2018-03-22 12:32:08 +10:00

838 lines
26 KiB

Date : January 2017
Copyright : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
Email : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "qgspropertyoverridebutton.h"
#include "qgsapplication.h"
#include "qgsexpressionbuilderdialog.h"
#include "qgsexpression.h"
#include "qgsmessageviewer.h"
#include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
#include "qgspanelwidget.h"
#include "qgspropertyassistantwidget.h"
#include "qgsauxiliarystorage.h"
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QGroupBox>
QgsPropertyOverrideButton::QgsPropertyOverrideButton( QWidget *parent,
const QgsVectorLayer *layer )
: QToolButton( parent )
, mVectorLayer( layer )
setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
// icon size is a bit bigger than text, but minimum size of 24 so that we get pixel-aligned rendering on low-dpi screens
int iconSize = std::floor( std::max( Qgis::UI_SCALE_FACTOR * fontMetrics().height() * 1.1, 24.0 ) );
// button width is 1.25 * icon size, height 1.1 * icon size. But we round to ensure even pixel sizes for equal margins
setFixedSize( 2 * static_cast< int >( 1.25 * iconSize / 2.0 ), 2 * static_cast< int >( iconSize * 1.1 / 2.0 ) );
setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "QToolButton{ background: none; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0%);} QToolButton:focus { border: 1px solid palette(highlight); }" ) );
setIconSize( QSize( iconSize, iconSize ) );
setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
connect( this, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::activated, this, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::updateSiblingWidgets );
mDefineMenu = new QMenu( this );
connect( mDefineMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::aboutToShowMenu );
connect( mDefineMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::menuActionTriggered );
setMenu( mDefineMenu );
mFieldsMenu = new QMenu( this );
mActionDataTypes = new QAction( this );
// list fields and types in submenu, since there may be many
mActionDataTypes->setMenu( mFieldsMenu );
mActionVariables = new QAction( tr( "Variable" ), this );
mVariablesMenu = new QMenu( this );
mActionVariables->setMenu( mVariablesMenu );
mActionActive = new QAction( this );
QFont f = mActionActive->font();
f.setBold( true );
mActionActive->setFont( f );
mActionDescription = new QAction( tr( "Description…" ), this );
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField = new QAction( tr( "Store Data in the Project" ), this );
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField->setCheckable( true );
mActionExpDialog = new QAction( tr( "Edit…" ), this );
mActionExpression = nullptr;
mActionPasteExpr = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), this );
mActionCopyExpr = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), this );
mActionClearExpr = new QAction( tr( "Clear" ), this );
mActionAssistant = new QAction( tr( "Assistant…" ), this );
QFont assistantFont = mActionAssistant->font();
assistantFont.setBold( true );
mActionAssistant->setFont( assistantFont );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionAssistant );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::init( int propertyKey, const QgsProperty &property, const QgsPropertiesDefinition &definitions, const QgsVectorLayer *layer, bool auxiliaryStorageEnabled )
init( propertyKey, property, definitions.value( propertyKey ), layer, auxiliaryStorageEnabled );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::init( int propertyKey, const QgsProperty &property, const QgsPropertyDefinition &definition, const QgsVectorLayer *layer, bool auxiliaryStorageEnabled )
mVectorLayer = layer;
mAuxiliaryStorageEnabled = auxiliaryStorageEnabled;
setToProperty( property );
mPropertyKey = propertyKey;
mDefinition = definition;
mDataTypes = mDefinition.dataType();
mInputDescription = mDefinition.helpText();
// set up data types string
QStringList ts;
switch ( mDataTypes )
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeBoolean:
ts << tr( "boolean" );
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeNumeric:
ts << tr( "int" );
ts << tr( "double" );
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeString:
ts << tr( "string" );
if ( !ts.isEmpty() )
mDataTypesString = ts.join( QStringLiteral( ", " ) );
mActionDataTypes->setText( tr( "Field type: " ) + mDataTypesString );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::init( int propertyKey, const QgsAbstractPropertyCollection &collection, const QgsPropertiesDefinition &definitions, const QgsVectorLayer *layer, bool auxiliaryStorageEnabled )
init( propertyKey, collection.property( propertyKey ), definitions, layer, auxiliaryStorageEnabled );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::updateFieldLists()
if ( mVectorLayer )
// store just a list of fields of unknown type or those that match the expected type
Q_FOREACH ( const QgsField &f, mVectorLayer->fields() )
bool fieldMatch = false;
QString fieldType;
switch ( mDataTypes )
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeBoolean:
fieldMatch = true;
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeNumeric:
fieldMatch = f.isNumeric() || f.type() == QVariant::String;
case QgsPropertyDefinition::DataTypeString:
fieldMatch = f.type() == QVariant::String;
switch ( f.type() )
case QVariant::String:
fieldType = tr( "string" );
case QVariant::Int:
fieldType = tr( "integer" );
case QVariant::LongLong:
fieldType = tr( "integer64" );
case QVariant::Double:
fieldType = tr( "double" );
case QVariant::Bool:
fieldType = tr( "boolean" );
fieldType = tr( "unknown type" );
if ( fieldMatch )
mFieldNameList << f.name();
mFieldTypeList << fieldType;
QgsProperty QgsPropertyOverrideButton::toProperty() const
return mProperty;
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::setVectorLayer( const QgsVectorLayer *layer )
mVectorLayer = layer;
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::registerCheckedWidget( QWidget *widget, bool natural )
Q_FOREACH ( const SiblingWidget &sw, mSiblingWidgets )
if ( widget == sw.mWidgetPointer.data() && sw.mSiblingType == SiblingCheckState )
mSiblingWidgets.append( SiblingWidget( QPointer<QWidget>( widget ), SiblingCheckState, natural ) );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::registerEnabledWidget( QWidget *widget, bool natural )
Q_FOREACH ( const SiblingWidget &sw, mSiblingWidgets )
if ( widget == sw.mWidgetPointer.data() && sw.mSiblingType == SiblingEnableState )
mSiblingWidgets.append( SiblingWidget( QPointer<QWidget>( widget ), SiblingEnableState, natural ) );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::registerVisibleWidget( QWidget *widget, bool natural )
Q_FOREACH ( const SiblingWidget &sw, mSiblingWidgets )
if ( widget == sw.mWidgetPointer.data() && sw.mSiblingType == SiblingVisibility )
mSiblingWidgets.append( SiblingWidget( QPointer<QWidget>( widget ), SiblingVisibility, natural ) );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::registerExpressionWidget( QWidget *widget )
Q_FOREACH ( const SiblingWidget &sw, mSiblingWidgets )
if ( widget == sw.mWidgetPointer.data() && sw.mSiblingType == SiblingExpressionText )
mSiblingWidgets.append( SiblingWidget( QPointer<QWidget>( widget ), SiblingExpressionText ) );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
// Ctrl-click to toggle activated state
if ( ( event->modifiers() & ( Qt::ControlModifier ) )
|| event->button() == Qt::RightButton )
setActivePrivate( !mProperty.isActive() );
emit changed();
// pass to default behavior
QToolButton::mousePressEvent( event );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::setToProperty( const QgsProperty &property )
if ( property )
switch ( property.propertyType() )
case QgsProperty::StaticProperty:
case QgsProperty::InvalidProperty:
case QgsProperty::FieldBasedProperty:
mFieldName = property.field();
case QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty:
mExpressionString = property.expressionString();
mProperty = property;
setActive( mProperty && mProperty.isActive() );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::aboutToShowMenu()
// update fields so that changes made to layer's fields are reflected
bool hasExp = !mExpressionString.isEmpty();
QString ddTitle = tr( "Data defined override" );
QAction *ddTitleAct = mDefineMenu->addAction( ddTitle );
QFont titlefont = ddTitleAct->font();
titlefont.setItalic( true );
ddTitleAct->setFont( titlefont );
ddTitleAct->setEnabled( false );
bool addActiveAction = false;
if ( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty && hasExp )
QgsExpression exp( mExpressionString );
// whether expression is parse-able
addActiveAction = !exp.hasParserError();
else if ( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::FieldBasedProperty )
// whether field exists
addActiveAction = mFieldNameList.contains( mFieldName );
if ( addActiveAction )
ddTitleAct->setText( ddTitle + " (" + ( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty ? tr( "expression" ) : tr( "field" ) ) + ')' );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionActive );
mActionActive->setText( mProperty.isActive() ? tr( "Deactivate" ) : tr( "Activate" ) );
mActionActive->setData( QVariant( !mProperty.isActive() ) );
if ( !mFullDescription.isEmpty() )
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionDescription );
// deactivate button if field already exists
if ( mAuxiliaryStorageEnabled && mVectorLayer )
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionCreateAuxiliaryField );
const QgsAuxiliaryLayer *alayer = mVectorLayer->auxiliaryLayer();
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField->setEnabled( true );
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField->setChecked( false );
int index = mVectorLayer->fields().indexFromName( mFieldName );
int srcIndex;
if ( index >= 0 && alayer && mVectorLayer->isAuxiliaryField( index, srcIndex ) )
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField->setEnabled( false );
mActionCreateAuxiliaryField->setChecked( true );
bool fieldActive = false;
if ( !mDataTypesString.isEmpty() )
QAction *fieldTitleAct = mDefineMenu->addAction( tr( "Attribute field" ) );
fieldTitleAct->setFont( titlefont );
fieldTitleAct->setEnabled( false );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionDataTypes );
if ( !mFieldNameList.isEmpty() )
for ( int j = 0; j < mFieldNameList.count(); ++j )
QString fldname = mFieldNameList.at( j );
QAction *act = mFieldsMenu->addAction( fldname + " (" + mFieldTypeList.at( j ) + ')' );
act->setData( QVariant( fldname ) );
if ( mFieldName == fldname )
act->setCheckable( true );
act->setChecked( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::FieldBasedProperty );
fieldActive = mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::FieldBasedProperty;
QAction *act = mFieldsMenu->addAction( tr( "No matching field types found" ) );
act->setEnabled( false );
mFieldsMenu->menuAction()->setCheckable( true );
mFieldsMenu->menuAction()->setChecked( fieldActive && mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::FieldBasedProperty && !mProperty.transformer() );
QAction *exprTitleAct = mDefineMenu->addAction( tr( "Expression" ) );
exprTitleAct->setFont( titlefont );
exprTitleAct->setEnabled( false );
bool variableActive = false;
if ( mExpressionContextGenerator )
QgsExpressionContext context = mExpressionContextGenerator->createExpressionContext();
QStringList variables = context.variableNames();
Q_FOREACH ( const QString &variable, variables )
if ( context.isReadOnly( variable ) ) //only want to show user-set variables
if ( variable.startsWith( '_' ) ) //no hidden variables
QAction *act = mVariablesMenu->addAction( variable );
act->setData( QVariant( variable ) );
if ( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty && hasExp && mExpressionString == '@' + variable )
act->setCheckable( true );
act->setChecked( true );
variableActive = true;
if ( mVariablesMenu->actions().isEmpty() )
QAction *act = mVariablesMenu->addAction( tr( "No variables set" ) );
act->setEnabled( false );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionVariables );
mVariablesMenu->menuAction()->setCheckable( true );
mVariablesMenu->menuAction()->setChecked( variableActive && !mProperty.transformer() );
if ( hasExp )
QString expString = mExpressionString;
if ( expString.length() > 35 )
expString.truncate( 35 );
expString.append( QChar( 0x2026 ) );
expString.prepend( tr( "Current: " ) );
if ( !mActionExpression )
mActionExpression = new QAction( expString, this );
mActionExpression->setCheckable( true );
mActionExpression->setText( expString );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionExpression );
mActionExpression->setChecked( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty && !variableActive && !mProperty.transformer() );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionExpDialog );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionCopyExpr );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionPasteExpr );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionClearExpr );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionExpDialog );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionPasteExpr );
if ( !mDefinition.name().isEmpty() && mDefinition.supportsAssistant() )
mActionAssistant->setCheckable( mProperty.transformer() );
mActionAssistant->setChecked( mProperty.transformer() );
mDefineMenu->addAction( mActionAssistant );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::menuActionTriggered( QAction *action )
if ( action == mActionActive )
setActivePrivate( mActionActive->data().toBool() );
emit changed();
else if ( action == mActionDescription )
else if ( action == mActionExpDialog )
else if ( action == mActionExpression )
mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
setActivePrivate( true );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
emit changed();
else if ( action == mActionCopyExpr )
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( mExpressionString );
else if ( action == mActionPasteExpr )
QString exprString = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
if ( !exprString.isEmpty() )
mExpressionString = exprString;
mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
setActivePrivate( true );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
emit changed();
else if ( action == mActionClearExpr )
setActivePrivate( false );
mProperty.setStaticValue( QVariant() );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
emit changed();
else if ( action == mActionAssistant )
else if ( action == mActionCreateAuxiliaryField )
emit createAuxiliaryField();
else if ( mFieldsMenu->actions().contains( action ) ) // a field name clicked
if ( action->isEnabled() )
if ( mFieldName != action->text() )
mFieldName = action->data().toString();
mProperty.setField( mFieldName );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
setActivePrivate( true );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
emit changed();
else if ( mVariablesMenu->actions().contains( action ) ) // a variable name clicked
if ( mExpressionString != action->text().prepend( "@" ) )
mExpressionString = action->data().toString().prepend( "@" );
mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
setActivePrivate( true );
updateSiblingWidgets( isActive() );
emit changed();
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::showDescriptionDialog()
QgsMessageViewer *mv = new QgsMessageViewer( this );
mv->setWindowTitle( tr( "Data Definition Description" ) );
mv->setMessageAsHtml( mFullDescription );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::showExpressionDialog()
QgsExpressionContext context = mExpressionContextGenerator ? mExpressionContextGenerator->createExpressionContext() : QgsExpressionContext();
QgsExpressionBuilderDialog d( const_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mVectorLayer ), mProperty.asExpression(), this, QStringLiteral( "generic" ), context );
if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
mExpressionString = d.expressionText().trimmed();
mProperty.setExpressionString( mExpressionString );
mProperty.setTransformer( nullptr );
setActivePrivate( !mExpressionString.isEmpty() );
emit changed();
activateWindow(); // reset focus to parent window
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::showAssistant()
//first step - try to convert any existing expression to a transformer if one doesn't
//already exist
if ( !mProperty.transformer() )
( void )mProperty.convertToTransformer();
QgsPanelWidget *panel = QgsPanelWidget::findParentPanel( this );
QgsPropertyAssistantWidget *widget = new QgsPropertyAssistantWidget( panel, mDefinition, mProperty, mVectorLayer );
widget->registerExpressionContextGenerator( mExpressionContextGenerator );
widget->setSymbol( mSymbol ); // we only show legend preview in dialog version
if ( panel && panel->dockMode() )
connect( widget, &QgsPropertyAssistantWidget::widgetChanged, this, [this, widget]
widget->updateProperty( this->mProperty );
mExpressionString = this->mProperty.asExpression();
mFieldName = this->mProperty.field();
this->emit changed();
} );
connect( widget, &QgsPropertyAssistantWidget::panelAccepted, this, [ = ] { updateGui(); } );
panel->openPanel( widget );
// Show the dialog version if not in a panel
QDialog *dlg = new QDialog( this );
QString key = QStringLiteral( "/UI/paneldialog/%1" ).arg( widget->panelTitle() );
QgsSettings settings;
dlg->restoreGeometry( settings.value( key ).toByteArray() );
dlg->setWindowTitle( widget->panelTitle() );
dlg->setLayout( new QVBoxLayout() );
dlg->layout()->addWidget( widget );
QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Help | QDialogButtonBox::Ok );
connect( buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, dlg, &QDialog::accept );
connect( buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, dlg, &QDialog::reject );
connect( buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &QgsPropertyOverrideButton::showHelp );
dlg->layout()->addWidget( buttonBox );
if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
widget->updateProperty( mProperty );
mExpressionString = mProperty.asExpression();
mFieldName = mProperty.field();
emit changed();
settings.setValue( key, dlg->saveGeometry() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::updateGui()
bool hasExp = !mExpressionString.isEmpty();
bool hasField = !mFieldName.isEmpty();
QIcon icon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefine.svg" ) );
QString deftip = tr( "undefined" );
if ( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty && hasExp )
icon = mProperty.isActive() ? QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefineExpressionOn.svg" ) ) : QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefineExpression.svg" ) );
QgsExpression exp( mExpressionString );
if ( exp.hasParserError() )
icon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefineExpressionError.svg" ) );
deftip = tr( "Parse error: %1" ).arg( exp.parserErrorString() );
else if ( mProperty.propertyType() != QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty && hasField )
icon = mProperty.isActive() ? QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefineOn.svg" ) ) : QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefine.svg" ) );
if ( !mFieldNameList.contains( mFieldName ) && !mProperty.transformer() )
icon = QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconDataDefineError.svg" ) );
deftip = tr( "'%1' field missing" ).arg( mFieldName );
setIcon( icon );
// build full description for tool tip and popup dialog
mFullDescription = tr( "<b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br>" );
mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Active: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br>" ).arg( mProperty.isActive() ? tr( "yes" ) : tr( "no" ) );
if ( !mUsageInfo.isEmpty() )
mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mUsageInfo );
if ( !mInputDescription.isEmpty() )
mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mInputDescription );
if ( !mDataTypesString.isEmpty() )
mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mDataTypesString );
QString deftype( QLatin1String( "" ) );
if ( deftip != tr( "undefined" ) )
deftype = QStringLiteral( " (%1)" ).arg( mProperty.propertyType() == QgsProperty::ExpressionBasedProperty ? tr( "expression" ) : tr( "field" ) );
// truncate long expressions, or tool tip may be too wide for screen
if ( deftip.length() > 75 )
deftip.truncate( 75 );
deftip.append( QChar( 0x2026 ) );
mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Current definition %1:</b><br>%2" ).arg( deftype, deftip );
setToolTip( mFullDescription );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::setActivePrivate( bool active )
if ( mProperty.isActive() != active )
mProperty.setActive( active );
emit activated( mProperty.isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::updateSiblingWidgets( bool state )
Q_FOREACH ( const SiblingWidget &sw, mSiblingWidgets )
switch ( sw.mSiblingType )
case SiblingCheckState:
// don't uncheck, only set to checked
if ( state )
QAbstractButton *btn = qobject_cast< QAbstractButton * >( sw.mWidgetPointer.data() );
if ( btn && btn->isCheckable() )
btn->setChecked( sw.mNatural ? state : !state );
QGroupBox *grpbx = qobject_cast< QGroupBox * >( sw.mWidgetPointer.data() );
if ( grpbx && grpbx->isCheckable() )
grpbx->setChecked( sw.mNatural ? state : !state );
case SiblingEnableState:
QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast< QLineEdit * >( sw.mWidgetPointer.data() );
if ( le )
le->setReadOnly( sw.mNatural ? !state : state );
sw.mWidgetPointer.data()->setEnabled( sw.mNatural ? state : !state );
case SiblingVisibility:
sw.mWidgetPointer.data()->setVisible( sw.mNatural ? state : !state );
case SiblingExpressionText:
QLineEdit *le = qobject_cast<QLineEdit *>( sw.mWidgetPointer.data() );
if ( le )
le->setText( mProperty.asExpression() );
QTextEdit *te = qobject_cast<QTextEdit *>( sw.mWidgetPointer.data() );
if ( te )
te->setText( mProperty.asExpression() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::setActive( bool active )
if ( mProperty.isActive() != active )
mProperty.setActive( active );
emit changed();
emit activated( mProperty.isActive() );
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::registerExpressionContextGenerator( QgsExpressionContextGenerator *generator )
mExpressionContextGenerator = generator;
void QgsPropertyOverrideButton::showHelp()
QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "introduction/general_tools.html#data-defined" ) );