Martin Dobias 1513f0ab93 Upgrade untwine to the latest upstream improvements
We are now using the code from "qgis" branch:
It is in sync with "main" branch of untwine as of today, just with a couple
of small patches to make it work with PDAL older than 2.4.

The new version of untwine includes:
- indexing to COPC (in addition to EPT)
- fixes to bugs that were reported in QGIS
- error reporting

Untwine now also directly links to lazperf library (in addition to PDAL).
2022-03-24 12:06:55 -07:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

#include "Stats.hpp"
#include <cmath>
namespace untwine
void Stats::computeGlobalStats()
auto compute_median = [](std::vector<double> vals)
std::nth_element(vals.begin(), vals.begin() + vals.size() / 2, vals.end());
return *(vals.begin() + vals.size() / 2);
// TODO add quantiles
m_median = compute_median(m_data);
std::transform(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), m_data.begin(),
[this](double v) { return std::fabs(v - this->m_median); });
m_mad = compute_median(m_data);
// Math comes from https://prod.sandia.gov/techlib-noauth/access-control.cgi/2008/086212.pdf
// (Pebay paper from Sandia labs, 2008)
bool Stats::merge(const Stats& s)
if ((m_name != s.m_name) || (m_enumerate != s.m_enumerate) || (m_advanced != s.m_advanced))
return false;
double n1 = (double)m_cnt;
double n2 = (double)s.m_cnt;
double n = n1 + n2;
double nsq = n * n;
double n1n2 = (double)m_cnt * s.m_cnt;
double n1sq = n1 * n1;
double n2sq = n2 * n2;
double ncube = n * n * n;
double deltaMean = s.M1 - M1;
if (n == 0)
return true;
double m1 = M1 + s.m_cnt * deltaMean / n;
double m2 = M2 + s.M2 + n1n2 * std::pow(deltaMean, 2) / n;
double m3 = M3 + s.M3 + n1n2 * (n1 - n2) * std::pow(deltaMean, 3) / nsq +
3 * (n1 * s.M2 - n2 * M2) * deltaMean / n;
double m4 = M4 + s.M4 +
n1n2 * (n1sq - n1n2 + n2sq) * std::pow(deltaMean, 4) / ncube +
6 * (n1sq * s.M2 + n2sq * M2) * std::pow(deltaMean, 2) / nsq +
4 * (n1 * s.M3 - n2 * M3) * deltaMean / n;
M1 = m1;
M2 = m2;
M3 = m3;
M4 = m4;
m_min = (std::min)(m_min, s.m_min);
m_max = (std::max)(m_max, s.m_max);
m_cnt = s.m_cnt + m_cnt;
m_data.insert(m_data.begin(), s.m_data.begin(), s.m_data.end());
for (auto p : s.m_values)
m_values[p.first] += p.second;
return true;
} // namespace untwine