServer::applyRequestedLayerFilters( const QStringList& layerList ) const
QMap<QString, QString> filterMap;
if ( layerList.isEmpty() )
return filterMap;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator filterIt = mParameterMap.find( "FILTER" );
if ( filterIt != mParameterMap.end() )
QString filterParameter = filterIt->second;
QStringList layerSplit = filterParameter.split( ";" );
QStringList::const_iterator layerIt = layerSplit.constBegin();
for ( ; layerIt != layerSplit.constEnd(); ++layerIt )
QStringList eqSplit = layerIt->split( ":" );
if ( eqSplit.size() < 2 )
//filter string could be unsafe (danger of sql injection)
if ( !testFilterStringSafety( eqSplit.at( 1 ) ) )
throw QgsMapServiceException( "Filter string rejected", "The filter string " + eqSplit.at( 1 ) +
" has been rejected because of security reasons. Note: Text strings have to be enclosed in single or double quotes. " +
"A space between each word / special character is mandatory. Allowed Keywords and special characters are " +
"AND,OR,IN,<,>=,>,>=,!=,',',(,). Not allowed are semicolons in the filter expression." );
//we need to find the maplayer objects matching the layer name
QList<QgsMapLayer*> layersToFilter;
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>& layerMap = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::iterator layerIt = layerMap.begin();
for ( ; layerIt != layerMap.end(); ++layerIt )
if ( layerIt.value() && layerIt.value()->name() == eqSplit.at( 0 ) )
layersToFilter.push_back( layerIt.value() );
QList<QgsMapLayer*>::iterator filterIt = layersToFilter.begin();
for ( ; filterIt != layersToFilter.end(); ++filterIt )
QgsVectorLayer* filteredLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( *filterIt );
if ( filteredLayer )
filterMap.insert( filteredLayer->id(), filteredLayer->subsetString() );
QString newSubsetString = eqSplit.at( 1 );
if ( !filteredLayer->subsetString().isEmpty() )
newSubsetString.prepend( " AND " );
newSubsetString.prepend( filteredLayer->subsetString() );
filteredLayer->setSubsetString( newSubsetString );
//No BBOX parameter in request. We use the union of the filtered layer
//to provide the functionality of zooming to selected records via (enhanced) WMS.
if ( mMapRenderer && mMapRenderer->extent().isEmpty() )
QgsRectangle filterExtent;
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator filterIt = filterMap.constBegin();
for ( ; filterIt != filterMap.constEnd(); ++filterIt )
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( filterIt.key() );
if ( !mapLayer )
QgsRectangle layerExtent = mapLayer->extent();
if ( filterExtent.isEmpty() )
filterExtent = layerExtent;
filterExtent.combineExtentWith( &layerExtent );
mMapRenderer->setExtent( filterExtent );
//No BBOX parameter in request. We use the union of the filtered layer
//to provide the functionality of zooming to selected records via (enhanced) WMS.
if ( mMapRenderer && mMapRenderer->extent().isEmpty() )
QgsRectangle filterExtent;
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator filterIt = filterMap.constBegin();
for ( ; filterIt != filterMap.constEnd(); ++filterIt )
QgsMapLayer* mapLayer = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( filterIt.key() );
if ( !mapLayer )
QgsRectangle layerExtent = mapLayer->extent();
if ( filterExtent.isEmpty() )
filterExtent = layerExtent;
filterExtent.combineExtentWith( &layerExtent );
mMapRenderer->setExtent( filterExtent );
return filterMap;
void QgsWMSServer::restoreLayerFilters( const QMap < QString, QString >& filterMap ) const
QMap < QString, QString >::const_iterator filterIt = filterMap.constBegin();
for ( ; filterIt != filterMap.constEnd(); ++filterIt )
QgsVectorLayer* filteredLayer = dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayer( filterIt.key() ) );
if ( filteredLayer )
QgsVectorDataProvider* dp = filteredLayer->dataProvider();
if ( dp )
dp->setSubsetString( filterIt.value() );
bool QgsWMSServer::testFilterStringSafety( const QString& filter ) const
//; too dangerous for sql injections
if ( filter.contains( ";" ) )
return false;
QStringList tokens = filter.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
QStringList::const_iterator tokenIt = tokens.constBegin();
for ( ; tokenIt != tokens.constEnd(); ++tokenIt )
//whitelist of allowed characters and keywords
if ( tokenIt->compare( "," ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "(" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( ")" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "=" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "!=" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "<" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "<=" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( ">" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( ">=" ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "AND", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "OR", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0
|| tokenIt->compare( "IN", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
//numbers are ok
bool isNumeric;
tokenIt->toDouble( &isNumeric );
if ( isNumeric )
//numeric strings need to be quoted once either with single or with double quotes
//single quote
if ( tokenIt->size() > 2
&& ( *tokenIt )[0] == QChar( '\'' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[tokenIt->size() - 1] == QChar( '\'' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[1] != QChar( '\'' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[tokenIt->size() - 2] != QChar( '\'' ) )
//double quote
if ( tokenIt->size() > 2
&& ( *tokenIt )[0] == QChar( '"' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[tokenIt->size() - 1] == QChar( '"' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[1] != QChar( '"' )
&& ( *tokenIt )[tokenIt->size() - 2] != QChar( '"' ) )
return false;
return true;
QStringList QgsWMSServer::applyFeatureSelections( const QStringList& layerList ) const
QStringList layersWithSelections;
if ( layerList.isEmpty() )
return layersWithSelections;
std::map<QString, QString>::const_iterator selectionIt = mParameterMap.find( "SELECTION" );
if ( selectionIt == mParameterMap.end() )
return layersWithSelections;
QString selectionString = selectionIt->second;
QStringList selectionLayerList = selectionString.split( ";" );
QStringList::const_iterator selectionLayerIt = selectionLayerList.constBegin();
for ( ; selectionLayerIt != selectionLayerList.constEnd(); ++selectionLayerIt )
//separate layer name from id list
QStringList layerIdSplit = selectionLayerIt->split( ":" );
if ( layerIdSplit.size() < 2 )
//find layerId for layer name
QString layerName = layerIdSplit.at( 0 );
QgsVectorLayer* vLayer = 0;
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>& layerMap = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::iterator layerIt = layerMap.begin();
for ( ; layerIt != layerMap.end(); ++layerIt )
if ( layerIt.value() && layerIt.value()->name() == layerName )
vLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( layerIt.value() );
layersWithSelections.push_back( vLayer->id() );
if ( !vLayer )
QStringList idList = layerIdSplit.at( 1 ).split( "," );
QgsFeatureIds selectedIds;
QStringList::const_iterator idIt = idList.constBegin();
for ( ; idIt != idList.constEnd(); ++idIt )
selectedIds.insert( STRING_TO_FID( *idIt ) );
vLayer->setSelectedFeatures( selectedIds );
return layersWithSelections;
void QgsWMSServer::clearFeatureSelections( const QStringList& layerIds ) const
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>& layerMap = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance()->mapLayers();
QStringList::const_iterator layerIdIt = layerIds.constBegin();
for ( ; layerIdIt != layerIds.constEnd(); ++layerIdIt )
QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer*>::iterator layerIt = layerMap.find( *layerIdIt );
if ( layerIt != layerMap.end() )
QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( layerIt.value() );
if ( vlayer )
vlayer->setSelectedFeatures( QgsFeatureIds() );