2005-01-21 06:31:06 +00:00

788 lines
28 KiB

qgsspit.cpp - description
begin : Fri Dec 19 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Denis Antipov
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
/* $Id$ */
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qtable.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qinputdialog.h>
#include <qfiledialog.h>
#include <qprogressdialog.h>
#include <qmemarray.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qsettings.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "../../src/qgspgutil.h"
#include "qgsspit.h"
#include "qgsconnectiondialog.h"
#include "qgseditreservedwordsdialog.h"
#include "qgsmessageviewer.h"
#include "spiticon.xpm"
#include "spit_icons.h"
// Qt implementation of alignment() + changed the numeric types to be shown on the left as well
int QTableItem::alignment() const
bool num;
bool ok1 = FALSE, ok2 = FALSE;
( void ) txt.toInt( &ok1 );
if ( !ok1 )
( void ) txt.toDouble( &ok2 );
num = ok1 || ok2;
return ( num ? AlignLeft : AlignLeft ) | AlignVCenter;
QgsSpit::QgsSpit( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QgsSpitBase( parent, name )
QPixmap icon;
icon = QPixmap( spitIcon );
setIcon( icon );
defSrid = -1;
defGeom = "the_geom";
total_features = 0;
//setFixedSize(QSize(605, 612));
// Set read only colums, the rest is editable
tblShapefiles->setColumnReadOnly( ColFILENAME, true );
tblShapefiles->setColumnReadOnly( ColFEATURECOUNT, true );
chkUseDefaultSrid->setChecked( true );
chkUseDefaultGeom->setChecked( true );
schema_list << "public";
gl_key = "/Qgis/connections/";
// init the geometry type list
void QgsSpit::populateConnectionList()
QSettings settings;
QStringList keys = settings.subkeyList( "/Qgis/connections" );
QStringList::Iterator it = keys.begin();
while ( it != keys.end() )
cmbConnections->insertItem( *it );
void QgsSpit::newConnection()
QgsConnectionDialog * con = new QgsConnectionDialog( this, "New Connection" );
if ( con->exec() )
void QgsSpit::editConnection()
QgsConnectionDialog * con = new QgsConnectionDialog( this, cmbConnections->currentText() );
if ( con->exec() )
void QgsSpit::removeConnection()
QSettings settings;
QString key = "/Qgis/connections/" + cmbConnections->currentText();
QString msg = tr("Are you sure you want to remove the [") + cmbConnections->currentText() + tr("] connection and all associated settings?");
int result = QMessageBox::information( this, tr("Confirm Delete"), msg, tr("Yes"), tr("No") );
if ( result == 0 )
settings.removeEntry( key + "/host" );
settings.removeEntry( key + "/database" );
settings.removeEntry( key + "/port" );
settings.removeEntry( key + "/username" );
settings.removeEntry( key + "/password" );
settings.removeEntry( key + "/save" );
cmbConnections->removeItem( cmbConnections->currentItem() );
void QgsSpit::addFile()
QString error1 = "";
QString error2 = "";
bool exist;
bool is_error = false;
QSettings settings;
QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(
"Shapefiles (*.shp)", settings.readEntry( "/Qgis/spit/last_directory" ), this, "add file dialog", "Add Shapefiles" );
if ( files.size() > 0 )
// Save the directory for future use
QFileInfo fi( files[ 0 ] );
settings.writeEntry( "/Qgis/spit/last_directory", fi.dirPath( true ) );
// Process the files
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
exist = false;
is_error = false;
for ( int n = 0; n < tblShapefiles->numRows(); n++ )
if ( tblShapefiles->text( n, 0 ) == *it )
exist = true;
if ( !exist )
// check other files: file.dbf and file.shx
QString name = *it;
if ( !QFile::exists( name.left( name.length() - 3 ) + "dbf" ) )
is_error = true;
else if ( !QFile::exists( name.left( name.length() - 3 ) + "shx" ) )
is_error = true;
if ( !is_error )
QgsShapeFile * file = new QgsShapeFile( name );
if ( file->is_valid() )
/* XXX getFeatureClass actually does a whole bunch
* of things and is probably better named
* something else
QString featureClass = file->getFeatureClass();
int row = tblShapefiles->numRows();
fileList.push_back( file );
tblShapefiles->insertRows( row );
tblShapefiles->setText( row, ColFILENAME, name );
tblShapefiles->setText( row, ColFEATURECLASS, featureClass );
tblShapefiles->setText( row, ColFEATURECOUNT, QString( "%1" ).arg( file->getFeatureCount() ) );
tblShapefiles->setText( row, ColDBRELATIONNAME, file->getTable() );
QComboTableItem* schema = new QComboTableItem( tblShapefiles, schema_list );
schema->setCurrentItem( cmbSchema->currentText() );
tblShapefiles->setItem( row, ColDBSCHEMA, schema );
total_features += file->getFeatureCount();
// check for postgresql reserved words
// First get an instance of the PG utility class
QgsPgUtil *pgu = QgsPgUtil::instance();
bool hasReservedWords = false;
// if a reserved word is found, set the flag so the "adjustment"
// dialog can be presented to the user
for ( int i = 0; i < file->column_names.size(); i++ )
if ( pgu->isReserved( file->column_names[ i ] ) )
hasReservedWords = true;
// Why loop through all of them and then turn around and test
// the flag? Because if there are reserved words, we want to
// add all columns to the listview so the user can have the
// opportunity to change them.
if ( hasReservedWords )
// show the dialog for adjusting reserved words. Reserved
// words are displayed differently so they are easy to spot
QgsEditReservedWordsDialog * srw = new QgsEditReservedWordsDialog( this );
srw->setCaption( file->getTable().upper() + tr(" - Edit Column Names") );
// load the reserved words list
srw->setReservedWords( pgu->reservedWords() );
// load the columns and set their status
for ( int i = 0; i < file->column_names.size(); i++ )
srw->addColumn( file->column_names[ i ],
pgu->isReserved( file->column_names[ i ] ), i );
if ( srw->exec() )
// get the new column specs from the listview control
// and replace the existing column spec for the shapefile
file->setColumnNames( srw->columnNames() );
error1 += name + "\n";
is_error = true;
delete file;
error2 += name + "\n";
if ( error1 != "" || error2 != "" )
QString message = tr("The following Shapefile(s) could not be loaded:\n\n");
if ( error1 != "" )
error1 += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
error1 += "\n" + tr("REASON: File cannot be opened") + "\n\n";
if ( error2 != "" )
error2 += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
error2 += "\n" + tr("REASON: One or both of the Shapefile files (*.dbf, *.shx) missing") + "\n\n";
QgsMessageViewer * e = new QgsMessageViewer( this, "error" );
e->setMessage( message + error1 + error2 );
for (int i = 0; i < tblShapefiles->numCols(); i++)
tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( i );
// tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( 0 );
// tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( 1 );
// tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( 2 );
// tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( 3 );
// tblShapefiles->adjustColumn( 4 );
// tblShapefiles->setCurrentCell( -1, 0 );
void QgsSpit::removeFile()
std::vector <int> temp;
for ( int n = 0; n < tblShapefiles->numRows(); n++ )
if ( tblShapefiles->isRowSelected( n ) )
for ( std::vector<QgsShapeFile *>::iterator vit = fileList.begin(); vit != fileList.end(); vit++ )
if ( ( *vit ) ->getName() == tblShapefiles->text( n, 0 ) )
total_features -= ( *vit ) ->getFeatureCount();
fileList.erase( vit );
temp.push_back( n );
QMemArray<int> array( temp.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++ )
array[ i ] = temp[ i ];
tblShapefiles->removeRows( array );
tblShapefiles->setCurrentCell( -1, 0 );
void QgsSpit::removeAllFiles()
QMemArray<int> array( tblShapefiles->numRows() );
for ( int n = 0; n < tblShapefiles->numRows(); n++ )
array[ n ] = n;
total_features = 0;
tblShapefiles->removeRows( array );
void QgsSpit::useDefaultSrid()
if ( chkUseDefaultSrid->isChecked() )
defaultSridValue = spinSrid->value();
spinSrid->setValue( defSrid );
spinSrid->setEnabled( false );
spinSrid->setEnabled( true );
spinSrid->setValue( defaultSridValue );
void QgsSpit::useDefaultGeom()
if ( chkUseDefaultGeom->isChecked() )
defaultGeomValue = txtGeomName->text();
txtGeomName->setText( defGeom );
txtGeomName->setEnabled( false );
txtGeomName->setEnabled( true );
txtGeomName->setText( defaultGeomValue );
// TODO: make translation of helpinfo
void QgsSpit::helpInfo()
QString message = tr("General Interface Help:") + "\n\n";
message += QString(
tr("PostgreSQL Connections:") + "\n" ) + QString(
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) + QString(
tr("[New ...] - create a new connection") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Edit ...] - edit the currently selected connection") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Remove] - remove the currently selected connection") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("-you need to select a connection that works (connects properly) in order to import files") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("-when changing connections Global Schema also changes accordingly") + "\n\n" ) + QString(
tr("Shapefile List:") + "\n" ) + QString(
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Add ...] - open a File dialog and browse to the desired file(s) to import") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Remove] - remove the currently selected file(s) from the list") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Remove All] - remove all the files in the list") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[SRID] - Reference ID for the shapefiles to be imported") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Use Default (SRID)] - set SRID to -1") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Geometry Column Name] - name of the geometry column in the database") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Use Default (Geometry Column Name)] - set column name to \'the_geom\'") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Glogal Schema] - set the schema for all files to be imported into") + "\n\n" ) + QString(
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Import] - import the current shapefiles in the list") + "\n" ) + QString(
tr("[Quit] - quit the program\n") ) + QString(
tr("[Help] - display this help dialog") + "\n\n" );
QgsMessageViewer * e = new QgsMessageViewer( this, "HelpMessage" );
e->setMessage( message );
PGconn* QgsSpit::checkConnection()
QSettings settings;
PGconn * pd;
bool result = true;
QString connName = cmbConnections->currentText();
if ( connName.isEmpty() )
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Import Shapefiles"), tr("You need to specify a Connection first") );
result = false;
QString connInfo = "host=" + settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/host" ) +
" dbname=" + settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/database" ) +
" port=" + settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/port" ) +
" user=" + settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/username" ) +
" password=" + settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/password" );
pd = PQconnectdb( ( const char * ) connInfo );
if ( PQstatus( pd ) != CONNECTION_OK )
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Import Shapefiles"), tr("Connection failed - Check settings and try again") );
result = false;
if ( result )
return pd;
return NULL;
void QgsSpit::getSchema()
QSettings settings;
schema_list << "public";
PGconn* pd = checkConnection();
if ( pd != NULL )
QString connName = cmbConnections->currentText();
QString user = settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/username" );
QString schemaSql = QString( "select nspname from pg_namespace,pg_user where nspowner = usesysid and usename = '%1'" ).arg( user );
PGresult *schemas = PQexec( pd, ( const char * ) schemaSql );
// get the schema names
if ( PQresultStatus( schemas ) == PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
for ( int i = 0; i < PQntuples( schemas ); i++ )
if ( QString( PQgetvalue( schemas, i, 0 ) ) != "public" )
schema_list << QString( PQgetvalue( schemas, i, 0 ) );
PQclear( schemas );
// update the schemas in the combo of all the shapefiles
for ( int i = 0; i < tblShapefiles->numRows(); i++ )
tblShapefiles->clearCell( i, 4 );
QComboTableItem* temp_schemas = new QComboTableItem( tblShapefiles, schema_list );
temp_schemas->setCurrentItem( "public" );
tblShapefiles->setItem( i, 4, temp_schemas );
cmbSchema->insertStringList( schema_list );
cmbSchema->setCurrentText( "public" );
void QgsSpit::updateSchema()
for ( int i = 0; i < tblShapefiles->numRows(); i++ )
tblShapefiles->clearCell( i, 4 );
QComboTableItem* temp_schemas = new QComboTableItem( tblShapefiles, schema_list );
temp_schemas->setCurrentItem( cmbSchema->currentText() );
tblShapefiles->setItem( i, 4, temp_schemas );
void QgsSpit::import()
tblShapefiles->setCurrentCell( -1, 0 );
QString connName = cmbConnections->currentText();
QSettings settings;
bool cancelled = false;
PGconn* pd = checkConnection();
QString query;
if ( total_features == 0 )
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Import Shapefiles"),
tr("You need to add shapefiles to the list first") );
else if ( pd != NULL )
PGresult * res;
QProgressDialog * pro = new QProgressDialog( tr("Importing files"),
tr("Cancel"), total_features,
this, tr("Progress"), true );
pro->setProgress( 0 );
pro->setAutoClose( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < fileList.size() ; i++ )
QString error = tr("Problem inserting features from file:") + "\n" +
tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFILENAME );
// if a name starts with invalid character
if ( !( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) ) [ 0 ].isLetter() )
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"),
error + "\n" + tr("Invalid table name.") );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress()
+ ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
// if no fields detected
if ( ( fileList[ i ] ->column_names ).size() == 0 )
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"),
error + "\n" + tr("No fields detected.") );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() +
( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
// duplicate field check
std::vector<QString> names_copy = fileList[ i ] ->column_names;
std::cerr << "Size of names_copy before sort: " << names_copy.size() << std::endl;
QString dupl = "";
std::sort( names_copy.begin(), names_copy.end() );
std::cerr << "Size of names_copy after sort: " << names_copy.size() << std::endl;
for ( int k = 1; k < names_copy.size(); k++ )
std::cerr << "USING :" << names_copy[ k ] << " index " << k << std::endl;
qWarning( "Checking to see if " + names_copy[ k ] + " == " + names_copy[ k - 1 ] );
if ( names_copy[ k ] == names_copy[ k - 1 ] )
dupl += names_copy[ k ] + "\n";
// if duplicate field names exist
if ( dupl != "" )
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error +
"\n" + tr("The following fields are duplicates:") + "\n" + dupl );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
// Check and set destination table
fileList[ i ] ->setTable( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) );
pro->setLabelText( tr("Importing files") + "\n"
+ tblShapefiles->text(i, ColFILENAME) );
bool rel_exists1 = false;
bool rel_exists2 = false;
query = "SELECT f_table_name FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name=\'"
+ tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) +
"\' AND f_table_schema=\'"
+ tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ) + "\'";
res = PQexec( pd, ( const char * ) query );
rel_exists1 = ( PQntuples( res ) > 0 );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
query = "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename=\'" + tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) + "\' AND schemaname=\'" +
tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ) + "\'";
res = PQexec( pd, ( const char * ) query );
qWarning( query );
rel_exists2 = ( PQntuples( res ) > 0 );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
// begin session
query = "BEGIN";
res = PQexec( pd, query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
query = "SET SEARCH_PATH TO \'";
if ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ) == "public" )
query += "public\'";
query += tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ) + "\', \'public\'";
res = PQexec( pd, query );
qWarning( query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
qWarning( PQresStatus( PQresultStatus( res ) ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
QMessageBox *del_confirm;
if ( rel_exists1 || rel_exists2 )
del_confirm = new QMessageBox( tr("Import Shapefiles - Relation Exists"),
tr("The Shapefile:" ) + "\n" + tblShapefiles->text( i, 0 ) + "\n" + tr("will use [") +
tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) + tr("] relation for its data,") + "\n" + tr("which already exists and possibly contains data.") + "\n" +
tr("To avoid data loss change the \"DB Relation Name\"") + "\n" + tr("for this Shapefile in the main dialog file list.") + "\n\n" +
tr("Do you want to overwrite the [") + tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) + tr("] relation?"),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Escape,
QMessageBox::NoButton, this, tr("Relation Exists") );
if ( del_confirm->exec() == QMessageBox::Yes )
if ( rel_exists2 )
query = "DROP TABLE " + tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME );
qWarning( query );
res = PQexec( pd, ( const char * ) query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
if ( rel_exists1 )
/*query = "SELECT DropGeometryColumn(\'"+QString(settings.readEntry(key + "/database"))+"\', \'"+
fileList[i]->getTable()+"\', \'"+txtGeomName->text()+"')";*/
query = "DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_schema=\'" + tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ) + "\' AND " +
"f_table_name=\'" + tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBRELATIONNAME ) + "\'";
qWarning( query );
res = PQexec( pd, ( const char * ) query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
PQclear( res );
query = "ROLLBACK";
res = PQexec( pd, query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
PQclear( res );
pro->setProgress( pro->progress() + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, 2 ) ).toInt() );
// importing file here
int temp_progress = pro->progress();
cancelled = false;
if ( fileList[ i ] ->insertLayer( settings.readEntry( gl_key + connName + "/database" ), tblShapefiles->text( i, ColDBSCHEMA ),
txtGeomName->text(), QString( "%1" ).arg( spinSrid->value() ), pd, pro, cancelled ) && !cancelled )
{ // if file has been imported successfully
query = "COMMIT";
res = PQexec( pd, query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
PQclear( res );
// remove file
for ( int j = 0; j < tblShapefiles->numRows(); j++ )
if ( tblShapefiles->text( j, ColFILENAME ) == QString( fileList[ i ] ->getName() ) )
tblShapefiles->selectRow( j );
else if ( !cancelled )
{ // if problem importing file occured
pro->setProgress( temp_progress + ( tblShapefiles->text( i, ColFEATURECOUNT ) ).toInt() );
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
query = "ROLLBACK";
res = PQexec( pd, query );
if ( PQresultStatus( res ) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK )
qWarning( PQresultErrorMessage( res ) );
QMessageBox::warning( pro, tr("Import Shapefiles"), error );
PQclear( res );
{ // if import was actually cancelled
delete pro;
delete pro;
PQfinish( pd );
void QgsSpit::editColumns( int row, int col, int button, const QPoint &mousePos )
// get the shapefile - table row maps directly to the fileList array
QgsPgUtil * pgu = QgsPgUtil::instance();
// show the dialog for adjusting reserved words. Reserved
// words are displayed differently so they are easy to spot
QgsEditReservedWordsDialog *srw = new QgsEditReservedWordsDialog( this );
srw->setCaption( fileList[ row ] ->getTable().upper() + tr(" - Edit Column Names") );
// set the description to indicate that we are editing column names, not
// necessarily dealing with reserved words (although that is a possibility too)
srw->setDescription(tr("Use the table below to edit column names. Make sure that none of the columns are named using a PostgreSQL reserved word"));
// load the reserved words list
srw->setReservedWords( pgu->reservedWords() );
// load the columns and set their status
for ( int i = 0; i < fileList[ row ] ->column_names.size(); i++ )
srw->addColumn( fileList[ row ] ->column_names[ i ],
pgu->isReserved( fileList[ row ] ->column_names[ i ] ), i );
if ( srw->exec() )
// get the new column specs from the listview control
// and replace the existing column spec for the shapefile
fileList[ row ] ->setColumnNames( srw->columnNames() );
void QgsSpit::editShapefile(int row, int col, int button, const QPoint& mousePos)
tblShapefiles->editCell(row, col, FALSE);