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synced 2025-03-03 00:02:25 -05:00
[FEATURE] Introduces memory dataset groups for mesh layer. These dataset groups are temporary and are not kept when the project is closed. Memory dataset groups can be created from the mesh calculator with a new option. Allows the possibility to remove or save these memory dataset groups to a file with specified driver.
894 lines
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894 lines
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MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#include "mdal_ugrid.hpp"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
#include "mdal_logger.hpp"
#include <netcdf.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
: DriverCF(
"UGRID Results",
Capability::ReadMesh | Capability::SaveMesh )
MDAL::DriverUgrid *MDAL::DriverUgrid::create()
return new DriverUgrid();
std::vector<std::string> MDAL::DriverUgrid::findMeshesNames() const
std::vector<std::string> meshesInFile;
const std::vector<std::string> variables = mNcFile->readArrNames();
for ( const std::string &var : variables )
bool isMeshTopology = mNcFile->getAttrStr( var, "cf_role" ) == "mesh_topology";
if ( isMeshTopology )
// file can include more meshes
meshesInFile.push_back( var );
return meshesInFile;
std::string MDAL::DriverUgrid::buildUri( const std::string &meshFile )
mNcFile.reset( new NetCDFFile );
mNcFile->openFile( meshFile );
catch ( MDAL::Error &err )
err.setDriver( name() );
MDAL::Log::error( err );
return std::string();
std::vector<std::string> meshNames = findMeshesNames();
if ( !meshNames.size() )
MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, name(), "No meshes found in file" + meshFile );
return std::string( "" );
// ignore network variable
std::vector<std::string>::iterator position = std::find( meshNames.begin(), meshNames.end(), "network" );
if ( position != meshNames.end() )
meshNames.erase( position );
return MDAL::buildAndMergeMeshUris( meshFile, meshNames, name() );
std::string MDAL::DriverUgrid::nodeZVariableName() const
const std::vector<std::string> variables = mNcFile->readArrNames();
for ( const std::string &varName : variables )
const std::string stdName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( varName, "standard_name" );
const std::string meshName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( varName, "mesh" );
const std::string location = mNcFile->getAttrStr( varName, "location" );
if ( stdName == "altitude" && meshName == mMeshName && location == "node" )
return varName;
// not found, the file in non UGRID standard conforming,
// but lets try the common name
return mMeshName + "_node_z";
MDAL::CFDimensions MDAL::DriverUgrid::populateDimensions( )
CFDimensions dims;
size_t count;
int ncid;
mAllMeshNames = findMeshesNames();
if ( mAllMeshNames.empty() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, name(), "File " + mFileName + " does not contain any valid mesh definition" );
if ( !mRequestedMeshName.empty() )
if ( std::find( std::begin( mAllMeshNames ), std::end( mAllMeshNames ), mRequestedMeshName ) != std::end( mAllMeshNames ) )
mMeshName = mRequestedMeshName;
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, "No such mesh with name: " + mRequestedMeshName, name() );
if ( mAllMeshNames.size() == 1 )
mMeshName = mAllMeshNames.at( 0 );
else // there are more meshes in file
if ( MDAL::contains( mAllMeshNames.at( 0 ), "network" ) ) // ignore the network variable for a moment
mMeshName = mAllMeshNames.at( 1 );
mMeshName = mAllMeshNames.at( 0 );
MDAL::Log::warning( MDAL_Status::Warn_MultipleMeshesInFile, name(), "Found multiple meshes in file, working with: " + mMeshName );
if ( mMeshName.empty() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, "Unable to parse mesh name from file" );
mMeshDimension = mNcFile->getAttrInt( mMeshName, "topology_dimension" );
if ( ( mMeshDimension < 1 ) || ( mMeshDimension > 2 ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, name(), "Unable to parse topology dimension from mesh or mesh is 3D" );
MDAL::Log::info( "Parsing " + std::to_string( mMeshDimension ) + "D mesh with name: " + mMeshName );
std::string nodeXVariable, nodeYVariable;
if ( mMeshDimension == 1 )
parseCoordinatesFrom1DMesh( mMeshName, "node_coordinates", nodeXVariable, nodeYVariable );
parse2VariablesFromAttribute( mMeshName, "node_coordinates", nodeXVariable, nodeYVariable, false );
std::vector<size_t> nodeDimension;
std::vector<int> nodeDimensionId;
mNcFile->getDimensions( nodeXVariable, nodeDimension, nodeDimensionId );
if ( nodeDimension.size() != 1 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while parsing dimensions" );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Vertex, nodeDimension.at( 0 ), nodeDimensionId.at( 0 ) );
/* continue parsing dimension dependent variables */
if ( mMeshDimension == 1 )
populate1DMeshDimensions( dims );
populate2DMeshDimensions( dims, ncid );
/* Time variable - not required for UGRID format */
if ( mNcFile->hasDimension( "time" ) )
mNcFile->getDimension( "time", &count, &ncid );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Time, count, ncid );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Time, 0, -1 );
return dims;
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populate1DMeshDimensions( MDAL::CFDimensions &dims )
/* Parse number of edges ( dimension ) from mesh */
std::string edgeConnectivityVariableName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "edge_node_connectivity" );
if ( edgeConnectivityVariableName.empty() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Did not find edge node connectivity attribute" );
std::vector<size_t> edgeDimension;
std::vector<int> edgeDimensionId;
mNcFile->getDimensions( edgeConnectivityVariableName, edgeDimension, edgeDimensionId );
if ( edgeDimension.size() != 2 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, name(), "Unable to parse dimensions for edge_nodes_connectivity variable" );
size_t edgesCount = edgeDimension.at( 0 ); // Only interested in first value, edge will always have only 2 nodes
int edgesCountId = edgeDimensionId.at( 0 );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Edge, edgesCount, edgesCountId );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populate2DMeshDimensions( MDAL::CFDimensions &dims, int &ncid )
// face dimension location is retrieved from the face_node_connectivity variable
// if face_dimension is defined as attribute, the dimension at this location help to desambiguate vertex per faces and number of faces
std::string faceConnectivityVariablesName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "face_node_connectivity" );
std::string faceDimensionLocation = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "face_dimension" );
if ( faceConnectivityVariablesName == "" )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Did not find face connectivity attribute" );
size_t facesCount;
size_t maxVerticesPerFace;
size_t count;
std::vector<size_t> faceDimension;
std::vector<int> faceDimensionId;
int facesIndexDimensionId;
int maxVerticesPerFaceDimensionId;
mNcFile->getDimensions( faceConnectivityVariablesName, faceDimension, faceDimensionId );
if ( faceDimension.size() != 2 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Face dimension is 2D" );
// if face_dimension is not present in file, get it from dimension element
if ( faceDimensionLocation != "" )
mNcFile->getDimension( faceDimensionLocation, &facesCount, &ncid );
if ( facesCount == faceDimension.at( 0 ) )
facesIndexDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 0 );
maxVerticesPerFaceDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 1 );
maxVerticesPerFace = faceDimension.at( 1 );
facesIndexDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 1 );
maxVerticesPerFaceDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 0 );
maxVerticesPerFace = faceDimension.at( 0 );
facesIndexDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 0 );
facesCount = faceDimension.at( 0 );
maxVerticesPerFaceDimensionId = faceDimensionId.at( 1 );
maxVerticesPerFace = faceDimension.at( 1 );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Face, facesCount, facesIndexDimensionId );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::MaxVerticesInFace, maxVerticesPerFace, maxVerticesPerFaceDimensionId );
// number of edges in the mesh, not required for UGRID format
const std::string mesh2dEdge = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "edge_dimension" );
if ( mNcFile->hasDimension( mesh2dEdge ) )
mNcFile->getDimension( mesh2dEdge, &count, &ncid );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Face2DEdge, count, ncid );
dims.setDimension( CFDimensions::Face2DEdge, 0, -1 );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populateElements( Vertices &vertices, Edges &edges, Faces &faces )
populateVertices( vertices );
if ( mMeshDimension == 1 )
populateEdges( edges ); // 1D mesh
populateFaces( faces ); // 2D mesh
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populateVertices( MDAL::Vertices &vertices )
assert( vertices.empty() );
size_t vertexCount = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Vertex );
vertices.resize( vertexCount );
Vertex *vertexPtr = vertices.data();
// node_coordinates should be something like Mesh2D_node_x Mesh2D_node_y
std::string verticesXName, verticesYName;
if ( mMeshDimension == 1 )
parseCoordinatesFrom1DMesh( mMeshName, "node_coordinates", verticesXName, verticesYName );
parse2VariablesFromAttribute( mMeshName, "node_coordinates", verticesXName, verticesYName, false );
const std::vector<double> verticesX = mNcFile->readDoubleArr( verticesXName, vertexCount );
const std::vector<double> verticesY = mNcFile->readDoubleArr( verticesYName, vertexCount );
std::vector<double> verticesZ;
if ( mNcFile->hasArr( nodeZVariableName() ) )
verticesZ = mNcFile->readDoubleArr( nodeZVariableName(), vertexCount );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i, ++vertexPtr )
vertexPtr->x = verticesX[i];
vertexPtr->y = verticesY[i];
if ( !verticesZ.empty() )
vertexPtr->z = verticesZ[i];
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populateEdges( MDAL::Edges &edges )
assert( edges.empty() );
// number of edges
size_t edgesCount = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Edge );
edges.resize( edgesCount );
const std::string edgeNodeConnectivityVar = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "edge_node_connectivity" );
if ( edgeNodeConnectivityVar.empty() )
MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_MissingDriver, "Unable to find edge_node_connectivity attribute of " + mMeshName );
// load edges
std::vector<int> edgeNodesIdxs = mNcFile->readIntArr( edgeNodeConnectivityVar, edgesCount * 2 ); // two nodes per edge
int startIndex = mNcFile->getAttrInt( edgeNodeConnectivityVar, "start_index" );
// iterate over all edge_nodes coordinates - those are indexes for nodes
for ( size_t i = 0; i < edgesCount; ++i )
int startEdgeIx = i * 2;
int endEdgeIx = i * 2 + 1;
edges[i].startVertex = edgeNodesIdxs[startEdgeIx] - startIndex;
edges[i].endVertex = edgeNodesIdxs[endEdgeIx] - startIndex;
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::populateFaces( MDAL::Faces &faces )
assert( faces.empty() );
size_t faceCount = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::Face );
faces.resize( faceCount );
// Parse 2D Mesh
// face_node_connectivity is usually something like Mesh2D_face_nodes
const std::string mesh2dFaceNodeConnectivity = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "face_node_connectivity" );
size_t verticesInFace = mDimensions.size( CFDimensions::MaxVerticesInFace );
int fillVal = -1;
if ( mNcFile->hasAttrInt( mesh2dFaceNodeConnectivity, "_FillValue" ) )
fillVal = mNcFile->getAttrInt( mesh2dFaceNodeConnectivity, "_FillValue" );
int startIndex = mNcFile->getAttrInt( mesh2dFaceNodeConnectivity, "start_index" );
std::vector<int> faceNodesConn = mNcFile->readIntArr( mesh2dFaceNodeConnectivity, faceCount * verticesInFace );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faceCount; ++i )
std::vector<size_t> idxs;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < verticesInFace; ++j )
size_t idx = verticesInFace * i + j;
int val = faceNodesConn[idx];
if ( fillVal == val )
// found fill val
idxs.push_back( static_cast<size_t>( val - startIndex ) );
faces[i] = idxs;
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::addBedElevation( MDAL::MemoryMesh *mesh )
if ( mNcFile->hasArr( nodeZVariableName() ) ) MDAL::addBedElevationDatasetGroup( mesh, mesh->vertices() );
std::string MDAL::DriverUgrid::getCoordinateSystemVariableName()
std::string coordinateSystemVariable;
// first try to get the coordinate system variable from grid definition
std::vector<std::string> nodeVariablesName = MDAL::split( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mMeshName, "node_coordinates" ), ' ' );
if ( nodeVariablesName.size() > 1 )
if ( mNcFile->hasArr( nodeVariablesName[0] ) )
coordinateSystemVariable = mNcFile->getAttrStr( nodeVariablesName[0], "grid_mapping" );
// if automatic discovery fails, try to check some hardcoded common variables that store projection
if ( coordinateSystemVariable.empty() )
if ( mNcFile->hasArr( "projected_coordinate_system" ) )
coordinateSystemVariable = "projected_coordinate_system";
else if ( mNcFile->hasArr( "wgs84" ) )
coordinateSystemVariable = "wgs84";
// return, may be empty
return coordinateSystemVariable;
std::set<std::string> MDAL::DriverUgrid::ignoreNetCDFVariables()
std::set<std::string> ignoreVariables;
ignoreVariables.insert( "projected_coordinate_system" );
ignoreVariables.insert( "time" );
ignoreVariables.insert( "timestep" );
for ( const std::string &mesh : mAllMeshNames )
ignoreVariables.insert( mesh );
int dim = mNcFile->getAttrInt( mesh, "topology_dimension" );
if ( dim == 1 )
ignore1DMeshVariables( mesh, ignoreVariables );
ignore2DMeshVariables( mesh, ignoreVariables );
return ignoreVariables;
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::ignore1DMeshVariables( const std::string &mesh, std::set<std::string> &ignoreVariables )
// ignore all variables with network in name
// network topology does not contain any data
if ( MDAL::contains( mesh, "network" ) )
std::vector<std::string> variables = mNcFile->readArrNames();
for ( const std::string &var : variables )
if ( MDAL::contains( var, "network" ) )
ignoreVariables.insert( var );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "edge_node_connectivity" ) );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "node_id" ) );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "node_long_name" ) );
std::vector<std::string> coordinateVarsToIgnore {"node_coordinates", "edge_coordinates"};
for ( const std::string &coordinateIt : coordinateVarsToIgnore )
std::string coordinatesVar = mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, coordinateIt );
std::vector<std::string> allCoords = MDAL::split( coordinatesVar, " " );
for ( const std::string &var : allCoords )
ignoreVariables.insert( var );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( var, "bounds" ) );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::ignore2DMeshVariables( const std::string &mesh, std::set<std::string> &ignoreVariables )
std::string xName, yName;
parse2VariablesFromAttribute( mesh, "node_coordinates", xName, yName, true );
ignoreVariables.insert( xName );
ignoreVariables.insert( yName );
ignoreVariables.insert( nodeZVariableName() );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "edge_node_connectivity" ) );
parse2VariablesFromAttribute( mesh, "edge_coordinates", xName, yName, true );
if ( !xName.empty() )
ignoreVariables.insert( xName );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( xName, "bounds" ) );
if ( !yName.empty() )
ignoreVariables.insert( yName );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( yName, "bounds" ) );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "face_node_connectivity" ) );
parse2VariablesFromAttribute( mesh, "face_coordinates", xName, yName, true );
if ( !xName.empty() )
ignoreVariables.insert( xName );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( xName, "bounds" ) );
if ( !yName.empty() )
ignoreVariables.insert( yName );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( yName, "bounds" ) );
ignoreVariables.insert( mNcFile->getAttrStr( mesh, "edge_face_connectivity" ) );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::parseNetCDFVariableMetadata( int varid,
std::string &variableName,
std::string &name,
bool *isVector,
bool *isPolar,
bool *invertedDirection,
bool *isX )
*isVector = false;
*isX = true;
*isPolar = false;
*invertedDirection = false;
std::string longName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( "long_name", varid );
if ( longName.empty() )
std::string standardName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( "standard_name", varid );
if ( standardName.empty() )
name = variableName;
variableName = standardName;
if ( MDAL::contains( standardName, "_x_" ) )
*isVector = true;
name = MDAL::replace( standardName, "_x_", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( standardName, "_y_" ) )
*isVector = true;
*isX = false;
name = MDAL::replace( standardName, "_y_", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( standardName, "_from_direction" ) )
*isVector = true;
*isPolar = true;
*isX = false;
*invertedDirection = true;
name = MDAL::replace( standardName, "_speed", "_velocity" );
name = MDAL::replace( name, "_from_direction", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( standardName, "_to_direction" ) )
*isVector = true;
*isPolar = true;
*isX = false;
name = MDAL::replace( standardName, "_speed", "_velocity" );
name = MDAL::replace( name, "_to_direction", "" );
name = standardName;
variableName = longName;
if ( MDAL::contains( longName, ", x-component" ) || MDAL::contains( longName, "u component of " ) )
*isVector = true;
name = MDAL::replace( longName, ", x-component", "" );
name = MDAL::replace( name, "u component of ", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( longName, ", y-component" ) || MDAL::contains( longName, "v component of " ) )
*isVector = true;
*isX = false;
name = MDAL::replace( longName, ", y-component", "" );
name = MDAL::replace( name, "v component of ", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( longName, " magnitude" ) )
*isVector = true;
*isPolar = true;
*isX = true;
name = MDAL::replace( longName, "speed", "velocity" );
name = MDAL::removeFrom( name, " magnitude" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( longName, "direction" ) )
*isVector = true;
*isPolar = true;
*isX = false;
// check from_/to_direction in standard_name
std::string standardName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( "standard_name", varid );
*invertedDirection = MDAL::contains( longName, "from direction" );
name = MDAL::replace( longName, "speed", "velocity" );
name = MDAL::removeFrom( name, " from direction" );
name = MDAL::removeFrom( name, " to direction" );
name = MDAL::removeFrom( name, " direction" );
name = longName;
std::string MDAL::DriverUgrid::getTimeVariableName() const
return "time";
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::parseCoordinatesFrom1DMesh( const std::string &meshName, const std::string &attr_name, std::string &var1, std::string &var2 )
std::vector<std::string> nodeVariablesName = MDAL::split( mNcFile->getAttrStr( meshName, attr_name ), ' ' );
if ( nodeVariablesName.size() < 2 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Error while parsing node coordinates" );
else if ( nodeVariablesName.size() > 3 )
// format does not follow UGRID convention and have extra variables in coordinate attribute
// tring to parse coordinate variables, it usually ends with _x and _y, e.g. mesh1d_node_x, mesh1d_node_y
MDAL::Log::warning( MDAL_Status::Warn_InvalidElements, name(),
"Node coordinates consists of more than 3 variables, taking variable with _x in name by default" );
for ( const auto &nodeVar : nodeVariablesName )
if ( MDAL::contains( nodeVar, "_x" ) )
var1 = nodeVar;
else if ( MDAL::contains( nodeVar, "_y" ) )
var2 = nodeVar;
if ( var1.empty() || var2.empty() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, name(), "Could not parse node coordinates from mesh" );
else // 2 variables as node coordinates
var1 = nodeVariablesName.at( 0 );
var2 = nodeVariablesName.at( 1 );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::parse2VariablesFromAttribute( const std::string &name, const std::string &attr_name,
std::string &var1, std::string &var2, bool optional ) const
const std::string mesh2dNodeCoordinates = mNcFile->getAttrStr( name, attr_name );
const std::vector<std::string> chunks = MDAL::split( mesh2dNodeCoordinates, ' ' );
if ( chunks.size() != 2 )
if ( optional )
var1 = "";
var2 = "";
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to parse variables from attribute" );
var1 = chunks[0];
var2 = chunks[1];
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::save( const std::string &uri, MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
mFileName = uri;
// Create file
mNcFile.reset( new NetCDFFile );
mNcFile->createFile( mFileName );
// Write globals
writeGlobals( );
// Write variables
writeVariables( mesh );
catch ( MDAL_Status error )
MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "could not save file " + uri );
catch ( MDAL::Error err )
MDAL::Log::error( err, name() );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::writeVariables( MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
// Global dimensions
int dimNodeCountId = mNcFile->defineDimension( "nmesh2d_node", mesh->verticesCount() );
int dimFaceCountId = mNcFile->defineDimension( "nmesh2d_face", mesh->facesCount() );
mNcFile->defineDimension( "nmesh2d_edge", 1 ); // no data on edges, cannot be 0, since 0==NC_UNLIMITED
int dimTimeId = mNcFile->defineDimension( "time", NC_UNLIMITED );
int dimMaxNodesPerFaceId = mNcFile->defineDimension( "max_nmesh2d_face_nodes",
mesh->faceVerticesMaximumCount() );
// Mesh 2D Definition
int mesh2dId = mNcFile->defineVar( "mesh2d", NC_INT, 0, nullptr );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "cf_role", "mesh_topology" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "long_name", "Topology data of 2D network" );
mNcFile->putAttrInt( mesh2dId, "topology_dimension", 2 );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "node_coordinates", "mesh2d_node_x mesh2d_node_y" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "node_dimension", "nmesh2d_node" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "edge_dimension", "nmesh2d_edge" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "max_face_nodes_dimension", "max_nmesh2d_face_nodes" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "face_node_connectivity", "mesh2d_face_nodes" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dId, "face_dimension", "nmesh2d_face" );
// Nodes X coordinate
int mesh2dNodeXId = mNcFile->defineVar( "mesh2d_node_x", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimNodeCountId );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeXId, "standard_name", "projection_x_coordinate" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeXId, "long_name", "x-coordinate of mesh nodes" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeXId, "mesh", "mesh2d" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeXId, "location", "node" );
// Nodes Y coordinate
int mesh2dNodeYId = mNcFile->defineVar( "mesh2d_node_y", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimNodeCountId );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeYId, "standard_name", "projection_y_coordinate" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeYId, "long_name", "y-coordinate of mesh nodes" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeYId, "mesh", "mesh2d" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeYId, "location", "node" );
// Nodes Z coordinate
int mesh2dNodeZId = mNcFile->defineVar( "mesh2d_node_z", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimNodeCountId );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "mesh", "mesh2d" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "location", "node" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "coordinates", "mesh2d_node_x mesh2d_node_y" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "standard_name", "altitude" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "long_name", "z-coordinate of mesh nodes" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2dNodeZId, "grid_mapping", "projected_coordinate_system" );
double fillNodeZCoodVal = -999.0;
mNcFile->putAttrDouble( mesh2dNodeZId, "_FillValue", fillNodeZCoodVal );
// Faces 2D Variable
int mesh2FaceNodesId_dimIds [] { dimFaceCountId, dimMaxNodesPerFaceId };
int mesh2FaceNodesId = mNcFile->defineVar( "mesh2d_face_nodes", NC_INT, 2, mesh2FaceNodesId_dimIds );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2FaceNodesId, "cf_role", "face_node_connectivity" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2FaceNodesId, "mesh", "mesh2d" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2FaceNodesId, "location", "face" );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( mesh2FaceNodesId, "long_name", "Mapping from every face to its corner nodes (counterclockwise)" );
mNcFile->putAttrInt( mesh2FaceNodesId, "start_index", 0 );
int fillFace2DVertexValue = -999;
mNcFile->putAttrInt( mesh2FaceNodesId, "_FillValue", fillFace2DVertexValue );
// Projected Coordinate System
int pcsId = mNcFile->defineVar( "projected_coordinate_system", NC_INT, 0, nullptr );
if ( mesh->crs() == "" )
mNcFile->putAttrInt( pcsId, "epsg", 0 );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( pcsId, "EPSG_code", "epgs:0" );
std::vector<std::string> words = MDAL::split( mesh->crs(), ":" );
if ( words[0] == "EPSG" && words.size() > 1 )
mNcFile->putAttrInt( pcsId, "epsg", std::stoi( words[1] ) );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( pcsId, "EPSG_code", mesh->crs() );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( pcsId, "wkt", mesh->crs() );
// Time array
int timeId = mNcFile->defineVar( "time", NC_DOUBLE, 1, &dimTimeId );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( timeId, "units", "hours since 2000-01-01 00:00:00" );
// Turning off define mode - allows data write
nc_enddef( mNcFile->handle() );
// Write vertices
const size_t maxBufferSize = 1000;
const size_t bufferSize = std::min( mesh->verticesCount(), maxBufferSize );
const size_t verticesCoordCount = bufferSize * 3;
std::vector<double> verticesCoordinates( verticesCoordCount );
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshVertexIterator> vertexIterator = mesh->readVertices();
size_t vertexIndex = 0;
size_t vertexFileIndex = 0;
while ( vertexIndex < mesh->verticesCount() )
size_t verticesRead = vertexIterator->next( bufferSize, verticesCoordinates.data() );
if ( verticesRead == 0 )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < verticesRead; i++ )
mNcFile->putDataDouble( mesh2dNodeXId, vertexFileIndex, verticesCoordinates[3 * i] );
mNcFile->putDataDouble( mesh2dNodeYId, vertexFileIndex, verticesCoordinates[3 * i + 1] );
if ( std::isnan( verticesCoordinates[3 * i + 2] ) )
mNcFile->putDataDouble( mesh2dNodeZId, vertexFileIndex, fillNodeZCoodVal );
mNcFile->putDataDouble( mesh2dNodeZId, vertexFileIndex, verticesCoordinates[3 * i + 2] );
vertexIndex += verticesRead;
// Write faces
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshFaceIterator> faceIterator = mesh->readFaces();
const size_t faceVerticesMax = mesh->faceVerticesMaximumCount();
const size_t facesCount = mesh->facesCount();
const size_t faceOffsetsBufferLen = std::min( facesCount, maxBufferSize );
const size_t vertexIndicesBufferLen = faceOffsetsBufferLen * faceVerticesMax;
std::vector<int> faceOffsetsBuffer( faceOffsetsBufferLen );
std::vector<int> vertexIndicesBuffer( vertexIndicesBufferLen );
size_t faceIndex = 0;
while ( faceIndex < facesCount )
size_t facesRead = faceIterator->next(
vertexIndicesBuffer.data() );
if ( facesRead == 0 )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < facesRead; i++ )
std::vector<int> verticesFaceData( faceVerticesMax, fillFace2DVertexValue );
int startIndex = 0;
if ( i > 0 )
startIndex = faceOffsetsBuffer[ i - 1 ];
int endIndex = faceOffsetsBuffer[ i ];
size_t k = 0;
for ( int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; ++j )
int vertexIndex = vertexIndicesBuffer[ static_cast<size_t>( j ) ];
verticesFaceData[k++] = vertexIndex;
mNcFile->putDataArrayInt( mesh2FaceNodesId, faceIndex + i, faceVerticesMax, verticesFaceData.data() );
faceIndex += facesRead;
// Time values (not implemented)
mNcFile->putDataDouble( timeId, 0, 0.0 );
// Turning on define mode
nc_redef( mNcFile->handle() );
void MDAL::DriverUgrid::writeGlobals()
mNcFile->putAttrStr( NC_GLOBAL, "source", "MDAL " + std::string( MDAL_Version() ) );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( NC_GLOBAL, "date_created", MDAL::getCurrentTimeStamp() );
mNcFile->putAttrStr( NC_GLOBAL, "Conventions", "CF-1.6 UGRID-1.0" );
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> MDAL::DriverUgrid::parseClassification( int varid ) const
std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> classes;
std::string flagBoundVarName = mNcFile->getAttrStr( "flag_bounds", varid );
if ( !flagBoundVarName.empty() )
int boundsVarId = mNcFile->getVarId( flagBoundVarName );
std::vector<size_t> classDims;
std::vector<int> classDimIds;
mNcFile->getDimensions( flagBoundVarName, classDims, classDimIds );
std::vector<double> boundValues = mNcFile->readDoubleArr( boundsVarId, 0, 0, classDims[0], classDims[1] );
if ( classDims[1] != 2 || classDims[0] <= 0 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Invalid classification dimension" );
std::pair<std::string, std::string> classificationMeta;
classificationMeta.first = "classification";
std::string classification;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < classDims[0]; ++i )
std::pair<double, double> classBound;
classBound.first = boundValues[i * 2];
classBound.second = boundValues[i * 2 + 1];
classes.push_back( classBound );
catch ( MDAL::Error &err )
MDAL::Log::warning( err.status, err.driver, "Error when parsing class bounds: " + err.mssg + ", classification ignored" );
return classes;