Denis Rouzaud 30ea619861
2024-12-10 14:52:35 +01:00

551 lines
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* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/server/qgsserverprojectutils.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again *
#include "qgsserverprojectutils.h"
namespace QgsServerProjectUtils
bool owsServiceCapabilities( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if owsService capabilities are enabled.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if owsService capabilities are enabled.
QString owsServiceTitle( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService title defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService title if defined in project with project title as fallback, "Untitled" otherwise.
QString owsServiceAbstract( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService abstract defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService abstract if defined in project.
QStringList owsServiceKeywords( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService keywords defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService keywords if defined in project.
QString owsServiceOnlineResource( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService online resource defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService online resource if defined in project.
QString owsServiceContactOrganization( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService contact organization defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService contact organization if defined in project.
QString owsServiceContactPosition( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService contact position defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService contact position if defined in project.
QString owsServiceContactPerson( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService contact person defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService contact person if defined in project.
QString owsServiceContactMail( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService contact mail defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService contact mail if defined in project.
QString owsServiceContactPhone( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService contact phone defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService contact phone if defined in project.
QString owsServiceFees( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService fees defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService fees if defined in project.
QString owsServiceAccessConstraints( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the owsService access constraints defined in project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the owsService access constraints if defined in project.
int wmsMaxWidth( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the maximum width for WMS images defined in a QGIS project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: width if defined in project, -1 otherwise.
int wmsMaxHeight( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the maximum height for WMS images defined in a QGIS project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: height if defined in project, -1 otherwise.
int wmsImageQuality( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the quality for WMS images defined in a QGIS project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: quality if defined in project, -1 otherwise.
int wmsTileBuffer( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the tile buffer in pixels for WMS images defined in a QGIS project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: tile buffer if defined in project, 0 otherwise.
.. versionadded:: 3.10
bool wmsRenderMapTiles( const QgsProject &project );
Returns ``True`` if WMS requests should use the :py:class:`QgsMapSettings`.RenderMapTile flag,
so that no visible artifacts are visible between adjacent tiles.
This flag can slow down rendering considerably, so it is only used if the corresponding
setting is enabled in the project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: ``True`` if the flag should be used, or ``False`` if not.
.. versionadded:: 3.18
int wmsMaxAtlasFeatures( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the maximum number of atlas features which can be printed in a request
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the number of atlas features
double wmsDefaultMapUnitsPerMm( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the default number of map units per millimeters in case of the scale is not given
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the default number of map units per millimeter
.. versionadded:: 3.4
bool wmsUseLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if layer ids are used as name in WMS.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if layer ids are used as name.
bool wmsInfoFormatSia2045( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if the info format is SIA20145.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if the info format is SIA20145.
bool wmsFeatureInfoAddWktGeometry( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if the geometry is displayed as Well Known Text in GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if the geometry is displayed as Well Known Text in GetFeatureInfo request.
bool wmsFeatureInfoUseAttributeFormSettings( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if feature form settings should be considered for the format of the feature info response
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: true if the feature form settings shall be considered for the feature info response
bool wmsFeatureInfoSegmentizeWktGeometry( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if the geometry has to be segmentize in GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if the geometry has to be segmentize in GetFeatureInfo request.
bool wmsAddLegendGroupsLegendGraphic( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if legend groups should be in the legend graphic response if GetLegendGraphic is called on a layer group.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if the GetLegendGraphic response has to contain legend groups
bool wmsSkipNameForGroup( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if name attribute should be skipped for groups in WMS capabilities document.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if name attribute should be skipped for groups in capabilities
.. versionadded:: 3.36
int wmsFeatureInfoPrecision( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the geometry precision for GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the geometry precision for GetFeatureInfo request.
QString wmsFeatureInfoDocumentElement( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the document element name for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the document element name for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
QString wmsFeatureInfoDocumentElementNs( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the document element namespace for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the document element namespace for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
QString wmsFeatureInfoSchema( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the schema URL for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the schema URL for XML GetFeatureInfo request.
QHash<QString, QString> wmsFeatureInfoLayerAliasMap( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the mapping between layer name and wms layer name for GetFeatureInfo request.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the mapping between layer name and wms layer name for GetFeatureInfo request.
bool wmsInspireActivate( const QgsProject &project );
Returns if Inspire is activated.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: if Inspire is activated.
QString wmsInspireLanguage( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Inspire language.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Inspire language if defined in project.
QString wmsInspireMetadataUrl( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Inspire metadata URL.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Inspire metadata URL if defined in project.
QString wmsInspireMetadataUrlType( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Inspire metadata URL type.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Inspire metadata URL type if defined in project.
QString wmsInspireTemporalReference( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Inspire temporal reference.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Inspire temporal reference if defined in project.
QString wmsInspireMetadataDate( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Inspire metadata date.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Inspire metadata date if defined in project.
QStringList wmsRestrictedComposers( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the restricted composer list.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the restricted composer list if defined in project.
QString wmsServiceUrl( const QgsProject &project, const QgsServerRequest &request = QgsServerRequest(), const QgsServerSettings &settings = QgsServerSettings() );
Returns the WMS service url.
The URL defined in the project or if not defined the URL from serviceUrl.
:param project: the QGIS project
:param request: the request
:param settings: the server settings
:return: url to use for this service
QString wmsRootName( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the WMS root layer name defined in a QGIS project.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: root layer name to use for this service
QStringList wmsRestrictedLayers( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the restricted layer name list.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the restricted layer name list if defined in project.
QStringList wmsOutputCrsList( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the WMS output CRS list.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the WMS output CRS list.
QgsRectangle wmsExtent( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the WMS Extent restriction.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the WMS Extent restriction.
QString wfsServiceUrl( const QgsProject &project, const QgsServerRequest &request = QgsServerRequest(), const QgsServerSettings &settings = QgsServerSettings() );
Returns the WFS service url.
The URL defined in the project or if not defined the URL from serviceUrl.
:param project: the QGIS project
:param request: the request
:param settings: the server settings
:return: url to use for this service
QStringList wfsLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Layer ids list defined in a QGIS project as published in WFS.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Layer ids list.
int wfsLayerPrecision( const QgsProject &project, const QString &layerId );
Returns the Layer precision defined in a QGIS project for the WFS GetFeature.
:param project: the QGIS project
:param layerId: the layer id in the project
:return: the layer precision for WFS GetFeature.
QStringList wfstUpdateLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Layer ids list defined in a QGIS project as published as WFS-T with update capabilities.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Layer ids list.
QStringList wfstInsertLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Layer ids list defined in a QGIS project as published as WFS-T with insert capabilities.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Layer ids list.
QStringList wfstDeleteLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Layer ids list defined in a QGIS project as published as WFS-T with delete capabilities.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Layer ids list.
QString wcsServiceUrl( const QgsProject &project, const QgsServerRequest &request = QgsServerRequest(), const QgsServerSettings &settings = QgsServerSettings() );
Returns the WCS service url.
The URL defined in the project or if not defined the URL from serviceUrl.
:param project: the QGIS project
:param request: the request
:param settings: the server settings
:return: url to use for this service
QStringList wcsLayerIds( const QgsProject &project );
Returns the Layer ids list defined in a QGIS project as published in WCS.
:param project: the QGIS project
:return: the Layer ids list.
QString wmtsServiceUrl( const QgsProject &project, const QgsServerRequest &request = QgsServerRequest(), const QgsServerSettings &settings = QgsServerSettings() );
Returns the WMTS service url.
The URL defined in the project or if not defined the URL from serviceUrl.
:param project: the QGIS project
:param request: the request
:param settings: the server settings
:return: url to use for this service
.. versionadded:: 3.4
QString serviceUrl( const QString &service, const QgsServerRequest &request, const QgsServerSettings &settings );
Returns the service url defined in the environment variable or with HTTP header.
This is calculated from (in order of precedence):
- Value defined in the project per service
- The ``QGIS_SERVER_<service>_SERVICE_URL`` environment variable
- The ``QGIS_SERVER_SERVICE_URL`` environment variable
- The custom ``X-:py:class:`Qgis`-<service>-Service-Url`` header
- The custom ``X-:py:class:`Qgis`-Service-Url`` header
- Build from the standard ``Forwarded`` header
- Build from the pseudo standard ``X-Forwarded-Host`` and ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` headers
- Build from the standard ``Host`` header and the server protocol
- Build from the server name and the server protocol.
:param request: the request
:param service: the used service
:param settings: the server settings
:return: url to use for this service
.. versionadded:: 3.20
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/server/qgsserverprojectutils.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.py again *