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synced 2025-02-27 00:33:48 -05:00
This adds a new "edit symbol" item to the right-click menu for a renderer child legend item (eg categories for the categorised renderer). Selecting it opens a symbol editor dialog which allows for directly editing the classes symbol. It's much faster than opening the layer properties and going through the style tab.
348 lines
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348 lines
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typedef QMap<QString, QString> QgsStringMap;
typedef QList<QgsSymbolV2*> QgsSymbolV2List;
typedef QMap<QString, QgsSymbolV2* > QgsSymbolV2Map;
typedef QList< QPair<QString, QPixmap> > QgsLegendSymbologyList;
typedef QList< QPair<QString, QgsSymbolV2*> > QgsLegendSymbolList;
class QgsSymbolV2LevelItem
#include <qgsrendererv2.h>
QgsSymbolV2LevelItem( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, int layer );
QgsSymbolV2* symbol();
int layer();
// every level has list of items: symbol + symbol layer num
// typedef QList< QgsSymbolV2LevelItem > QgsSymbolV2Level;
// this is a list of levels
// typedef QList< QgsSymbolV2Level > QgsSymbolV2LevelOrder;
// renderers
class QgsFeatureRendererV2
#include <qgsrendererv2.h>
if (sipCpp->type() == "singleSymbol")
sipType = sipType_QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "categorizedSymbol")
sipType = sipType_QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "graduatedSymbol")
sipType = sipType_QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "RuleRenderer")
sipType = sipType_QgsRuleBasedRendererV2;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "heatmapRenderer")
sipType = sipType_QgsHeatmapRenderer;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "invertedPolygonRenderer")
sipType = sipType_QgsInvertedPolygonRenderer;
else if (sipCpp->type() == "pointDisplacement")
sipType = sipType_QgsPointDisplacementRenderer;
sipType = 0;
// renderer takes ownership of its symbols!
//! return a new renderer - used by default in vector layers
static QgsFeatureRendererV2* defaultRenderer( QGis::GeometryType geomType ) /Factory/;
QString type() const;
/** To be overridden
* @param feature feature
* @return returns pointer to symbol or 0 if symbol was not found
* @deprecated use symbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature ) /Deprecated/;
/** To be overridden
* @param feature feature
* @param context render context
* @return returns pointer to symbol or 0 if symbol was not found
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as symbolForFeature2
// TODO - QGIS 3.0 make pure virtual when above method is removed
// TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to symbolForFeature when deprecated method is removed
virtual QgsSymbolV2* symbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=symbolForFeature2/;
* Return symbol for feature. The difference compared to symbolForFeature() is that it returns original
* symbol which can be used as an identifier for renderer's rule - the former may return a temporary replacement
* of a symbol for use in rendering.
* @note added in 2.6
* @deprecated use originalSymbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual QgsSymbolV2* originalSymbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature ) /Deprecated/;
* Return symbol for feature. The difference compared to symbolForFeature() is that it returns original
* symbol which can be used as an identifier for renderer's rule - the former may return a temporary replacement
* of a symbol for use in rendering.
* @note added in 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as originalSymbolForFeature2
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to originalSymbolForFeature when deprecated method is removed
virtual QgsSymbolV2* originalSymbolForFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=originalSymbolForFeature2/;
virtual void startRender( QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsFields& fields ) = 0;
//! @deprecated since 2.4 - not using QgsVectorLayer directly anymore
virtual void startRender( QgsRenderContext& context, const QgsVectorLayer *vlayer ) /Deprecated/;
virtual void stopRender( QgsRenderContext& context ) = 0;
* If a renderer does not require all the features this method may be overridden
* and return an expression used as where clause.
* This will be called once after {@link startRender()} and before the first call
* to {@link renderFeature()}.
* By default this returns a null string and all features will be requested.
* You do not need to specify the extent in here, this is taken care of separately and
* will be combined with a filter returned from this method.
* @return An expression used as where clause
virtual QString filter( const QgsFields& fields = QgsFields() );
virtual QList<QString> usedAttributes() = 0;
virtual ~QgsFeatureRendererV2();
virtual QgsFeatureRendererV2* clone() const = 0 /Factory/;
virtual bool renderFeature( QgsFeature& feature, QgsRenderContext& context, int layer = -1, bool selected = false, bool drawVertexMarker = false );
//! for debugging
virtual QString dump() const;
enum Capabilities
SymbolLevels, // rendering with symbol levels (i.e. implements symbols(), symbolForFeature())
RotationField, // rotate symbols by attribute value
MoreSymbolsPerFeature, // may use more than one symbol to render a feature: symbolsForFeature() will return them
Filter, // features may be filtered, i.e. some features may not be rendered (categorized, rule based ...)
ScaleDependent // depends on scale if feature will be rendered (rule based )
//! returns bitwise OR-ed capabilities of the renderer
virtual int capabilities();
/** For symbol levels
* @deprecated use symbols( QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual QgsSymbolV2List symbols() /Deprecated/;
/** Returns list of symbols used by the renderer.
* @param context render context
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as symbols2
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to symbols when deprecated method is removed
virtual QgsSymbolV2List symbols( QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=symbols2/;
bool usingSymbolLevels() const;
void setUsingSymbolLevels( bool usingSymbolLevels );
//! create a renderer from XML element
static QgsFeatureRendererV2* load( QDomElement& symbologyElem ) /Factory/;
//! store renderer info to XML element
virtual QDomElement save( QDomDocument& doc );
//! create the SLD UserStyle element following the SLD v1.1 specs
//! @deprecated since 2.8 - use the other override with styleName
virtual QDomElement writeSld( QDomDocument& doc, const QgsVectorLayer &layer ) const /Deprecated/;
//! create the SLD UserStyle element following the SLD v1.1 specs with the given name
//! @note added in 2.8
virtual QDomElement writeSld( QDomDocument& doc, const QString& styleName ) const;
/** Create a new renderer according to the information contained in
* the UserStyle element of a SLD style document
* @param node the node in the SLD document whose the UserStyle element
* is a child
* @param geomType the geometry type of the features, used to convert
* Symbolizer elements
* @param errorMessage it will contain the error message if something
* went wrong
* @return the renderer
static QgsFeatureRendererV2* loadSld( const QDomNode &node, QGis::GeometryType geomType, QString &errorMessage ) /Factory/;
//! used from subclasses to create SLD Rule elements following SLD v1.1 specs
virtual void toSld( QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement &element ) const;
//! return a list of symbology items for the legend
virtual QgsLegendSymbologyList legendSymbologyItems( QSize iconSize );
//! items of symbology items in legend should be checkable
//! @note added in 2.5
virtual bool legendSymbolItemsCheckable() const;
//! items of symbology items in legend is checked
//! @note added in 2.5
virtual bool legendSymbolItemChecked( const QString& key );
//! item in symbology was checked
//! @note added in 2.5
virtual void checkLegendSymbolItem( const QString& key, bool state = true );
/** Sets the symbol to be used for a legend symbol item.
* @param key rule key for legend symbol
* @param symbol new symbol for legend item. Ownership is transferred to renderer.
* @note added in QGIS 2.14
virtual void setLegendSymbolItem( const QString& key, QgsSymbolV2* symbol /Transfer/ );
//! return a list of item text / symbol
//! @note not available in python bindings
// virtual QgsLegendSymbolList legendSymbolItems( double scaleDenominator = -1, const QString& rule = "" );
//! Return a list of symbology items for the legend. Better choice than legendSymbolItems().
//! Default fallback implementation just uses legendSymbolItems() implementation
//! @note added in 2.6
virtual QgsLegendSymbolListV2 legendSymbolItemsV2() const;
//! If supported by the renderer, return classification attribute for the use in legend
//! @note added in 2.6
virtual QString legendClassificationAttribute() const;
//! set type and size of editing vertex markers for subsequent rendering
void setVertexMarkerAppearance( int type, int size );
//! return rotation field name (or empty string if not set or not supported by renderer)
virtual QString rotationField() const /Deprecated/;
//! sets rotation field of renderer (if supported by the renderer)
virtual void setRotationField( const QString& fieldName ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns whether the renderer will render a feature or not.
* Must be called between startRender() and stopRender() calls.
* Default implementation uses symbolForFeature().
* @deprecated use willRenderFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual bool willRenderFeature( QgsFeature& feat ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns whether the renderer will render a feature or not.
* Must be called between startRender() and stopRender() calls.
* Default implementation uses symbolForFeature().
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as willRenderFeature2
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to willRenderFeature when deprecated method is removed
virtual bool willRenderFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=willRenderFeature2/;
/** Returns list of symbols used for rendering the feature.
* For renderers that do not support MoreSymbolsPerFeature it is more efficient
* to use symbolForFeature()
* @deprecated use symbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual QgsSymbolV2List symbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat ) /Deprecated/;
/** Returns list of symbols used for rendering the feature.
* For renderers that do not support MoreSymbolsPerFeature it is more efficient
* to use symbolForFeature()
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as symbolsForFeature2
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to symbolsForFeature when deprecated method is removed
virtual QgsSymbolV2List symbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=symbolsForFeature2/;
/** Equivalent of originalSymbolsForFeature() call
* extended to support renderers that may use more symbols per feature - similar to symbolsForFeature()
* @note added in 2.6
* @deprecated use originalSymbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) instead
virtual QgsSymbolV2List originalSymbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat ) /Deprecated/;
/** Equivalent of originalSymbolsForFeature() call
* extended to support renderers that may use more symbols per feature - similar to symbolsForFeature()
* @note added in 2.12
* @note available in Python bindings as originalSymbolsForFeature2
//TODO - QGIS 3.0 change PyName to symbolsForFeature when deprecated method is removed
virtual QgsSymbolV2List originalSymbolsForFeature( QgsFeature& feat, QgsRenderContext& context ) /PyName=originalSymbolsForFeature2/;
/** Allows for a renderer to modify the extent of a feature request prior to rendering
* @param extent reference to request's filter extent. Modify extent to change the
* extent of feature request
* @param context render context
* @note added in QGIS 2.7
virtual void modifyRequestExtent( QgsRectangle& extent, QgsRenderContext& context );
/** Returns the current paint effect for the renderer.
* @returns paint effect
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @see setPaintEffect
QgsPaintEffect* paintEffect() const;
/** Sets the current paint effect for the renderer.
* @param effect paint effect. Ownership is transferred to the renderer.
* @note added in QGIS 2.9
* @see paintEffect
void setPaintEffect( QgsPaintEffect* effect /Transfer/);
/** Returns whether the renderer must render as a raster.
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
* @see setForceRasterRender
bool forceRasterRender() const;
/** Sets whether the renderer should be rendered to a raster destination.
* @param forceRaster set to true if renderer must be drawn on a raster surface.
* This may be desirable for highly detailed layers where rendering as a vector
* would result in a large, complex vector output.
* @see forceRasterRender
* @note added in QGIS 2.12
void setForceRasterRender( bool forceRaster );
QgsFeatureRendererV2( const QString& type );
void renderFeatureWithSymbol( QgsFeature& feature,
QgsSymbolV2* symbol,
QgsRenderContext& context,
int layer,
bool selected,
bool drawVertexMarker );
//! render editing vertex marker at specified point
void renderVertexMarker( const QPointF& pt, QgsRenderContext& context );
//! render editing vertex marker for a polyline
void renderVertexMarkerPolyline( QPolygonF& pts, QgsRenderContext& context );
//! render editing vertex marker for a polygon
void renderVertexMarkerPolygon( QPolygonF& pts, QList<QPolygonF>* rings, QgsRenderContext& context );
static const unsigned char* _getPoint( QPointF& pt, QgsRenderContext& context, const unsigned char* wkb );
static const unsigned char* _getLineString( QPolygonF& pts, QgsRenderContext& context, const unsigned char* wkb, bool clipToExtent = true );
static const unsigned char* _getPolygon( QPolygonF& pts, QList<QPolygonF>& holes, QgsRenderContext& context, const unsigned char* wkb, bool clipToExtent = true );
void setScaleMethodToSymbol( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, int scaleMethod );
/** Copies paint effect of this renderer to another renderer
* @param destRenderer destination renderer for copied effect
void copyPaintEffect( QgsFeatureRendererV2 *destRenderer ) const;
QgsFeatureRendererV2( const QgsFeatureRendererV2 & );
QgsFeatureRendererV2 & operator=( const QgsFeatureRendererV2 & );