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typedef qint64 QgsFeatureId;
typedef QMap<int, QVariant> QgsAttributeMap;
typedef QVector<QVariant> QgsAttributes;
// QgsAttributes is implemented as a Python list of Python objects.
%MappedType QgsAttributes /DocType="list-of-attributes"/
#include <qgsfeature.h>
// Create the list.
PyObject *l;
if ( ( l = PyList_New(sipCpp->size() ) ) == NULL )
return NULL;
// Set the list elements.
for ( int i = 0; i < sipCpp->size(); ++i )
QVariant* v = new QVariant( sipCpp->at( i ) );
PyObject *tobj;
if ( ( tobj = sipConvertFromNewType( v, sipType_QVariant,Py_None ) ) == NULL )
Py_DECREF( l );
delete v;
return NULL;
PyList_SET_ITEM( l, i, tobj );
return l;
// Check the type if that is all that is required.
if (sipIsErr == NULL)
if (!PyList_Check(sipPy))
return 0;
for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(sipPy); ++i)
if (!sipCanConvertToType(PyList_GET_ITEM(sipPy, i), sipType_QVariant, SIP_NOT_NONE))
return 0;
return 1;
QgsAttributes* qv = new QgsAttributes;
for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(sipPy); ++i)
int state;
PyObject* obj = PyList_GET_ITEM(sipPy, i);
QVariant *t;
if ( obj == Py_None )
t = new QVariant( QVariant::Int );
t = reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(sipConvertToType(obj, sipType_QVariant, sipTransferObj, SIP_NOT_NONE, &state, sipIsErr));
if (*sipIsErr)
sipReleaseType(t, sipType_QVariant, state);
delete qv;
return 0;
sipReleaseType(t, sipType_QVariant, state);
*sipCppPtr = qv;
return sipGetState(sipTransferObj);
// key = feature id, value = changed attributes
typedef QMap<qint64, QMap<int, QVariant> > QgsChangedAttributesMap;
// key = feature id, value = changed geometry
typedef QMap<qint64, QgsGeometry> QgsGeometryMap;
// key = field index, value = field name
typedef QMap<int, QString> QgsFieldNameMap;
typedef QList<QgsFeature> QgsFeatureList;
typedef QMap<int, QgsField> QgsFieldMap;
/** \ingroup core
* The feature class encapsulates a single feature including its id,
* geometry and a list of field/values attributes.
* \note QgsFeature objects are implicitly shared.
* @author Gary E.Sherman
class QgsFeature
#include <qgsfeature.h>
#if (SIP_VERSION >= 0x040900 && SIP_VERSION < 0x040c01)
#define sipType_QVariant ((sipWrapperType *) sipTypeAsPyTypeObject (sipType_QVariant))
SIP_PYOBJECT __iter__();
QgsAttributes attributes = sipCpp->attributes();
PyObject *attrs = sipConvertFromType( &attributes, sipType_QgsAttributes, Py_None );
sipRes = PyObject_GetIter(attrs);
SIP_PYOBJECT __getitem__(int key);
QgsAttributes attrs = sipCpp->attributes();
if (a0 < 0 || a0 >= attrs.count())
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, QByteArray::number(a0));
sipIsErr = 1;
QVariant* v = new QVariant( attrs.at(a0) );
sipRes = sipConvertFromNewType( v, sipType_QVariant, Py_None );
SIP_PYOBJECT __getitem__(const QString& name);
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
QVariant* v = new QVariant( sipCpp->attribute(fieldIdx) );
sipRes = sipConvertFromNewType( v, sipType_QVariant, Py_None );
void __setitem__(int key, QVariant value /GetWrapper/);
bool rv;
if ( a1Wrapper == Py_None )
rv = sipCpp->setAttribute(a0, QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
rv = sipCpp->setAttribute(a0, *a1);
if ( !rv )
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, QByteArray::number(a0));
sipIsErr = 1;
void __setitem__(const QString& key, QVariant value /GetWrapper/);
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
if ( a1Wrapper == Py_None )
sipCpp->setAttribute(*a0, QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
sipCpp->setAttribute(fieldIdx, *a1);
void __delitem__(int key);
if (a0 >= 0 && a0 < sipCpp->attributes().count())
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, QByteArray::number(a0));
sipIsErr = 1;
void __delitem__(const QString& name);
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
/** Constructor for QgsFeature
* @param id feature id
QgsFeature( qint64 id = 0 );
/** Constructor for QgsFeature
* @param fields feature's fields
* @param id feature id
QgsFeature( const QgsFields& fields, qint64 id = 0 );
/** Copy constructor
QgsFeature( const QgsFeature & rhs );
//! Destructor
/** Get the feature ID for this feature.
* @returns feature ID
* @see setFeatureId
qint64 id() const;
/** Sets the feature ID for this feature.
* @param id feature id
* @see id
void setFeatureId( qint64 id );
/** Returns the feature's attributes.
* @link attributes @endlink method.
* @returns list of feature's attributes
* @see setAttributes
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
QgsAttributes attributes() const;
/** Sets the feature's attributes.
* @param attrs attribute list
* @see setAttribute
* @see attributes
void setAttributes( const QgsAttributes& attrs );
/** Set an attribute's value by field index.
* @param field the index of the field to set
* @param attr the value of the attribute
* @return false, if the field index does not exist
* @note For Python: raises a KeyError exception instead of returning false
* @see setAttributes
bool setAttribute( int field, const QVariant& attr /GetWrapper/);
bool rv;
if ( a1Wrapper == Py_None )
rv = sipCpp->setAttribute(a0, QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
rv = sipCpp->setAttribute(a0, *a1);
if ( !rv )
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, QByteArray::number(a0));
sipIsErr = 1;
/** Initialize this feature with the given number of fields. Discard any previously set attribute data.
* @param fieldCount Number of fields to initialize
void initAttributes( int fieldCount );
/** Deletes an attribute and its value.
* @param field the index of the field
* @see setAttribute
* @note For Python: raises a KeyError exception if the field is not found
void deleteAttribute( int field );
if ( a0 >= 0 && a0 < sipCpp->attributes().count() )
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, QByteArray::number(a0));
sipIsErr = 1;
/** Returns the validity of this feature. This is normally set by
* the provider to indicate some problem that makes the feature
* invalid or to indicate a null feature.
* @see setValid
bool isValid() const;
/** Sets the validity of the feature.
* @param validity set to true if feature is valid
* @see isValid
void setValid( bool validity );
/** Get the geometry object associated with this feature. If the geometry
* is not going to be modified than calling the const @link constGeometry @endlink
* method is preferable as it avoids a potentially expensive detach operation.
* It is possible to modify the geometry in place but this will
* be removed in 3.0 and therefore @link setGeometry @endlink should be called explicitly.
* @note will be modified to return by value in QGIS 3.0: `QgsGeometry geometry() const;`
* @returns pointer to feature's geometry
* @see constGeometry
* @see geometryAndOwnership
* @see setGeometry
QgsGeometry* geometry();
/** Gets a const pointer to the geometry object associated with this feature. If the geometry
* is not going to be modified than this method is preferable to the non-const
* @link geometry @endlink method.
* @note this is a temporary method for 2.x release cycle. Will be removed in QGIS 3.0.
* @returns const pointer to feature's geometry
* @see geometry
* @see geometryAndOwnership
* @see setGeometry
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @note will be removed in QGIS 3.0
const QgsGeometry* constGeometry() const;
/** Get the geometry object associated with this feature, and transfer ownership of the
* geometry to the caller. The caller assumes responsibility for the QgsGeometry*'s destruction.
* @returns pointer to feature's geometry
* @see geometry
* @see setGeometry
* @deprecated use constGeometry() instead
QgsGeometry *geometryAndOwnership() /Factory,Deprecated/;
/** Set this feature's geometry from another QgsGeometry object. This method performs a deep copy
* of the geometry.
* @param geom new feature geometry
* @see geometry
* @see constGeometry
* @see geometryAndOwnership
* @see setGeometryAndOwnership
void setGeometry( const QgsGeometry& geom );
/** Set this feature's geometry from a QgsGeometry pointer. Ownership of the geometry is transferred
* to the feature.
* @param geom new feature geometry
* @note not available in python bindings
* @see geometry
* @see constGeometry
* @see geometryAndOwnership
* @see setGeometryAndOwnership
// void setGeometry( QgsGeometry* geom /Transfer/ );
/** Set this feature's geometry from WKB. This feature assumes responsibility for destroying the
* created geometry.
* @param geom geometry as WKB
* @param length size of WKB
* @see setGeometry
* @see geometry
* @see constGeometry
* @see geometryAndOwnership
* @deprecated will be removed in QGIS 3.0
void setGeometryAndOwnership( unsigned char * geom /Transfer/, int length ) /Deprecated/;
/** Assign a field map with the feature to allow attribute access by attribute name.
* @param fields The attribute fields which this feature holds
* @param initAttributes If true, attributes are initialized. Clears any data previously assigned.
* C++: Defaults to false
* Python: Defaults to true
* @deprecated use setFields( const QgsFields& fields, bool initAttributes = false ) instead
* @note not available in Python bindings
//void setFields( const QgsFields* fields, bool initAttributes = true );
/** Assign a field map with the feature to allow attribute access by attribute name.
* @param fields The attribute fields which this feature holds
* @param initAttributes If true, attributes are initialized. Clears any data previously assigned.
* C++: Defaults to false
* Python: Defaults to true
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @see fields
void setFields( const QgsFields& fields, bool initAttributes = true );
/** Returns the field map associated with the feature.
* @see setFields
* TODO: QGIS 3 - return value, not pointer
const QgsFields* fields() const;
/** Insert a value into attribute. Returns false if attribute name could not be converted to index.
* Field map must be associated using @link setFields @endlink before this method can be used.
* @param name The name of the field to set
* @param value The value to set
* @return false if attribute name could not be converted to index (C++ only)
* @note For Python: raises a KeyError exception instead of returning false
* @see setFields
void setAttribute( const QString& name, const QVariant& value /GetWrapper/ );
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
if ( a1Wrapper == Py_None )
sipCpp->setAttribute(*a0, QVariant( QVariant::Int ) );
sipCpp->setAttribute(fieldIdx, *a1);
/** Removes an attribute value by field name. Field map must be associated using @link setFields @endlink
* before this method can be used.
* @param name The name of the field to delete
* @return false if attribute name could not be converted to index (C++ only)
* @note For Python: raises a KeyError exception instead of returning false
* @see setFields
bool deleteAttribute( const QString& name );
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
sipCpp->deleteAttribute( fieldIdx );
/** Lookup attribute value from attribute name. Field map must be associated using @link setFields @endlink
* before this method can be used.
* @param name The name of the attribute to get
* @return The value of the attribute (C++: Invalid variant if no such name exists )
* @note For Python: raises a KeyError exception if field is not found
* @see setFields
SIP_PYOBJECT attribute( const QString& name ) const;
int fieldIdx = sipCpp->fieldNameIndex(*a0);
if (fieldIdx == -1)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, a0->toAscii());
sipIsErr = 1;
QVariant* v = new QVariant( sipCpp->attribute(fieldIdx) );
sipRes = sipConvertFromNewType( v, sipType_QVariant, Py_None );
/** Utility method to get attribute index from name. Field map must be associated using @link setFields @endlink
* before this method can be used.
* @param fieldName name of field to get attribute index of
* @returns -1 if field does not exist or field map is not associated.
* @see setFields
int fieldNameIndex( const QString& fieldName ) const;
//! Allows direct construction of QVariants from features.
operator QVariant() const;
}; // class QgsFeature
typedef QSet<qint64> QgsFeatureIds;