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synced 2025-03-22 00:06:57 -04:00
make sure qgsVariantLessThan incorporates all functionality from other duplicate implementations, and add tests (fixes #14671)
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/** \mainpage QGIS
* \section about About QGIS
* QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information
* System (GIS) that runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows. QGIS supports
* vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS is licensed under the GNU Public
* License.
* This API documentation provides information about all classes that make up QGIS.
#include <qgis.h>
int QgisEvent = QEvent::User + 1;
/** \ingroup core
* The QGis class provides global constants for use throughout the application.
class QGis
#include <qgis.h>
// Version constants
// Version string
static const char* QGIS_VERSION;
// Version number used for comparing versions using the "Check QGIS Version" function
static const int QGIS_VERSION_INT;
// Release name
static const char* QGIS_RELEASE_NAME;
// The development version
static const char* QGIS_DEV_VERSION;
// Enumerations
//! Used for symbology operations
// Feature types
enum WkbType
WKBNoGeometry, //attributes only
//! Map multi to single type
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::singleType
static WkbType singleType( WkbType type );
//! Map single to multitype type
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::multiType
static WkbType multiType( WkbType type );
//! Map 2d+ to 2d type
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::flatType
static WkbType flatType( WkbType type );
//! Return if type is a single type
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::isSingleType
static bool isSingleType( WkbType type );
//! Return if type is a multi type
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::isMultiType
static bool isMultiType( WkbType type );
// get dimension of points
// @deprecated use QgsWKBTypes::coordDimensions()
static int wkbDimensions( WkbType type );
//! Converts from old (pre 2.10) WKB type (OGR) to new WKB type
static QgsWKBTypes::Type fromOldWkbType(QGis::WkbType type);
//! Converts from new (post 2.10) WKB type (OGC) to old WKB type
static QGis::WkbType fromNewWkbType( QgsWKBTypes::Type type );
enum GeometryType
//! description strings for geometry types
static const char *vectorGeometryType( GeometryType type );
//! description strings for feature types
static const char *featureType( WkbType type );
/** Raster data types.
* This is modified and extended copy of GDALDataType.
enum DataType
/** Unknown or unspecified type */ UnknownDataType,
/** Eight bit unsigned integer (quint8) */ Byte,
/** Sixteen bit unsigned integer (quint16) */ UInt16,
/** Sixteen bit signed integer (qint16) */ Int16,
/** Thirty two bit unsigned integer (quint32) */ UInt32,
/** Thirty two bit signed integer (qint32) */ Int32,
/** Thirty two bit floating point (float) */ Float32,
/** Sixty four bit floating point (double) */ Float64,
/** Complex Int16 */ CInt16,
/** Complex Int32 */ CInt32,
/** Complex Float32 */ CFloat32,
/** Complex Float64 */ CFloat64,
/** Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as
QImage::Format_ARGB32 */ ARGB32,
/** Color, alpha, red, green, blue, 4 bytes the same as
QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied */ ARGB32_Premultiplied,
/** Map units that qgis supports
* @note that QGIS < 1.4 api had only Meters, Feet, Degrees and UnknownUnit
* @note and QGIS >1.8 returns to that
//TODO QGIS 3.0 - clean up and move to QgsUnitTypes and rename to DistanceUnit
enum UnitType
Meters, /*!< meters */
Feet, /*!< imperial feet */
Degrees, /*!< degrees, for planar geographic CRS distance measurements */ //for 1.0 api backwards compatibility
NauticalMiles, /*!< nautical miles */
Kilometers, /*!< kilometers */
Yards, /*!< imperial yards */
Miles, /*!< terrestial miles */
UnknownUnit, /*!< unknown distance unit */
// for [1.4;1.8] api compatibility
DecimalDegrees, // was 2
DegreesMinutesSeconds, // was 4
DegreesDecimalMinutes, // was 5
//! Provides the canonical name of the type value
//! @deprecated use QgsUnitTypes::encodeUnit() instead
static QString toLiteral( QGis::UnitType unit ) /Deprecated/;
//! Converts from the canonical name to the type value
//! @deprecated use QgsUnitTypes::decodeDistanceUnit() instead
static UnitType fromLiteral( const QString& literal, QGis::UnitType defaultType = UnknownUnit ) /Deprecated/;
//! Provides translated version of the type value
//! @deprecated use QgsUnitTypes::toString() instead
static QString tr( QGis::UnitType unit ) /Deprecated/;
//! Provides type value from translated version
//! @deprecated use QgsUnitTypes::stringToDistanceUnit() instead
static UnitType fromTr( const QString& literal, QGis::UnitType defaultType = UnknownUnit ) /Deprecated/;
//! Returns the conversion factor between the specified units
//! @deprecated use QgsUnitTyoes::fromUnitToUnitFactor() instead
static double fromUnitToUnitFactor( QGis::UnitType fromUnit, QGis::UnitType toUnit ) /Deprecated/;
/** Converts a string to a double in a permissive way, eg allowing for incorrect
* numbers of digits between thousand separators
* @param string string to convert
* @param ok will be set to true if conversion was successful
* @returns string converted to double if possible
* @note added in version 2.9
* @see permissiveToInt
static double permissiveToDouble( QString string, bool& ok );
/** Converts a string to an integer in a permissive way, eg allowing for incorrect
* numbers of digits between thousand separators
* @param string string to convert
* @param ok will be set to true if conversion was successful
* @returns string converted to int if possible
* @note added in version 2.9
* @see permissiveToDouble
static int permissiveToInt( QString string, bool& ok );
//! User defined event types
enum UserEvent
// These first two are useful for threads to alert their parent data providers
//! The extents have been calculated by a provider of a layer
//! The row count has been calculated by a provider of a layer
/** Old search radius in % of canvas width
* @deprecated since 2.3, use DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS_MM */
static const double DEFAULT_IDENTIFY_RADIUS;
/** Identify search radius in mm
* @note added in 2.3 */
static const double DEFAULT_SEARCH_RADIUS_MM;
//! Default threshold between map coordinates and device coordinates for map2pixel simplification
/** Default highlight color. The transparency is expected to only be applied to polygon
* fill. Lines and outlines are rendered opaque.
* @note added in 2.3 */
/** Default highlight buffer in mm.
* @note added in 2.3 */
/** Default highlight line/outline minimum width in mm.
* @note added in 2.3 */
/** Fudge factor used to compare two scales. The code is often going from scale to scale
* denominator. So it looses precision and, when a limit is inclusive, can lead to errors.
* To avoid that, use this factor instead of using <= or >=.
* @note added in 2.15*/
static double SCALE_PRECISION;
//! Compares two QVariant values and returns whether the first is less than the second.
//! Useful for sorting lists of variants, correctly handling sorting of the various
//! QVariant data types (such as strings, numeric values, dates and times)
//! @see qgsVariantGreaterThan()
bool qgsVariantLessThan( const QVariant& lhs, const QVariant& rhs );
//! Compares two QVariant values and returns whether the first is greater than the second.
//! Useful for sorting lists of variants, correctly handling sorting of the various
//! QVariant data types (such as strings, numeric values, dates and times)
//! @see qgsVariantLessThan()
bool qgsVariantGreaterThan( const QVariant& lhs, const QVariant& rhs );
/** Wkt string that represents a geographic coord sys
* @note added to replace GEOWkt
const QString GEOWKT;
/** PROJ4 string that represents a geographic coord sys */
const QString GEOPROJ4;
/** Magic number for a geographic coord sys in POSTGIS SRID */
const long GEOSRID;
/** Magic number for a geographic coord sys in QGIS srs.db tbl_srs.srs_id */
const long GEOCRS_ID;
/** Magic number for a geographic coord sys in EpsgCrsId ID format */
const long GEO_EPSG_CRS_ID;
/** Geographic coord sys from EPSG authority */
/** The length of the string "+proj=" */
const int PROJ_PREFIX_LEN;
/** The length of the string "+ellps=" */
/** The length of the string "+lat_1=" */
const int LAT_PREFIX_LEN;
/** Magick number that determines whether a projection crsid is a system (srs.db)
* or user (~/.qgis.qgis.db) defined projection. */
const int USER_CRS_START_ID;
//! Constant that holds the string representation for "No ellips/No CRS"
const QString GEO_NONE;
// Constants for point symbols
/** Magic number that determines the minimum allowable point size for point symbols */
const double MINIMUM_POINT_SIZE;
/** Magic number that determines the default point size for point symbols */
const double DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE;
const double DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH;
/** Default snapping tolerance for segments */
/** Qgssize is used instead of size_t, because size_t is stdlib type, unknown
* by SIP, and it would be hard to define size_t correctly in SIP.
* Currently used "unsigned long long" was introduced in C++11 (2011)
* but it was supported already before C++11 on common platforms.
* "unsigned long long int" gives syntax error in SIP.
* KEEP IN SYNC WITH qgssize defined in SIP! */
typedef unsigned long long qgssize;