Nyall Dawson f21722a0f1 [sipify] Minor cleanup to auto additions
Condense injections into a single block instead of multiple
separate blocks
2024-09-09 16:56:29 +10:00

8 lines
1.4 KiB

# The following has been generated automatically from src/gui/actions/qgsmaplayeraction.h
QgsMapLayerAction.__attribute_docs__ = {'triggeredForFeatures': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific list of features\n\n.. deprecated:: 3.40\n\n Use the version with :py:class:`QgsMapLayerActionContext` instead.\n', 'triggeredForFeature': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific feature\n\n.. deprecated:: 3.40\n\n Use the version with :py:class:`QgsMapLayerActionContext` instead.\n', 'triggeredForLayer': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific layer\n\n.. deprecated:: 3.40\n\n Use the version with :py:class:`QgsMapLayerActionContext` instead.\n', 'triggeredForFeaturesV2': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific list of features\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.30\n', 'triggeredForFeatureV2': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific feature.\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.30\n', 'triggeredForLayerV2': 'Triggered when action has been run for a specific layer.\n\n.. versionadded:: 3.30\n'}
QgsMapLayerAction.__signal_arguments__ = {'triggeredForFeaturesV2': ['layer: QgsMapLayer', 'featureList: List[QgsFeature]', 'context: QgsMapLayerActionContext'], 'triggeredForFeatureV2': ['layer: QgsMapLayer', 'feature: QgsFeature', 'context: QgsMapLayerActionContext'], 'triggeredForLayerV2': ['layer: QgsMapLayer', 'context: QgsMapLayerActionContext']}
QgsMapLayerAction.__group__ = ['actions']
except NameError: