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class QgsMapLayerAction : QAction
#include <qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h>
enum Target
typedef QFlags<QgsMapLayerAction::Target> Targets;
//! Creates a map layer action which can run on any layer
//! @note using AllActions as a target probably does not make a lot of sense. This default action was settled for API compatiblity reasons.
QgsMapLayerAction( const QString& name, QObject *parent /TransferThis/, const Targets& targets = AllActions, const QIcon& icon = QIcon() );
//! Creates a map layer action which can run only on a specific layer
QgsMapLayerAction( const QString& name, QObject *parent /TransferThis/, QgsMapLayer* layer, const Targets& targets = AllActions, const QIcon& icon = QIcon() );
//! Creates a map layer action which can run on a specific type of layer
QgsMapLayerAction( const QString& name, QObject *parent /TransferThis/, QgsMapLayer::LayerType layerType, const Targets& targets = AllActions, const QIcon& icon = QIcon() );
/** True if action can run using the specified layer */
bool canRunUsingLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer ) const;
/** Triggers the action with the specified layer and list of feature. */
void triggerForFeatures( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QList<QgsFeature>& featureList );
/** Triggers the action with the specified layer and feature. */
void triggerForFeature( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QgsFeature* feature );
/** Triggers the action with the specified layer. */
void triggerForLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer );
/** Define the targets of the action */
void setTargets( const Targets& targets );
/** Return availibity of action */
const Targets& targets() const;
/** Triggered when action has been run for a specific list of features */
void triggeredForFeatures( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QList<QgsFeature>& featureList );
/** Triggered when action has been run for a specific feature */
void triggeredForFeature( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QgsFeature& feature );
/** Triggered when action has been run for a specific layer */
void triggeredForLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer );
QFlags<QgsMapLayerAction::Target> operator|(QgsMapLayerAction::Target f1, QFlags<QgsMapLayerAction::Target> f2);
class QgsMapLayerActionRegistry : QObject
#include <qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h>
//! Returns the instance pointer, creating the object on the first call
static QgsMapLayerActionRegistry * instance();
/** Adds a map layer action to the registry*/
void addMapLayerAction( QgsMapLayerAction * action );
/** Returns the map layer actions which can run on the specified layer*/
QList<QgsMapLayerAction *> mapLayerActions( QgsMapLayer* layer, const QgsMapLayerAction::Targets& targets = QgsMapLayerAction::AllActions );
/** Removes a map layer action from the registry*/
bool removeMapLayerAction( QgsMapLayerAction *action );
/** Sets the default action for a layer*/
void setDefaultActionForLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer, QgsMapLayerAction* action );
/** Returns the default action for a layer*/
QgsMapLayerAction * defaultActionForLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer );
//! protected constructor
QgsMapLayerActionRegistry( QObject * parent = 0 );
/** Triggered when an action is added or removed from the registry */
void changed();