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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : August 2012
Copyright : (C) 2012 by Victor Olaya
Email : volayaf at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
__author__ = 'Victor Olaya'
__date__ = 'August 2012'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Victor Olaya'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
import sys
import os
import math
from inspect import isclass
from copy import deepcopy
import numbers
from qgis.utils import iface
from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from qgis.core import (QgsRasterLayer, QgsVectorLayer, QgsMapLayer, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem,
QgsExpressionContext, QgsExpressionContextUtils, QgsExpression, QgsExpressionContextScope,
from processing.tools.vector import resolveFieldIndex, features
from processing.tools import dataobjects
from processing.core.outputs import OutputNumber, OutputRaster, OutputVector
from processing.tools.dataobjects import getObject
def parseBool(s):
if s is None or s == str(None).lower():
return None
return str(s).lower() == str(True).lower()
def _splitParameterOptions(line):
tokens = line.split('=', 1)
if tokens[1].lower().strip().startswith('optional'):
isOptional = True
definition = tokens[1].strip()[len('optional') + 1:]
isOptional = False
definition = tokens[1]
return isOptional, tokens[0], definition
def _createDescriptiveName(s):
return s.replace('_', ' ')
def _expressionContext():
context = QgsExpressionContext()
if iface.mapCanvas():
processingScope = QgsExpressionContextScope()
extent = iface.mapCanvas().fullExtent()
processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_minx', extent.xMinimum())
processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_miny', extent.yMinimum())
processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_maxx', extent.xMaximum())
processingScope.setVariable('fullextent_maxy', extent.yMaximum())
return context
def _resolveLayers(value):
layers = dataobjects.getAllLayers()
if value:
inputlayers = value.split(';')
for i, inputlayer in enumerate(inputlayers):
for layer in layers:
if layer.name() == inputlayer:
inputlayers[i] = layer.source()
return ";".join(inputlayers)
class Parameter(object):
Base class for all parameters that a geoalgorithm might
take as input.
default_metadata = {}
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False,
self.name = name
self.description = description
self.default = default
self.value = default
self.isAdvanced = False
# A hidden parameter can be used to set a hard-coded value.
# It can be used as any other parameter, but it will not be
# shown to the user
self.hidden = False
self.optional = parseBool(optional)
self.metadata = deepcopy(self.default_metadata)
def setValue(self, obj):
Sets the value of the parameter.
Returns true if the value passed is correct for the type
of parameter.
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
self.value = str(obj)
return True
def setDefaultValue(self):
Sets the value of the parameter to the default one
Returns true if the default value is correct for the type
of parameter.
return self.setValue(self.default)
def __str__(self):
return u'{} <{}>'.format(self.name, self.__class__.__name__)
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
Returns the value of this parameter as it should have been
entered in the console if calling an algorithm using the
Processing.runalg() method.
return str(self.value)
def typeName(self):
return self.__class__.__name__.replace('Parameter', '').lower()
def todict(self):
o = deepcopy(self.__dict__)
del o['metadata']
return o
def tr(self, string, context=''):
if context == '':
context = 'Parameter'
return QCoreApplication.translate(context, string)
def wrapper(self, dialog, row=0, col=0):
wrapper = self.metadata.get('widget_wrapper', None)
# wrapper metadata should be a class path
if isinstance(wrapper, str):
tokens = wrapper.split('.')
mod = __import__('.'.join(tokens[:-1]), fromlist=[tokens[-1]])
wrapper = getattr(mod, tokens[-1])
# or directly a class object
if isclass(wrapper):
wrapper = wrapper(self, dialog, row, col)
# or a wrapper instance
return wrapper
def evaluate(self, alg):
def evaluateForModeler(self, value, model):
return value
class ParameterBoolean(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.BooleanWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False, metadata={}):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, parseBool(default), optional, metadata)
def setValue(self, value):
if value is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(value, str):
self.value = str(value).lower() == str(True).lower()
self.value = bool(value)
return True
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'boolean '
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type + str(self.default)
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("boolean"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('boolean') + 1:] or None
if default == 'None':
default = None
if default:
param = ParameterBoolean(name, descName, default)
param = ParameterBoolean(name, descName)
param.optional = isOptional
return param
class ParameterCrs(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.CrsWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False, metadata={}):
'''The value is a string that uniquely identifies the
coordinate reference system. Typically it is the auth id of the CRS
(if the authority is EPSG) or proj4 string of the CRS (in case
of other authorities or user defined projections).'''
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional, metadata)
def setValue(self, value):
if not bool(value):
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(value, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem):
self.value = value.authid()
return True
if isinstance(value, QgsMapLayer):
self.value = value.crs().authid()
return True
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(value)
if layer is not None:
self.value = layer.crs().authid()
return True
# TODO: check it is a valid authid
self.value = value
return True
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"'
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'crs '
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type + str(self.default)
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("crs"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('crs') + 1:]
if default == 'None':
default = None
if default:
return ParameterCrs(name, descName, default, isOptional)
return ParameterCrs(name, descName, None, isOptional)
class ParameterDataObject(Parameter):
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
if self.value is None:
return str(None)
s = dataobjects.normalizeLayerSource(str(self.value))
s = '"%s"' % s
return s
def evaluate(self, alg):
self.value = _resolveLayers(self.value)
class ParameterExtent(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.ExtentWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=True):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional)
# The value is a string in the form "xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax"
def setValue(self, value):
if not value:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(value, QgsMapLayer):
rect = value.extent()
self.value = '{},{},{},{}'.format(
rect.xMinimum(), rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum(), rect.yMaximum())
return True
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(value)
if layer is not None:
rect = layer.extent()
self.value = '{},{},{},{}'.format(
rect.xMinimum(), rect.xMaximum(), rect.yMinimum(), rect.yMaximum())
return True
tokens = str(value).split(',')
if len(tokens) != 4:
return False
self.value = value
return True
return False
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
if self.value is not None:
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"'
return str(None)
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'extent'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("extent"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('extent') + 1:] or None
return ParameterExtent(name, descName, default, isOptional)
def evaluate(self, alg):
if self.optional and not bool(self.value):
self.value = self.getMinCoveringExtent(alg)
def getMinCoveringExtent(self, alg):
first = True
found = False
for param in alg.parameters:
if param.value:
if isinstance(param, (ParameterRaster, ParameterVector)):
if isinstance(param.value, (QgsRasterLayer,
layer = param.value
layer = dataobjects.getObject(param.value)
if layer:
found = True
self.addToRegion(layer, first)
first = False
elif isinstance(param, ParameterMultipleInput):
layers = param.value.split(';')
for layername in layers:
layer = dataobjects.getObject(layername)
if layer:
found = True
self.addToRegion(layer, first)
first = False
if found:
return '{},{},{},{}'.format(
self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax)
return None
def addToRegion(self, layer, first):
if first:
self.xmin = layer.extent().xMinimum()
self.xmax = layer.extent().xMaximum()
self.ymin = layer.extent().yMinimum()
self.ymax = layer.extent().yMaximum()
self.xmin = min(self.xmin, layer.extent().xMinimum())
self.xmax = max(self.xmax, layer.extent().xMaximum())
self.ymin = min(self.ymin, layer.extent().yMinimum())
self.ymax = max(self.ymax, layer.extent().yMaximum())
class ParameterPoint(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.PointWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional)
# The value is a string in the form "x, y"
def setValue(self, text):
if text is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
tokens = str(text).split(',')
if len(tokens) != 2:
return False
self.value = text
return True
return False
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"'
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'point'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("point"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('point') + 1:] or None
return ParameterPoint(name, descName, default, isOptional)
class ParameterFile(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.FileWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', isFolder=False, optional=True, ext=None):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, None, parseBool(optional))
self.ext = ext
self.isFolder = parseBool(isFolder)
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"'
def setValue(self, obj):
if obj is None or obj.strip() == '':
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None if obj is None else obj.strip()
return True
if self.ext is not None and obj != '' and not obj.endswith(self.ext):
return False
self.value = str(obj)
return True
def typeName(self):
if self.isFolder:
return 'directory'
return 'file'
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
if self.isFolder:
param_type += 'folder'
param_type += 'file'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("file") or definition.startswith("folder"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
return ParameterFile(name, descName, definition.startswith("folder"), isOptional)
class ParameterFixedTable(Parameter):
def __init__(self, name='', description='', numRows=3,
cols=['value'], fixedNumOfRows=False, optional=False):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional)
self.cols = cols
if isinstance(cols, str):
self.cols = self.cols.split(";")
self.numRows = int(numRows)
self.fixedNumOfRows = parseBool(fixedNumOfRows)
def setValue(self, obj):
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
# TODO: check that it contains a correct number of elements
if isinstance(obj, str):
self.value = obj
self.value = ParameterFixedTable.tableToString(obj)
return True
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"'
def tableToString(table):
tablestring = ''
for i in range(len(table)):
for j in range(len(table[0])):
tablestring = tablestring + table[i][j] + ','
tablestring = tablestring[:-1]
return tablestring
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'fixedtable'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.startswith("fixedtable"):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('fixedtable') + 1:] or None
return ParameterFixedTable(name, descName, optional=isOptional)
class ParameterMultipleInput(ParameterDataObject):
"""A parameter representing several data objects.
Its value is a string with substrings separated by semicolons,
each of which represents the data source location of each element.
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.MultipleInputWidgetWrapper'
exported = None
def __init__(self, name='', description='', datatype=-1, optional=False, metadata={}):
ParameterDataObject.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional, metadata=metadata)
self.datatype = int(float(datatype))
self.exported = None
self.minNumInputs = 0
""" Set minimum required number of inputs for parameter
By default minimal number of inputs is set to 1
@type _minNumInputs: numeric type or None
@param _minNumInputs: required minimum number of inputs for parameter. \
If user will pass None as parameter, we will use default minimal number of inputs (1)
@return: result, if the minimum number of inputs were set.
def setMinNumInputs(self, _minNumInputs):
if _minNumInputs is None:
self.minNumInputs = 0
return True
if _minNumInputs < 1 and not self.optional:
# don't allow to set negative or null number of inputs if parameter isn't optional
return False
self.minNumInputs = int(_minNumInputs)
return True
""" Get minimum required number of inputs for parameter
@return: minimum number of inputs required for this parameter
@see: setMinNumInputs()
def getMinNumInputs(self):
return self.minNumInputs
def setValue(self, obj):
self.exported = None
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(obj, list):
if len(obj) == 0:
if self.optional:
self.value = None
return True
return False
# prevent setting value if we didn't provide required minimal number of inputs
elif len(obj) < self.minNumInputs:
return False
self.value = ";".join([self.getAsString(lay) for lay in obj])
return True
self.value = str(obj)
return True
def getSafeExportedLayers(self):
Returns not the value entered by the user, but a string with
semicolon-separated filenames which contains the data of the
selected layers, but saved in a standard format (currently
shapefiles for vector layers and GeoTiff for raster) so that
they can be opened by most external applications.
If there is a selection and QGIS is configured to use just the
selection, it exports the layer even if it is already in a
suitable format.
Works only if the layer represented by the parameter value is
currently loaded in QGIS. Otherwise, it will not perform any
export and return the current value string.
If the current value represents a layer in a suitable format,
it does no export at all and returns that value.
Currently, it works just for vector layer. In the case of
raster layers, it returns the parameter value.
The layers are exported just the first time the method is
called. The method can be called several times and it will
always return the same string, performing the export only the
first time.
if self.exported:
return self.exported
self.exported = self.value
layers = self.value.split(';')
if layers is None or len(layers) == 0:
return self.value
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER:
for layerfile in layers:
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(layerfile, False)
if layer:
filename = dataobjects.exportRasterLayer(layer)
self.exported = self.exported.replace(layerfile, filename)
return self.exported
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_FILE:
return self.value
for layerfile in layers:
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(layerfile, False)
if layer:
filename = dataobjects.exportVectorLayer(layer)
self.exported = self.exported.replace(layerfile, filename)
return self.exported
def getAsString(self, value):
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER:
if isinstance(value, QgsRasterLayer):
return str(value.dataProvider().dataSourceUri())
s = str(value)
layers = dataobjects.getRasterLayers()
for layer in layers:
if layer.name() == s:
return str(layer.dataProvider().dataSourceUri())
return s
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_FILE:
return str(value)
if isinstance(value, QgsVectorLayer):
return str(value.source())
s = str(value)
layers = dataobjects.getVectorLayers([self.datatype])
for layer in layers:
if layer.name() == s:
return str(layer.source())
return s
def getFileFilter(self):
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER:
exts = dataobjects.getSupportedOutputRasterLayerExtensions()
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_FILE:
return self.tr('All files (*.*)', 'ParameterMultipleInput')
exts = dataobjects.getSupportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions()
for i in range(len(exts)):
exts[i] = self.tr('%s files(*.%s)', 'ParameterMultipleInput') % (exts[i].upper(), exts[i].lower())
return ';;'.join(exts)
def dataType(self):
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_POINT:
return 'points'
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_LINE:
return 'lines'
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_POLYGON:
return 'polygons'
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER:
return 'rasters'
elif self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_FILE:
return 'files'
return 'any vectors'
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER:
param_type += 'multiple raster'
if self.datatype == dataobjects.TYPE_FILE:
param_type += 'multiple file'
param_type += 'multiple vector'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip() == 'multiple raster':
return ParameterMultipleInput(name, descName,
dataobjects.TYPE_RASTER, isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip() == 'multiple vector':
return ParameterMultipleInput(name, definition,
dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_ANY, isOptional)
def evaluate(self, alg):
self.value = _resolveLayers(self.value)
class ParameterNumber(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.NumberWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', minValue=None, maxValue=None,
default=None, optional=False, metadata={}):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional, metadata)
if default is not None:
self.default = int(str(default))
self.isInteger = True
except ValueError:
self.default = float(default)
self.isInteger = False
self.isInteger = False
if minValue is not None:
self.min = int(float(minValue)) if self.isInteger else float(minValue)
self.min = None
if maxValue is not None:
self.max = int(float(maxValue)) if self.isInteger else float(maxValue)
self.max = None
self.value = self.default
def setValue(self, n):
if n is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(n, str):
v = self._evaluate(n)
self.value = float(v)
if self.isInteger:
self.value = int(math.floor(self.value))
return True
return False
if float(n) - int(float(n)) == 0:
value = int(float(n))
value = float(n)
if self.min is not None:
if value < self.min:
return False
if self.max is not None:
if value > self.max:
return False
self.value = value
return True
return False
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'number'
code = '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
if self.default:
code += str(self.default)
return code
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('number'):
default = definition.strip()[len('number'):] or None
if default == 'None':
default = None
return ParameterNumber(name, descName, default=default, optional=isOptional)
def _evaluate(self, value):
exp = QgsExpression(value)
if exp.hasParserError():
raise ValueError(self.tr("Error in parameter expression: ") + exp.parserErrorString())
result = exp.evaluate(_expressionContext())
if exp.hasEvalError():
raise ValueError("Error evaluating parameter expression: " + exp.evalErrorString())
if self.isInteger:
return math.floor(result)
return result
def evaluate(self, alg):
if isinstance(self.value, str) and bool(self.value):
self.value = self._evaluate(self.value)
def _layerVariables(self, element, alg=None):
variables = {}
layer = getObject(element.value)
if layer is not None:
name = element.name if alg is None else "%s_%s" % (alg.name, element.name)
variables['@%s_minx' % name] = layer.extent().xMinimum()
variables['@%s_miny' % name] = layer.extent().yMinimum()
variables['@%s_maxx' % name] = layer.extent().yMaximum()
variables['@%s_maxy' % name] = layer.extent().yMaximum()
if isinstance(element, (ParameterRaster, OutputRaster)):
stats = layer.dataProvider().bandStatistics(1)
variables['@%s_avg' % name] = stats.mean
variables['@%s_stddev' % name] = stats.stdDev
variables['@%s_min' % name] = stats.minimumValue
variables['@%s_max' % name] = stats.maximumValue
return variables
def evaluateForModeler(self, value, model):
if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
return value
variables = {}
for param in model.parameters:
if isinstance(param, ParameterNumber):
variables["@" + param.name] = param.value
if isinstance(param, (ParameterRaster, ParameterVector)):
for alg in list(model.algs.values()):
for out in alg.algorithm.outputs:
if isinstance(out, OutputNumber):
variables["@%s_%s" % (alg.name, out.name)] = out.value
if isinstance(out, (OutputRaster, OutputVector)):
variables.update(self._layerVariables(out, alg))
for k, v in list(variables.items()):
value = value.replace(k, str(v))
return value
def expressionContext(self):
return _expressionContext()
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
if self.value is None:
return str(None)
if isinstance(self.value, str):
return '"%s"' + self.value
return str(self.value)
class ParameterRange(Parameter):
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional)
if default is not None:
values = default.split(',')
self.isInteger = True
self.isInteger = False
self.isInteger = False
def setValue(self, text):
if text is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
tokens = text.split(',')
if len(tokens) != 2:
return False
self.value = text
return True
return False
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"' if self.value is not None else str(None)
class ParameterRaster(ParameterDataObject):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.RasterWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', optional=False, showSublayersDialog=True):
ParameterDataObject.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional)
self.showSublayersDialog = parseBool(showSublayersDialog)
self.exported = None
def getSafeExportedLayer(self):
"""Returns not the value entered by the user, but a string with
a filename which contains the data of this layer, but saved in
a standard format (currently always a geotiff file) so that it
can be opened by most external applications.
Works only if the layer represented by the parameter value is
currently loaded in QGIS. Otherwise, it will not perform any
export and return the current value string.
If the current value represents a layer in a suitable format,
it does not export at all and returns that value.
The layer is exported just the first time the method is called.
The method can be called several times and it will always
return the same file, performing the export only the first
if self.exported:
return self.exported
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(self.value, False)
if layer:
self.exported = dataobjects.exportRasterLayer(layer)
self.exported = self.value
return self.exported
def setValue(self, obj):
self.exported = None
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(obj, QgsRasterLayer):
self.value = str(obj.dataProvider().dataSourceUri())
return True
self.value = str(obj)
return True
def getFileFilter(self):
exts = dataobjects.getSupportedOutputRasterLayerExtensions()
for i in range(len(exts)):
exts[i] = self.tr('%s files(*.%s)', 'ParameterRaster') % (exts[i].upper(), exts[i].lower())
return ';;'.join(exts)
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'raster'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('raster'):
return ParameterRaster(name, descName, optional=isOptional)
class ParameterSelection(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.SelectionWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', options=[], default=None, isSource=False,
multiple=False, optional=False):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional)
self.multiple = multiple
isSource = parseBool(isSource)
self.options = options
if isSource:
self.options = []
layer = QgsVectorLayer(options[0], "layer", "ogr")
if layer.isValid():
index = resolveFieldIndex(layer, options[1])
feats = features(layer)
for feature in feats:
except ValueError:
elif isinstance(self.options, str):
self.options = self.options.split(";")
# compute options as (value, text)
options = []
for i, option in enumerate(self.options):
if option is None or isinstance(option, basestring):
options.append((i, option))
options.append((option[0], option[1]))
self.options = options
self.values = [option[0] for option in options]
self.value = None
if default is not None:
def setValue(self, value):
if value is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(value, list):
if not self.multiple:
return False
values = []
for v in value:
if v in self.values:
v = int(v)
if not v in self.values:
return False
if not self.optional and len(values) == 0:
return False
self.value = values
return True
if value in self.values:
self.value = value
return True
value = int(value)
if not value in self.values:
return False
self.value = value
return True
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('selectionfromfile'):
options = definition.strip()[len('selectionfromfile '):].split(';')
return ParameterSelection(name, descName, options, isSource=True, optional=isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('selection'):
options = definition.strip()[len('selection '):].split(';')
return ParameterSelection(name, descName, options, optional=isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('multipleselectionfromfile'):
options = definition.strip()[len('multipleselectionfromfile '):].split(';')
return ParameterSelection(name, descName, options, isSource=True,
multiple=True, optional=isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('multipleselection'):
options = definition.strip()[len('multipleselection '):].split(';')
return ParameterSelection(name, descName, options, multiple=True, optional=isOptional)
class ParameterEvaluationException(Exception):
def __init__(self, param, msg):
self.param = param
class ParameterString(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.StringWidgetWrapper'
NEWLINE = '\n'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, multiline=False,
optional=False, evaluateExpressions=False, metadata={}):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional, metadata)
self.multiline = parseBool(multiline)
self.evaluateExpressions = parseBool(evaluateExpressions)
def setValue(self, obj):
if not bool(obj):
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
self.value = str(obj).replace(
return True
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return ('"' + str(self.value.replace(ParameterString.NEWLINE,
ParameterString.ESCAPED_NEWLINE)) + '"'
if self.value is not None else str(None))
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'string '
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type + repr(self.default)
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('string'):
default = definition.strip()[len('string') + 1:] or None
if default == 'None':
default = None
elif default.startswith('"') or default.startswith('\''):
default = eval(default)
if default:
return ParameterString(name, descName, default, optional=isOptional)
return ParameterString(name, descName, optional=isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('longstring'):
default = definition.strip()[len('longstring') + 1:]
if default:
return ParameterString(name, descName, default, multiline=True, optional=isOptional)
return ParameterString(name, descName, multiline=True, optional=isOptional)
def evaluate(self, alg):
if isinstance(self.value, str) and bool(self.value) and self.evaluateExpressions:
exp = QgsExpression(self.value)
if exp.hasParserError():
raise ValueError(self.tr("Error in parameter expression: ") + exp.parserErrorString())
result = exp.evaluate(_expressionContext())
if exp.hasEvalError():
raise ValueError("Error evaluating parameter expression: " + exp.evalErrorString())
self.value = result
def expressionContext(self):
return _expressionContext()
class ParameterExpression(Parameter):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.ExpressionWidgetWrapper'
NEWLINE = '\n'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', default=None, optional=False, parent_layer=None):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, default, optional)
self.parent_layer = parent_layer
def setValue(self, obj):
if not bool(obj):
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
self.value = str(obj).replace(
return True
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return ('"' + str(self.value.replace(ParameterExpression.NEWLINE,
ParameterExpression.ESCAPED_NEWLINE)) + '"'
if self.value is not None else str(None))
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'expression '
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type + str(self.default)
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('expression'):
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
default = definition.strip()[len('expression') + 1:] or None
if default == 'None':
default = None
if default:
return ParameterExpression(name, descName, default, optional=isOptional)
return ParameterExpression(name, descName, optional=isOptional)
class ParameterTable(ParameterDataObject):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.TableWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', optional=False):
ParameterDataObject.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional)
self.exported = None
def setValue(self, obj):
self.exported = None
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(obj, QgsVectorLayer):
source = str(obj.source())
self.value = source
return True
self.value = str(obj)
layers = dataobjects.getTables()
for layer in layers:
if layer.name() == self.value or layer.source() == self.value:
source = str(layer.source())
self.value = source
return True
val = str(obj)
self.value = val
return os.path.exists(self.value)
def getSafeExportedTable(self):
"""Returns not the value entered by the user, but a string with
a filename which contains the data of this table, but saved in
a standard format (currently always a DBF file) so that it can
be opened by most external applications.
Works only if the table represented by the parameter value is
currently loaded in QGIS. Otherwise, it will not perform any
export and return the current value string.
If the current value represents a table in a suitable format,
it does not export at all and returns that value.
The table is exported just the first time the method is called.
The method can be called several times and it will always
return the same file, performing the export only the first
if self.exported:
return self.exported
table = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(self.value, False)
if table:
self.exported = dataobjects.exportTable(table)
self.exported = self.value
return self.exported
def getFileFilter(self):
exts = ['csv', 'dbf']
for i in range(len(exts)):
exts[i] = self.tr('%s files(*.%s)', 'ParameterTable') % (exts[i].upper(), exts[i].lower())
return ';;'.join(exts)
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'table'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('table'):
return ParameterTable(name, descName, isOptional)
class ParameterTableField(Parameter):
"""A parameter representing a table field.
Its value is a string that represents the name of the field.
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.TableFieldWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', parent=None, datatype=-1,
optional=False, multiple=False):
Parameter.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional)
self.parent = parent
self.multiple = multiple
self.datatype = int(datatype)
def getValueAsCommandLineParameter(self):
return '"' + str(self.value) + '"' if self.value is not None else str(None)
def setValue(self, value):
if not bool(value):
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(value, list):
if not self.multiple and len(value) > 1:
return False
self.value = ";".join(value)
return True
self.value = str(value)
return True
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' <' + self.__module__.split('.')[-1] + ' from ' \
+ self.parent + '>'
def dataType(self):
if self.datatype == self.DATA_TYPE_NUMBER:
return 'numeric'
elif self.datatype == self.DATA_TYPE_STRING:
return 'string'
elif self.datatype == self.DATA_TYPE_DATETIME:
return 'datetime'
return 'any'
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'field'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type + str(self.parent)
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('field'):
if definition.lower().strip().startswith('field number'):
parent = definition.strip()[len('field number') + 1:]
datatype = ParameterTableField.DATA_TYPE_NUMBER
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('field string'):
parent = definition.strip()[len('field string') + 1:]
datatype = ParameterTableField.DATA_TYPE_STRING
elif definition.lower().strip().startswith('field datetime'):
parent = definition.strip()[len('field datetime') + 1:]
datatype = ParameterTableField.DATA_TYPE_DATETIME
parent = definition.strip()[len('field') + 1:]
datatype = ParameterTableField.DATA_TYPE_ANY
return ParameterTableField(name, descName, parent, datatype, isOptional)
class ParameterVector(ParameterDataObject):
default_metadata = {
'widget_wrapper': 'processing.gui.wrappers.VectorWidgetWrapper'
def __init__(self, name='', description='', datatype=[-1],
ParameterDataObject.__init__(self, name, description, None, optional)
if isinstance(datatype, int):
datatype = [datatype]
elif isinstance(datatype, str):
datatype = [int(t) for t in datatype.split(',')]
self.datatype = datatype
self.exported = None
self.allowOnlyOpenedLayers = False
def setValue(self, obj):
self.exported = None
if obj is None:
if not self.optional:
return False
self.value = None
return True
if isinstance(obj, QgsVectorLayer):
self.value = str(obj.source())
return True
self.value = str(obj)
return True
def getSafeExportedLayer(self):
"""Returns not the value entered by the user, but a string with
a filename which contains the data of this layer, but saved in
a standard format (currently always a shapefile) so that it can
be opened by most external applications.
If there is a selection and QGIS is configured to use just the
selection, if exports the layer even if it is already in a
suitable format.
Works only if the layer represented by the parameter value is
currently loaded in QGIS. Otherwise, it will not perform any
export and return the current value string.
If the current value represents a layer in a suitable format,
it does not export at all and returns that value.
The layer is exported just the first time the method is called.
The method can be called several times and it will always
return the same file, performing the export only the first
if self.exported:
return self.exported
layer = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(self.value, False)
if layer:
self.exported = dataobjects.exportVectorLayer(layer)
self.exported = self.value
return self.exported
def getFileFilter(self):
exts = dataobjects.getSupportedOutputVectorLayerExtensions()
for i in range(len(exts)):
exts[i] = self.tr('%s files(*.%s)', 'ParameterVector') % (exts[i].upper(), exts[i].lower())
return ';;'.join(exts)
def dataType(self):
return dataobjects.vectorDataType(self)
def getAsScriptCode(self):
param_type = ''
if self.optional:
param_type += 'optional '
param_type += 'vector'
return '##' + self.name + '=' + param_type
def fromScriptCode(self, line):
isOptional, name, definition = _splitParameterOptions(line)
descName = _createDescriptiveName(name)
if definition.lower().strip() == 'vector':
return ParameterVector(name, descName,
[dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_ANY], isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip() == 'vector point':
return ParameterVector(name, descName,
[dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_POINT], isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip() == 'vector line':
return ParameterVector(name, descName,
[dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_LINE], isOptional)
elif definition.lower().strip() == 'vector polygon':
return ParameterVector(name, descName,
[dataobjects.TYPE_VECTOR_POLYGON], isOptional)
paramClasses = [c for c in list(sys.modules[__name__].__dict__.values()) if isclass(c) and issubclass(c, Parameter)]
def getParameterFromString(s):
# Try the parameter definitions used in description files
if '|' in s and (s.startswith("Parameter") or s.startswith("*Parameter")):
isAdvanced = False
if s.startswith("*"):
s = s[1:]
isAdvanced = True
tokens = s.split("|")
params = [t if str(t) != str(None) else None for t in tokens[1:]]
clazz = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], tokens[0])
param = clazz(*params)
param.isAdvanced = isAdvanced
return param
return None
else: # try script syntax
for paramClass in paramClasses:
param = paramClass.fromScriptCode(s)
if param is not None:
return param