ersts 9fb83ca1a8 -Added ability to load min max values for enhancement based on current portion of the raster being displayed.
-GUI update and string changes.
-Closes enhancement ticket 2024
-Accomplished by caching the last QgsRasterViewPort, I see this as a bit of a work around rather than a real solution. The issue at hand is that the render context can only be provided by the map canvas so neither the layer itself nor an layer properties dialog has access to the render context.

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk@12015 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
2009-11-08 14:20:57 +00:00

505 lines
20 KiB

/*! \class QgsRasterLayer
* \brief This class provides qgis with the ability to render raster datasets
* onto the mapcanvas..
class QgsRasterLayer : QgsMapLayer
#include <qgsrasterpyramid.h>
#include <qgsrasterlayer.h>
#include <qgscontrastenhancement.h>
#include <qgsrastertransparency.h>
#include <qgsrastershader.h>
/** \brief This is the constructor for the RasterLayer class.
* The main tasks carried out by the constructor are:
* -Load the rasters default style (.qml) file if it exists
* -Populate the RasterStatsVector with initial values for each band.
* -Calculate the layer extents
* -Determine whether the layer is gray, paletted or multiband.
* -Assign sensible defaults for the red, green, blue and gray bands.
* -
* */
QgsRasterLayer( const QString & path = QString::null,
const QString & baseName = QString::null,
bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = true );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] Constructor in provider mode */
QgsRasterLayer( int dummy,
const QString & baseName = QString(),
const QString & path = QString(),
const QString & providerLib = QString(),
const QStringList & layers = QStringList(),
const QStringList & styles = QStringList(),
const QString & format = QString(),
const QString & crs = QString());
/** \brief The destructor */
// Enums, structs and typedefs
/** \brief This enumerator describes the types of shading that can be used */
enum ColorShadingAlgorithm
/** \brief This enumerator describes the different kinds of drawing we can do */
enum DrawingStyle
SingleBandGray, // a single band image drawn as a range of gray colors
SingleBandPseudoColor, // a single band image drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
PalettedColor, //a "Palette" image drawn using color table
PalettedSingleBandGray, // a "Palette" layer drawn in gray scale
PalettedSingleBandPseudoColor, // a "Palette" layerdrawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
PalettedMultiBandColor, // currently not supported
MultiBandSingleGandGray, // a layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn as a range of gray colors
MultiBandSingleBandPseudoColor, //a layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
MultiBandColor //a layer containing 2 or more bands, mapped to RGB color space.
//In the case of a multiband with only two bands, one band will be mapped to more than one color.
/** \brief This enumerator describes the type of raster layer */
enum LayerType
} ;
/** \brief A list containing on ContrastEnhancement object per raster band in this raster layer */
typedef QList<QgsContrastEnhancement> ContrastEnhancementList;
/** \brief A list containing one RasterPyramid struct per raster band in this raster layer.
* POTENTIAL pyramid layer. This works by dividing the height
* and width of the raster by an incrementing number. As soon as the result
* of the division is <=256 we stop allowing RasterPyramid structs
* to be added to the list. Each time a RasterPyramid is created
* we will check to see if a pyramid matching these dimensions already exists
* in the raster layer, and if so mark the exists flag as true */
typedef QList<QgsRasterPyramid> RasterPyramidList;
/** \brief A list containing one RasterBandStats struct per raster band in this raster layer.
* Note that while every RasterBandStats element will have the name and number of its associated
* band populated, any additional stats are calculated on a need to know basis.*/
typedef QList<QgsRasterBandStats> RasterStatsList;
// Static methods:
static void buildSupportedRasterFileFilter( QString & fileFilters );
/** This helper checks to see whether the file name appears to be a valid
* raster file name. If the file name looks like it could be valid,
* but some sort of error occurs in processing the file, the error is
* returned in retError.
static bool isValidRasterFileName( const QString & theFileNameQString, QString &retError );
static bool isValidRasterFileName( const QString & theFileNameQString );
/** Return time stamp for given file name */
static QDateTime lastModified( const QString & name );
/** \brief ensures that GDAL drivers are registered, but only once */
static void registerGdalDrivers();
// Non Static inline methods
/** \brief Accessor for blue band name mapping */
QString blueBandName() const;
/** \brief Accessor for color shader algorithm */
QgsRasterLayer::ColorShadingAlgorithm colorShadingAlgorithm() const;
/** \brief Accessor for contrast enhancement algorithm */
QgsContrastEnhancement::ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm contrastEnhancementAlgorithm();
/** \brief Returns contrast enhancement algorithm as a string */
QString contrastEnhancementAlgorithmAsString() const;
/** \brief Accessor for drawing style */
DrawingStyle drawingStyle();
/** \brief Accessor for gray band name mapping */
QString grayBandName() const;
/** \brief Accessor for green band name mapping */
QString greenBandName() const;
/** \brief Accessor for mHasPyramids (READ ONLY) */
bool hasPyramids();
/** \brief Accessor for mUserDefinedGrayMinimumMaximum */
bool hasUserDefinedGrayMinimumMaximum() const;
/** \brief Accessor for mUserDefinedRGBMinimumMaximum */
bool hasUserDefinedRGBMinimumMaximum() const;
/** \brief Accessor that returns the height of the (unclipped) raster */
int height();
/** \brief Accessor to find out whether the histogram should be inverted */
bool invertHistogram() const;
/** \brief Is the NoDataValue Valid */
bool isNoDataValueValid() const;
/** \brief Accessor for mGrayMinimumMaximumEstimated */
bool isGrayMinimumMaximumEstimated() const;
/** \brief Accessor for mRGBMinimumMaximumEstimated */
bool isRGBMinimumMaximumEstimated() const;
/** \brief Accessor that returns the NO_DATA entry for this raster */
double noDataValue( bool* isValid = 0 );
/** \brief Returns a pointer to the transparency object */
QgsRasterTransparency* rasterTransparency();
/** \brief Accessor for raster shader */
QgsRasterShader* rasterShader();
/** \brief Accessor for raster layer type (which is a read only property) */
LayerType rasterType();
/** \brief Accessor for red band name (allows alternate mappings e.g. map blue as red color) */
QString redBandName();
/** [ data provider interface ] Set the data provider */
void setDataProvider( const QString & provider,
const QStringList & layers,
const QStringList & styles,
const QString & format,
const QString & crs );
/** \brief Mutator for drawing style */
void setDrawingStyle( const DrawingStyle & theDrawingStyle );
/** \brief Mutator for mGrayMinimumMaximumEstimated */
void setGrayMinimumMaximumEstimated( bool theBool );
/** \brief Mutator to alter the state of the invert histogram flag */
void setInvertHistogram( bool theFlag );
/** \brief Mutator for mRGBMinimumMaximumEstimated */
void setRGBMinimumMaximumEstimated( bool theBool );
/** \brief Mutator to alter the number of standard deviations that should be plotted */
void setStandardDeviations( double theStdDevsToPlot );
/** \brief Mutator for mUserDefinedGrayMinimumMaximum */
void setUserDefinedGrayMinimumMaximum( bool theBool );
/** \brief Mutator for mUserDefinedRGBMinimumMaximum */
void setUserDefinedRGBMinimumMaximum( bool theBool );
/** \brief Accessor to find out how many standard deviations are being plotted */
double standardDeviations() const;
/** \brief Accessor for transparent band name mapping */
QString transparentBandName() const;
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] Does this layer use a provider for setting/retrieving data? */
bool usesProvider();
/** \brief Accessor that returns the width of the (unclipped) raster */
int width();
// Non Static methods
/** \brief Get the number of bands in this layer */
unsigned int bandCount();
/** \brief Get the name of a band given its number */
const QString bandName( int theBandNoInt );
/** \brief Get the number of a band given its name. The name is the rewritten name set
* up in the constructor, and will not necessarily be the same as the name retrieved directly from gdal!
* If no matching band is found zero will be returned! */
int bandNumber( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief Get RasterBandStats for a band given its number (read only) */
const QgsRasterBandStats bandStatistics( int );
/** \brief Get RasterBandStats for a band given its name (read only) */
const QgsRasterBandStats bandStatistics( const QString & );
/** \brief Accessor for ths raster layers pyramid list. A pyramid list defines the
* POTENTIAL pyramids that can be in a raster. To know which of the pyramid layers
* ACTUALLY exists you need to look at the existsFlag member in each struct stored in the
* list.
RasterPyramidList buildPyramidList();
/** \brief Accessor for color shader algorithm */
QString colorShadingAlgorithmAsString() const;
/** \brief Wrapper for GDALComputeRasterMinMax with the estimate option */
void computeMinimumMaximumEstimates( int theBand, double* theMinMax );
/** \brief Wrapper for GDALComputeRasterMinMax with the estimate option */
void computeMinimumMaximumEstimates( QString theBand, double* theMinMax );
/** \brief Compute the actual minimum maximum pixel values based on the current (last) display extent */
void computeMinimumMaximumFromLastExtent( int theBand, double* theMinMax );
/** \brief Compute the actual minimum maximum pixel values based on the current (last) display extent */
void computeMinimumMaximumFromLastExtent( QString theBand, double* theMinMax );
/** \brief Get a pointer to the contrast enhancement for the selected band */
QgsContrastEnhancement* contrastEnhancement( unsigned int theBand );
/**Copies the symbology settings from another layer. Returns true in case of success*/
bool copySymbologySettings( const QgsMapLayer& theOther );
/** \brief Get a pointer to the color table */
//QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>* colorTable( int theBandNoInt );
/** Returns the data provider */
QgsRasterDataProvider* dataProvider();
/** Returns the data provider in a const-correct manner */
//const QgsRasterDataProvider* dataProvider() const;
/** \brief This is called when the view on the raster layer needs to be redrawn */
bool draw( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext );
/** \brief This is an overloaded version of the draw() function that is called by both draw() and thumbnailAsPixmap */
void draw( QPainter * theQPainter,
QgsRasterViewPort * myRasterViewPort,
const QgsMapToPixel* theQgsMapToPixel = 0 );
/** \brief Returns a string representation of drawing style
* Implementaed mainly for serialisation / deserialisation of settings to xml.
* NOTE: May be deprecated in the future!. DrawingStyle drawingStyle() instead.
* */
QString drawingStyleAsString() const;
/** \brief Checks if symbology is the same as another layers */
bool hasCompatibleSymbology( const QgsMapLayer& theOther ) const;
/** \brief Check whether a given band number has stats associated with it */
bool hasStatistics( int theBandNoInt );
/** \brief Identify raster value(s) found on the point position */
bool identify( const QgsPoint & point, QMap<QString, QString>& results /Out/ );
/** \brief Identify arbitrary details from the WMS server found on the point position */
QString identifyAsText( const QgsPoint & point );
/** \brief Currently returns always false */
bool isEditable() const;
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure */
QString lastError();
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function returns the text of the error associated with the failure */
QString lastErrorTitle();
/** \brief Get a legend image for this layer */
QPixmap legendAsPixmap();
/** \brief Overloaded version of above function that can print layer name onto legend */
//QPixmap legendAsPixmap( bool );
/** \brief Use this method when you want an annotated legend suitable for print output etc */
//QPixmap legendAsPixmap( int theLabelCount );
/** \brief Accessor for maximum value user for contrast enhancement */
double maximumValue( unsigned int theBand );
/** \brief Accessor for maximum value user for contrast enhancement */
double maximumValue( QString theBand );
/** \brief Obtain GDAL Metadata for this layer */
QString metadata();
/** \brief Accessor for minimum value user for contrast enhancement */
double minimumValue( unsigned int theBand );
/** \brief Accessor for minimum value user for contrast enhancement */
double minimumValue( QString theBand );
/** \brief Get an 100x100 pixmap of the color palette. If the layer has no palette a white pixmap will be returned */
QPixmap paletteAsPixmap( int theBand = 1 );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] Which provider is being used for this Raster Layer? */
QString providerKey();
/** \brief Returns the number of raster units per each raster pixel. In a world file, this is normally the first row (without the sign) */
double rasterUnitsPerPixel();
/** \brief Read color table from GDAL raster band */
//bool readColorTable( int theBandNumber, QList<QgsColorRampShader::ColorRampItem>* theList );
/** \brief Simple reset function that set the noDataValue back to the value stored in the first raster band */
void resetNoDataValue();
/** \brief Mutator for blue band name mapping */
void setBlueBandName( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief Mutator for color shader algorithm */
void setColorShadingAlgorithm( QgsRasterLayer::ColorShadingAlgorithm theShaderAlgorithm );
/** \brief Mutator for color shader algorithm */
void setColorShadingAlgorithm( QString theShaderAlgorithm );
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement algorithm */
void setContrastEnhancementAlgorithm( QgsContrastEnhancement::ContrastEnhancementAlgorithm theAlgorithm,
bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement algorithm */
void setContrastEnhancementAlgorithm( QString theAlgorithm, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement function */
void setContrastEnhancementFunction( QgsContrastEnhancementFunction* theFunction );
/** \brief Overloaded version of the above function for convenience when restoring from xml */
void setDrawingStyle( const QString & theDrawingStyleQString );
/** \brief Mutator for gray band name mapping */
void setGrayBandName( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief Mutator for green band name mapping */
void setGreenBandName( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief Mutator for setting the maximum value for contrast enhancement */
void setMaximumValue( unsigned int theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator for setting the maximum value for contrast enhancement */
void setMaximumValue( QString theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator for setting the minimum value for contrast enhancement */
void setMinimumValue( unsigned int theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator for setting the minimum value for contrast enhancement */
void setMinimumValue( QString theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag = true );
/** \brief Mutator that allows the NO_DATA entry for this raster to be overridden */
void setNoDataValue( double theNoData );
/** \brief Set the raster shader function to a user defined function */
void setRasterShaderFunction( QgsRasterShaderFunction* theFunction );
/** \brief Mutator for red band name (allows alternate mappings e.g. map blue as red color) */
void setRedBandName( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief Mutator for transparent band name mapping */
void setTransparentBandName( const QString & theBandName );
/** \brief [ data provider interface ] A wrapper function to emit a progress update signal */
void showProgress( int theValue );
/** \brief Returns the sublayers of this layer - Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS */
QStringList subLayers() const;
/** \brief Draws a thumbnail of the rasterlayer into the supplied pixmap pointer */
void thumbnailAsPixmap( QPixmap * theQPixmap );
/** \brief Emit a signal asking for a repaint. (inherited from maplayer) */
void triggerRepaint();
// Virtural methods
* Reorders the *previously selected* sublayers of this layer from bottom to top
* (Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS)
virtual void setLayerOrder( const QStringList & layers );
* Set the visibility of the given sublayer name
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility( const QString & name, bool vis );
public slots:
/** \brief Create GDAL pyramid overviews */
QString buildPyramids( const RasterPyramidList &,
const QString & theResamplingMethod = "NEAREST",
bool theTryInternalFlag = false );
/** \brief Populate the histogram vector for a given band */
void populateHistogram( int theBandNoInt,
int theBinCountInt = 256,
bool theIgnoreOutOfRangeFlag = true,
bool theThoroughBandScanFlag = false );
void showStatusMessage( const QString & theMessage );
/** \brief Propagate progress updates from GDAL up to the parent app */
void updateProgress( int, int );
/** \brief Signal for notifying listeners of long running processes */
void progressUpdate( int theValue );
/** \brief Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied */
bool readSymbology( const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage );
/** \brief Reads layer specific state from project file Dom node */
bool readXml( QDomNode & layer_node );
/** \brief Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided */
bool writeSymbology( QDomNode&, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
/** \brief Write layer specific state to project file Dom node */
bool writeXml( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & doc );