Harrissou Sant-anna ae8ea31a0f More updates of expression help
- Expose default values of args
- Fix args name or description
- Fix/add more examples (to show various possibilities of a function or so
that functions that relate have examples that relate)
2020-08-21 13:02:35 +10:00

12 lines
810 B

"name": "boundary",
"type": "function",
"groups": ["GeometryGroup"],
"description":"Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of the geometry (ie the topological boundary of the geometry). For instance, a polygon geometry will have a boundary consisting of the linestrings for each ring in the polygon. Some geometry types do not have a defined boundary, e.g., points or geometry collections, and will return NULL.",
"arguments": [ {"arg":"geometry","description":"a geometry"} ],
"examples": [ { "expression":"geom_to_wkt(boundary(geom_from_wkt('Polygon((1 1, 0 0, -1 1, 1 1))')))", "returns":"'LineString(1 1,0 0,-1 1,1 1)'"},
{ "expression":"geom_to_wkt(boundary(geom_from_wkt('LineString(1 1,0 0,-1 1)')))", "returns":"'MultiPoint ((1 1),(-1 1))'"}