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* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/qgsdatabasetablemodel.h *
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class QgsDatabaseTableModel : QAbstractItemModel
A model containing tables from a database connection.
This class does not automatically subscribe to database updates. Tables are queried
from the database initially upon model construction. In order
to update the listed tbales, QgsDatabaseTableModel.refresh() must be manually
.. versionadded:: 3.14
#include "qgsdatabasetablemodel.h"
enum Role
explicit QgsDatabaseTableModel( const QString &provider, const QString &connection, const QString &schema = QString(), QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsDatabaseTableModel, for the specified ``provider`` and ``connection`` name.
The optional ``schema`` argument can be used to restrict the tables to those from a specific schema.
.. warning::
The ``provider`` must support the connection API methods in its QgsProviderMetadata implementation
in order for the model to work correctly.
explicit QgsDatabaseTableModel( QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection *connection /Transfer/, const QString &schema = QString(), QObject *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 );
Constructor for QgsDatabaseTableModel, for the specified ``connection``.
The optional ``schema`` argument can be used to restrict the tables to those from a specific schema.
Ownership of ``connection`` is transferred to the model.
virtual QModelIndex parent( const QModelIndex &child ) const;
virtual int rowCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual int columnCount( const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex() ) const;
virtual QVariant data( const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole ) const;
virtual QModelIndex index( int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent ) const;
void setAllowEmptyTable( bool allowEmpty );
Sets whether an optional empty table ("not set") option is present in the model.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`allowEmptyTable`
bool allowEmptyTable() const;
Returns ``True`` if the model allows the empty table ("not set") choice.
.. seealso:: :py:func:`setAllowEmptyTable`
public slots:
void refresh();
Refreshes the table list by querying the underlying connection.
* This file has been generated automatically from *
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* src/core/qgsdatabasetablemodel.h *
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* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *