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synced 2025-03-03 00:02:25 -05:00
* layerFilterExpression Return an additional filter, used in WMS/GetMap, WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature to filter the features * layerFilterSubsetString Return an additional the subset string (typically SQL) filter. Faster than the layerFilterExpression but not supported on all the type of layer * layerPermissions Change the rights on the layer per user (known by the plugin) Concern rights: publish, insert, update, delete. Mostly used in WFS/Transaction, and the publish in all requests. * authorizedLayerAttributes Be able to show some attributes only for a subset of user Used in: WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature * allowToEdit Be able to don't allow to edit a particular feature, in our case base on the Geometry Used in: WFS/Transaction * cacheKey Cache key to used to create the capabilities cache, "" for no cache, shouldn't contains any "-", default to ""
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