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2016-02-14 03:50:49 +01:00

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/** \ingroup gui
Handler for missing layers within project.
Gives user a chance to select path to the missing layers.
class QgsProjectBadLayerGuiHandler : QObject, QgsProjectBadLayerHandler
#include <qgsprojectbadlayerguihandler.h>
/** Implementation of the handler */
virtual void handleBadLayers( const QList<QDomNode>& layers, const QDomDocument& projectDom );
/** Flag to store the Ignore button press of MessageBox used by QgsLegend */
static bool mIgnore;
//! file data representation
//! the three flavors for data
enum ProviderType { IS_FILE, IS_DATABASE, IS_URL, IS_Unknown };
/** Returns data type associated with the given QgsProject file Dom node
* The Dom node should represent the state associated with a specific layer.
DataType dataType( QDomNode & layerNode );
/** Return the data source for the given layer
* The QDomNode is a QgsProject Dom node corresponding to a map layer state.
* Essentially dumps datasource tag.
QString dataSource( QDomNode & layerNode );
/** Return the physical storage type associated with the given layer
* The QDomNode is a QgsProject Dom node corresponding to a map layer state.
* If the provider tag is "ogr", then it's a file type.
* However, if the layer is a raster, then there won't be a
* provider tag. It will always have an associated file.
* If the layer doesn't fall into either of the previous two categories, then
* it's either a database or URL. If the datasource tag has "url=", then it's
* URL based and if it has "dbname=">, then the layer data is in a database.
ProviderType providerType( QDomNode & layerNode );
/** Set the datasource element to the new value */
void setDataSource( QDomNode & layerNode, const QString &dataSource );
/** This is used to locate files that have moved or otherwise are missing */
bool findMissingFile( const QString &fileFilters, QDomNode &layerNode );
/** Find relocated data source for the given layer
* This QDom object represents a QgsProject node that maps to a specific layer.
* @param fileFilters file filters to use
* @param constLayerNode QDom node containing layer project information
* @todo
* XXX Only implemented for file based layers. It will need to be extended for
* XXX other data source types such as databases.
bool findLayer( const QString &fileFilters, const QDomNode &constLayerNode );
/** Find relocated data sources for given layers
* These QDom objects represent QgsProject nodes that map to specific layers.
void findLayers( const QString &fileFilters, const QList<QDomNode> &layerNodes );