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synced 2025-03-15 00:04:37 -04:00
For the c++ api dox this expands to "\c nullptr" (the \c directive indicates a code literal value), and for sipify/Python it expands to ``None`` (`` is sphinx annotation for literal values) Makes for nicer dox for both c++ and Python!
299 lines
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299 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/analysis/raster/qgsalignraster.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsAlignRaster
QgsAlignRaster takes one or more raster layers and warps (resamples) them
so they have the same:
- coordinate reference system
- cell size and raster size
- offset of the raster grid
.. versionadded:: 2.12
#include "qgsalignraster.h"
#include <gdal_version.h>
struct RasterInfo
RasterInfo( const QString &layerpath );
Construct raster info with a path to a raster file
bool isValid() const;
Check whether the given path is a valid raster
QString crs() const;
Returns the CRS in WKT format
QSize rasterSize() const;
Returns the size of the raster grid in pixels
int bandCount() const;
Returns the number of raster bands in the file
QSizeF cellSize() const;
Returns the cell size in map units
QPointF gridOffset() const;
Returns the grid offset
QgsRectangle extent() const;
Returns the extent of the raster
QPointF origin() const;
Returns the origin of the raster
void dump() const;
Write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging
double identify( double mx, double my );
Gets raster value at the given coordinates (from the first band)
RasterInfo( const QgsAlignRaster::RasterInfo &rh );
enum ResampleAlg
struct Item
Item( const QString &input, const QString &output );
QString inputFilename;
QString outputFilename;
QgsAlignRaster::ResampleAlg resampleMethod;
bool rescaleValues;
double srcCellSizeInDestCRS;
typedef QList<QgsAlignRaster::Item> List;
struct ProgressHandler
virtual bool progress( double complete ) = 0;
Method to be overridden for progress reporting.
:param complete: Overall progress of the alignment operation
:return: ``False`` if the execution should be canceled, ``True`` otherwise
virtual ~ProgressHandler();
void setProgressHandler( ProgressHandler *progressHandler );
Assign a progress handler instance. Does not take ownership. ``None`` can be passed.
ProgressHandler *progressHandler() const;
Gets associated progress handler. May be ``None`` (default)
void setRasters( const List &list );
Sets list of rasters that will be aligned
List rasters() const;
Gets list of rasters that will be aligned
void setGridOffset( QPointF offset );
QPointF gridOffset() const;
void setCellSize( double x, double y );
Sets output cell size
void setCellSize( QSizeF size );
Sets output cell size
QSizeF cellSize() const;
Gets output cell size
void setDestinationCrs( const QString &crsWkt );
Sets the output CRS in WKT format
QString destinationCrs() const;
Gets the output CRS in WKT format
void setClipExtent( double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax );
Configure clipping extent (region of interest).
No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
void setClipExtent( const QgsRectangle &extent );
Configure clipping extent (region of interest).
No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
QgsRectangle clipExtent() const;
Gets clipping extent (region of interest).
No extra clipping is done if the rectangle is null
bool setParametersFromRaster( const RasterInfo &rasterInfo, const QString &customCRSWkt = QString(), QSizeF customCellSize = QSizeF(), QPointF customGridOffset = QPointF( -1, -1 ) );
Set destination CRS, cell size and grid offset from a raster file.
The user may provide custom values for some of the parameters - in such case
only the remaining parameters are calculated.
If default CRS is used, the parameters are set according to the raster file's geo-transform.
If a custom CRS is provided, suggested reprojection is calculated first (using GDAL) in order
to determine suitable defaults for cell size and grid offset.
:return: ``True`` on success (may fail if it is not possible to reproject raster to given CRS)
bool setParametersFromRaster( const QString &filename, const QString &customCRSWkt = QString(), QSizeF customCellSize = QSizeF(), QPointF customGridOffset = QPointF( -1, -1 ) );
Overridden variant for convenience, taking filename instead RasterInfo object.
See the other variant for details.
bool checkInputParameters();
Determine destination extent from the input rasters and calculate derived values
:return: ``True`` on success, sets error on error (see errorMessage())
QSize alignedRasterSize() const;
Returns the expected size of the resulting aligned raster
.. note::
first need to run checkInputParameters() which returns with success
QgsRectangle alignedRasterExtent() const;
Returns the expected extent of the resulting aligned raster
.. note::
first need to run checkInputParameters() which returns with success
bool run();
Run the alignment process
:return: ``True`` on success, sets error on error (see errorMessage())
QString errorMessage() const;
Returns the error from a previous run() call.
Error message is empty if run() succeeded (returned ``True``)
void dump() const;
write contents of the object to standard error stream - for debugging
int suggestedReferenceLayer() const;
Returns the index of the layer which has smallest cell size (returns -1 on error)
bool createAndWarp( const Item &raster );
Internal function for processing of one raster (1. create output, 2. do the alignment)
static bool suggestedWarpOutput( const RasterInfo &info, const QString &destWkt, QSizeF *cellSize = 0, QPointF *gridOffset = 0, QgsRectangle *rect = 0 );
Determine suggested output of raster warp to a different CRS. Returns ``True`` on success
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/analysis/raster/qgsalignraster.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *