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# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2012 Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
# Based on wms.py, which has the following copyright statement:
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Sean C. Gillies
# Copyright (c) 2005 Nuxeo SARL <http://nuxeo.com>
# Authors : Sean Gillies <sgillies@frii.com>
# Julien Anguenot <ja@nuxeo.com>
# Contact email: sgillies@frii.com
# =============================================================================
The wmts module of the OWSlib package provides client-side functionality
for fetching tiles from an OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)
PLEASE NOTE: the owslib wmts module should be considered in early-beta
state: it has been tested against only one WMTS server (NASA EODSIS).
More extensive testing is needed and feedback (to bradh@frogmouth.net)
would be appreciated.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
from random import randint
import warnings
import six
from six.moves import filter
try: # Python 3
from urllib.parse import (urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qs,
except ImportError: # Python 2
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qs, ParseResult
from .etree import etree
from .util import openURL, testXMLValue, getXMLInteger
from .fgdc import Metadata
from .iso import MD_Metadata
from .ows import ServiceProvider, ServiceIdentification, OperationsMetadata
_OWS_NS = '{http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1}'
_WMTS_NS = '{http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0}'
_XLINK_NS = '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}'
_ABSTRACT_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'Abstract'
_IDENTIFIER_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'Identifier'
_LOWER_CORNER_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'LowerCorner'
_OPERATIONS_METADATA_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'OperationsMetadata'
_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'ServiceIdentification'
_SERVICE_PROVIDER_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'ServiceProvider'
_TITLE_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'Title'
_UPPER_CORNER_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'UpperCorner'
_WGS84_BOUNDING_BOX_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'WGS84BoundingBox'
_CONTENTS_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Contents'
_FORMAT_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Format'
_INFO_FORMAT_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'InfoFormat'
_LAYER_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Layer'
_LAYER_REF_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'LayerRef'
_MATRIX_HEIGHT_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'MatrixHeight'
_MATRIX_WIDTH_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'MatrixWidth'
_SCALE_DENOMINATOR_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'ScaleDenominator'
_STYLE_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Style'
_THEME_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Theme'
_THEMES_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'Themes'
_TILE_HEIGHT_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'TileHeight'
_TILE_MATRIX_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'TileMatrix'
_TILE_WIDTH_TAG = _WMTS_NS + 'TileWidth'
_KEYWORDS_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'Keywords'
_KEYWORD_TAG = _OWS_NS + 'Keyword'
_HREF_TAG = _XLINK_NS + 'href'
class ServiceException(Exception):
"""WMTS ServiceException
message -- short error message
xml -- full xml error message from server
def __init__(self, message, xml):
self.message = message
self.xml = xml
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.message)
class CapabilitiesError(Exception):
class WebMapTileService(object):
"""Abstraction for OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
Implements IWebMapService.
def __getitem__(self, name):
'''Check contents dictionary to allow dict like access to
service layers'''
if name in self.__getattribute__('contents'):
return self.__getattribute__('contents')[name]
raise KeyError("No content named %s" % name)
def __init__(self, url, version='1.0.0', xml=None, username=None,
password=None, parse_remote_metadata=False,
url : string
Base URL for the WMTS service.
version : string
Optional WMTS version. Defaults to '1.0.0'.
xml : string
Optional XML content to use as the content for the initial
GetCapabilities request. Typically only used for testing.
username : string
Optional user name for authentication.
password : string
Optional password for authentication.
parse_remote_metadata: string
Currently unused.
vendor_kwargs : dict
Optional vendor-specific parameters to be included in all
self.url = url
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.version = version
self.vendor_kwargs = vendor_kwargs
self._capabilities = None
# Authentication handled by Reader
reader = WMTSCapabilitiesReader(self.version, url=self.url,
un=self.username, pw=self.password)
if xml: # read from stored xml
self._capabilities = reader.readString(xml)
else: # read from server
self._capabilities = reader.read(self.url, self.vendor_kwargs)
# Avoid building capabilities metadata if the response is a
# ServiceExceptionReport.
# TODO: check if this needs a namespace
se = self._capabilities.find('ServiceException')
if se is not None:
err_message = str(se.text).strip()
raise ServiceException(err_message, xml)
# build metadata objects
def _getcapproperty(self):
if not self._capabilities:
reader = WMTSCapabilitiesReader(
self.version, url=self.url, un=self.username, pw=self.password
xml = reader.read(self.url, self.vendor_kwargs)
self._capabilities = ServiceMetadata(xml)
return self._capabilities
def _buildMetadata(self, parse_remote_metadata=False):
''' set up capabilities metadata objects '''
# serviceIdentification metadata
serviceident = self._capabilities.find(_SERVICE_IDENTIFICATION_TAG)
self.identification = ServiceIdentification(serviceident)
# serviceProvider metadata
serviceprov = self._capabilities.find(_SERVICE_PROVIDER_TAG)
if serviceprov is not None:
self.provider = ServiceProvider(serviceprov)
# serviceOperations metadata
self.operations = []
serviceop = self._capabilities.find(_OPERATIONS_METADATA_TAG)
# REST only WMTS does not have any Operations
if serviceop is not None:
for elem in serviceop[:]:
# serviceContents metadata: our assumption is that services use
# a top-level layer as a metadata organizer, nothing more.
self.contents = {}
caps = self._capabilities.find(_CONTENTS_TAG)
def gather_layers(parent_elem, parent_metadata):
for index, elem in enumerate(parent_elem.findall(_LAYER_TAG)):
cm = ContentMetadata(
elem, parent=parent_metadata, index=index+1,
if cm.id:
if cm.id in self.contents:
raise KeyError('Content metadata for layer "%s" '
'already exists' % cm.id)
self.contents[cm.id] = cm
gather_layers(elem, cm)
gather_layers(caps, None)
self.tilematrixsets = {}
for elem in caps.findall(_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TAG):
tms = TileMatrixSet(elem)
if tms.identifier:
if tms.identifier in self.tilematrixsets:
raise KeyError('TileMatrixSet with identifier "%s" '
'already exists' % tms.identifier)
self.tilematrixsets[tms.identifier] = tms
self.themes = {}
for elem in self._capabilities.findall(_THEMES_TAG + '/' + _THEME_TAG):
theme = Theme(elem)
if theme.identifier:
if theme.identifier in self.themes:
raise KeyError('Theme with identifier "%s" already exists'
% theme.identifier)
self.themes[theme.identifier] = theme
serviceMetadataURL = self._capabilities.find(_SERVICE_METADATA_URL_TAG)
if serviceMetadataURL is not None:
self.serviceMetadataURL = serviceMetadataURL.attrib[_HREF_TAG]
self.serviceMetadataURL = None
def items(self):
'''supports dict-like items() access'''
items = []
for item in self.contents:
items.append((item, self.contents[item]))
return items
def buildTileRequest(self, layer=None, style=None, format=None,
tilematrixset=None, tilematrix=None, row=None,
column=None, **kwargs):
"""Return the URL-encoded parameters for a GetTile request.
layer : string
Content layer name.
style : string
Optional style name. Defaults to the first style defined for
the relevant layer in the GetCapabilities response.
format : string
Optional output image format, such as 'image/jpeg'.
Defaults to the first format defined for the relevant layer
in the GetCapabilities response.
tilematrixset : string
Optional name of tile matrix set to use.
Defaults to the first tile matrix set defined for the
relevant layer in the GetCapabilities response.
tilematrix : string
Name of the tile matrix to use.
row : integer
Row index of tile to request.
column : integer
Column index of tile to request.
**kwargs : extra arguments
anything else e.g. vendor specific parameters
>>> url = 'http://map1c.vis.earthdata.nasa.gov/wmts-geo/wmts.cgi'
>>> wmts = WebMapTileService(url)
>>> wmts.buildTileRequest(layer='VIIRS_CityLights_2012',
... tilematrixset='EPSG4326_500m',
... tilematrix='6',
... row=4, column=4)
if (layer is None):
raise ValueError("layer is mandatory (cannot be None)")
if style is None:
style = list(self[layer].styles.keys())[0]
if format is None:
format = self[layer].formats[0]
if tilematrixset is None:
tilematrixset = sorted(self[layer].tilematrixsetlinks.keys())[0]
if tilematrix is None:
msg = 'tilematrix (zoom level) is mandatory (cannot be None)'
raise ValueError(msg)
if row is None:
raise ValueError("row is mandatory (cannot be None)")
if column is None:
raise ValueError("column is mandatory (cannot be None)")
request = list()
request.append(('SERVICE', 'WMTS'))
request.append(('REQUEST', 'GetTile'))
request.append(('VERSION', '1.0.0'))
request.append(('LAYER', layer))
request.append(('STYLE', style))
request.append(('TILEMATRIXSET', tilematrixset))
request.append(('TILEMATRIX', tilematrix))
request.append(('TILEROW', str(row)))
request.append(('TILECOL', str(column)))
request.append(('FORMAT', format))
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
request.append((key, value))
data = urlencode(request, True)
return data
def buildTileResource(self, layer=None, style=None, format=None,
tilematrixset=None, tilematrix=None, row=None,
column=None, **kwargs):
tileresourceurls = []
for resourceURL in self[layer].resourceURLs:
if resourceURL['resourceType'] == 'tile':
numres = len(tileresourceurls)
if numres > 0:
# choose random ResourceURL if more than one available
resindex = randint(0, numres - 1)
resurl = tileresourceurls[resindex]['template']
if tilematrixset:
resurl = resurl.replace('{TileMatrixSet}', tilematrixset)
resurl = resurl.replace('{TileMatrix}', tilematrix)
resurl = resurl.replace('{TileRow}', row)
resurl = resurl.replace('{TileCol}', column)
if style:
resurl = resurl.replace('{Style}', style)
return resurl
return None
def restonly(self):
# if OperationsMetadata is missing completely --> use REST
if len(self.operations) == 0:
return True
# check if KVP or RESTful are available
restenc = False
kvpenc = False
for operation in self.operations:
if operation.name == 'GetTile':
for method in operation.methods:
if 'kvp' in str(method['constraints']).lower():
kvpenc = True
if 'rest' in str(method['constraints']).lower():
restenc = True
# if KVP is available --> use KVP
if kvpenc:
return False
# if the operation has no constraint --> use KVP
if not kvpenc and not restenc:
return False
return restenc
def gettile(self, base_url=None, layer=None, style=None, format=None,
tilematrixset=None, tilematrix=None, row=None, column=None,
"""Return a tile from the WMTS.
Returns the tile image as a file-like object.
base_url : string
Optional URL for request submission. Defaults to the URL of
the GetTile operation as declared in the GetCapabilities
layer : string
Content layer name.
style : string
Optional style name. Defaults to the first style defined for
the relevant layer in the GetCapabilities response.
format : string
Optional output image format, such as 'image/jpeg'.
Defaults to the first format defined for the relevant layer
in the GetCapabilities response.
tilematrixset : string
Optional name of tile matrix set to use.
Defaults to the first tile matrix set defined for the
relevant layer in the GetCapabilities response.
tilematrix : string
Name of the tile matrix to use.
row : integer
Row index of tile to request.
column : integer
Column index of tile to request.
**kwargs : extra arguments
anything else e.g. vendor specific parameters
>>> url = 'http://map1c.vis.earthdata.nasa.gov/wmts-geo/wmts.cgi'
>>> wmts = WebMapTileService(url)
>>> img = wmts.gettile(layer='VIIRS_CityLights_2012',\
row=4, column=4)
>>> out = open('tile.jpg', 'wb')
>>> bytes_written = out.write(img.read())
>>> out.close()
vendor_kwargs = self.vendor_kwargs or {}
# REST only WMTS
if self.restonly:
resurl = self.buildTileResource(
layer, style, format, tilematrixset, tilematrix,
row, column, **vendor_kwargs)
u = openURL(resurl, username=self.username, password=self.password)
return u
# KVP implemetation
data = self.buildTileRequest(layer, style, format, tilematrixset,
tilematrix, row, column, **vendor_kwargs)
if base_url is None:
base_url = self.url
methods = self.getOperationByName('GetTile').methods
get_verbs = [x for x in methods
if x.get('type').lower() == 'get']
if len(get_verbs) > 1:
# Filter by constraints
base_url = next(
x for x in filter(
for const in pv.get('constraints')
if 'kvp' in [x.lower() for x in const.values]]
for pv in get_verbs if pv.get('constraints'))))[0]
elif len(get_verbs) == 1:
base_url = get_verbs[0].get('url')
except StopIteration:
u = openURL(base_url, data, username=self.username,
# check for service exceptions, and return
if u.info()['Content-Type'] == 'application/vnd.ogc.se_xml':
se_xml = u.read()
se_tree = etree.fromstring(se_xml)
err_message = six.text_type(se_tree.find('ServiceException').text)
raise ServiceException(err_message.strip(), se_xml)
return u
def getServiceXML(self):
xml = None
if self._capabilities is not None:
xml = etree.tostring(self._capabilities)
return xml
def getfeatureinfo(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def getOperationByName(self, name):
"""Return a named content item."""
for item in self.operations:
if item.name == name:
return item
raise KeyError("No operation named %s" % name)
class TileMatrixSet(object):
'''Holds one TileMatrixSet'''
def __init__(self, elem):
if elem.tag != _TILE_MATRIX_SET_TAG:
raise ValueError('%s should be a TileMatrixSet' % (elem,))
self.identifier = testXMLValue(elem.find(_IDENTIFIER_TAG)).strip()
self.crs = testXMLValue(elem.find(_SUPPORTED_CRS_TAG)).strip()
if self.crs is None or self.identifier is None:
raise ValueError('%s incomplete TileMatrixSet' % (elem,))
self.tilematrix = {}
for tilematrix in elem.findall(_TILE_MATRIX_TAG):
tm = TileMatrix(tilematrix)
if tm.identifier:
if tm.identifier in self.tilematrix:
raise KeyError('TileMatrix with identifier "%s" '
'already exists' % tm.identifier)
self.tilematrix[tm.identifier] = tm
class TileMatrix(object):
'''Holds one TileMatrix'''
def __init__(self, elem):
if elem.tag != _TILE_MATRIX_TAG:
raise ValueError('%s should be a TileMatrix' % (elem,))
self.identifier = testXMLValue(elem.find(_IDENTIFIER_TAG)).strip()
sd = testXMLValue(elem.find(_SCALE_DENOMINATOR_TAG))
if sd is None:
raise ValueError('%s is missing ScaleDenominator' % (elem,))
self.scaledenominator = float(sd)
tl = testXMLValue(elem.find(_TOP_LEFT_CORNER_TAG))
if tl is None:
raise ValueError('%s is missing TopLeftCorner' % (elem,))
(lon, lat) = tl.split(" ")
self.topleftcorner = (float(lon), float(lat))
width = testXMLValue(elem.find(_TILE_WIDTH_TAG))
height = testXMLValue(elem.find(_TILE_HEIGHT_TAG))
if (width is None) or (height is None):
msg = '%s is missing TileWidth and/or TileHeight' % (elem,)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.tilewidth = int(width)
self.tileheight = int(height)
mw = testXMLValue(elem.find(_MATRIX_WIDTH_TAG))
mh = testXMLValue(elem.find(_MATRIX_HEIGHT_TAG))
if (mw is None) or (mh is None):
msg = '%s is missing MatrixWidth and/or MatrixHeight' % (elem,)
raise ValueError(msg)
self.matrixwidth = int(mw)
self.matrixheight = int(mh)
class Theme:
Abstraction for a WMTS theme
def __init__(self, elem):
if elem.tag != _THEME_TAG:
raise ValueError('%s should be a Theme' % (elem,))
self.identifier = testXMLValue(elem.find(_IDENTIFIER_TAG)).strip()
title = testXMLValue(elem.find(_TITLE_TAG))
if title is not None:
self.title = title.strip()
self.title = None
abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(_ABSTRACT_TAG))
if abstract is not None:
self.abstract = abstract.strip()
self.abstract = None
self.layerRefs = []
layerRefs = elem.findall(_LAYER_REF_TAG)
for layerRef in layerRefs:
if layerRef.text is not None:
class TileMatrixLimits(object):
Represents a WMTS TileMatrixLimits element.
def __init__(self, elem):
if elem.tag != _TILE_MATRIX_LIMITS_TAG:
raise ValueError('%s should be a TileMatrixLimits' % elem)
tm = elem.find(_TILE_MATRIX_TAG)
if tm is None:
raise ValueError('Missing TileMatrix in %s' % elem)
self.tilematrix = tm.text.strip()
self.mintilerow = getXMLInteger(elem, _MIN_TILE_ROW_TAG)
self.maxtilerow = getXMLInteger(elem, _MAX_TILE_ROW_TAG)
self.mintilecol = getXMLInteger(elem, _MIN_TILE_COL_TAG)
self.maxtilecol = getXMLInteger(elem, _MAX_TILE_COL_TAG)
def __repr__(self):
fmt = ('<TileMatrixLimits: {self.tilematrix}'
', minRow={self.mintilerow}, maxRow={self.maxtilerow}'
', minCol={self.mintilecol}, maxCol={self.maxtilecol}>')
return fmt.format(self=self)
class TileMatrixSetLink(object):
Represents a WMTS TileMatrixSetLink element.
def from_elements(link_elements):
Return a list of TileMatrixSetLink instances derived from the
given list of <TileMatrixSetLink> XML elements.
# NB. The WMTS spec is contradictory re. the multiplicity
# relationships between Layer and TileMatrixSetLink, and
# TileMatrixSetLink and tileMatrixSet (URI).
# Try to figure out which model has been used by the server.
links = []
for link_element in link_elements:
matrix_set_elements = link_element.findall(_TILE_MATRIX_SET_TAG)
if len(matrix_set_elements) == 0:
raise ValueError('Missing TileMatrixSet in %s' % link_element)
elif len(matrix_set_elements) > 1:
set_limits_elements = link_element.findall(
if set_limits_elements:
raise ValueError('Multiple instances of TileMatrixSet'
' plus TileMatrixSetLimits in %s' %
for matrix_set_element in matrix_set_elements:
uri = matrix_set_element.text.strip()
uri = matrix_set_elements[0].text.strip()
tilematrixlimits = {}
path = '%s/%s' % (_TILE_MATRIX_SET_LIMITS_TAG,
for limits_element in link_element.findall(path):
tml = TileMatrixLimits(limits_element)
if tml.tilematrix:
if tml.tilematrix in tilematrixlimits:
msg = ('TileMatrixLimits with tileMatrix "%s" '
'already exists' % tml.tilematrix)
raise KeyError(msg)
tilematrixlimits[tml.tilematrix] = tml
links.append(TileMatrixSetLink(uri, tilematrixlimits))
return links
def __init__(self, tilematrixset, tilematrixlimits=None):
self.tilematrixset = tilematrixset
if tilematrixlimits is None:
self.tilematrixlimits = {}
self.tilematrixlimits = tilematrixlimits
def __repr__(self):
fmt = ('<TileMatrixSetLink: {self.tilematrixset}'
', tilematrixlimits={{...}}>')
return fmt.format(self=self)
class ContentMetadata:
Abstraction for WMTS layer metadata.
Implements IContentMetadata.
def __init__(self, elem, parent=None, index=0,
if elem.tag != _LAYER_TAG:
raise ValueError('%s should be a Layer' % (elem,))
self.parent = parent
if parent:
self.index = "%s.%d" % (parent.index, index)
self.index = str(index)
self.id = self.name = testXMLValue(elem.find(_IDENTIFIER_TAG))
# title is mandatory property
self.title = None
title = testXMLValue(elem.find(_TITLE_TAG))
if title is not None:
self.title = title.strip()
self.abstract = testXMLValue(elem.find(_ABSTRACT_TAG))
# bboxes
b = elem.find(_WGS84_BOUNDING_BOX_TAG)
self.boundingBox = None
if b is not None:
lc = b.find(_LOWER_CORNER_TAG)
uc = b.find(_UPPER_CORNER_TAG)
ll = [float(s) for s in lc.text.split()]
ur = [float(s) for s in uc.text.split()]
self.boundingBoxWGS84 = (ll[0], ll[1], ur[0], ur[1])
# TODO: there is probably some more logic here, and it should
# probably be shared code
self._tilematrixsets = [f.text.strip() for f in
elem.findall(_TILE_MATRIX_SET_LINK_TAG + '/' +
link_elements = elem.findall(_TILE_MATRIX_SET_LINK_TAG)
tile_matrix_set_links = TileMatrixSetLink.from_elements(link_elements)
self.tilematrixsetlinks = {}
for tmsl in tile_matrix_set_links:
if tmsl.tilematrixset:
if tmsl.tilematrixset in self.tilematrixsetlinks:
raise KeyError('TileMatrixSetLink with tilematrixset "%s"'
' already exists' %
self.tilematrixsetlinks[tmsl.tilematrixset] = tmsl
self.resourceURLs = []
for resourceURL in elem.findall(_RESOURCE_URL_TAG):
resource = {}
for attrib in ['format', 'resourceType', 'template']:
resource[attrib] = resourceURL.attrib[attrib]
# Styles
self.styles = {}
for s in elem.findall(_STYLE_TAG):
style = {}
isdefaulttext = s.attrib.get('isDefault')
style['isDefault'] = (isdefaulttext == "true")
identifier = s.find(_IDENTIFIER_TAG)
if identifier is None:
raise ValueError('%s missing identifier' % (s,))
title = s.find(_TITLE_TAG)
if title is not None:
style['title'] = title.text
self.styles[identifier.text] = style
self.formats = [f.text for f in elem.findall(_FORMAT_TAG)]
self.keywords = [f.text for f in elem.findall(
self.infoformats = [f.text for f in elem.findall(_INFO_FORMAT_TAG)]
self.layers = []
for child in elem.findall(_LAYER_TAG):
self.layers.append(ContentMetadata(child, self))
def tilematrixsets(self):
# NB. This attribute has been superceeded by the
# `tilematrixsetlinks` attribute defined below, but is included
# for now to provide continuity.
warnings.warn("The 'tilematrixsets' attribute has been deprecated"
" and will be removed in a future version of OWSLib."
" Please use 'tilematrixsetlinks' instead.")
return self._tilematrixsets
def __str__(self):
return 'Layer Name: %s Title: %s' % (self.name, self.title)
class WMTSCapabilitiesReader:
"""Read and parse capabilities document into a lxml.etree infoset
def __init__(self, version='1.0.0', url=None, un=None, pw=None):
self.version = version
self._infoset = None
self.url = url
self.username = un
self.password = pw
def capabilities_url(self, service_url, vendor_kwargs=None):
"""Return a capabilities url
# Ensure the 'service', 'request', and 'version' parameters,
# and any vendor-specific parameters are included in the URL.
pieces = urlparse(service_url)
args = parse_qs(pieces.query)
if 'service' not in args:
args['service'] = 'WMTS'
if 'request' not in args:
args['request'] = 'GetCapabilities'
if 'version' not in args:
args['version'] = self.version
if vendor_kwargs:
query = urlencode(args, doseq=True)
pieces = ParseResult(pieces.scheme, pieces.netloc,
pieces.path, pieces.params,
query, pieces.fragment)
return urlunparse(pieces)
def read(self, service_url, vendor_kwargs=None):
"""Get and parse a WMTS capabilities document, returning an
elementtree instance
service_url is the base url, to which is appended the service,
version, and request parameters. Optional vendor-specific
parameters can also be supplied as a dict.
getcaprequest = self.capabilities_url(service_url, vendor_kwargs)
# now split it up again to use the generic openURL function...
spliturl = getcaprequest.split('?')
u = openURL(spliturl[0], spliturl[1], method='Get',
username=self.username, password=self.password)
return etree.fromstring(u.read())
def readString(self, st):
"""Parse a WMTS capabilities document, returning an elementtree instance
string should be an XML capabilities document
if not isinstance(st, str) and not isinstance(st, bytes):
msg = 'String must be of type string or bytes, not %s' % type(st)
raise ValueError(msg)
return etree.fromstring(st)