Vincent Cloarec de68f83cc3
Virtual dataset groups for mesh layer (#37605)
[FEATURE] Introduces mesh virtual datasets

With the mesh calculator the user can choose to create those "virtual" dataset groups that will be added to the layer. Then, for these dataset groups, values are not stored in memory but each dataset is calculated when needed whit the formula entered in the mesh calculator.

Those virtual dataset groups are saved with the project.

If needed, the user can remove them or can persist them on files to make them persistent.

Co-authored-by: Étienne Trimaille <gustrimaille@yahoo.fr>
2020-07-23 07:39:28 +02:00

400 lines
12 KiB

MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2019 Vincent Cloarec (vcloarec at gmail dot com)
#include "mdal_datetime.hpp"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000;
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 1000 * 60;
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60;
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
constexpr double MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR = 3.15569259747e10; //CF Compliant
MDAL::DateTime::DateTime() = default;
MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( int year, int month, int day, int hours, int minutes, double seconds, MDAL::DateTime::Calendar calendar )
DateTimeValues value{year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds};
switch ( calendar )
case MDAL::DateTime::Gregorian:
setWithGregorianJulianCalendarDate( value );
case MDAL::DateTime::ProlepticGregorian:
setWithGregorianCalendarDate( value );
case MDAL::DateTime::Julian:
setWithJulianCalendarDate( value );
MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( double value, Epoch epoch ): mValid( true )
switch ( epoch )
case MDAL::DateTime::Unix:
mJulianTime = ( DateTime( 1970, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, Gregorian ) + RelativeTimestamp( value, RelativeTimestamp::seconds ) ).mJulianTime;
case MDAL::DateTime::JulianDay:
mJulianTime = int64_t( value * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 );
MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( const std::string &fromISO8601 )
std::vector<std::string> splitedDateTime = split( fromISO8601, 'T' );
if ( splitedDateTime.size() != 2 )
//parse date
std::vector<std::string> splitedDate = split( splitedDateTime.at( 0 ), '-' );
if ( splitedDate.size() != 3 )
//parse time
splitedDateTime[1] = replace( splitedDateTime.at( 1 ), "Z", "", ContainsBehaviour::CaseInsensitive );
std::vector<std::string> splitedTime = split( splitedDateTime.at( 1 ), ':' );
if ( splitedTime.size() < 2 || splitedTime.size() > 3 )
DateTimeValues dateTimeValues;
dateTimeValues.year = toInt( splitedDate[0] );
dateTimeValues.month = toInt( splitedDate[1] );
dateTimeValues.day = toInt( splitedDate[2] );
dateTimeValues.hours = toInt( splitedTime[0] );
dateTimeValues.minutes = toInt( splitedTime[1] );
if ( splitedTime.size() == 3 )
dateTimeValues.seconds = toDouble( splitedTime[2] );
dateTimeValues.seconds = 0.0;
setWithGregorianCalendarDate( dateTimeValues );
std::string MDAL::DateTime::toStandardCalendarISO8601() const
if ( mValid )
DateTimeValues value = dateTimeGregorianProleptic();
if ( value.year > 0 )
return toString( value );
return "";
double MDAL::DateTime::toJulianDay() const
return mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY;
std::string MDAL::DateTime::toJulianDayString() const
return std::to_string( toJulianDay() );
std::vector<int> MDAL::DateTime::expandToCalendarArray() const
std::vector<int> dateTimeArray( 6, 0 );
if ( mValid )
DateTimeValues value = dateTimeGregorianProleptic();
dateTimeArray[0] = value.year;
dateTimeArray[1] = value.month;
dateTimeArray[2] = value.day;
dateTimeArray[3] = value.hours;
dateTimeArray[4] = value.minutes;
dateTimeArray[5] = int( value.seconds + 0.5 );
return dateTimeArray;
MDAL::DateTime MDAL::DateTime::operator+( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const
if ( !mValid )
return DateTime();
return DateTime( mJulianTime + duration.mDuration );
MDAL::DateTime MDAL::DateTime::operator-( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &duration ) const
if ( !mValid )
return DateTime();
return DateTime( mJulianTime - duration.mDuration );
bool MDAL::DateTime::operator==( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const
if ( !mValid && !other.mValid )
return true;
return ( mValid && other.mValid ) && ( mJulianTime == other.mJulianTime );
bool MDAL::DateTime::operator<( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const
if ( !mValid && !other.mValid )
return false;
return ( mValid && other.mValid ) && ( mJulianTime < other.mJulianTime );
bool MDAL::DateTime::isValid() const { return mValid; }
MDAL::DateTime::DateTime( int64_t julianTime ): mJulianTime( julianTime ), mValid( true )
MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues MDAL::DateTime::dateTimeGregorianJulianCalendar() const
// https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jour_julien
DateTimeValues values;
int Z = int( mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); // integer part of julian days count
double F = ( mJulianTime - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * ( Z - 0.5 ) ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY; // fractional part of julian days count;
int S;
if ( Z < 2299161 )
S = Z;
int alpha = int( ( Z - 1867216.25 ) / 36524.25 );
S = Z + 1 + alpha - int( alpha / 4 );
int B = S + 1524;
int C = int( ( B - 122.1 ) / 365.25 );
int D = int( 365.25 * C );
int E = int( ( B - D ) / 30.6001 );
values.day = B - D - int( 30.6001 * E );
if ( E < 14 )
values.month = E - 1;
values.month = E - 13;
if ( values.month > 2 )
values.year = C - 4716;
values.year = C - 4715;
values.hours = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR );
F = int( F - values.hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR );
values.minutes = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE );
F = int( F - values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE );
values.seconds = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND );
return values;
MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues MDAL::DateTime::dateTimeGregorianProleptic() const
// https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jour_julien
DateTimeValues values;
int Z = int( mJulianTime / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 ); // integer part of julian days count
int F = int( mJulianTime - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY * ( Z - 0.5 ) ) ; // fractional part of julian days count in ms;
int alpha = int( ( Z - 1867216.25 ) / 36524.25 );
int S = Z + 1 + alpha - int( alpha / 4 );
int B = S + 1524;
int C = int( ( B - 122.1 ) / 365.25 );
int D = int( 365.25 * C );
int E = int( ( B - D ) / 30.6001 );
values.day = B - D - int( 30.6001 * E );
if ( E < 14 )
values.month = E - 1;
values.month = E - 13;
if ( values.month > 2 )
values.year = C - 4716;
values.year = C - 4715;
values.hours = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR );
F = int( F - values.hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR );
values.minutes = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE );
F = int( F - values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE );
values.seconds = int( F / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND );
return values;
void MDAL::DateTime::setWithGregorianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values )
// https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html
if ( values.month <= 2 )
values.month += 12;
int A = values.year / 100;
int B = A / 4;
int C = 2 - A + B;
int E = int( 365.25 * ( values.year + 4716 ) );
int F = int( 30.6001 * ( values.month + 1 ) );
double julianDay = C + values.day + E + F - 1524.5;
mValid = true;
mJulianTime = int64_t( julianDay * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY +
( values.hours ) * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR +
values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE +
values.seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND );
void MDAL::DateTime::setWithJulianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values )
// https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html
if ( values.month <= 2 )
values.month += 12;
int E = int( 365.25 * ( values.year + 4716 ) );
int F = int( 30.6001 * ( values.month + 1 ) );
double julianDay = values.day + E + F - 1524.5;
mValid = true;
mJulianTime = int64_t( julianDay * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY +
( values.hours ) * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR +
values.minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE +
values.seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND );
void MDAL::DateTime::setWithGregorianJulianCalendarDate( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values )
// https://quasar.as.utexas.edu/BillInfo/JulianDatesG.html
mValid = true;
if ( values.year > 1582 ||
( values.year == 1582 && ( values.month > 10 || ( values.month == 10 && values.day >= 15 ) ) ) ) // gregorian calendar
setWithGregorianCalendarDate( values );
setWithJulianCalendarDate( values );
std::string MDAL::DateTime::toString( MDAL::DateTime::DateTimeValues values ) const
int milliseconds = int( ( values.seconds - int( values.seconds ) ) * 1000 + 0.5 );
std::string msStr;
if ( milliseconds > 0 )
if ( milliseconds < 10 )
msStr = prependZero( std::to_string( milliseconds ), 3 );
else if ( milliseconds < 100 )
msStr = prependZero( std::to_string( milliseconds ), 2 );
else if ( milliseconds < 1000 )
msStr = std::to_string( milliseconds );
msStr = std::string( "," ).append( msStr );
std::string strDateTime = prependZero( std::to_string( values.year ), 4 ) + "-" +
prependZero( std::to_string( values.month ), 2 ) + "-" +
prependZero( std::to_string( values.day ), 2 ) + "T" +
prependZero( std::to_string( values.hours ), 2 ) + ":" +
prependZero( std::to_string( values.minutes ), 2 ) + ":" +
prependZero( std::to_string( int( values.seconds ) ), 2 ) +
return strDateTime;
MDAL::RelativeTimestamp MDAL::DateTime::operator-( const MDAL::DateTime &other ) const
if ( !mValid || !other.mValid )
return RelativeTimestamp();
return RelativeTimestamp( mJulianTime - other.mJulianTime );
MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp() = default;
MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp( double duration, MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::Unit unit )
switch ( unit )
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::milliseconds:
mDuration = int64_t( duration );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::seconds:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::minutes:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::hours:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::days:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::weeks:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::months_CF:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_MONTH_CF + 0.5 );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::exact_years:
mDuration = int64_t( duration * MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR + 0.5 );
double MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::value( MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::Unit unit ) const
switch ( unit )
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::milliseconds:
return double( mDuration );
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::seconds:
return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::minutes:
return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::hours:
return mDuration / MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::days:
return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::weeks:
return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::months_CF:
return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_MONTH_CF;
case MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::exact_years:
return double( mDuration ) / MILLISECONDS_IN_EXACT_YEAR;
return 0;
bool MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::operator==( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &other ) const
return mDuration == other.mDuration;
bool MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::operator<( const MDAL::RelativeTimestamp &other ) const
return mDuration < other.mDuration;
MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::RelativeTimestamp( int64_t ms ): mDuration( ms )