Nyall Dawson 1e13d733c2 Move declaration of algorithm parameters/outputs to a new virtual
initAlgorithm() method

This allows 2 benefits:
- algorithms can be subclassed and have subclasses add additional
parameters/outputs to the algorithm. With the previous approach
of declaring parameters/outputs in the constructor, it's not
possible to call virtual methods to add additional parameters/
outputs (since you can't call virtual methods from a constructor).

- initAlgorithm takes a variant map argument, allowing the algorithm
to dynamically adjust its declared parameters and outputs according
to this configuration map. This potentially allows model algorithms which
can be configured to have variable numbers of parameters and
outputs at run time. E.g. a "router" algorithm which directs
features to one of any number of output sinks depending on some
user configured criteria.
2017-07-10 16:31:14 +10:00

217 lines
8.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Date : May 2015
Copyright : (C) 2015 by Luigi Pirelli
Email : luipir at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
from builtins import range
__author__ = 'Luigi Pirelli'
__date__ = 'May 2015'
__copyright__ = '(C) 2015, Luigi Pirelli'
# This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive
__revision__ = '$Format:%H$'
import codecs
import xml.sax.saxutils
from osgeo import ogr
from qgis.core import (QgsProcessingFeedback,
from processing.tools import dataobjects
from processing.algs.qgis.QgisAlgorithm import QgisAlgorithm
from processing.core.GeoAlgorithmExecutionException import GeoAlgorithmExecutionException
from processing.core.parameters import ParameterMultipleInput
from processing.core.parameters import ParameterBoolean
from processing.core.outputs import OutputFile
from processing.core.outputs import OutputString
class Datasources2Vrt(QgisAlgorithm):
def group(self):
return self.tr('Vector general tools')
def __init__(self):
def initAlgorithm(self, config=None):
self.tr('Input datasources'),
self.tr('Create "unioned" VRT'),
self.tr('Virtual vector'), ext='vrt'))
self.tr('Virtual string')))
def name(self):
return 'buildvirtualvector'
def displayName(self):
return self.tr('Build virtual vector')
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback):
input_layers = self.getParameterValue(self.DATASOURCES)
unioned = self.getParameterValue(self.UNIONED)
vrtPath = self.getOutputValue(self.VRT_FILE)
layers = input_layers.split(';')
vrtString = self.mergeDataSources2Vrt(layers,
self.setOutputValue(self.VRT_STRING, vrtString)
def mergeDataSources2Vrt(self, dataSources, outFile, union=False, relative=False,
schema=False, feedback=None):
'''Function to do the work of merging datasources in a single vrt format
@param data_sources: Array of path strings
@param outfile: the output vrt file to generate
@param relative: Write relative flag. DOES NOT relativise paths. They have to be already relative
@param schema: Schema flag
@return: vrt in string format
if feedback is None:
feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()
vrt = '<OGRVRTDataSource>'
if union:
vrt += '<OGRVRTUnionLayer name="UnionedLayer">'
total = 100.0 / len(dataSources) if dataSources else 1
for current, inFile in enumerate(dataSources):
feedback.setProgress(int(current * total))
srcDS = ogr.Open(inFile, 0)
if srcDS is None:
raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException(
self.tr('Invalid datasource: {}'.format(inFile)))
if schema:
inFile = '@dummy@'
for layer in srcDS:
layerDef = layer.GetLayerDefn()
layerName = layerDef.GetName()
vrt += '<OGRVRTLayer name="{}">'.format(self.XmlEsc(layerName))
vrt += '<SrcDataSource relativeToVRT="{}" shared="{}">{}</SrcDataSource>'.format(1 if relative else 0, not schema, self.XmlEsc(inFile))
if schema:
vrt += '<SrcLayer>@dummy@</SrcLayer>'
vrt += '<SrcLayer>{}</SrcLayer>'.format(self.XmlEsc(layerName))
vrt += '<GeometryType>{}</GeometryType>'.format(self.GeomType2Name(layerDef.GetGeomType()))
crs = layer.GetSpatialRef()
if crs is not None:
vrt += '<LayerSRS>{}</LayerSRS>'.format(self.XmlEsc(crs.ExportToWkt()))
# Process all the fields.
for fieldIdx in range(layerDef.GetFieldCount()):
fieldDef = layerDef.GetFieldDefn(fieldIdx)
vrt += '<Field name="{}" type="{}"'.format(self.XmlEsc(fieldDef.GetName()), self.fieldType2Name(fieldDef.GetType()))
if not schema:
vrt += ' src="{}"'.format(self.XmlEsc(fieldDef.GetName()))
if fieldDef.GetWidth() > 0:
vrt += ' width="{}"'.format(fieldDef.GetWidth())
if fieldDef.GetPrecision() > 0:
vrt += ' precision="{}"'.format(fieldDef.GetPrecision())
vrt += '/>'
vrt += '</OGRVRTLayer>'
if union:
vrt += '</OGRVRTUnionLayer>'
vrt += '</OGRVRTDataSource>'
#TODO: pretty-print XML
if outFile is not None:
with codecs.open(outFile, 'w') as f:
return vrt
def GeomType2Name(self, geomType):
if geomType == ogr.wkbUnknown:
return 'wkbUnknown'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbPoint:
return 'wkbPoint'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbLineString:
return 'wkbLineString'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbPolygon:
return 'wkbPolygon'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint:
return 'wkbMultiPoint'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
return 'wkbMultiLineString'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
return 'wkbMultiPolygon'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
return 'wkbGeometryCollection'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbNone:
return 'wkbNone'
elif geomType == ogr.wkbLinearRing:
return 'wkbLinearRing'
return 'wkbUnknown'
def fieldType2Name(self, fieldType):
if fieldType == ogr.OFTInteger:
return 'Integer'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTString:
return 'String'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTReal:
return 'Real'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTStringList:
return 'StringList'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTIntegerList:
return 'IntegerList'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTRealList:
return 'RealList'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTBinary:
return 'Binary'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTDate:
return 'Date'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTTime:
return 'Time'
elif fieldType == ogr.OFTDateTime:
return 'DateTime'
return 'String'
def XmlEsc(self, text):
return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(text)