mcoletti 2e54ed8648 - Promoted name, description, version, and type strings to QgisPlugin base

- Type now a formal enumerated typedef

- Propogated changes forward to existing plug-ins

git-svn-id: http://svn.osgeo.org/qgis/trunk@994 c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
2004-03-08 23:50:05 +00:00

451 lines
16 KiB

Geoprocessing plugin for PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers
begin : Jan 21, 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Gary E.Sherman
email : sherman at mrcc.com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
// includes
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "../../src/qgisapp.h"
#include "../../src/qgsmaplayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "../../src/qgsdataprovider.h"
#include "../../src/qgsfield.h"
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qmenubar.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include "qgsdlgpgbuffer.h"
#include "qgspggeoprocessing.h"
// xpm for creating the toolbar icon
#include "icon_buffer.xpm"
static const char *pluginVersion = "0.1";
static const char * const ident_ = "$Id$";
static const char * const name_ = "PostgresSQL Geoprocessing";
static const char * const description_ = "Geoprocessing functions for working with PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers";
static const char * const version_ = "Version 0.1";
static const QgisPlugin::PLUGINTYPE type_ = QgisPlugin::UI;
* Constructor for the plugin. The plugin is passed a pointer to the main app
* and an interface object that provides access to exposed functions in QGIS.
* @param qgis Pointer to the QGIS main window
* @parma _qI Pointer to the QGIS interface object
QgsPgGeoprocessing::QgsPgGeoprocessing(QgisApp * qgis, QgisIface * _qI)
: qgisMainWindow(qgis), qI(_qI),
QgisPlugin( name_, description_, version_, type_ )
* Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsPgGeoprocessing::initGui()
// add a menu with 2 items
QPopupMenu *pluginMenu = new QPopupMenu(qgisMainWindow);
pluginMenu->insertItem(QIconSet(icon_buffer),"&Buffer Features", this, SLOT(buffer()));
// pluginMenu->insertItem("&Unload Geoprocessing Plugin", this, SLOT(unload()));
menu = ((QMainWindow *) qgisMainWindow)->menuBar();
// menuId = menu->insertItem("&Geoprocessing", pluginMenu);
menuId = qI->addMenu("&Geoprocessing", pluginMenu);
// Create the action for tool
QAction *bufferAction = new QAction("Buffer features", QIconSet(icon_buffer), "&Buffer",
0, this, "buffer");
// Connect the action to the zoomPrevous slot
connect(bufferAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(buffer()));
// Add the toolbar
toolBar = new QToolBar((QMainWindow *) qgisMainWindow, "geoprocessing");
toolBar->setLabel("PostgreSQL/PostGIS Geoprocessing");
// Add the zoom previous tool to the toolbar
// Slot called when the buffer menu item is activated
void QgsPgGeoprocessing::buffer()
// need to get a pointer to the current layer
QgsMapLayer *layer = qI->activeLayer();
if (layer) {
QgsVectorLayer *lyr = (QgsVectorLayer*)layer;
// check the layer to see if its a postgres layer
if (layer->type() != QgsMapLayer::RASTER &&
lyr->providerType() == "postgres") {
QString dataSource = lyr->source(); //qI->activeLayerSource();
// create the connection string
QString connInfo = dataSource.left(dataSource.find("table="));
std::cerr << "Data source = " << QString("Datasource:%1\n\nConnectionInfo:%2").arg(dataSource).arg(connInfo) << std::endl;
// connect to the database and check the capabilities
PGconn *capTest = PQconnectdb((const char *) connInfo);
if (PQstatus(capTest) == CONNECTION_OK) {
// get the table name
QStringList connStrings = QStringList::split(" ", dataSource);
QStringList tables = connStrings.grep("table=");
QString table = tables[0];
QString tableName = table.mid(table.find("=") + 1);
// get the schema
QString schema = tableName.left(tableName.find("."));
// get the database name
QStringList dbnames = connStrings.grep("dbname=");
QString dbname = dbnames[0];
dbname = dbname.mid(dbname.find("=") + 1);
// get the user name
QStringList userNames = connStrings.grep("user=");
QString user = userNames[0];
user = user.mid(user.find("=") + 1);
// show dialog to fetch buffer distrance, new layer name, and option to
QgsDlgPgBuffer *bb = new QgsDlgPgBuffer(qI);
// set the label
QString lbl = tr("Buffer features in layer %1").arg(tableName);
// set a default output table name
bb->setBufferLayerName(tableName.mid(tableName.find(".") + 1) + "_buffer");
// set the fields on the dialog box drop-down
QgsDataProvider *dp = lyr->getDataProvider();
std::vector < QgsField > flds = dp->fields();
for (int i = 0; i < flds.size(); i++) {
// check the field type -- if its int we can use it
if (flds[i].type().find("int") > -1) {
// connect to the database
PGconn *conn = PQconnectdb((const char *) connInfo);
if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK) {
// populate the schema drop-down
QString schemaSql =
QString("select nspname from pg_namespace,pg_user where nspowner = usesysid and usename = '%1'").arg(user);
PGresult *schemas = PQexec(conn, (const char *) schemaSql);
if (PQresultStatus(schemas) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
// add the schemas to the drop-down, otherwise just public (the
// default) will show up
for (int i = 0; i < PQntuples(schemas); i++) {
bb->addSchema(PQgetvalue(schemas, i, 0));
// query the geometry_columns table to get the srid and use it as default
QString sridSql =
QString("select srid,f_geometry_column from geometry_columns where f_table_schema='%1' and f_table_name='%2'")
.arg(tableName.mid(tableName.find(".") + 1));
std::cerr << "SRID SQL" << sridSql << std::endl;
QString geometryCol;
PGresult *sridq = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sridSql);
if (PQresultStatus(sridq) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
bb->setSrid(PQgetvalue(sridq, 0, 0));
geometryCol = PQgetvalue(sridq, 0, 1);
} else {
// exec the dialog and process if user selects ok
if (bb->exec()) {
// determine what column to use as the obj id
QString objId = bb->objectIdColumn();
QString objIdType = "int";
QString objIdValue;
if (objId == "Create unique object id") {
objId = "objectid";
objIdType = "serial";
objIdValue = "DEFAULT";
} else {
objIdValue = objId;
// set the schema path (need public to find the postgis
// functions)
PGresult *result = PQexec(conn, "begin work");
QString sql;
// set the schema search path if schema is not public
if(bb->schema() != "public")
sql = QString("set search_path = '%1','public'").arg(bb->schema());
result = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sql);
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
// first create the new table
sql = QString("create table %1.%2 (%3 %4)")
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sql);
std::cerr << "Status from create table is " << PQresultStatus(result) << std::endl;
if (PQresultStatus(result) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
// add the geometry column
//<db_name>, <table_name>, <column_name>, <srid>, <type>, <dimension>
sql = QString("select addgeometrycolumn('%1','%2','%3',%4,'%5',%6)")
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
PGresult *geoCol = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sql);
// drop the check constraint based on geometry type
sql = QString("alter table %1.%2 drop constraint \"$2\"")
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sql);
// check pg version and formulate insert query accordingly
result = PQexec(conn,"select version()");
QString versionString = PQgetvalue(result,0,0);
QStringList versionParts = QStringList::split(" ", versionString);
// second element is the version number
QString version = versionParts[1];
if(version < "7.4.0"){
// modify the tableName
tableName = tableName.mid(tableName.find(".")+1);
std::cerr << "Table name for PG 7.3 is: " << tableName.mid(tableName.find(".")+1) << std::endl;
// if(PQresultStatus(geoCol) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
// do the buffer and insert the features
if (objId == "objectid") {
sql = QString("insert into %1 (%2) select buffer(%3,%4) from %5")
} else {
sql = QString("insert into %1 select %2, buffer(%3,%4) from %5")
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(conn, (const char *) sql);
// }
std::cerr << sql << std::endl;
result = PQexec(conn, "end work");
result = PQexec(conn, "commit;vacuum");
// QMessageBox::information(0, "Add to Map?", "Do you want to add the layer to the map?");
// add new layer to the map
if (bb->addLayerToMap()) {
// create the connection string
QString newLayerSource = dataSource.left(dataSource.find("table="));
std::cerr << "newLayerSource: " << newLayerSource << std::endl;
// add the schema.table and geometry column
/* newLayerSource += "table=" + bb->schema() + "." + bb->bufferLayerName()
+ " (" + bb->geometryColumn() + ")"; */
std::cerr << "newLayerSource: " << newLayerSource << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Adding new layer using\n\t" << newLayerSource << std::endl;
// host=localhost dbname=gis_data user=gsherman password= table=public.alaska (the_geom)
// Using addVectorLayer requires that be add a table=xxxx to the layer path since
// addVectorLayer is generic for all supported layers
qI->addVectorLayer(newLayerSource + "table=" + bb->schema() + "." + bb->bufferLayerName()
+ " (" + bb->geometryColumn() + ")",
bb->schema() + "." + bb->bufferLayerName() + " (" + bb->geometryColumn() + ")",
} else {
QMessageBox::critical(0, "Unable to create table",
QString("Failed to create the output table %1").arg(bb->bufferLayerName()));
delete bb;
} else {
// connection error
QString err = tr("Error connecting to the database");
QMessageBox::critical(0, err, PQerrorMessage(conn));
QMessageBox::critical(0,"No GEOS support","Buffer function requires GEOS support in PostGIS");
} else {
QMessageBox::critical(0, "Not a PostgreSQL/PosGIS Layer",
("%1 is not a PostgreSQL/PosGIS layer. Geoprocessing functions are only available for PostgreSQL/PosGIS Layers").
} else {
QMessageBox::warning(0, "No Active Layer", "You must select a layer in the legend to buffer");
/* Functions for determining available features in postGIS */
QString QgsPgGeoprocessing::postgisVersion(PGconn *connection){
PGresult *result = PQexec(connection, "select postgis_version()");
postgisVersionInfo = PQgetvalue(result,0,0);
std::cerr << "PostGIS version info: " << postgisVersionInfo << std::endl;
// assume no capabilities
geosAvailable = false;
gistAvailable = false;
projAvailable = false;
// parse out the capabilities and store them
QStringList postgisParts = QStringList::split(" ", postgisVersionInfo);
QStringList geos = postgisParts.grep("GEOS");
if(geos.size() == 1){
geosAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);
QStringList gist = postgisParts.grep("STATS");
if(gist.size() == 1){
gistAvailable = (geos[0].find("=1") > -1);
QStringList proj = postgisParts.grep("PROJ");
if(proj.size() == 1){
projAvailable = (proj[0].find("=1") > -1);
return postgisVersionInfo;
bool QgsPgGeoprocessing::hasGEOS(PGconn *connection){
// make sure info is up to date for the current connection
// get geos capability
return geosAvailable;
bool QgsPgGeoprocessing::hasGIST(PGconn *connection){
// make sure info is up to date for the current connection
// get gist capability
return gistAvailable;
bool QgsPgGeoprocessing::hasPROJ(PGconn *connection){
// make sure info is up to date for the current connection
// get proj4 capability
return projAvailable;
// Unload the plugin by cleaning up the GUI
void QgsPgGeoprocessing::unload()
// remove the GUI
delete toolBar;
* Required extern functions needed for every plugin
* These functions can be called prior to creating an instance
* of the plugin class
// Class factory to return a new instance of the plugin class
extern "C" QgisPlugin * classFactory(QgisApp * qgis, QgisIface * qI)
return new QgsPgGeoprocessing(qgis, qI);
// Return the name of the plugin
extern "C" QString name()
return name_;
// Return the description
extern "C" QString description()
return description_;
// Return the type (either UI or MapLayer plugin)
extern "C" int type()
return type_;
// Return the version number for the plugin
extern "C" QString version()
return version_;
// Delete ourself
extern "C" void unload(QgisPlugin * p)
delete p;