Matthias Kuhn bb79d13e82 Remove deprecated Qgis::WKBType and API cleanup (#3325)
* Remove deprecated Qgis::WKBType and API cleanup

Renames QgsWKBTypes to QgsWkbTypes

Replaces usage of the enums:

* Qgis::WKBType with QgsWkbTypes::Type
* Qgis::GeometryType with QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType

Their values should be forward compatible (a fact that was already
explited up to now by casting between the types)

Renames some SSLxxx to SslXxx and URIxxx to UriXxx

* Fix build warnings and simplify type handling

* Add a fixer to rewrite imports

* The forgotten rebase conflictThe forgotten rebase conflicts

* QgsDataSourcURI > QgsDataSourceUri

* QgsWKBTypes > QgsWkbTypes

* Qgis.WKBGeom > QgsWkbTypes.Geom

* Further python fixes

* Guess what... Qgis::wkbDimensions != QgsWkbTypes::wkbDimensions

* Fix tests

* Python 3 updates

* [travis] pull request caching cannot be disabled

so at least use it in r/w mode

* Fix python3 print in plugins
2016-08-04 09:10:08 +02:00

1730 lines
62 KiB

typedef QList<int> QgsAttributeList;
typedef QSet<int> QgsAttributeIds;
struct QgsVectorJoinInfo
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
/** Join field in the target layer*/
QString targetFieldName;
/** Source layer*/
QString joinLayerId;
/** Join field in the source layer*/
QString joinFieldName;
/** True if the join is cached in virtual memory*/
bool memoryCache;
/** True if the cached join attributes need to be updated*/
bool cacheDirty;
/** Cache for joined attributes to provide fast lookup (size is 0 if no memory caching)
* @note not available in python bindings
// QHash< QString, QgsAttributeMap> cachedAttributes;
/** An optional prefix. If it is a Null string "{layername}_" will be used
* @note Added in 2.8
QString prefix;
bool operator==( const QgsVectorJoinInfo& other ) const;
/** Set subset of fields to be used from joined layer. Takes ownership of the passed pointer. Null pointer tells to use all fields.
@note added in 2.6 */
void setJoinFieldNamesSubset( QStringList* fieldNamesSubset /Transfer/ );
/** Get subset of fields to be used from joined layer. All fields will be used if null is returned.
@note added in 2.6 */
QStringList* joinFieldNamesSubset() const;
class QgsVectorLayer : QgsMapLayer
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
struct GroupData
GroupData( const QString& name, const QList<QString>& fields );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
struct TabData
TabData( const QString& name, const QList<QString>& fields, const QList<QgsVectorLayer::GroupData>& groups );
QString mName;
QList<QString> mFields;
QList<QgsVectorLayer::GroupData> mGroups;
enum EditorLayout
struct RangeData
//! @deprecated Use the editorWidgetV2() system instead
RangeData() /Deprecated/;
//! @deprecated Use the editorWidgetV2() system instead
RangeData( const QVariant& theMin, const QVariant& theMax, const QVariant& theStep ) /Deprecated/;
QVariant mMin;
QVariant mMax;
QVariant mStep;
struct ValueRelationData
ValueRelationData( const QString& layer, const QString& key, const QString& value, bool allowNull, bool orderByValue,
bool allowMulti = false,
const QString& filterExpression = QString::null );
QString mLayer;
QString mKey;
QString mValue;
QString mFilterExpression;
bool mAllowNull;
bool mOrderByValue;
bool mAllowMulti; /* allow selection of multiple keys */
* Types of feature form suppression after feature creation
* @note added in 2.1
* @deprecated in 2.14, Use QgsEditFormConfig instead
enum FeatureFormSuppress
SuppressDefault, // use the application-wide setting
* @deprecated Use the editorWidgetV2() system instead
enum EditType
Immutable, /**< The attribute value should not be changed in the attribute form */
Hidden, /**< The attribute value should not be shown in the attribute form */
TextEdit, /**< multiline edit */
Calendar, /**< calendar widget */
DialRange, /**< dial range */
ValueRelation, /**< value map from an table */
UuidGenerator, /**< uuid generator - readonly and automatically intialized */
Photo, /**< phote widget */
WebView, /**< webview widget */
Color, /**< color */
EditorWidgetV2, /**< modularized edit widgets @note added in 2.1 */
//! Result of an edit operation
enum EditResult
Success, /**< Edit operation was successful */
EmptyGeometry, /**< Edit operation resulted in an empty geometry */
EditFailed, /**< Edit operation failed */
FetchFeatureFailed, /**< Unable to fetch requested feature */
InvalidLayer, /**< Edit failed due to invalid layer */
//! Selection behaviour
enum SelectBehaviour
SetSelection, /**< Set selection, removing any existing selection */
AddToSelection, /**< Add selection to current selection */
IntersectSelection, /**< Modify current selection to include only select features which match */
RemoveFromSelection, /**< Remove from current selection */
/** Constructor - creates a vector layer
* The QgsVectorLayer is constructed by instantiating a data provider. The provider
* interprets the supplied path (url) of the data source to connect to and access the
* data.
* @param path The path or url of the parameter. Typically this encodes
* parameters used by the data provider as url query items.
* @param baseName The name used to represent the layer in the legend
* @param providerLib The name of the data provider, eg "memory", "postgres"
* @param loadDefaultStyleFlag whether to load the default style
QgsVectorLayer( const QString& path = QString::null, const QString& baseName = QString::null,
const QString& providerLib = QString::null, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = true );
/** Destructor */
virtual ~QgsVectorLayer();
/** Returns the permanent storage type for this layer as a friendly name. */
QString storageType() const;
/** Capabilities for this layer in a friendly format. */
QString capabilitiesString() const;
/** Returns a comment for the data in the layer */
QString dataComment() const;
* This is a shorthand for accessing the displayExpression if it is a simple field.
* If the displayExpression is more complex than a simple field, a null string will
* be returned.
* @see displayExpression
QString displayField() const;
/** Set the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.
* Used e.g. in the attribute table feature list. Uses { @link QgsExpression }.
* @param displayExpression The expression which will be used to preview features
* for this layer
void setDisplayExpression( const QString &displayExpression );
* Get the preview expression, used to create a human readable preview string.
* Uses { @link QgsExpression }
* @return The expression which will be used to preview features for this layer
QString displayExpression() const;
/** Returns the data provider */
QgsVectorDataProvider* dataProvider();
/** Returns the data provider in a const-correct manner
* @note not available in python bindings
// const QgsVectorDataProvider* dataProvider() const;
/** Sets the textencoding of the data provider */
void setProviderEncoding( const QString& encoding );
/** Setup the coordinate system transformation for the layer */
void setCoordinateSystem();
/** Joins another vector layer to this layer
@param joinInfo join object containing join layer id, target and source field
@note since 2.6 returns bool indicating whether the join can be added */
bool addJoin( const QgsVectorJoinInfo& joinInfo );
/** Removes a vector layer join
@returns true if join was found and successfully removed */
bool removeJoin( const QString& joinLayerId );
const QList<QgsVectorJoinInfo> vectorJoins() const;
* Get the list of layer ids on which this layer depends. This in particular determines the order of layer loading.
virtual QSet<QString> layerDependencies() const;
* Add a new field which is calculated by the expression specified
* @param exp The expression which calculates the field
* @param fld The field to calculate
* @return The index of the new field
* @note added in 2.6, return value added in 2.9
int addExpressionField( const QString& exp, const QgsField& fld );
* Remove an expression field
* @param index The index of the field
* @note added in 2.6
void removeExpressionField( int index );
* Returns the expressoin used for a given expression field
* @param index An index of an epxression based (virtual) field
* @return The expression for the field at index
* @note added in 2.9
QString expressionField( int index ) const;
* Changes the expression used to define an expression based (virtual) field
* @param index The index of the expression to change
* @param exp The new expression to set
* @note added in 2.9
void updateExpressionField( int index, const QString& exp );
QgsActionManager *actions();
* The number of features that are selected in this layer
* @return See description
int selectedFeatureCount() const;
* Select features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates)
* @param rect The search rectangle
* @param addToSelection If set to true will not clear before selecting
* @see invertSelectionInRectangle(QgsRectangle & rect)
* @see selectByExpression()
* @deprecated use selectByRect() instead
void select( QgsRectangle & rect, bool addToSelection ) /Deprecated/;
* Select features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates)
* @param rect search rectangle
* @param behaviour selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing
* from selection, etc.
* @see invertSelectionInRectangle(QgsRectangle & rect)
* @see selectByExpression()
* @see selectByIds()
void selectByRect( QgsRectangle & rect, SelectBehaviour behaviour = SetSelection );
/** Select matching features using an expression.
* @param expression expression to evaluate to select features
* @param behaviour selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing
* from selection, etc.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
* @see selectByRect()
* @see selectByIds()
void selectByExpression( const QString& expression, SelectBehaviour behaviour = SetSelection );
/** Select matching features using a list of feature IDs. Will emit the
* selectionChanged() signal with the clearAndSelect flag set.
* @param ids feature IDs to select
* @param behaviour selection type, allows adding to current selection, removing
* from selection, etc.
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
* @see selectByRect()
* @see selectByExpression()
void selectByIds( const QgsFeatureIds &ids, SelectBehaviour behaviour = SetSelection );
* Modifies the current selection on this layer
* @param selectIds Select these ids
* @param deselectIds Deselect these ids
* @see select(QgsFeatureIds)
* @see select(QgsFeatureId)
* @see deselect(QgsFeatureIds)
* @see deselect(QgsFeatureId)
* @see selectByExpression()
void modifySelection( QgsFeatureIds selectIds, QgsFeatureIds deselectIds );
/** Select not selected features and deselect selected ones */
void invertSelection();
/** Select all the features */
void selectAll();
/** Get all feature Ids */
QgsFeatureIds allFeatureIds() const;
* Invert selection of features found within the search rectangle (in layer's coordinates)
* @param rect The rectangle in which the selection of features will be inverted
* @see invertSelection()
void invertSelectionInRectangle( QgsRectangle & rect );
* Get a copy of the user-selected features
* @return A list of { @link QgsFeature } 's
* @see selectedFeaturesIds()
* @see selectedFeaturesIterator() which is more memory friendly when handling large selections
QgsFeatureList selectedFeatures() const;
* Get an iterator of the selected features
* @param request You may specify a request, e.g. to limit the set of requested attributes.
* Any filter on the request will be discarded.
* @return Iterator over the selected features
* @see selectedFeaturesIds()
* @see selectedFeatures()
QgsFeatureIterator selectedFeaturesIterator( QgsFeatureRequest request = QgsFeatureRequest() ) const;
* Return reference to identifiers of selected features
* @return A list of { @link QgsFeatureId } 's
* @see selectedFeatures()
const QgsFeatureIds &selectedFeaturesIds() const;
* Change selection to the new set of features. Dismisses the current selection.
* Will emit the { @link selectionChanged( const QgsFeatureIds&, const QgsFeatureIds&qt_check_for_QOBJECT_macro, bool ) } signal with the
* clearAndSelect flag set.
* @param ids The ids which will be the new selection
* @deprecated use selectByIds() instead
void setSelectedFeatures( const QgsFeatureIds &ids ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns the bounding box of the selected features. If there is no selection, QgsRectangle(0,0,0,0) is returned */
QgsRectangle boundingBoxOfSelected() const;
/** Returns whether the layer contains labels which are enabled and should be drawn.
* @return true if layer contains enabled labels
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
bool labelsEnabled() const;
/** Returns whether the layer contains diagrams which are enabled and should be drawn.
* @return true if layer contains enabled diagrams
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
bool diagramsEnabled() const;
/** Sets diagram rendering object (takes ownership) */
void setDiagramRenderer( QgsDiagramRendererV2* r /Transfer/ );
const QgsDiagramRendererV2* diagramRenderer() const;
void setDiagramLayerSettings( const QgsDiagramLayerSettings& s );
const QgsDiagramLayerSettings *diagramLayerSettings() const;
/** Return renderer V2. */
QgsFeatureRendererV2* rendererV2();
/** Return const renderer V2.
* @note not available in python bindings
// const QgsFeatureRendererV2* rendererV2() const { return mRendererV2; }
* Set renderer which will be invoked to represent this layer.
* Ownership is transferred.
void setRendererV2( QgsFeatureRendererV2* r /Transfer/ );
/** Returns point, line or polygon */
QgsWkbTypes::GeometryType geometryType() const;
/** Returns true if this is a geometry layer and false in case of NoGeometry (table only) or UnknownGeometry */
bool hasGeometryType() const;
/** Returns the WKBType or WKBUnknown in case of error*/
QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType() const;
/** Return the provider type for this layer */
QString providerType() const;
/** Reads vector layer specific state from project file Dom node.
* @note Called by QgsMapLayer::readXML().
virtual bool readXml( const QDomNode& layer_node );
/** Write vector layer specific state to project file Dom node.
* @note Called by QgsMapLayer::writeXML().
virtual bool writeXml( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & doc ) const;
* Save named and sld style of the layer to the style table in the db.
* @param name
* @param description
* @param useAsDefault
* @param uiFileContent
* @param msgError
virtual void saveStyleToDatabase( const QString& name, const QString& description,
bool useAsDefault, const QString& uiFileContent,
QString &msgError );
* Lists all the style in db split into related to the layer and not related to
* @param ids the list in which will be stored the style db ids
* @param names the list in which will be stored the style names
* @param descriptions the list in which will be stored the style descriptions
* @param msgError
* @return the number of styles related to current layer
virtual int listStylesInDatabase( QStringList &ids /Out/, QStringList &names /Out/,
QStringList &descriptions /Out/, QString &msgError /Out/ );
* Will return the named style corresponding to style id provided
virtual QString getStyleFromDatabase( const QString& styleId, QString &msgError );
* Load a named style from file/local db/datasource db
* @param theURI the URI of the style or the URI of the layer
* @param theResultFlag will be set to true if a named style is correctly loaded
* @param loadFromLocalDb if true forces to load from local db instead of datasource one
virtual QString loadNamedStyle( const QString &theURI, bool &theResultFlag, bool loadFromLocalDb );
* Calls loadNamedStyle( theURI, theResultFlag, false );
* Retained for backward compatibility
virtual QString loadNamedStyle( const QString &theURI, bool &theResultFlag );
* Will load a named style from a provided QML string.
* @param namedStyle A QML string
* @param errorMsg An error message indicating problems if any
* @return true on success
* @deprecated Will be removed for QGIS 3 in favor of importNamedStyle
virtual bool applyNamedStyle( const QString& namedStyle, QString &errorMsg /Out/ ) /Deprecated/;
/** Convert a saved attribute editor element into a AttributeEditor structure as it's used internally.
* @param elem the DOM element
* @param parent the QObject which will own this object
QgsAttributeEditorElement* attributeEditorElementFromDomElement( QDomElement &elem, QObject* parent );
/** Read the symbology for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.
* @param node node that will contain the symbology definition for this layer.
* @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages
* @return true in case of success.
bool readSymbology( const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage );
/** Read the style for the current layer from the Dom node supplied.
* @param node node that will contain the style definition for this layer.
* @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages
* @return true in case of success.
bool readStyle( const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage );
/** Write the symbology for the layer into the docment provided.
* @param node the node that will have the style element added to it.
* @param doc the document that will have the QDomNode added.
* @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages
* @return true in case of success.
bool writeSymbology( QDomNode& node, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
/** Write just the style information for the layer into the document
* @param node the node that will have the style element added to it.
* @param doc the document that will have the QDomNode added.
* @param errorMessage reference to string that will be updated with any error messages
* @return true in case of success.
bool writeStyle( QDomNode& node, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
bool writeSld( QDomNode& node, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
bool readSld( const QDomNode& node, QString& errorMessage );
* Number of features rendered with specified symbol. Features must be first
* calculated by countSymbolFeatures()
* @param symbol the symbol
* @return number of features rendered by symbol or -1 if failed or counts are not available
long featureCount( QgsSymbolV2* symbol ) const;
* Update the data source of the layer. The layer's renderer and legend will be preserved only
* if the geometry type of the new data source matches the current geometry type of the layer.
* @param dataSource new layer data source
* @param baseName base name of the layer
* @param provider provider string
* @param loadDefaultStyleFlag set to true to reset the layer's style to the default for the
* data source
* @note added in QGIS 2.10
void setDataSource( const QString& dataSource, const QString& baseName, const QString& provider, bool loadDefaultStyleFlag = false );
* Count features for symbols. Feature counts may be get by featureCount( QgsSymbolV2*).
* @param showProgress show progress dialog
* @return true if calculated, false if failed or was canceled by user
bool countSymbolFeatures( bool showProgress = true );
* Set the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer
* @param subset The subset string. This may be the where clause of a sql statement
* or other defintion string specific to the underlying dataprovider
* and data store.
* @return true, when setting the subset string was successful, false otherwise
virtual bool setSubsetString( const QString& subset );
* Get the string (typically sql) used to define a subset of the layer
* @return The subset string or QString::null if not implemented by the provider
virtual QString subsetString() const;
* Query the layer for features specified in request.
* @param request feature request describing parameters of features to return
* @returns iterator for matching features from provider
QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QgsFeatureRequest& request = QgsFeatureRequest() ) const;
* Query the layer for features matching a given expression.
QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QString& expression );
* Query the layer for the feature with the given id.
* If there is no such feature, the returned feature will be invalid.
QgsFeature getFeature( QgsFeatureId fid );
* Query the layer for the features with the given ids.
QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( QgsFeatureIds fids );
* Query the layer for the features which intersect the specified rectangle.
QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QgsRectangle& rectangle );
/** Adds a feature
@param f feature to add
@param alsoUpdateExtent If True, will also go to the effort of e.g. updating the extents.
@return True in case of success and False in case of error
bool addFeature( QgsFeature& f, bool alsoUpdateExtent = true );
/** Updates an existing feature. This method needs to query the datasource
on every call. Consider using {@link changeAttributeValue()} or
{@link changeGeometry()} instead.
@param f Feature to update
@return True in case of success and False in case of error
bool updateFeature( QgsFeature &f );
/** Insert a new vertex before the given vertex number,
* in the given ring, item (first number is index 0), and feature
* Not meaningful for Point geometries
bool insertVertex( double x, double y, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int beforeVertex );
/** Moves the vertex at the given position number,
* ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature
* to the given coordinates
bool moveVertex( double x, double y, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex );
/** Moves the vertex at the given position number,
* ring and item (first number is index 0), and feature
* to the given coordinates
* @note available in python as moveVertexV2
bool moveVertex( const QgsPointV2& p, QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex ) /PyName=moveVertexV2/;
/** Deletes a vertex from a feature
* @deprecated use deleteVertexV2() instead
bool deleteVertex( QgsFeatureId atFeatureId, int atVertex ) /Deprecated/;
/** Deletes a vertex from a feature.
* @param featureId ID of feature to remove vertex from
* @param vertex index of vertex to delete
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
//TODO QGIS 3.0 - rename back to deleteVertex
EditResult deleteVertexV2( QgsFeatureId featureId, int vertex );
/** Deletes the selected features
* @return true in case of success and false otherwise
bool deleteSelectedFeatures( int *deletedCount = 0 );
/** Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features
* @param ring ring to add
* @param featureId if specified, feature ID for feature ring was added to will be stored in this parameter
* @return
* 0 in case of success,
* 1 problem with feature type,
* 2 ring not closed,
* 3 ring not valid,
* 4 ring crosses existing rings,
* 5 no feature found where ring can be inserted
* 6 layer not editable
int addRing( const QList<QgsPoint>& ring, QgsFeatureId* featureId = 0 );
/** Adds a ring to polygon/multipolygon features (takes ownership)
* @param ring ring to add
* @param featureId if specified, feature ID for feature ring was added to will be stored in this parameter
* @return
* 0 in case of success
* 1 problem with feature type
* 2 ring not closed
* 6 layer not editable
* @note available in python as addCurvedRing
int addRing( QgsCurveV2* ring /Transfer/, QgsFeatureId* featureId = 0 ) /PyName=addCurvedRing/;
/** Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature
* @return
* 0 in case of success,
* 1 if selected feature is not multipart,
* 2 if ring is not a valid geometry,
* 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing rings,
* 4 if no feature was selected,
* 5 if several features are selected,
* 6 if selected geometry not found
* 7 layer not editable
int addPart( const QList<QgsPoint>& ring );
/** Adds a new part polygon to a multipart feature
* @return
* 0 in case of success,
* 1 if selected feature is not multipart,
* 2 if ring is not a valid geometry,
* 3 if new polygon ring not disjoint with existing rings,
* 4 if no feature was selected,
* 5 if several features are selected,
* 6 if selected geometry not found
* 7 layer not editable
* @note available in python bindings as addPartV2
int addPart( const QList<QgsPointV2>& ring ) /PyName=addPartV2/;
//! @note available in python as addCurvedPart
int addPart( QgsCurveV2* ring /Transfer/ ) /PyName=addCurvedPart/;
/** Translates feature by dx, dy
* @param featureId id of the feature to translate
* @param dx translation of x-coordinate
* @param dy translation of y-coordinate
* @return 0 in case of success
int translateFeature( QgsFeatureId featureId, double dx, double dy );
/** Splits parts cut by the given line
* @param splitLine line that splits the layer features
* @param topologicalEditing true if topological editing is enabled
* @return
* 0 in case of success,
* 4 if there is a selection but no feature split
int splitParts( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing = false );
/** Splits features cut by the given line
* @param splitLine line that splits the layer features
* @param topologicalEditing true if topological editing is enabled
* @return
* 0 in case of success,
* 4 if there is a selection but no feature split
int splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing = false );
/** Adds topological points for every vertex of the geometry.
* @param geom the geometry where each vertex is added to segments of other features
* @note geom is not going to be modified by the function
* @return 0 in case of success
int addTopologicalPoints( const QgsGeometry& geom );
/** Adds a vertex to segments which intersect point p but don't
* already have a vertex there. If a feature already has a vertex at position p,
* no additional vertex is inserted. This method is useful for topological
* editing.
* @param p position of the vertex
* @return 0 in case of success
int addTopologicalPoints( const QgsPoint& p );
/** Inserts vertices to the snapped segments.
* This is useful for topological editing if snap to segment is enabled.
* @param snapResults results collected from the snapping operation
* @return 0 in case of success
int insertSegmentVerticesForSnap( const QList<QgsSnappingResult>& snapResults );
/** Access to labeling configuration.
* @note added in 2.12
* @note not available in Python bindings
// const QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling* labeling() const { return mLabeling; }
/** Set labeling configuration. Takes ownership of the object.
* @note added in 2.12
* @note not available in Python bindings
// void setLabeling( QgsAbstractVectorLayerLabeling* labeling );
/** Returns true if the provider is in editing mode */
virtual bool isEditable() const;
virtual bool isSpatial() const;
/** Returns true if the provider is in read-only mode */
virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
/** Returns true if the provider has been modified since the last commit */
virtual bool isModified() const;
/** Snaps a point to the closest vertex if there is one within the snapping tolerance
* @param point The point which is set to the position of a vertex if there is one within the snapping tolerance.
* If there is no point within this tolerance, point is left unchanged.
* @param tolerance The snapping tolerance
* @return true if the point has been snapped, false if no vertex within search tolerance
bool snapPoint( QgsPoint& point, double tolerance );
/** Snaps to segment or vertex within given tolerance
* @param startPoint point to snap (in layer coordinates)
* @param snappingTolerance distance tolerance for snapping
* @param snappingResults snapping results. Key is the distance between startPoint and snapping target
* @param snap_to to segment / to vertex
* @return 0 in case of success
int snapWithContext( const QgsPoint& startPoint,
double snappingTolerance,
QMultiMap < double, QgsSnappingResult > &snappingResults /Out/,
QgsSnapper::SnappingType snap_to );
/** Synchronises with changes in the datasource */
virtual void reload();
/** Return new instance of QgsMapLayerRenderer that will be used for rendering of given context
* @note added in 2.4
virtual QgsMapLayerRenderer* createMapRenderer( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext ) /Factory/;
/** Draws the layer
* @return false if an error occurred during drawing
bool draw( QgsRenderContext& rendererContext );
/** Return the extent of the layer */
QgsRectangle extent() const;
* Returns the list of fields of this layer.
* This also includes fields which have not yet been saved to the provider.
* @return A list of fields
QgsFields fields() const;
* Returns the list of fields of this layer.
* This also includes fields which have not yet been saved to the provider.
* Alias for {@link fields()}
* @return A list of fields
QgsFields pendingFields() const;
* Returns list of attribute indexes. i.e. a list from 0 ... fieldCount()
* Alias for {@link attributeList()}
QgsAttributeList pendingAllAttributesList() const;
* Returns list of attribute indexes. i.e. a list from 0 ... fieldCount()
* Alias for {@link attributeList()}
QgsAttributeList attributeList() const;
* Returns list of attributes making up the primary key
* Alias for {@link pkAttributeList()}
QgsAttributeList pendingPkAttributesList() const;
/** Returns list of attributes making up the primary key */
QgsAttributeList pkAttributeList() const;
* Returns feature count including changes which have not yet been committed
* Alias for {@link featureCount()}
long pendingFeatureCount() const;
* Returns feature count including changes which have not yet been committed
* If you need only the count of committed features call this method on this layer's provider.
long featureCount() const;
/** Make layer read-only (editing disabled) or not
* @return false if the layer is in editing yet
bool setReadOnly( bool readonly = true );
/** Change feature's geometry */
bool changeGeometry( QgsFeatureId fid, const QgsGeometry& geom );
* Changes an attribute value (but does not commit it)
* @deprecated The emitSignal parameter is obsolete and not considered at the moment. It will
* be removed in future releases. Remove it to be prepared for the future. (Since 2.1)
bool changeAttributeValue( QgsFeatureId fid, int field, const QVariant& value, bool emitSignal ) /Deprecated/;
* Changes an attribute value (but does not commit it)
* @param fid The feature id of the feature to be changed
* @param field The index of the field to be updated
* @param newValue The value which will be assigned to the field
* @param oldValue The previous value to restore on undo (will otherwise be retrieved)
* @return true in case of success
bool changeAttributeValue( QgsFeatureId fid, int field, const QVariant &newValue, const QVariant &oldValue = QVariant() );
/** Add an attribute field (but does not commit it)
* returns true if the field was added
bool addAttribute( const QgsField &field );
/** Sets an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs */
void addAttributeAlias( int attIndex, const QString& aliasString );
/** Removes an alias (a display name) for attributes to display in dialogs */
void remAttributeAlias( int attIndex );
/** Renames an attribute field (but does not commit it).
* @param attIndex attribute index
* @param newName new name of field
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
bool renameAttribute( int attIndex, const QString& newName );
* Adds a tab (for the attribute editor form) holding groups and fields
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->addTab()` instead
void addAttributeEditorWidget( QgsAttributeEditorElement* data ) /Deprecated/;
* Get the id for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldIdx The index of the field
* @return The id for the editor widget or a NULL string if not applicable
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetType()` instead
const QString editorWidgetV2( int fieldIdx ) const /Deprecated/;
* Get the id for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldName The name of the field
* @return The id for the editor widget or a NULL string if not applicable
* @note python method name editorWidgetV2ByName
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetType()` instead
const QString editorWidgetV2( const QString& fieldName ) const /PyName=editorWidgetV2ByName, Deprecated/;
* Get the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field at the given index
* @param fieldIdx The index of the field
* @return The configuration for the editor widget or an empty config if the field does not exist
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
const QgsEditorWidgetConfig editorWidgetV2Config( int fieldIdx ) const /Deprecated/;
* Get the configuration for the editor widget used to represent the field with the given name
* @param fieldName The name of the field
* @return The configuration for the editor widget or an empty config if the field does not exist
* @note python method name is editorWidgetV2ConfigByName
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
const QgsEditorWidgetConfig editorWidgetV2Config( const QString& fieldName ) const /PyName=editorWidgetV2ConfigByName, Deprecated/;
* Returns a list of tabs holding groups and fields
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->tabs()` instead
QList< QgsAttributeEditorElement* > attributeEditorElements() /Deprecated/;
* Get the configuration of the form used to represent this vector layer.
* This is a writable configuration that can directly be changed in place.
* @return The configuration of this layers' form
QgsEditFormConfig* editFormConfig() const;
* Clears all the tabs for the attribute editor form
void clearAttributeEditorWidgets();
/** Returns the alias of an attribute name or an empty string if there is no alias */
QString attributeAlias( int attributeIndex ) const;
/** Convenience function that returns the attribute alias if defined or the field name else */
QString attributeDisplayName( int attributeIndex ) const;
const QMap< QString, QString >& attributeAliases() const;
const QSet<QString>& excludeAttributesWms() const;
void setExcludeAttributesWms( const QSet<QString>& att );
const QSet<QString>& excludeAttributesWfs() const;
void setExcludeAttributesWfs( const QSet<QString>& att );
/** Delete an attribute field (but does not commit it) */
bool deleteAttribute( int attr );
* Deletes a list of attribute fields (but does not commit it)
* @param attrs the indices of the attributes to delete
* @return true if at least one attribute has been deleted
bool deleteAttributes( QList<int> attrs );
/** Insert a copy of the given features into the layer (but does not commit it) */
bool addFeatures( QList<QgsFeature> features, bool makeSelected = true );
/** Delete a feature from the layer (but does not commit it) */
bool deleteFeature( QgsFeatureId fid );
* Deletes a set of features from the layer (but does not commit it)
* @param fids The feature ids to delete
* @return false if the layer is not in edit mode or does not support deleting
* in case of an active transaction depends on the provider implementation
bool deleteFeatures( const QgsFeatureIds& fids );
* Attempts to commit any changes to disk. Returns the result of the attempt.
* If a commit fails, the in-memory changes are left alone.
* This allows editing to continue if the commit failed on e.g. a
* disallowed value in a Postgres database - the user can re-edit and try
* again.
* The commits occur in distinct stages,
* (add attributes, add features, change attribute values, change
* geometries, delete features, delete attributes)
* so if a stage fails, it's difficult to roll back cleanly.
* Therefore any error message also includes which stage failed so
* that the user has some chance of repairing the damage cleanly.
* @see commitErrors()
bool commitChanges();
/** Returns a list containing any error messages generated when attempting
* to commit changes to the layer.
* @see commitChanges()
QStringList commitErrors() const;
/** Stop editing and discard the edits
* @param deleteBuffer whether to delete editing buffer
bool rollBack( bool deleteBuffer = true );
* Get edit type
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetType()` instead
EditType editType( int idx ) /Deprecated/;
* Set edit type
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setWidgetType()` instead
void setEditType( int idx, EditType edit ) /Deprecated/;
* Get the active layout for the attribute editor for this layer
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->layout()` instead
EditorLayout editorLayout() /Deprecated/;
* Set the active layout for the attribute editor for this layer
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setLayout()` instead
void setEditorLayout( EditorLayout editorLayout ) /Deprecated/;
* Set the editor widget type for a field
* QGIS ships the following widget types, additional types may be available depending
* on plugins.
* <ul>
* <li>CheckBox (QgsCheckboxWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Classification (QgsClassificationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Color (QgsColorWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>DateTime (QgsDateTimeEditWrapper)</li>
* <li>Enumeration (QgsEnumerationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>FileName (QgsFileNameWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Hidden (QgsHiddenWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Photo (QgsPhotoWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>Range (QgsRangeWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>RelationReference (QgsRelationReferenceWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>TextEdit (QgsTextEditWrapper)</li>
* <li>UniqueValues (QgsUniqueValuesWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>UuidGenerator (QgsUuidWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>ValueMap (QgsValueMapWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>ValueRelation (QgsValueRelationWidgetWrapper)</li>
* <li>WebView (QgsWebViewWidgetWrapper)</li>
* </ul>
* @param attrIdx Index of the field
* @param widgetType Type id of the editor widget to use
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setWidgetType()` instead
void setEditorWidgetV2( int attrIdx, const QString& widgetType ) /Deprecated/;
* Set the editor widget config for a field.
* Python: Will accept a map.
* Example:
* \code{.py}
* layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config( 1, { 'Layer': 'otherlayerid_1234', 'Key': 'Keyfield', 'Value': 'ValueField' } )
* \endcode
* @param attrIdx Index of the field
* @param config The config to set for this field
* @see setEditorWidgetV2() for a list of widgets and choose the widget to see the available options.
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setWidgetConfig()` instead
void setEditorWidgetV2Config( int attrIdx, const QMap<QString, QVariant>& config ) /Deprecated/;
* Set string representing 'true' for a checkbox
* @deprecated Use @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setWidgetConfig()` instead
void setCheckedState( int idx, const QString& checked, const QString& notChecked ) /Deprecated/;
* Get edit form
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->uiForm()` instead
QString editForm() /Deprecated/;
* Set edit form
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setUiForm()` instead
void setEditForm( const QString& ui ) /Deprecated/;
/** Type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting)
* @note added in 2.1
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->suppress()` instead
QgsVectorLayer::FeatureFormSuppress featureFormSuppress() const /Deprecated/;
/** Set type of feature form pop-up suppression after feature creation (overrides app setting)
* @note added in 2.1
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setSuppress()` instead
void setFeatureFormSuppress( QgsVectorLayer::FeatureFormSuppress s ) /Deprecated/;
/** Get annotation form */
QString annotationForm() const;
/** Set annotation form for layer */
void setAnnotationForm( const QString& ui );
* Get python function for edit form initialization
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->initFunction()` instead
QString editFormInit() /Deprecated/;
* Set python function for edit form initialization
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setInitFunction()` instead
void setEditFormInit( const QString& function ) /Deprecated/;
* Access value map
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
QMap<QString, QVariant> valueMap( int idx ) /Deprecated/;
* Access range widget config data
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
RangeData range( int idx ) /Deprecated/;
/** Access value relation widget data */
ValueRelationData valueRelation( int idx ) const;
* Get relations, where the foreign key is on this layer
* @param idx Only get relations, where idx forms part of the foreign key
* @return A list of relations
QList<QgsRelation> referencingRelations( int idx ) const;
* Access date format
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
QString dateFormat( int idx ) /Deprecated/;
* Access widget size for photo and webview widget
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->widgetConfig()` instead
QSize widgetSize( int idx ) /Deprecated/;
* Is edit widget editable
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->fieldEditable()` instead
bool fieldEditable( int idx );
* Label widget on top
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->labelOnTop()` instead
bool labelOnTop( int idx );
* Set edit widget editable
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setFieldEditable()` instead
void setFieldEditable( int idx, bool editable );
* Label widget on top
* @deprecated Use `editFormConfig()->setLabelOnTop()` instead
void setLabelOnTop( int idx, bool onTop );
//! Buffer with uncommitted editing operations. Only valid after editing has been turned on.
QgsVectorLayerEditBuffer* editBuffer();
* Create edit command for undo/redo operations
* @param text text which is to be displayed in undo window
void beginEditCommand( const QString& text );
/** Finish edit command and add it to undo/redo stack */
void endEditCommand();
/** Destroy active command and reverts all changes in it */
void destroyEditCommand();
/** Returns the index of a field name or -1 if the field does not exist */
int fieldNameIndex( const QString& fieldName ) const;
/** Editing vertex markers */
enum VertexMarkerType
/** Draws a vertex symbol at (screen) coordinates x, y. (Useful to assist vertex editing.) */
static void drawVertexMarker( double x, double y, QPainter& p, QgsVectorLayer::VertexMarkerType type, int vertexSize );
/** Assembles mUpdatedFields considering provider fields, joined fields and added fields */
void updateFields();
/** Caches joined attributes if required (and not already done) */
void createJoinCaches() const;
/** Returns unique values for column
* @param index column index for attribute
* @param uniqueValues out: result list
* @param limit maximum number of values to return (-1 if unlimited)
void uniqueValues( int index, QList<QVariant> &uniqueValues /Out/, int limit = -1 ) const;
/** Returns minimum value for an attribute column or invalid variant in case of error */
QVariant minimumValue( int index ) const;
/** Returns maximum value for an attribute column or invalid variant in case of error */
QVariant maximumValue( int index ) const;
/** Calculates an aggregated value from the layer's features.
* @param aggregate aggregate to calculate
* @param fieldOrExpression source field or expression to use as basis for aggregated values.
* @param parameters parameters controlling aggregate calculation
* @param context expression context for expressions and filters
* @param ok if specified, will be set to true if aggregate calculation was successful
* @return calculated aggregate value
* @note added in QGIS 2.16
QVariant aggregate( QgsAggregateCalculator::Aggregate aggregate,
const QString& fieldOrExpression,
const QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters& parameters = QgsAggregateCalculator::AggregateParameters(),
QgsExpressionContext* context = nullptr,
bool* ok = nullptr ) const;
/** Fetches all values from a specified field name or expression.
* @param fieldOrExpression field name or an expression string
* @param ok will be set to false if field or expression is invalid, otherwise true
* @param selectedOnly set to true to get values from selected features only
* @returns list of fetched values
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @see getDoubleValues
QList< QVariant > getValues( const QString &fieldOrExpression, bool &ok, bool selectedOnly = false ) const;
/** Fetches all double values from a specified field name or expression. Null values or
* invalid expression results are skipped.
* @param fieldOrExpression field name or an expression string evaluating to a double value
* @param ok will be set to false if field or expression is invalid, otherwise true
* @param selectedOnly set to true to get values from selected features only
* @param nullCount optional pointer to integer to store number of null values encountered in
* @returns list of fetched values
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @see getValues
QList< double > getDoubleValues( const QString &fieldOrExpression, bool &ok, bool selectedOnly = false, int* nullCount = 0 ) const;
/** Set the blending mode used for rendering each feature */
void setFeatureBlendMode( QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode );
/** Returns the current blending mode for features */
QPainter::CompositionMode featureBlendMode() const;
/** Set the transparency for the vector layer */
void setLayerTransparency( int layerTransparency );
/** Returns the current transparency for the vector layer */
int layerTransparency() const;
QString metadata() const;
/** @note not available in python bindings */
// inline QgsGeometryCache* cache();
/** Set the simplification settings for fast rendering of features
* @note added in 2.2
void setSimplifyMethod( const QgsVectorSimplifyMethod& simplifyMethod );
/** Returns the simplification settings for fast rendering of features
* @note added in 2.2
const QgsVectorSimplifyMethod& simplifyMethod() const;
/** Returns whether the VectorLayer can apply the specified simplification hint
* @note Do not use in 3rd party code - may be removed in future version!
* @note added in 2.2
bool simplifyDrawingCanbeApplied( const QgsRenderContext& renderContext, QgsVectorSimplifyMethod::SimplifyHint simplifyHint ) const;
* @brief Return the conditional styles that are set for this layer. Style information is
* used to render conditional formatting in the attribute table.
* @return Return a QgsConditionalLayerStyles object holding the conditional attribute
* style information. Style information is generic and can be used for anything.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
QgsConditionalLayerStyles *conditionalStyles() const;
* Get the attribute table configuration object.
* This defines the appearance of the attribute table.
QgsAttributeTableConfig attributeTableConfig() const;
* Set the attribute table configuration object.
* This defines the appearance of the attribute table.
void setAttributeTableConfig( const QgsAttributeTableConfig& attributeTableConfig );
* The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.
* It may also contain embedded expressions.
* @note added in 3.0
QString mapTipTemplate() const;
* The mapTip is a pretty, html representation for feature information.
* It may also contain embedded expressions.
* @note added in 3.0
void setMapTipTemplate( const QString& mapTipTemplate );
public slots:
* Select feature by its ID
* @param featureId The id of the feature to select
* @see select(QgsFeatureIds)
void select( QgsFeatureId featureId );
* Select features by their ID
* @param featureIds The ids of the features to select
* @see select(QgsFeatureId)
void select( const QgsFeatureIds& featureIds );
* Deselect feature by its ID
* @param featureId The id of the feature to deselect
* @see deselect(QgsFeatureIds)
void deselect( const QgsFeatureId featureId );
* Deselect features by their ID
* @param featureIds The ids of the features to deselect
* @see deselect(QgsFeatureId)
void deselect( const QgsFeatureIds& featureIds );
* Clear selection
* @see setSelectedFeatures(const QgsFeatureIds&)
void removeSelection();
/** Update the extents for the layer. This is necessary if features are
* added/deleted or the layer has been subsetted.
virtual void updateExtents();
/** Check if there is a join with a layer that will be removed */
void checkJoinLayerRemove( const QString& theLayerId );
* Make layer editable.
* This starts an edit session on this layer. Changes made in this edit session will not
* be made persistent until {@link commitChanges()} is called and can be reverted by calling
* {@link rollBack()}.
bool startEditing();
protected slots:
void invalidateSymbolCountedFlag();
* This signal is emitted when selection was changed
* @param selected Newly selected feature ids
* @param deselected Ids of all features which have previously been selected but are not any more
* @param clearAndSelect In case this is set to true, the old selection was dismissed and the new selection corresponds to selected
void selectionChanged( const QgsFeatureIds& selected, const QgsFeatureIds& deselected, const bool clearAndSelect );
/** This signal is emitted when selection was changed */
void selectionChanged();
/** This signal is emitted when modifications has been done on layer */
void layerModified();
/** Is emitted, when layer is checked for modifications. Use for last-minute additions */
void beforeModifiedCheck() const;
/** Is emitted, before editing on this layer is started */
void beforeEditingStarted();
/** Is emitted, when editing on this layer has started*/
void editingStarted();
/** Is emitted, when edited changes successfully have been written to the data provider */
void editingStopped();
/** Is emitted, before changes are commited to the data provider */
void beforeCommitChanges();
/** Is emitted, before changes are rolled back*/
void beforeRollBack();
* Will be emitted, when a new attribute has been added to this vector layer.
* Applies only to types {@link QgsFields::OriginEdit}, {@link QgsFields::OriginProvider} and {@link QgsFields::OriginExpression }
* @param idx The index of the new attribute
* @see updatedFields()
void attributeAdded( int idx );
* Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be added to this vector layer.
* Applies only to types {@link QgsFields::OriginExpression }
* @param fieldName The name of the attribute to be added
void beforeAddingExpressionField( const QString& fieldName );
* Will be emitted, when an attribute has been deleted from this vector layer.
* Applies only to types {@link QgsFields::OriginEdit}, {@link QgsFields::OriginProvider} and {@link QgsFields::OriginExpression }
* @param idx The index of the deleted attribute
* @see updatedFields()
void attributeDeleted( int idx );
* Will be emitted, when an expression field is going to be deleted from this vector layer.
* Applies only to types {@link QgsFields::OriginExpression }
* @param idx The index of the attribute to be deleted
void beforeRemovingExpressionField( int idx );
* Emitted when a new feature has been added to the layer
* @param fid The id of the new feature
void featureAdded( QgsFeatureId fid );
* Emitted when a feature has been deleted.
* If you do expensive operations in a slot connected to this, you should prever to use
* {@link featuresDeleted( const QgsFeatureIds& )}.
* @param fid The id of the feature which has been deleted
void featureDeleted( QgsFeatureId fid );
* Emitted when features have been deleted.
* If features are deleted within an edit command, this will only be emitted once at the end
* to allow connected slots to minimize the overhead.
* If features are deleted outside of an edit command, this signal will be emitted once per feature.
* @param fids The feature ids that have been deleted.
void featuresDeleted( const QgsFeatureIds& fids );
* Is emitted, whenever the fields available from this layer have been changed.
* This can be due to manually adding attributes or due to a join.
void updatedFields();
* @deprecated use QObject::destroyed instead
void layerDeleted() /Deprecated/;
* Is emitted whenever an attribute value change is done in the edit buffer.
* Note that at this point the attribute change is not yet saved to the provider.
* @param fid The id of the changed feature
* @param idx The attribute index of the changed attribute
* @param value The new value of the attribute
void attributeValueChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, int idx, const QVariant& value );
* Is emitted whenever a geometry change is done in the edit buffer.
* Note that at this point the geometry change is not yet saved to the provider.
* @param fid The id of the changed feature
* @param geometry The new geometry
void geometryChanged( QgsFeatureId fid, const QgsGeometry& geometry );
/** This signal is emitted, when attributes are deleted from the provider */
void committedAttributesDeleted( const QString& layerId, const QgsAttributeList& deletedAttributes );
/** This signal is emitted, when attributes are added to the provider */
void committedAttributesAdded( const QString& layerId, const QList<QgsField>& addedAttributes );
/** This signal is emitted, when features are added to the provider */
void committedFeaturesAdded( const QString& layerId, const QgsFeatureList& addedFeatures );
/** This signal is emitted, when features are deleted from the provider */
void committedFeaturesRemoved( const QString& layerId, const QgsFeatureIds& deletedFeatureIds );
/** This signal is emitted, when attribute value changes are saved to the provider */
void committedAttributeValuesChanges( const QString& layerId, const QgsChangedAttributesMap& changedAttributesValues );
/** This signal is emitted, when geometry changes are saved to the provider */
void committedGeometriesChanges( const QString& layerId, const QgsGeometryMap& changedGeometries );
/** Deprecated: This signal has never been emitted */
void saveLayerToProject() /Deprecated/;
/** Emitted when the font family defined for labeling layer is not found on system */
void labelingFontNotFound( QgsVectorLayer* layer, const QString& fontfamily );
/** Signal emitted when setFeatureBlendMode() is called */
void featureBlendModeChanged( QPainter::CompositionMode blendMode );
/** Signal emitted when setLayerTransparency() is called */
void layerTransparencyChanged( int layerTransparency );
* Signal emitted when a new edit command has been started
* @param text Description for this edit command
void editCommandStarted( const QString& text );
* Signal emitted, when an edit command successfully ended
* @note This does not mean it is also committed, only that it is written
* to the edit buffer. See {@link beforeCommitChanges()}
void editCommandEnded();
* Signal emitted, whan an edit command is destroyed
* @note This is not a rollback, it is only related to the current edit command.
* See {@link beforeRollBack()}
void editCommandDestroyed();
* Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being read.
* If there is custom style information saved in the file, you can connect to this signal
* and update the layer style accordingly.
* @param element The XML layer style element.
* @param errorMessage Write error messages into this string.
void readCustomSymbology( const QDomElement& element, QString& errorMessage );
* Signal emitted whenever the symbology (QML-file) for this layer is being written.
* If there is custom style information you want to save to the file, you can connect
* to this signal and update the element accordingly.
* @param element The XML element where you can add additional style information to.
* @param doc The XML document that you can use to create new XML nodes.
* @param errorMessage Write error messages into this string.
void writeCustomSymbology( QDomElement& element, QDomDocument& doc, QString& errorMessage ) const;
* Emitted when the map tip changes
* @note added in 3.0
void mapTipTemplateChanged();
* Emitted when the display expression changes
* @note added in 3.0
void displayExpressionChanged();
* Signals an error related to this vector layer.
void raiseError( const QString& msg );
/** Set the extent */
void setExtent( const QgsRectangle &rect );
private: // Private methods
/** Vector layers are not copyable */
QgsVectorLayer( const QgsVectorLayer & rhs );