152 lines
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# =============================================================================
# OWSLib. Copyright (C) 2012 Jachym Cepicky
# Contact email: jachym.cepicky@gmail.com
# =============================================================================
from owslib.crs import Crs
from urllib import urlencode
import logging
hdlr = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/owslibwfs.log')
import tempfile
f=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='owslib.wfs-', delete=False)
hdlr = logging.FileHandler(f.name)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
class WebFeatureService_:
"""Base class for WebFeatureService implementations"""
def getBBOXKVP (self,bbox,typename):
"""Formate bounding box for KVP request type (HTTP GET)
@param bbox: (minx,miny,maxx,maxy[,srs])
@type bbox: List
@param typename: feature name
@type typename: String
@returns: String properly formated according to version and
coordinate reference system
srs = None
# srs of the bbox is specified in the bbox as fifth paramter
if len(bbox) == 5:
srs = self.getSRS(bbox[4],typename[0])
# take default srs
srs = self.contents[typename[0]].crsOptions[0]
# 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 have same encoding
if self.version in ["1.1.0","2.0.0"]:
# format bbox parameter
if srs.encoding == "urn" :
if srs.axisorder == "yx":
return "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % \
return "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % \
return "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % \
# 1.0.0
return "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % \
def getSRS(self,srsname,typename):
"""Returns None or Crs object for given name
@param typename: feature name
@type typename: String
if type(srsname) == type(""):
srs = Crs(srsname)
srs = srsname
srss = map(lambda crs: crs.getcodeurn(),
for s in srss:
s = Crs(s)
if srs.authority == s.authority and\
srs.code == s.code:
if s.version and srs.version:
if s.version == srs.version:
idx = srss.index(s.getcodeurn())
return self.contents[typename].crsOptions[idx]
idx = srss.index(s.getcodeurn())
return self.contents[typename].crsOptions[idx]
return None
def getGETGetFeatureRequest(self, typename=None, filter=None, bbox=None, featureid=None,
featureversion=None, propertyname=None, maxfeatures=None,storedQueryID=None, storedQueryParams={},
"""Formulate proper GetFeature request using KVP encoding
typename : list
List of typenames (string)
filter : string
XML-encoded OGC filter expression.
bbox : tuple
(left, bottom, right, top) in the feature type's coordinates == (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
featureid : list
List of unique feature ids (string)
featureversion : string
Default is most recent feature version.
propertyname : list
List of feature property names. '*' matches all.
maxfeatures : int
Maximum number of features to be returned.
method : string
Qualified name of the HTTP DCP method to use.
There are 3 different modes of use
1) typename and bbox (simple spatial query)
2) typename and filter (==query) (more expressive)
3) featureid (direct access to known features)
base_url = self.getOperationByName('GetFeature').methods[method]['url']
base_url = base_url if base_url.endswith("?") else base_url+"?"
request = {'service': 'WFS', 'version': self.version, 'request': 'GetFeature'}
# check featureid
if featureid:
request['featureid'] = ','.join(featureid)
elif bbox:
request['bbox'] = self.getBBOXKVP(bbox,typename)
elif filter:
request['query'] = str(filter)
if typename:
typename = [typename] if type(typename) == type("") else typename
request['typename'] = ','.join(typename)
if propertyname:
request['propertyname'] = ','.join(propertyname)
if featureversion:
request['featureversion'] = str(featureversion)
if maxfeatures:
request['maxfeatures'] = str(maxfeatures)
if storedQueryID:
for param in storedQueryParams:
data = urlencode(request)
return base_url+data