rldhont 1402d0d6d7 [Bugfix][Server] WMS GetFeatureInfo provides bounding box when configured
Some providers always retrieve geometry even if the NoGeometry flags is used in request. So in WMS GetFeatureInfo the bounding box even if it as not been configured.

The `WIT_GEOMETRY` parameter has been introduced to force getting the geometry. The project can contain a parameter to add wkt geometry in the WMS GetFeatureInfo response: `wmsFeatureInfoAddWktGeometry`

To provide something more homogeneous:
* The wkt geometry is only provided if the project has been configured to provide wkt geometry and the request contains WITH_GEOMETRY.
* The bounding box is provided if the project has been configured to provide wkt geometry
* The bounding box is not provided if the project has not been configured to provide wkt geometry
2020-02-28 14:04:04 +01:00

16 lines
535 B

Content-Length: 366
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
<Layer name="testlayer_thousands">
<Feature id="2">
<Attribute value="3" name="id"/>
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<Attribute value="three èé↓" name="utf8nameè"/>
<Attribute value="123456" name="long_int"/>
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