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synced 2025-03-09 00:35:20 -05:00
Add methods to QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata and QgsRendererV2Registry to control renderer compatiblity by layer type. Should make it easier to avoid this recurring bug popping up again in future. Also add unit tests for QgsRendererV2Registry Fix #14968
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class QgsRendererV2Widget /External/;
Stores metadata about one renderer class.
@note It's necessary to implement createRenderer() function.
In C++ you can use QgsRendererV2Metadata convenience class.
class QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata
#include <qgsrendererv2registry.h>
//! Layer types the renderer is compatible with
//! @note added in QGIS 2.16
enum LayerType
PointLayer, //!< Compatible with point layers
LineLayer, //!< Compatible with line layers
PolygonLayer, //!< Compatible with polygon layers
All, //!< Compatible with all vector layers
typedef QFlags<QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerType> LayerTypes;
QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata( const QString& name, const QString& visibleName, const QIcon& icon = QIcon() );
virtual ~QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata();
QString name() const;
QString visibleName() const;
QIcon icon() const;
void setIcon( const QIcon& icon );
/** Returns flags indicating the types of layer the renderer is compatible with.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
virtual QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerTypes compatibleLayerTypes() const;
/** Return new instance of the renderer given the DOM element. Returns NULL on error.
* Pure virtual function: must be implemented in derived classes. */
virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* createRenderer( QDomElement& elem ) = 0 /Factory/;
/** Return new instance of settings widget for the renderer. Returns NULL on error.
* The \a oldRenderer argument may refer to previously used renderer (or it is null).
* If not null, it may be used to initialize GUI of the widget from the previous settings.
* The old renderer does not have to be of the same type as returned by createRenderer().
* When using \a oldRenderer make sure to make a copy of it - it will be deleted afterwards.
virtual QgsRendererV2Widget* createRendererWidget( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsStyleV2* style, QgsFeatureRendererV2* oldRenderer ) /Factory/;
virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* createRendererFromSld( QDomElement& elem, QGis::GeometryType geomType ) /Factory/;
QFlags<QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerType> operator|(QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerType f1, QFlags<QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerType> f2);
Convenience metadata class that uses static functions to create renderer and its widget.
class QgsRendererV2Metadata : QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata
#include <qgsrendererv2registry.h>
virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* createRenderer( QDomElement& elem ) /Factory/;
virtual QgsRendererV2Widget* createRendererWidget( QgsVectorLayer* layer, QgsStyleV2* style, QgsFeatureRendererV2* renderer ) /Factory/;
virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* createRendererFromSld( QDomElement& elem, QGis::GeometryType geomType ) /Factory/;
// QgsRendererV2CreateFunc createFunction() const;
// QgsRendererV2WidgetFunc widgetFunction() const;
// QgsFeatureRendererV2* (*)( QDomElement&, QGis::GeometryType geomType ) createFromSldFunction() const;
// void setWidgetFunction( QgsRendererV2WidgetFunc f );
virtual QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerTypes compatibleLayerTypes() const;
QgsRendererV2Metadata(); // pretend this is private
/** \ingroup core
* \class QgsRendererV2Registry
* \brief Registry of renderers.
* This is a singleton, renderers can be added / removed at any time
class QgsRendererV2Registry
#include <qgsrendererv2registry.h>
//! Returns a pointer to the QgsRendererV2Registry singleton
static QgsRendererV2Registry* instance();
//! Adds a renderer to the registry. Takes ownership of the metadata object.
//! @param metadata renderer metadata
//! @returns true if renderer was added successfully, or false if renderer could not
//! be added (eg a renderer with a duplicate name already exists)
bool addRenderer( QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata* metadata /Transfer/ );
//! Removes a renderer from registry.
//! @param rendererName name of renderer to remove from registry
//! @returns true if renderer was sucessfully removed, or false if matching
//! renderer could not be found
bool removeRenderer( const QString& rendererName );
//! Returns the metadata for a specified renderer. Returns NULL if a matching
//! renderer was not found in the registry.
QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata* rendererMetadata( const QString& rendererName );
//! Returns a list of available renderers.
//! @param layerTypes flags to filter the renderers by compatible layer types
QStringList renderersList( QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::LayerTypes layerTypes = QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata::All ) const;
//! Returns a list of available renderers which are compatible with a specified layer.
//! @param layer vector layer
//! @note added in QGIS 2.16
QStringList renderersList( const QgsVectorLayer* layer ) const;
//! protected constructor
QgsRendererV2Registry( const QgsRendererV2Registry& rh );
//QgsRendererV2Registry& operator=( const QgsRendererV2Registry& rh );