Vincent Cloarec 6be16a5bfe
Memory dataset group and possibility to persist it (#37389)
[FEATURE] Introduces memory dataset groups for mesh layer. These dataset groups are temporary and are not kept when the project is closed.

Memory dataset groups can be created from the mesh calculator with a new option.

Allows the possibility to remove or save these memory dataset groups to a file with specified driver.
2020-07-01 10:18:27 +02:00

738 lines
24 KiB

MDAL - mMesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2016 Lutra Consulting
Copyright (C) 2018 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <iterator>
#include "assert.h"
#include "mdal_hec2d.hpp"
#include "mdal_hdf5.hpp"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
#include "mdal_logger.hpp"
static HdfFile openHdfFile( const std::string &fileName )
HdfFile file( fileName, HdfFile::ReadOnly );
if ( !file.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf file " + fileName );
return file;
static HdfGroup openHdfGroup( const HdfFile &hdfFile, const std::string &name )
HdfGroup grp = hdfFile.group( name );
if ( !grp.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf group " + name + " from file" );
return grp;
static HdfGroup openHdfGroup( const HdfGroup &hdfGroup, const std::string &name )
HdfGroup grp = hdfGroup.group( name );
if ( !grp.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf group " + name + " from group" );
return grp;
static HdfDataset openHdfDataset( const HdfGroup &hdfGroup, const std::string &name )
HdfDataset dsFileType = hdfGroup.dataset( name );
if ( !dsFileType.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf dataset " + name );
return dsFileType;
static std::string openHdfAttribute( const HdfFile &hdfFile, const std::string &name )
HdfAttribute attr = hdfFile.attribute( name );
if ( !attr.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf attribute " + name + " from file" );
return attr.readString();
static std::string openHdfAttribute( const HdfDataset &hdfDataset, const std::string &name )
HdfAttribute attr = hdfDataset.attribute( name );
if ( !attr.isValid() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open Hdf group " + name + " from dataset" );
return attr.readString();
static HdfGroup getBaseOutputGroup( const HdfFile &hdfFile )
HdfGroup gResults = openHdfGroup( hdfFile, "Results" );
HdfGroup gUnsteady = openHdfGroup( gResults, "Unsteady" );
HdfGroup gOutput = openHdfGroup( gUnsteady, "Output" );
HdfGroup gOBlocks = openHdfGroup( gOutput, "Output Blocks" );
HdfGroup gBaseO = openHdfGroup( gOBlocks, "Base Output" );
return gBaseO;
static HdfGroup get2DFlowAreasGroup( const HdfFile &hdfFile, const std::string loc )
HdfGroup gBaseO = getBaseOutputGroup( hdfFile );
HdfGroup gLoc = openHdfGroup( gBaseO, loc );
HdfGroup g2DFlowRes = openHdfGroup( gLoc, "2D Flow Areas" );
return g2DFlowRes;
static std::string getDataTimeUnit( HdfDataset &dsTime )
// Initially we expect data to be in hours
std::string dataTimeUnit = "Hours";
// First we look for the Time attribute
if ( dsTime.hasAttribute( "Time" ) )
dataTimeUnit = openHdfAttribute( dsTime, "Time" );
return dataTimeUnit;
// Some variants of HEC_RAS have time unit stored in Variables attribute
// With read values looking like "Time|Days "
if ( dsTime.hasAttribute( "Variables" ) )
dataTimeUnit = openHdfAttribute( dsTime, "Variables" );
// Removing the "Time|" prefix
dataTimeUnit = MDAL::replace( dataTimeUnit, "Time|", "" );
return dataTimeUnit;
static std::vector<MDAL::RelativeTimestamp> convertTimeData( std::vector<float> &times, const std::string &originalTimeDataUnit )
std::vector<MDAL::RelativeTimestamp> convertedTime( times.size() );
MDAL::RelativeTimestamp::Unit unit = MDAL::parseDurationTimeUnit( originalTimeDataUnit );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < times.size(); i++ )
convertedTime[i] = MDAL::RelativeTimestamp( double( times[i] ), unit );
return convertedTime;
static MDAL::DateTime convertToDateTime( const std::string strDateTime )
//HECRAS format date is 01JAN2000
auto data = MDAL::split( strDateTime, " " );
if ( data.size() < 2 )
return MDAL::DateTime();
std::string dateStr = data[0];
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int day = 0;
if ( dateStr.size() == 9 )
day = MDAL::toInt( dateStr.substr( 0, 2 ) );
std::string monthStr = dateStr.substr( 2, 3 );
year = MDAL::toInt( dateStr.substr( 5, 4 ) );
if ( monthStr == "JAN" )
month = 1;
else if ( monthStr == "FEB" )
month = 2;
else if ( monthStr == "MAR" )
month = 3;
else if ( monthStr == "APR" )
month = 4;
else if ( monthStr == "MAY" )
month = 5;
else if ( monthStr == "JUN" )
month = 6;
else if ( monthStr == "JUL" )
month = 7;
else if ( monthStr == "AUG" )
month = 8;
else if ( monthStr == "SEP" )
month = 9;
else if ( monthStr == "OCT" )
month = 10;
else if ( monthStr == "NOV" )
month = 11;
else if ( monthStr == "DEC" )
month = 12;
std::string timeStr = data[1];
auto timeData = MDAL::split( timeStr, ':' );
int hours = 0;
int min = 0;
double sec = 0;
if ( timeData.size() == 3 )
hours = MDAL::toInt( timeData[0] );
min = MDAL::toInt( timeData[1] );
sec = MDAL::toDouble( timeData[2] );
return MDAL::DateTime( year, month, day, hours, min, sec );
static MDAL::DateTime readReferenceDateTime( const HdfFile &hdfFile )
std::string refTime;
HdfGroup gBaseO = getBaseOutputGroup( hdfFile );
HdfGroup gUnsteadTS = openHdfGroup( gBaseO, "Unsteady Time Series" );
HdfDataset dsTimeDateStamp = openHdfDataset( gUnsteadTS, "Time Date Stamp" );
std::vector<std::string> timeStamps = dsTimeDateStamp.readArrayString();
if ( timeStamps.size() > 0 )
return convertToDateTime( timeStamps[0] );
return MDAL::DateTime();
static std::vector<MDAL::RelativeTimestamp> readTimes( const HdfFile &hdfFile )
HdfGroup gBaseO = getBaseOutputGroup( hdfFile );
HdfGroup gUnsteadTS = openHdfGroup( gBaseO, "Unsteady Time Series" );
HdfDataset dsTime = openHdfDataset( gUnsteadTS, "Time" );
std::string dataTimeUnits = getDataTimeUnit( dsTime );
std::vector<float> times = dsTime.readArray();
return convertTimeData( times, dataTimeUnits );
static std::vector<int> readFace2Cells( const HdfFile &hdfFile, const std::string &flowAreaName, size_t *nFaces )
// First read face to node mapping
HdfGroup gGeom = openHdfGroup( hdfFile, "Geometry" );
HdfGroup gGeom2DFlowAreas = openHdfGroup( gGeom, "2D Flow Areas" );
HdfGroup gArea = openHdfGroup( gGeom2DFlowAreas, flowAreaName );
HdfDataset dsFace2Cells = openHdfDataset( gArea, "Faces Cell Indexes" );
std::vector<hsize_t> fdims = dsFace2Cells.dims();
std::vector<int> face2Cells = dsFace2Cells.readArrayInt(); //2x nFaces
*nFaces = fdims[0];
return face2Cells;
void MDAL::DriverHec2D::readFaceOutput( const HdfFile &hdfFile,
const HdfGroup &rootGroup,
const std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames,
const std::string rawDatasetName,
const std::string datasetName,
const std::vector<RelativeTimestamp> &times,
const DateTime &referenceTime )
double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >(
group->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces );
group->setIsScalar( true );
group->setReferenceTime( referenceTime );
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D>> datasets;
for ( size_t tidx = 0; tidx < times.size(); ++tidx )
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> dataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( group.get() );
dataset->setTime( times[tidx] );
datasets.push_back( dataset );
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> firstDataset;
for ( size_t nArea = 0; nArea < flowAreaNames.size(); ++nArea )
std::string flowAreaName = flowAreaNames[nArea];
size_t nFaces;
std::vector<int> face2Cells = readFace2Cells( hdfFile, flowAreaName, &nFaces );
HdfGroup gFlowAreaRes = openHdfGroup( rootGroup, flowAreaName );
HdfDataset dsVals = openHdfDataset( gFlowAreaRes, rawDatasetName );
std::vector<float> vals = dsVals.readArray();
for ( size_t tidx = 0; tidx < times.size(); ++tidx )
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> dataset = datasets[tidx];
double *values = dataset->values();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nFaces; ++i )
size_t idx = tidx * nFaces + i;
double val = static_cast<double>( vals[idx] ); // This is value on face!
if ( !std::isnan( val ) && fabs( val ) > eps ) //not nan and not 0
for ( size_t c = 0; c < 2; ++c )
size_t cell_idx = static_cast<size_t>( face2Cells[2 * i + c] ) + areaElemStartIndex[nArea];
// Take just maximum
if ( std::isnan( values[cell_idx] ) || values[cell_idx] < val )
values[cell_idx] = val;
for ( auto dataset : datasets )
dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) );
group->datasets.push_back( dataset );
group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) );
mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group );
void MDAL::DriverHec2D::readFaceResults( const HdfFile &hdfFile,
const std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames )
HdfGroup flowGroup = get2DFlowAreasGroup( hdfFile, "Unsteady Time Series" );
MDAL::DateTime referenceDateTime = readReferenceDateTime( hdfFile );
readFaceOutput( hdfFile, flowGroup, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames, "Face Shear Stress", "Face Shear Stress", mTimes, referenceDateTime );
readFaceOutput( hdfFile, flowGroup, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames, "Face Velocity", "Face Velocity", mTimes, referenceDateTime );
flowGroup = get2DFlowAreasGroup( hdfFile, "Summary Output" );
std::vector<MDAL::RelativeTimestamp> dummyTimes( 1, MDAL::RelativeTimestamp() );
readFaceOutput( hdfFile, flowGroup, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames, "Maximum Face Shear Stress", "Face Shear Stress/Maximums", dummyTimes, referenceDateTime );
readFaceOutput( hdfFile, flowGroup, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames, "Maximum Face Velocity", "Face Velocity/Maximums", dummyTimes, referenceDateTime );
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> MDAL::DriverHec2D::readElemOutput( const HdfGroup &rootGroup,
const std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames,
const std::string rawDatasetName,
const std::string datasetName,
const std::vector<RelativeTimestamp> &times,
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> bed_elevation,
const DateTime &referenceTime )
double eps = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >(
group->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnFaces );
group->setIsScalar( true );
group->setReferenceTime( referenceTime );
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D>> datasets;
for ( size_t tidx = 0; tidx < times.size(); ++tidx )
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> dataset = std::make_shared< MemoryDataset2D >( group.get() );
dataset->setTime( times[tidx] );
datasets.push_back( dataset );
for ( size_t nArea = 0; nArea < flowAreaNames.size(); ++nArea )
size_t nAreaElements = areaElemStartIndex[nArea + 1] - areaElemStartIndex[nArea];
std::string flowAreaName = flowAreaNames[nArea];
HdfGroup gFlowAreaRes = openHdfGroup( rootGroup, flowAreaName );
HdfDataset dsVals = openHdfDataset( gFlowAreaRes, rawDatasetName );
std::vector<float> vals = dsVals.readArray();
for ( size_t tidx = 0; tidx < times.size(); ++tidx )
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> dataset = datasets[tidx];
double *values = dataset->values();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < nAreaElements; ++i )
size_t idx = tidx * nAreaElements + i;
size_t eInx = areaElemStartIndex[nArea] + i;
double val = static_cast<double>( vals[idx] );
if ( !std::isnan( val ) )
if ( !bed_elevation )
// we are populating bed elevation dataset
values[eInx] = val;
if ( datasetName == "Depth" )
if ( fabs( val ) > eps ) // 0 Depth is no-data
values[eInx] = val;
else //Water surface
assert( bed_elevation );
double bed_elev = bed_elevation->scalarValue( eInx );
if ( std::isnan( bed_elev ) || fabs( bed_elev - val ) > eps ) // change from bed elevation
values[eInx] = val;
for ( auto dataset : datasets )
dataset->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset ) );
group->datasets.push_back( dataset );
group->setStatistics( MDAL::calculateStatistics( group ) );
mMesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group );
return datasets[0];
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> MDAL::DriverHec2D::readBedElevation(
const HdfGroup &gGeom2DFlowAreas,
const std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames )
std::vector<MDAL::RelativeTimestamp> times( 1 );
DateTime referenceTime;
return readElemOutput(
"Cells Minimum Elevation",
"Bed Elevation",
void MDAL::DriverHec2D::readElemResults(
const HdfFile &hdfFile,
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> bed_elevation,
const std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames )
HdfGroup flowGroup = get2DFlowAreasGroup( hdfFile, "Unsteady Time Series" );
"Water Surface",
"Water Surface",
mReferenceTime );
mReferenceTime );
flowGroup = get2DFlowAreasGroup( hdfFile, "Summary Output" );
std::vector<RelativeTimestamp> dummyTimes( 1, MDAL::RelativeTimestamp() );
"Maximum Water Surface",
"Water Surface/Maximums",
std::vector<std::string> MDAL::DriverHec2D::read2DFlowAreasNamesOld( HdfGroup gGeom2DFlowAreas ) const
HdfDataset dsNames = openHdfDataset( gGeom2DFlowAreas, "Names" );
std::vector<std::string> names = dsNames.readArrayString();
if ( names.empty() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, "Unable to read 2D Flow area names, no names found" );
return names;
For 5.0.5+ format
} "Name";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Mann";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Cell Vol Tol";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Cell Min Area Fraction";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Face Profile Tol";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Face Area Tol";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Face Conv Ratio";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Laminar Depth";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Spacing dx";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Spacing dy";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Shift dx";
H5T_IEEE_F32LE "Shift dy";
H5T_STD_I32LE "Cell Count";
typedef struct FlowAreasAttribute505
char name[HDF_MAX_NAME];
float mann;
float cellVolTol;
float cellMinAreaFraction;
float faceProfileTol;
float faceAreaTol;
float faceConvRatio;
float laminarDepth;
float spacingDx;
float spacingDy;
float shifyDx;
float shifyDy;
int cellCount;
} FlowAreasAttribute505;
std::vector<std::string> MDAL::DriverHec2D::read2DFlowAreasNames505( HdfGroup gGeom2DFlowAreas ) const
HdfDataset dsAttributes = openHdfDataset( gGeom2DFlowAreas, "Attributes" );
hid_t attributeHID = H5Tcreate( H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof( FlowAreasAttribute505 ) );
hid_t stringHID = H5Tcopy( H5T_C_S1 );
H5Tset_size( stringHID, HDF_MAX_NAME );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Name", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, name ), stringHID );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Mann", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, mann ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Cell Vol Tol", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, cellVolTol ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Cell Min Area Fraction", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, cellMinAreaFraction ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Face Profile Tol", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, faceProfileTol ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Face Area Tol", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, faceAreaTol ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Face Conv Ratio", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, faceConvRatio ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Laminar Depth", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, laminarDepth ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Spacing dx", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, spacingDx ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Spacing dy", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, spacingDy ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Shift dx", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, shifyDx ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Shift dy", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, shifyDy ), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT );
H5Tinsert( attributeHID, "Cell Count", HOFFSET( FlowAreasAttribute505, cellCount ), H5T_NATIVE_INT );
std::vector<FlowAreasAttribute505> attributes = dsAttributes.readArray<FlowAreasAttribute505>( attributeHID );
H5Tclose( attributeHID );
H5Tclose( stringHID );
std::vector<std::string> names;
if ( attributes.empty() ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_InvalidData, "Unable to read 2D Flow Area Names, no attributes found" );
for ( const auto &attr : attributes )
std::string dat = std::string( attr.name );
names.push_back( MDAL::trim( dat ) );
return names;
void MDAL::DriverHec2D::setProjection( HdfFile hdfFile )
std::string proj_wkt = openHdfAttribute( hdfFile, "Projection" );
mMesh->setSourceCrsFromWKT( proj_wkt );
catch ( MDAL_Status ) { /* projection not set */}
catch ( MDAL::Error ) { /* projection not set */}
void MDAL::DriverHec2D::parseMesh(
HdfGroup gGeom2DFlowAreas,
std::vector<size_t> &areaElemStartIndex,
const std::vector<std::string> &flowAreaNames )
Faces faces;
Vertices vertices;
size_t maxVerticesInFace = 0;
for ( size_t nArea = 0; nArea < flowAreaNames.size(); ++nArea )
std::string flowAreaName = flowAreaNames[nArea];
HdfGroup gArea = openHdfGroup( gGeom2DFlowAreas, flowAreaName );
HdfDataset dsCoords = openHdfDataset( gArea, "FacePoints Coordinate" );
std::vector<hsize_t> cdims = dsCoords.dims();
std::vector<double> coords = dsCoords.readArrayDouble(); //2xnNodes matrix in array
size_t nNodes = cdims[0];
size_t areaNodeStartIndex = vertices.size();
vertices.resize( areaNodeStartIndex + nNodes );
for ( size_t n = 0; n < nNodes; ++n )
size_t nIdx = areaNodeStartIndex + n;
vertices[nIdx].x = coords[cdims[1] * n];
vertices[nIdx].y = coords[cdims[1] * n + 1];
HdfDataset dsElems = openHdfDataset( gArea, "Cells FacePoint Indexes" );
std::vector<hsize_t> edims = dsElems.dims();
size_t nElems = edims[0];
size_t maxFaces = edims[1]; // elems have up to 8 faces, but sometimes the table has less than 8 columns
std::vector<int> elem_nodes = dsElems.readArrayInt(); //maxFacesxnElements matrix in array
areaElemStartIndex[nArea] = faces.size();
faces.resize( faces.size() + nElems );
for ( size_t e = 0; e < nElems; ++e )
size_t eIdx = areaElemStartIndex[nArea] + e;
std::vector<size_t> idx( maxFaces );
size_t nValidVertexes = maxFaces;
for ( size_t fi = 0; fi < maxFaces; ++fi )
int elem_node_idx = elem_nodes[edims[1] * e + fi];
if ( elem_node_idx == -1 )
nValidVertexes = fi;
idx[fi] = areaNodeStartIndex + static_cast<size_t>( elem_node_idx ); // shift by this area start node index
if ( nValidVertexes > 0 )
faces[eIdx].assign( idx.begin(), std::next( idx.begin(), nValidVertexes ) );
if ( nValidVertexes > maxVerticesInFace )
maxVerticesInFace = nValidVertexes;
areaElemStartIndex[flowAreaNames.size()] = faces.size();
new MemoryMesh(
mMesh->setFaces( std::move( faces ) );
mMesh->setVertices( std::move( vertices ) );
: Driver( "HEC2D",
Capability::ReadMesh )
MDAL::DriverHec2D *MDAL::DriverHec2D::create()
return new DriverHec2D();
bool MDAL::DriverHec2D::canReadMesh( const std::string &uri )
HdfFile hdfFile = openHdfFile( uri );
std::string fileType = openHdfAttribute( hdfFile, "File Type" );
return canReadOldFormat( fileType ) || canReadFormat505( fileType );
catch ( MDAL_Status )
return false;
catch ( MDAL::Error )
return false;
bool MDAL::DriverHec2D::canReadOldFormat( const std::string &fileType ) const
return fileType == "HEC-RAS Results";
bool MDAL::DriverHec2D::canReadFormat505( const std::string &fileType ) const
return fileType == "HEC-RAS Geometry";
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::Mesh> MDAL::DriverHec2D::load( const std::string &resultsFile, const std::string & )
mFileName = resultsFile;
HdfFile hdfFile = openHdfFile( mFileName );
// Verify it is correct file
std::string fileType = openHdfAttribute( hdfFile, "File Type" );
bool oldFormat = canReadOldFormat( fileType );
HdfGroup gGeom = openHdfGroup( hdfFile, "Geometry" );
HdfGroup gGeom2DFlowAreas = openHdfGroup( gGeom, "2D Flow Areas" );
std::vector<std::string> flowAreaNames;
if ( oldFormat )
flowAreaNames = read2DFlowAreasNamesOld( gGeom2DFlowAreas );
flowAreaNames = read2DFlowAreasNames505( gGeom2DFlowAreas );
std::vector<size_t> areaElemStartIndex( flowAreaNames.size() + 1 );
parseMesh( gGeom2DFlowAreas, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames );
setProjection( hdfFile );
mTimes = readTimes( hdfFile );
mReferenceTime = readReferenceDateTime( hdfFile );
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::MemoryDataset2D> bed_elevation = readBedElevation( gGeom2DFlowAreas, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames );
// Element centered Values
readElemResults( hdfFile, bed_elevation, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames );
// Face centered Values
readFaceResults( hdfFile, areaElemStartIndex, flowAreaNames );
catch ( MDAL_Status error )
MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "Error occurred while loading file " + resultsFile );
catch ( MDAL::Error err )
MDAL::Log::error( err, name() );
return std::unique_ptr<Mesh>( mMesh.release() );