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/*! \class QgsRasterLayer
* \brief This class provides qgis with the ability to render raster datasets
* onto the mapcanvas..
class QgsRasterLayer : QgsMapLayer
#include <qgsrasterpyramid.h>
#include <qgsrasterlayer.h>
#include <qgscontrastenhancement.h>
#include <qgsrastertransparency.h>
#include <qgsrastershader.h>
// Static methods:
static void buildSupportedRasterFileFilter(QString & fileFilters);
static void registerGdalDrivers();
/** This helper checks to see whether the filename appears to be a valid
raster file name */
static bool isValidRasterFileName(const QString & theFileNameQString);
// Non Static methods:
/** \brief This is the constructor for the RasterLayer class.
* The main tasks carried out by the constructor are:
* -Populate the RasterStatsVector with initial values for each band.
* -Calculate the layer extents
* -Determine whether the layer is gray, paletted or multiband.
* -Assign sensible defaults for the red,green, blue and gray bands.
* -
* */
QgsRasterLayer(const QString & path = QString::null,
const QString & baseName = QString::null);
/** \brief The destuctor. */
/** \brief A list containing one RasterBandStats struct per raster band in this raster layer.
* Note that while very RasterBandStats element will have the name and number of its associated
* band populated, any additional stats are calculated on a need to know basis.*/
typedef QList<QgsRasterBandStats> RasterStatsList;
/** \brief A list containing one RasterPyramid struct per raster band in this raster layer.
* POTENTIAL pyramid layer. How this works is we divide the height
* and width of the raster by an incrementing number. As soon as the result
* of the division is <=256 we stop allowing RasterPyramid stracuts
* to be added to the list. Each time a RasterPyramid is created
* we will check to see if a pyramid matching these dimensions already exists
* in the raster layer, and if so mark the exists flag as true. */
typedef QList<QgsRasterPyramid> RasterPyramidList;
/** \brief A list containing on ContrastEnhancement object per raster band in this raster layer. */
typedef QList<QgsContrastEnhancement> ContrastEnhancementList;
/** \brief This typedef is used when the showProgress function is passed to gdal as a function
pointer. */
// typedef int (QgsRasterLayer::*showTextProgress)( double theProgress,
// const char *theMessageCharArray,
// void *theData);
/** \brief Identify raster value(s) found on the point position
* \param point[in] a coordinate in the CRS of this layer.
void identify(const QgsPoint & point, QMap<QString,QString>& results /Out/);
/** \brief Identify arbitrary details from the WMS server found on the point position
* \param point[in] an image pixel coordinate in the last requested extent of layer.
* \return A text document containing the return from the WMS server
* \note The arbitraryness of the returned document is enforced by WMS standards
* up to at least v1.3.0
QString identifyAsText(const QgsPoint & point);
/** \brief Query gdal to find out the WKT projection string for this layer. This implements the virtual method of the same name defined in QgsMapLayer*/
QString getProjectionWKT();
/** \brief Returns the number of raster units per each raster pixel. For rasters with world file, this is normally the first row (without the sign) in that file */
double rasterUnitsPerPixel();
/** \brief Draws a thumbnail of the rasterlayer into the supplied pixmap pointer */
void drawThumbnail(QPixmap * theQPixmap);
/** \brief Get an 8x8 pixmap of the colour palette. If the layer has no palette a white pixmap will be returned. */
QPixmap getPaletteAsPixmap();
/** \brief This is called when the view on the rasterlayer needs to be refreshed (redrawn).
bool draw(QgsRenderContext& renderContext);
/** \brief This is an overloaded version of the above function that is called by both draw above and drawThumbnail */
void draw(QPainter * theQPainter, QgsRasterViewPort * myRasterViewPort,
QgsMapToPixel * theQgsMapToPixel = 0);
// Accessors for image height and width
/** \brief Accessor that returns the width of the (unclipped) raster */
int getRasterXDim();
/** \brief Accessor that returns the height of the (unclipped) raster */
int getRasterYDim();
// Accessor and mutator for no data double
/** \brief Is the NoDataValue Valid */
bool isNoDataValueValid();
/** \brief Accessor that returns the NO_DATA entry for this raster. */
double getNoDataValue(bool* isValid=0);
/** \brief Mutator that allows the NO_DATA entry for this raster to be overridden. */
void setNoDataValue(double theNoData);
/** \brief Simple reset function that set the noDataValue back to the value stored in the first raster band */
void resetNoDataValue();
// Accessor and mutator for mInvertPixelsFlag
/** \brief Accessor to find out whether the histogram should be inverted. */
bool getInvertHistogramFlag();
/** \brief Mutator to alter the state of the invert histogram flag. */
void setInvertHistogramFlag(bool theFlag);
// Accessor and mutator for mStandardDeviations
/** \brief Accessor to find out how many standard deviations are being plotted. */
double getStdDevsToPlot();
/** \brief Mutator to alter the number of standard deviations that should be plotted. */
void setStdDevsToPlot(double the);
/** \brief Get the number of bands in this layer */
unsigned int getBandCount();
/** \brief Get RasterBandStats for a band given its number (read only) */
const QgsRasterBandStats getRasterBandStats(int);
/** \brief Check whether a given band number has stats associated with it */
bool hasStats(int theBandNoInt);
/** \brief Overloaded method that also returns stats for a band, but uses the band colour name
* Note this approach is not recommeneded because it is possible for two gdal raster
* bands to have the same name!
const QgsRasterBandStats getRasterBandStats(const QString &);
/** \brief Get the number of a band given its name. Note this will be the rewritten name set
* up in the constructor, and will not necessarily be the same as the name retrieved directly from gdal!
* If no matching band is found zero will be returned! */
int getRasterBandNumber (const QString & theBandNameQString);
/** \brief Get the name of a band given its number. */
const QString getRasterBandName(int theBandNoInt);
/** \brief Find out whether a given band exists. */
bool hasBand(const QString & theBandName);
/** \brief Call any inline image manipulation filters */
void filterLayer(QImage * theQImage);
/** \brief Accessor for red band name (allows alternate mappings e.g. map blue as red colour). */
QString getRedBandName();
/** \brief Mutator for red band name (allows alternate mappings e.g. map blue as red colour). */
void setRedBandName(const QString & theBandNameQString);
// Accessor and mutator for green band name
/** \brief Accessor for green band name mapping. */
QString getGreenBandName();
/** \brief Mutator for green band name mapping. */
void setGreenBandName(const QString & theBandNameQString);
// Accessor and mutator for blue band name
/** \brief Accessor for blue band name mapping. */
QString getBlueBandName();
/** \brief Mutator for blue band name mapping. */
void setBlueBandName(const QString & theBandNameQString);
// Accessor transparency container.
QgsRasterTransparency* getRasterTransparency();
// Accessor and mutator for transparent band name
/** \brief Accessor for transparent band name mapping. */
QString getTransparentBandName();
/** \brief Mutator for transparent band name mapping. */
void setTransparentBandName(const QString & theBandNameQString);
// Accessor and mutator for gray band name
/** \brief Accessor for gray band name mapping. */
QString getGrayBandName();
/** \brief Mutator for gray band name mapping. */
void setGrayBandName(const QString & theBandNameQString);
// Accessor and mutator for mDebugOverlayFlag
/** \brief Accessor for a flag that determines whether to show some debug info on the image. */
bool getShowDebugOverlayFlag();
/** \brief Mutator for a flag that determines whether to show some debug info on the image. */
void setShowDebugOverlayFlag(bool theFlag);
// Accessor and mutator for min max values
double getMinimumValue(unsigned int theBand);
double getMinimumValue(QString theBand);
void setMinimumValue(unsigned int theBand, double theValue);
void setMinimumValue(QString theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag=true);
double getMaximumValue(unsigned int theBand);
double getMaximumValue(QString theBand);
void setMaximumValue(unsigned int theBand, double theValue);
void setMaximumValue(QString theBand, double theValue, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag=true);
/** \brief Wrapper for GDALComputeRasterMinMax with the estimate option */
void computeMinimumMaximumEstimates(int theBand, double* theMinMax);
/** \brief Wrapper for GDALComputeRasterMinMax with the estimate option */
void computeMinimumMaximumEstimates(QString theBand, double* theMinMax);
QgsContrastEnhancement* getContrastEnhancement(unsigned int theBand);
// Accessor and mutator for the contrast enhancement algorithm
/** \brief Accessor for contrast enhancement algorithm. */
QgsContrastEnhancement::CONTRAST_ENHANCEMENT_ALGORITHM getContrastEnhancementAlgorithm();
/** \brief Accessor for contrast enhancement algorithm. */
QString getContrastEnhancementAlgorithmAsQString();
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement algorithm. */
void setContrastEnhancementAlgorithm(QgsContrastEnhancement::CONTRAST_ENHANCEMENT_ALGORITHM theAlgorithm, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag=true);
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement algorithm. */
void setContrastEnhancementAlgorithm(QString theAlgorithm, bool theGenerateLookupTableFlag=true);
// Mutator for the contrast enhancement function
/** \brief Mutator for contrast enhancement function. */
void setContrastEnhancementFunction(QgsContrastEnhancementFunction* theFunction);
/** \brief This enumerator describes the types of shading that can be used. */
FREAK_OUT, //it will scare your granny!
// Accessor and mutator for the color shader algorithm
/** \brief Accessor for colour shader algorithm. */
COLOR_SHADING_ALGORITHM getColorShadingAlgorithm();
/** \brief Accessor for colour shader algorithm. */
QString getColorShadingAlgorithmAsQString();
/** \brief Mutator for color shader algorithm. */
void setColorShadingAlgorithm(COLOR_SHADING_ALGORITHM theShaderAlgorithm);
/** \brief Mutator for color shader algorithm. */
void setColorShadingAlgorithm(QString theShaderAlgorithm);
/** \brief Accessor for raster shader */
QgsRasterShader* getRasterShader();
/** \brief Set the raster shader function to a user defined function */
void setRasterShaderFunction(QgsRasterShaderFunction* theFunction);
/** \brief This enumerator describes the different kinds of drawing we can do. */
SINGLE_BAND_GRAY, // a "Gray" or "Undefined" layer drawn as a range of gray colors
SINGLE_BAND_PSEUDO_COLOR,// a "Gray" or "Undefined" layer drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
PALETTED_COLOR, //a "Palette" image drawn using color table
PALETTED_SINGLE_BAND_GRAY,// a "Palette" layer drawn in gray scale (using only one of the color components)
PALETTED_SINGLE_BAND_PSEUDO_COLOR, // a "Palette" layer having only one of its color components rendered as psuedo color
PALETTED_MULTI_BAND_COLOR, // a "Palette" image is decomposed to 3 channels (RGB) and drawn
// as multiband
MULTI_BAND_SINGLE_BAND_GRAY, // a layer containing 2 or more bands, but using only one band to produce a grayscale image
MULTI_BAND_SINGLE_BAND_PSEUDO_COLOR, //a layer containing 2 or more bands, but using only one band to produce a pseudocolor image
MULTI_BAND_COLOR //a layer containing 2 or more bands, mapped to the three RGBcolors. In the case of a multiband with only two bands, one band will have to be mapped to more than one color
DRAWING_STYLE drawingStyle;
// Accessor and mutator for drawing style.
/** \brief Accessor for drawing style. */
DRAWING_STYLE getDrawingStyle();
/** \brief Returns a string representation of drawing style.
* Implementaed mainly for serialisation / deserialisation of settings to xml.
* NOTE: May be deprecated in the future!. Use alternate implementation above rather.
* */
QString getDrawingStyleAsQString();
/** \brief Mutator for drawing style. */
void setDrawingStyle(const DRAWING_STYLE & theDrawingStyle);
/** \brief Overloaded version of the above function for convenience when restoring from xml.
* Implementaed mainly for serialisation / deserialisation of settings to xml.
* NOTE: May be deprecated in the future! Use alternate implementation above rather.
* */
void setDrawingStyle(const QString & theDrawingStyleQString);
/** \brief This enumerator describes the type of raster layer. */
RASTER_LAYER_TYPE rasterLayerType;
//accessor and for raster layer type (READ ONLY)
/** \brief Accessor for raster layer type (which is a read only property) */
RASTER_LAYER_TYPE getRasterLayerType();
/** \brief Accessor for hasPyramidsFlag (READ ONLY) */
bool getHasPyramidsFlag();
/** \brief Get a legend image for this layer. */
QPixmap getLegendQPixmap();
/** \brief Overloaded version of above function that can print layer name onto legend. */
QPixmap getLegendQPixmap(bool);
/** \brief Use this method when you want an annotated legend suitable for print output etc.
* @param int theLabelCountInt Number of vertical labels to display (defaults to 3)
* */
QPixmap getDetailedLegendQPixmap(int theLabelCount);
* Returns the sublayers of this layer
* (Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS)
QStringList subLayers() const;
* Reorders the *previously selected* sublayers of this layer from bottom to top
* (Useful for providers that manage their own layers, such as WMS)
virtual void setLayerOrder(const QStringList & layers);
* Set the visibility of the given sublayer name
virtual void setSubLayerVisibility(const QString & name, bool vis);
/** \brief Emit a signal asking for a repaint. (inherited from maplayer) */
void triggerRepaint();
/** \brief Obtain GDAL Metadata for this layer */
QString getMetadata();
/** \brief Accessor for ths raster layers pyramid list. A pyramid list defines the
* POTENTIAL pyramids that can be in a raster. To know which of the pyramid layers
* ACTUALLY exists you need to look at the existsFlag member in each struct stored in the
* list.*/
RasterPyramidList buildRasterPyramidList();
/** \brief Helper method to retrieve the nth pyramid layer struct from the PyramidList.
* If the nth layer does not exist, NULL will be returned. */
// RasterPyramid getRasterPyramid(int thePyramidNo);
/**Currently returns always false*/
bool isEditable() const;
/** Return time stamp for given file name */
static QDateTime lastModified ( const QString & name );
/**Copies the symbology settings from another layer. Returns true in case of success*/
bool copySymbologySettings(const QgsMapLayer& other);
bool isSymbologyCompatible(const QgsMapLayer& other) const;
* If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function
* returns the text of the error associated with the failure.
* Interactive users of this provider can then, for example,
* call a QMessageBox to display the contents.
QString errorCaptionString();
* If an operation returns 0 (e.g. draw()), this function
* returns the text of the error associated with the failure.
* Interactive users of this provider can then, for example,
* call a QMessageBox to display the contents.
QString errorString();
/** Returns the data provider
* \retval 0 if not using the data provider model (i.e. directly using GDAL)
QgsRasterDataProvider* getDataProvider();
/** Returns the data provider in a const-correct manner
* \retval 0 if not using the data provider model (i.e. directly using GDAL)
// PyQGIS: commented out, has the same signature as the function above
// const QgsRasterDataProvider* getDataProvider() const;
/** \brief Mutator for mUserDefinedRGBMinMaxFlag */
void setUserDefinedRGBMinMax(bool theBool);
/** \brief Accessor for mUserDefinedRGBMinMaxFlag. */
bool getUserDefinedRGBMinMax();
/** \brief Mutator for mUserDefinedGrayMinMaxFlag */
void setUserDefinedGrayMinMax(bool theBool);
/** \brief Accessor for mUserDefinedGrayMinMaxFlag. */
bool getUserDefinedGrayMinMax();
public slots:
* Convert this raster to another format
//void const convertTo();
* Mainly inteded for use in propogating progress updates from gdal up to the parent app.
void updateProgress(int,int);
/** \brief Create gdal pyramid overviews for this layer.
* This will speed up performance at the expense of hard drive space.
* Also, write access to the file is required for creating internal pyramids,
* and to the directory in which the files exists if external
* pyramids (.ovr) are to be created. If no paramter is passed in
* it will default to nearest neighbor resampling.
* @param theTryInternalFlag - Try to make the pyramids internal to
* the raster file if supported (e.g. geotiff). If not supported it
* will revert to creating external .ovr file anyway.
* \return null string on success, otherwise a string specifying error
QString buildPyramids(const RasterPyramidList &,
const QString & theResamplingMethod="NEAREST",
bool theTryInternalFlag=false);
/** \brief Used at the moment by the above function but hopefully will later
be useable by any operation that needs to notify the user of its progress. */
int showTextProgress( double theProgress,
const char *theMessageCharArray,
void *theData);
/** Populate the histogram vector for a given layer
* @param theBandNoInt - which band to compute the histogram for
* @param theBinCountInt - how many 'bins' to categorise the data into
* @param theIgnoreOutOfRangeFlag - whether to ignore values that are out of range (default=true)
* @param theThoroughBandScanFlag - whether to visit each cell when computing the histogram (default=false)
void populateHistogram(int theBandNoInt,
int theBinCountInt=256,
bool theIgnoreOutOfRangeFlag=true,
bool theThoroughBandScanFlag=false);
/** \brief Color table
* \param band number
* \return pointer to color table
QgsColorTable *colorTable ( int theBandNoInt );
/** reads vector layer specific state from project file DOM node.
Called by QgsMapLayer::readXML().
/* virtual */ bool readXml( QDomNode & layer_node );
/** write vector layer specific state to project file DOM node.
Called by QgsMapLayer::writeXML().
/* virtual */ bool writeXml( QDomNode & layer_node, QDomDocument & doc );
* New functions that will convert this class to a data provider interface
* (B Morley)
//! Constructor in provider mode
// TODO Rename into a general constructor when the old raster interface is retired
// \param dummy is just there to distinguish this function signature from the old non-provider one.
QgsRasterLayer(int dummy,
const QString & baseName = QString(),
const QString & path = QString(),
const QString & providerLib = QString(),
const QStringList & layers = QStringList(),
const QStringList & styles = QStringList(),
const QString & format = QString(),
const QString & crs = QString());
void setDataProvider( const QString & provider,
const QStringList & layers,
const QStringList & styles,
const QString & format,
const QString & crs);
//! Does this layer use a provider for setting/retrieving data?
bool usesProvider();
//! Which provider is being used for this Raster Layer?
QString providerKey();
public slots:
void showStatusMessage(const QString & theMessage);