mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 00:35:20 -05:00
828 lines
24 KiB
828 lines
24 KiB
** libDXFrw - Library to read/write DXF files (ascii & binary) **
** **
** Copyright (C) 2011-2015 José F. Soriano, rallazz@gmail.com **
** **
** This library is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU **
** General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, **
** either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License **
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "drw_dbg.h"
#include "dwgreader18.h"
#include "dwgutil.h"
#include "drw_textcodec.h"
#include "../libdwgr.h"
void dwgReader18::genMagicNumber()
int size = 0x114;
duint8 *tmpMagicStr = new duint8[size];
duint8 *p = tmpMagicStr;
int rSeed = 1;
while ( size-- )
rSeed *= 0x343fd;
rSeed += 0x269ec3;
*p++ = static_cast<duint8>( rSeed >> 0x10 );
int j = 0;
size = 0x114;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
DRW_DBGH( tmpMagicStr[i] );
if ( j == 15 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
DRW_DBG( ", " );
duint32 dwgReader18::checksum( duint32 seed, duint8 *data, duint32 sz )
duint32 size = sz;
duint32 sum1 = seed & 0xffff;
duint32 sum2 = seed >> 0x10;
while ( size != 0 )
// duint32 chunkSize = min(0x15b0, size);
duint32 chunkSize = 0x15b0 < size ? 0x15b0 : size;
size -= chunkSize;
for ( duint32 i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++ )
sum1 += *data++;
sum2 += sum1;
sum1 %= 0xFFF1;
sum2 %= 0xFFF1;
return ( sum2 << 0x10 ) | ( sum1 & 0xffff );
//called: Section page map: 0x41630e3b
void dwgReader18::parseSysPage( duint8 *decompSec, duint32 decompSize )
DRW_DBG( "\nparseSysPage:\n " );
duint32 compSize = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "Compressed size= " );
DRW_DBG( compSize );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBGH( compSize );
DRW_DBG( "\nCompression type= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nSection page checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
duint8 hdrData[20];
fileBuf->moveBitPos( -160 );
fileBuf->getBytes( hdrData, 20 );
for ( duint8 i = 16; i < 20; ++i )
hdrData[i] = 0;
duint32 calcsH = checksum( 0, hdrData, 20 );
DRW_DBG( "Calc hdr checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( calcsH );
duint8 *tmpCompSec = new duint8[compSize];
fileBuf->getBytes( tmpCompSec, compSize );
duint32 calcsD = checksum( calcsH, tmpCompSec, compSize );
DRW_DBG( "\nCalc data checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( calcsD );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < compSize; i++ )
DRW_DBGH( ( unsigned char )compSec[i] );
if ( j == 7 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
else { DRW_DBG( ", " ); j++; }
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
DRW_DBG( "decompressing " );
DRW_DBG( compSize );
DRW_DBG( " bytes in " );
DRW_DBG( decompSize );
DRW_DBG( " bytes\n" );
dwgCompressor comp;
comp.decompress18( tmpCompSec, decompSec, compSize, decompSize );
for ( unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < decompSize; i++ )
DRW_DBGH( decompSec[i] );
if ( j == 7 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
else { DRW_DBG( ", " ); j++; }
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
//called ???: Section map: 0x4163003b
bool dwgReader18::parseDataPage( dwgSectionInfo si/*, duint8 *dData*/ )
DRW_DBG( "\nparseDataPage\n " );
objData = new duint8 [si.pageCount * si.maxSize];
for ( std::map<duint32, dwgPageInfo>::iterator it = si.pages.begin(); it != si.pages.end(); ++it )
dwgPageInfo pi = it->second;
if ( !fileBuf->setPosition( pi.address ) )
return false;
//decript section header
duint8 hdrData[32];
fileBuf->getBytes( hdrData, 32 );
dwgCompressor::decrypt18Hdr( hdrData, 32, pi.address );
DRW_DBG( "Section " );
DRW_DBG( si.name );
DRW_DBG( " page header=\n" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < 32; i++ )
DRW_DBGH( ( unsigned char )hdrData[i] );
if ( j == 7 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
DRW_DBG( "\n Page number= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.Id );
DRW_DBG( "\n size in file= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.size );
DRW_DBG( "\n address in file= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.address );
DRW_DBG( "\n Data size= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.dataSize );
DRW_DBG( "\n Start offset= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.startOffset );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
dwgBuffer bufHdr( hdrData, 32, &decoder );
DRW_DBG( " section page type= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n section number= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
pi.cSize = bufHdr.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\n data size (compressed)= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.cSize );
DRW_DBG( " dec " );
DRW_DBG( pi.cSize );
pi.uSize = bufHdr.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\n page size (decompressed)= " );
DRW_DBGH( pi.uSize );
DRW_DBG( " dec " );
DRW_DBG( pi.uSize );
DRW_DBG( "\n start offset (in decompressed buffer)= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n unknown= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n header checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n data checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( bufHdr.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
//get compressed data
duint8 *cData = new duint8[pi.cSize];
if ( !fileBuf->setPosition( pi.address + 32 ) )
delete [] cData;
return false;
fileBuf->getBytes( cData, pi.cSize );
//calculate checksum
duint32 calcsD = checksum( 0, cData, pi.cSize );
for ( duint8 i = 24; i < 28; ++i )
hdrData[i] = 0;
duint32 calcsH = checksum( calcsD, hdrData, 32 );
DRW_DBG( "Calc header checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( calcsH );
DRW_DBG( "\nCalc data checksum= " );
DRW_DBGH( calcsD );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
duint8 *oData = objData + pi.startOffset;
pi.uSize = si.maxSize;
DRW_DBG( "decompressing " );
DRW_DBG( pi.cSize );
DRW_DBG( " bytes in " );
DRW_DBG( pi.uSize );
DRW_DBG( " bytes\n" );
dwgCompressor comp;
comp.decompress18( cData, oData, pi.cSize, pi.uSize );
return true;
bool dwgReader18::readMetaData()
version = parent->getVersion();
decoder.setVersion( version, false );
DRW_DBG( "dwgReader18::readMetaData\n" );
if ( ! fileBuf->setPosition( 11 ) )
return false;
maintenanceVersion = fileBuf->getRawChar8();
DRW_DBG( "maintenance version= " );
DRW_DBGH( maintenanceVersion );
DRW_DBG( "\nbyte at 0x0C= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
previewImagePos = fileBuf->getRawLong32(); //+ page header size (0x20).
DRW_DBG( "\npreviewImagePos (seekerImageData) = " );
DRW_DBG( previewImagePos );
DRW_DBG( "\napp Dwg version= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBG( "\napp maintenance version= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
duint16 cp = fileBuf->getRawShort16();
DRW_DBG( "\ncodepage= " );
DRW_DBG( cp );
if ( cp == 30 )
decoder.setCodePage( "ANSI_1252", false );
DRW_DBG( "\n3 0x00 bytes(seems 0x00, appDwgV & appMaintV) = " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
securityFlags = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nsecurity flags= " );
DRW_DBG( securityFlags );
duint32 uk = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nUNKNOWN SECTION ( 4 bytes) = " );
DRW_DBG( uk );
duint32 sumInfoAddr = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nsummary Info Address= " );
DRW_DBG( sumInfoAddr );
duint32 vbaAdd = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nVBA address= " );
DRW_DBGH( vbaAdd );
DRW_DBG( "\npos 0x28 are 0x00000080= " );
DRW_DBGH( fileBuf->getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
return true;
bool dwgReader18::readFileHeader()
if ( ! fileBuf->setPosition( 0x80 ) )
return false;
// genMagicNumber(); DBG("\n"); DBG("\n");
DRW_DBG( "Encrypted Header Data=\n" );
duint8 byteStr[0x6C];
int size = 0x6C;
for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < 0x6C; i++ )
duint8 ch = fileBuf->getRawChar8();
DRW_DBGH( ch );
if ( j == 15 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
DRW_DBG( ", " );
byteStr[i] = DRW_magicNum18[i] ^ ch;
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
// size =0x6C;
DRW_DBG( "Decrypted Header Data=\n" );
for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < size; i++ )
DRW_DBGH( ( unsigned char )byteStr[i] );
if ( j == 15 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
DRW_DBG( ", " );
dwgBuffer buff( byteStr, 0x6C, &decoder );
std::string name = reinterpret_cast<char *>( byteStr );
DRW_DBG( "\nFile ID string (AcFssFcAJMB)= " );
DRW_DBG( name.c_str() );
//ID string + nullptr = 12
buff.setPosition( 12 );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x00 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x6c long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x04 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nRoot tree node gap= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nLowermost left tree node gap= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nLowermost right tree node gap= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nUnknown long (1)= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nLast section page Id= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nLast section page end address 64b= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong64() );
DRW_DBG( "\nStart of second header data address 64b= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong64() );
DRW_DBG( "\nGap amount= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nSection page amount= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x20 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x80 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x40 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
dint32 secPageMapId = buff.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nSection Page Map Id= " );
DRW_DBGH( secPageMapId );
duint64 secPageMapAddr = buff.getRawLong64() + 0x100;
DRW_DBG( "\nSection Page Map address 64b= " );
DRW_DBGH( secPageMapAddr );
DRW_DBG( "\nSection Page Map address 64b dec= " );
DRW_DBG( secPageMapAddr );
duint32 secMapId = buff.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nSection Map Id= " );
DRW_DBGH( secMapId );
DRW_DBG( "\nSection page array size= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nGap array size= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
//TODO: verify CRC
DRW_DBG( "\nCRC32= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff.getRawLong32() );
for ( duint8 i = 0x68; i < 0x6c; ++i )
byteStr[i] = '\0';
// byteStr[i] = '\0';
duint32 crcCalc = buff.crc32( 0x00, 0, 0x6C );
DRW_DBG( "\nCRC32 calculated= " );
DRW_DBGH( crcCalc );
DRW_DBG( "\nEnd Encrypted Data. Reads 0x14 bytes, equal to magic number:\n" );
for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < 0x14; i++ )
DRW_DBG( "magic num: " );
DRW_DBGH( ( unsigned char )DRW_magicNumEnd18[i] );
DRW_DBG( ",read " );
DRW_DBGH( ( unsigned char )fileBuf->getRawChar8() );
if ( j == 3 )
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
j = 0;
DRW_DBG( ", " );
// At this point are parsed the first 256 bytes
DRW_DBG( "\nJump to Section Page Map address: " );
DRW_DBGH( secPageMapAddr );
if ( ! fileBuf->setPosition( secPageMapAddr ) )
return false;
duint32 pageType = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nSection page type= " );
DRW_DBGH( pageType );
duint32 decompSize = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nDecompressed size= " );
DRW_DBG( decompSize );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBGH( decompSize );
if ( pageType != 0x41630e3b )
//bad page type, ends
DRW_DBG( "Warning, bad page type, was expected 0x41630e3b instead of" );
DRW_DBGH( pageType );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
return false;
duint8 *tmpDecompSec = new duint8[decompSize];
parseSysPage( tmpDecompSec, decompSize );
//parses "Section page map" decompressed data
dwgBuffer buff2( tmpDecompSec, decompSize, &decoder );
duint32 address = 0x100;
//stores temporaly info of all pages:
std::map<duint32, dwgPageInfo >sectionPageMapTmp;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < decompSize; )
dint32 id = buff2.getRawLong32();//RLZ bad can be +/-
duint32 size = buff2.getRawLong32();
i += 8;
DRW_DBG( "Page num= " );
DRW_DBG( id );
DRW_DBG( " size= " );
DRW_DBGH( size );
DRW_DBG( " address= " );
DRW_DBGH( address );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
//TODO num can be negative indicating gap
// duint64 ind = id > 0 ? id : -id;
if ( id < 0 )
DRW_DBG( "Parent= " );
DRW_DBG( buff2.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nLeft= " );
DRW_DBG( buff2.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( ", Right= " );
DRW_DBG( buff2.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( ", 0x00= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff2.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
i += 16;
sectionPageMapTmp[id] = dwgPageInfo( id, address, size );
address += size;
DRW_DBG( "\n*** dwgReader18: Processing Data Section Map ***\n" );
dwgPageInfo sectionMap = sectionPageMapTmp[secMapId];
if ( !fileBuf->setPosition( sectionMap.address ) )
return false;
pageType = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nSection page type= " );
DRW_DBGH( pageType );
decompSize = fileBuf->getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nDecompressed size= " );
DRW_DBG( decompSize );
DRW_DBG( ", " );
DRW_DBGH( decompSize );
if ( pageType != 0x4163003b )
//bad page type, ends
DRW_DBG( "Warning, bad page type, was expected 0x4163003b instead of" );
DRW_DBGH( pageType );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
return false;
tmpDecompSec = new duint8[decompSize];
parseSysPage( tmpDecompSec, decompSize );
//reads sections:
DRW_DBG( "\n*** dwgReader18: reads sections:" );
dwgBuffer buff3( tmpDecompSec, decompSize, &decoder );
duint32 numDescriptions = buff3.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nnumDescriptions (sections)= " );
DRW_DBG( numDescriptions );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x02 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff3.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x00007400 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff3.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n0x00 long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff3.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\nunknown long (numDescriptions?)= " );
DRW_DBG( buff3.getRawLong32() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numDescriptions; i++ )
dwgSectionInfo secInfo;
secInfo.size = buff3.getRawLong64();
DRW_DBG( "\nSize of section= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.size );
secInfo.pageCount = buff3.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nPage count= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pageCount );
secInfo.maxSize = buff3.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nMax Decompressed Size= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.maxSize );
DRW_DBG( "\nunknown long= " );
DRW_DBGH( buff3.getRawLong32() );
secInfo.compressed = buff3.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nis Compressed? 1:no, 2:yes= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.compressed );
secInfo.Id = buff3.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\nSection Id= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.Id );
secInfo.encrypted = buff3.getRawLong32();
//encrypted (doc: 0 no, 1 yes, 2 unkn) on read: objects 0 and encrypted yes
DRW_DBG( "\nEncrypted= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.encrypted );
duint8 nameCStr[64];
buff3.getBytes( nameCStr, 64 );
secInfo.name = reinterpret_cast<char *>( nameCStr );
DRW_DBG( "\nSection std::Name= " );
DRW_DBG( secInfo.name.c_str() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < secInfo.pageCount; i++ )
duint32 pn = buff3.getRawLong32();
dwgPageInfo pi = sectionPageMapTmp[pn]; //get a copy
DRW_DBG( " reading pag num = " );
DRW_DBGH( pn );
pi.dataSize = buff3.getRawLong32();
pi.startOffset = buff3.getRawLong64();
secInfo.pages[pn] = pi;//complete copy in secInfo
DRW_DBG( "\n Page number= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pages[pn].Id );
DRW_DBG( "\n size in file= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pages[pn].size );
DRW_DBG( "\n address in file= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pages[pn].address );
DRW_DBG( "\n Data size= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pages[pn].dataSize );
DRW_DBG( "\n Start offset= " );
DRW_DBGH( secInfo.pages[pn].startOffset );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
//do not save empty section
if ( !secInfo.name.empty() )
DRW_DBG( "Saved section Name= " );
DRW_DBG( secInfo.name.c_str() );
DRW_DBG( "\n" );
sections[secEnum::getEnum( secInfo.name )] = secInfo;
if ( ! fileBuf->isGood() )
return false;
DRW_DBG( "\ndwgReader18::readFileHeader END\n\n" );
return true;
bool dwgReader18::readDwgHeader( DRW_Header &hdr )
DRW_DBG( "dwgReader18::readDwgHeader\n" );
dwgSectionInfo si = sections[secEnum::HEADER];
if ( si.Id < 0 )//not found, ends
return false;
bool ret = parseDataPage( si/*, objData*/ );
//global store for uncompressed data of all pages
uncompSize = si.size;
if ( ret )
dwgBuffer dataBuf( objData, si.size, &decoder );
DRW_DBG( "Header section sentinel= " );
checkSentinel( &dataBuf, secEnum::HEADER, true );
if ( version == DRW::AC1018 )
ret = dwgReader::readDwgHeader( hdr, &dataBuf, &dataBuf );
dwgBuffer handleBuf( objData, si.size, &decoder );
ret = dwgReader::readDwgHeader( hdr, &dataBuf, &handleBuf );
//Cleanup: global store for uncompressed data of all pages
if ( objData )
delete[] objData;
objData = nullptr;
return ret;
bool dwgReader18::readDwgClasses()
DRW_DBG( "\ndwgReader18::readDwgClasses\n" );
dwgSectionInfo si = sections[secEnum::CLASSES];
if ( si.Id < 0 )//not found, ends
return false;
bool ret = parseDataPage( si/*, objData*/ );
//global store for uncompressed data of all pages
uncompSize = si.size;
if ( ret )
dwgBuffer dataBuf( objData, uncompSize, &decoder );
DRW_DBG( "classes section sentinel= " );
checkSentinel( &dataBuf, secEnum::CLASSES, true );
duint32 size = dataBuf.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\ndata size in bytes " );
DRW_DBG( size );
if ( version > DRW::AC1021 && maintenanceVersion > 3 ) //2010+
duint32 hSize = dataBuf.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\n2010+ & MV> 3, height 32b: " );
DRW_DBG( hSize );
duint32 bitSize = 0;
if ( version > DRW::AC1021 ) //2007+
bitSize = dataBuf.getRawLong32();
DRW_DBG( "\ntotal size in bits " );
DRW_DBG( bitSize );
duint32 maxClassNum = dataBuf.getBitShort();
DRW_DBG( "\nMaximum class number " );
DRW_DBG( maxClassNum );
DRW_DBG( "\nRc 1 " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getRawChar8() );
DRW_DBG( "\nRc 2 " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getRawChar8() );
DRW_DBG( "\nBit " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getBit() );
dwgBuffer *strBuf = &dataBuf;
dwgBuffer strBuff( objData, uncompSize, &decoder );
//prepare string stream for 2007+
if ( version > DRW::AC1021 ) //2007+
strBuf = &strBuff;
duint32 strStartPos = bitSize + 191;//size in bits + 24 bytes (sn+size+hSize) - 1 bit (endbit)
DRW_DBG( "\nstrStartPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strStartPos );
strBuff.setPosition( strStartPos >> 3 );
strBuff.setBitPos( strStartPos & 7 );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getBitPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getBitPos() );
DRW_DBG( "\nendBit " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getBit() );
strStartPos -= 16;//decrement 16 bits
DRW_DBG( "\nstrStartPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strStartPos );
strBuff.setPosition( strStartPos >> 3 );
strBuff.setBitPos( strStartPos & 7 );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getBitPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getBitPos() );
duint32 strDataSize = strBuff.getRawShort16();
DRW_DBG( "\nstrDataSize: " );
DRW_DBG( strDataSize );
if ( strDataSize & 0x8000 )
strStartPos -= 16;//decrement 16 bits
strDataSize &= 0x7FFF; //strip 0x8000;
strBuff.setPosition( strStartPos >> 3 );
strBuff.setBitPos( strStartPos & 7 );
duint32 hiSize = strBuff.getRawShort16();
strDataSize |= ( hiSize << 15 );
strStartPos -= strDataSize;
DRW_DBG( "\nstrStartPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strStartPos );
strBuff.setPosition( strStartPos >> 3 );
strBuff.setBitPos( strStartPos & 7 );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses strings buff.getBitPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuff.getBitPos() );
duint32 endDataPos = maxClassNum - 499;
DRW_DBG( "\nbuff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getPosition() );
for ( duint32 i = 0; i < endDataPos; i++ )
DRW_Class *cl = new DRW_Class();
cl->parseDwg( version, &dataBuf, strBuf );
classesmap[cl->classNum] = cl;
DRW_DBG( "\nbuff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nend classes data buff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nend classes data buff.getBitPos: " );
DRW_DBG( dataBuf.getBitPos() );
DRW_DBG( "\nend classes strings buff.getPosition: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuf->getPosition() );
DRW_DBG( "\nend classes strings buff.getBitPos: " );
DRW_DBG( strBuf->getBitPos() );
strBuf->setPosition( strBuf->getPosition() + 1 );//skip remaining bits
DRW_DBG( "\nCRC: " );
DRW_DBGH( strBuf->getRawShort16() );
if ( version > DRW::AC1018 )
DRW_DBG( "\nunknown CRC: " );
DRW_DBGH( strBuf->getRawShort16() );
DRW_DBG( "\nclasses section end sentinel= " );
checkSentinel( strBuf, secEnum::CLASSES, false );
ret = strBuf->isGood();
//Cleanup: global store for uncompressed data of all pages
if ( objData )
delete[] objData;
objData = nullptr;
return ret;
/*********** objects map ************************/
/** Note: object map are split in sections with max size 2035?
* heach section are 2 bytes size + data bytes + 2 bytes crc
* size value are data bytes + 2 and to calculate crc are used
* 2 bytes size + data bytes
* last section are 2 bytes size + 2 bytes crc (size value always 2)
bool dwgReader18::readDwgHandles()
DRW_DBG( "\ndwgReader18::readDwgHandles\n" );
dwgSectionInfo si = sections[secEnum::HANDLES];
if ( si.Id < 0 )//not found, ends
return false;
bool ret = parseDataPage( si );
//global store for uncompressed data of all pages
uncompSize = si.size;
if ( ret )
dwgBuffer dataBuf( objData, uncompSize, &decoder );
ret = dwgReader::readDwgHandles( &dataBuf, 0, si.size );
//Cleanup: global store for uncompressed data of all pages
if ( objData )
delete[] objData;
objData = nullptr;
uncompSize = 0;
return ret;
/*********** objects ************************/
* Reads all the object referenced in the object map section of the DWG file
* (using their object file offsets)
bool dwgReader18::readDwgTables( DRW_Header &hdr )
DRW_DBG( "\ndwgReader18::readDwgTables\n" );
dwgSectionInfo si = sections[secEnum::OBJECTS];
if ( si.Id < 0 )//not found, ends
return false;
bool ret = parseDataPage( si/*, objData*/ );
//global store for uncompressed data of all pages
uncompSize = si.size;
if ( ret )
dwgBuffer dataBuf( objData, uncompSize, &decoder );
ret = dwgReader::readDwgTables( hdr, &dataBuf );
//Do not delete objData in this point, needed in the remaining code
return ret;