mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:02:38 -05:00
1303 lines
37 KiB
1303 lines
37 KiB
MDAL - Mesh Data Abstraction Library (MIT License)
Copyright (C) 2019 Peter Petrik (zilolv at gmail dot com)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mdal_selafin.hpp"
#include "mdal.h"
#include "mdal_utils.hpp"
#include <math.h>
#include "mdal_logger.hpp"
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2000
// //////////////////////////////
// SelafinFile
// //////////////////////////////
MDAL::SelafinFile::SelafinFile( const std::string &fileName ):
mFileName( fileName )
void MDAL::SelafinFile::initialize()
if ( !MDAL::fileExists( mFileName ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FileNotFound, "Did not find file " + mFileName );
mIn = MDAL::openInputFile( mFileName, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary );
if ( !mIn )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FileNotFound, "File " + mFileName + " could not be open" ); // Couldn't open the file
// get length of file:
mIn.seekg( 0, mIn.end );
mFileSize = mIn.tellg();
mIn.seekg( 0, mIn.beg );
mChangeEndianness = MDAL::isNativeLittleEndian();
//Check if need to change the endianness
// read first size_t that has to be 80
size_t firstInt = readSizeT();
mIn.seekg( 0, mIn.beg );
if ( firstInt != 80 )
mChangeEndianness = !mChangeEndianness;
firstInt = readSizeT();
if ( firstInt != 80 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File " + mFileName + " could not be open" );
mIn.seekg( 0, mIn.beg );
mParsed = false;
void MDAL::SelafinFile::parseMeshFrame()
/* 1 record containing the title of the study (72 characters) and a 8 characters
string indicating the type of format (SERAFIN or SERAFIND)
/* 1 record containing the two integers NBV(1) and NBV(2) (number of linear
and quadratic variables, NBV(2) with the value of 0 for Telemac, as
quadratic values are not saved so far), numbered from 1 in docs
std::vector<int> nbv = readIntArr( 2 );
/* NBV(1) records containing the names and units of each variable (over 32 characters)
for ( int i = 0; i < nbv[0]; ++i )
mVariableNames.push_back( readString( 32 ) );
/* 1 record containing the integers table IPARAM (10 integers, of which only
the 6 are currently being used), numbered from 1 in docs
- if IPARAM (3) != 0: the value corresponds to the x-coordinate of the
origin of the mesh,
- if IPARAM (4) != 0: the value corresponds to the y-coordinate of the
origin of the mesh,
- if IPARAM (7) != 0: the value corresponds to the number of planes
on the vertical (3D computation),
- if IPARAM (8) != 0: the value corresponds to the number of
boundary points (in parallel),
- if IPARAM (9) != 0: the value corresponds to the number of interface
points (in parallel),
- if IPARAM(8) or IPARAM(9) != 0: the array IPOBO below is replaced
by the array KNOLG (total initial number of points). All the other
numbers are local to the sub-domain, including IKLE
mParameters = readIntArr( 10 );
mXOrigin = static_cast<double>( mParameters[2] );
mYOrigin = static_cast<double>( mParameters[3] );
if ( mParameters[6] != 0 && mParameters[6] != 1 ) //some tools set this value to one for 2D mesh
// would need additional parsing
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_MissingDriver, "File " + mFileName + " would need additional parsing" );
if IPARAM (10) = 1: a record containing the computation starting date
if ( mParameters[9] == 1 )
std::vector<int> datetime = readIntArr( 6 );
mReferenceTime = DateTime( datetime[0], datetime[1], datetime[2], datetime[3], datetime[4], double( datetime[5] ) );
/* 1 record containing the integers NELEM,NPOIN,NDP,1 (number of
elements, number of points, number of points per element and the value 1)
std::vector<int> numbers = readIntArr( 4 );
mFacesCount = numbers[0];
mVerticesCount = numbers[1];
mVerticesPerFace = numbers[2];
/* 1 record containing table IKLE (integer array
of dimension (NDP,NELEM)
which is the connectivity table.
size_t size = mFacesCount * mVerticesPerFace;
if ( ! checkIntArraySize( size ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading connectivity table" );
mConnectivityStreamPosition = passThroughIntArray( size );
/* 1 record containing table IPOBO (integer array of dimension NPOIN); the
value of one element is 0 for an internal point, and
gives the numbering of boundary points for the others
size = mVerticesCount;
if ( ! checkIntArraySize( size ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading IPOBO table" );
mIPOBOStreamPosition = passThroughIntArray( size );
/* 1 record containing table X (real array of dimension NPOIN containing the
abscisse of the points)
AND here, we can know if float of this file is simple or double precision:
result of size of record divided by number of vertices gives the byte size of the float:
-> 4 : simple precision -> 8 : double precision
size = mVerticesCount;
size_t recordSize = readSizeT();
mStreamInFloatPrecision = recordSize / size == 4;
if ( !mStreamInFloatPrecision && recordSize / size != 8 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem: could not determine if simple or double precision" );
mXStreamPosition = passThroughDoubleArray( size );
/* 1 record containing table Y (real array of dimension NPOIN containing the
ordinate of the points)
size = mVerticesCount;
if ( ! checkDoubleArraySize( size ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading abscisse values" );
mYStreamPosition = passThroughDoubleArray( size );
void MDAL::SelafinFile::parseFile()
/* Next, for each time step, the following are found:
- 1 record containing time T (real),
- NBV(1)+NBV(2) records containing the results tables for each variable at time
size_t realSize = mStreamInFloatPrecision ? 4 : 8;
size_t nTimesteps = remainingBytes() / ( 8 + realSize + ( 4 + ( mVerticesCount ) * realSize + 4 ) * mVariableNames.size() );
mVariableStreamPosition.resize( mVariableNames.size(), std::vector<std::streampos>( nTimesteps ) );
mTimeSteps.resize( nTimesteps );
for ( size_t nT = 0; nT < nTimesteps; ++nT )
std::vector<double> times = readDoubleArr( 1 );
mTimeSteps[nT] = RelativeTimestamp( times[0], RelativeTimestamp::seconds );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < mVariableNames.size(); ++i )
if ( ! checkDoubleArraySize( mVerticesCount ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading dataset values" );
mVariableStreamPosition[i][nT] = passThroughDoubleArray( mVerticesCount );
mParsed = true;
std::string MDAL::SelafinFile::readHeader()
std::string header = readString( 80 );
std::string title = header.substr( 0, 72 );
title = trim( title );
if ( header.size() < 80 ) // IF "SERAFIN", the readString method remove the last character that is a space
header.append( " " );
return header;
std::vector<int> MDAL::SelafinFile::connectivityIndex( size_t offset, size_t count )
return readIntArr( mConnectivityStreamPosition, offset, count );
std::vector<double> MDAL::SelafinFile::vertices( size_t offset, size_t count )
std::vector<double> xValues = readDoubleArr( mXStreamPosition, offset, count );
std::vector<double> yValues = readDoubleArr( mYStreamPosition, offset, count );
if ( xValues.size() != count || yValues.size() != count )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading vertices" );
std::vector<double> coordinates( count * 3 );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i )
coordinates[i * 3] = xValues.at( i ) + mXOrigin;
coordinates[i * 3 + 1] = yValues.at( i ) + mYOrigin;
coordinates[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
return coordinates;
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::Mesh> MDAL::SelafinFile::createMesh( const std::string &fileName )
std::shared_ptr<SelafinFile> reader = std::make_shared<SelafinFile>( fileName );
std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh( new MeshSelafin( fileName, reader ) );
populateDataset( mesh.get(), reader );
return mesh;
void MDAL::SelafinFile::populateDataset( MDAL::Mesh *mesh, const std::string &fileName )
std::shared_ptr<SelafinFile> reader = std::make_shared<SelafinFile>( fileName );
if ( mesh->verticesCount() != reader->verticesCount() || mesh->facesCount() != reader->facesCount() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleDataset, "Faces or vertices counts in the file are not the same" );
populateDataset( mesh, reader );
size_t MDAL::SelafinFile::facesCount()
if ( !mParsed )
return mFacesCount;
size_t MDAL::SelafinFile::verticesCount()
if ( !mParsed )
return mVerticesCount;
size_t MDAL::SelafinFile::verticesPerFace()
if ( !mParsed )
return mVerticesPerFace;
std::vector<double> MDAL::SelafinFile::datasetValues( size_t timeStepIndex, size_t variableIndex, size_t offset, size_t count )
if ( !mParsed )
if ( variableIndex < mVariableStreamPosition.size() && timeStepIndex < mVariableStreamPosition[variableIndex].size() )
return readDoubleArr( mVariableStreamPosition[variableIndex][timeStepIndex], offset, count );
return std::vector<double>();
void MDAL::SelafinFile::populateDataset( MDAL::Mesh *mesh, std::shared_ptr<MDAL::SelafinFile> reader )
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup>> groupsByName;
std::vector< std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup>> groupsInOrder;
for ( size_t nName = 0; nName < reader->mVariableNames.size(); ++nName )
std::string var_name( reader->mVariableNames[nName] );
var_name = MDAL::toLower( MDAL::trim( var_name ) );
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "/", "" ); // slash is represented as sub-dataset group but we do not have such subdatasets groups in Selafin
bool is_vector = false;
bool is_x = true;
if ( MDAL::contains( var_name, "velocity u" ) || MDAL::contains( var_name, "along x" ) )
is_vector = true;
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "velocity u", "velocity" );
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "along x", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( var_name, "velocity v" ) || MDAL::contains( var_name, "along y" ) )
is_vector = true;
is_x = false;
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "velocity v", "velocity" );
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "along y", "" );
if ( MDAL::contains( var_name, "vitesse u" ) || MDAL::contains( var_name, "suivant x" ) )
is_vector = true;
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "vitesse u", "vitesse" );
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "suivant x", "" );
else if ( MDAL::contains( var_name, "vitesse v" ) || MDAL::contains( var_name, "suivant y" ) )
is_vector = true;
is_x = false;
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "vitesse v", "vitesse" );
var_name = MDAL::replace( var_name, "suivant y", "" );
std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> group;
auto it = groupsByName.find( var_name );
if ( it == groupsByName.end() )
group = std::make_shared< DatasetGroup >(
group->setDataLocation( MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnVertices );
group->setIsScalar( !is_vector );
groupsInOrder.push_back( group );
groupsByName[var_name] = group;
group = it->second;
group->setReferenceTime( reader->mReferenceTime );
for ( size_t nT = 0; nT < reader->mTimeSteps.size(); nT++ )
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::DatasetSelafin> dataset;
if ( group->datasets.size() > nT )
dataset = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<DatasetSelafin>( group->datasets[nT] );
dataset = std::make_shared< DatasetSelafin >( group.get(), reader, nT );
dataset->setTime( reader->mTimeSteps.at( nT ) );
group->datasets.push_back( dataset );
if ( is_vector )
if ( is_x )
dataset->setXVariableIndex( nName );
dataset->setYVariableIndex( nName );
dataset->setXVariableIndex( nName );
// now calculate statistics
for ( const std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> &group : groupsInOrder )
for ( const std::shared_ptr<Dataset> &dataset : group->datasets )
MDAL::Statistics stats = MDAL::calculateStatistics( dataset );
dataset->setStatistics( stats );
MDAL::Statistics stats = MDAL::calculateStatistics( group );
group->setStatistics( stats );
// As everything seems to be ok (no exception thrown), push the groups in the mesh
for ( const std::shared_ptr<DatasetGroup> &group : groupsInOrder )
mesh->datasetGroups.push_back( group );
std::string MDAL::SelafinFile::readString( size_t len )
size_t length = readSizeT();
if ( length != len ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to read string" );
std::string ret = readStringWithoutLength( len );
return ret;
std::vector<double> MDAL::SelafinFile::readDoubleArr( size_t len )
size_t length = readSizeT();
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
if ( length != len * 4 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading double array" );
if ( length != len * 8 )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading double array" );
std::vector<double> ret( len );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i )
ret[i] = readDouble();
return ret;
std::vector<double> MDAL::SelafinFile::readDoubleArr( const std::streampos &position, size_t offset, size_t len )
std::vector<double> ret( len );
std::streamoff off;
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
off = offset * 4;
off = offset * 8;
mIn.seekg( position + off );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i )
ret[i] = readDouble();
return ret;
std::vector<int> MDAL::SelafinFile::readIntArr( size_t len )
size_t length = readSizeT();
if ( length != len * 4 ) throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading int array" );
std::vector<int> ret( len );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i )
ret[i] = readInt();
return ret;
std::vector<int> MDAL::SelafinFile::readIntArr( const std::streampos &position, size_t offset, size_t len )
std::vector<int> ret( len );
std::streamoff off = offset * 4;
mIn.seekg( position + off );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i )
ret[i] = readInt();
return ret;
std::string MDAL::SelafinFile::readStringWithoutLength( size_t len )
std::vector<char> ptr( len );
mIn.read( ptr.data(), static_cast<int>( len ) );
if ( !mIn )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open stream for reading string without length" );
size_t str_length = 0;
for ( size_t i = len; i > 0; --i )
if ( ptr[i - 1] != 0x20 )
str_length = i;
std::string ret( ptr.data(), str_length );
return ret;
double MDAL::SelafinFile::readDouble( )
double ret;
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
float ret_f;
if ( !readValue( ret_f, mIn, mChangeEndianness ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Reading double failed" );
ret = static_cast<double>( ret_f );
if ( !readValue( ret, mIn, mChangeEndianness ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Reading double failed" );
return ret;
int MDAL::SelafinFile::readInt( )
unsigned char data[4];
if ( mIn.read( reinterpret_cast< char * >( &data ), 4 ) )
if ( !mIn )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to open stream for reading int" );
if ( mChangeEndianness )
std::reverse( reinterpret_cast< char * >( &data ), reinterpret_cast< char * >( &data ) + 4 );
int var;
memcpy( reinterpret_cast< char * >( &var ),
reinterpret_cast< char * >( &data ),
4 );
return var;
size_t MDAL::SelafinFile::readSizeT()
int var = readInt( );
return static_cast<size_t>( var );
bool MDAL::SelafinFile::checkIntArraySize( size_t len )
return ( len * 4 == readSizeT() );
bool MDAL::SelafinFile::checkDoubleArraySize( size_t len )
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
return ( len * 4 ) == readSizeT();
return ( len * 8 ) == readSizeT();
size_t MDAL::SelafinFile::remainingBytes()
if ( mIn.eof() )
return 0;
return static_cast<size_t>( mFileSize - mIn.tellg() );
std::streampos MDAL::SelafinFile::passThroughIntArray( size_t size )
std::streampos pos = mIn.tellg();
mIn.seekg( size * 4, std::ios_base::cur );
return pos;
std::streampos MDAL::SelafinFile::passThroughDoubleArray( size_t size )
std::streampos pos = mIn.tellg();
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
size *= 4;
size *= 8;
mIn.seekg( size, std::ios_base::cur );
return pos;
void MDAL::SelafinFile::ignore( int len )
mIn.ignore( len );
if ( !mIn )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Unable to ignore characters (invalid stream)" );
void MDAL::SelafinFile::ignoreArrayLength( )
ignore( 4 );
// //////////////////////////////
// //////////////////////////////
Driver( "SELAFIN",
"Selafin File",
Capability::ReadMesh | Capability::SaveMesh | Capability::WriteDatasetsOnVertices | Capability::ReadDatasets
MDAL::DriverSelafin::~DriverSelafin() = default;
MDAL::DriverSelafin *MDAL::DriverSelafin::create()
return new DriverSelafin();
bool MDAL::DriverSelafin::canReadMesh( const std::string &uri )
if ( !MDAL::fileExists( uri ) ) return false;
SelafinFile file( uri );
return true;
catch ( ... )
return false;
bool MDAL::DriverSelafin::canReadDatasets( const std::string &uri )
if ( !MDAL::fileExists( uri ) ) return false;
SelafinFile file( uri );
return true;
catch ( ... )
return false;
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::Mesh> MDAL::DriverSelafin::load( const std::string &meshFile, const std::string & )
std::unique_ptr<Mesh> mesh;
mesh = SelafinFile::createMesh( meshFile );
catch ( MDAL_Status error )
MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "Error while loading file " + meshFile );
catch ( MDAL::Error err )
MDAL::Log::error( err, name() );
return mesh;
void MDAL::DriverSelafin::load( const std::string &datFile, MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
SelafinFile::populateDataset( mesh, datFile );
catch ( MDAL_Status error )
MDAL::Log::error( error, name(), "Error while loading dataset in file " + datFile );
catch ( MDAL::Error err )
MDAL::Log::error( err, name() );
bool MDAL::DriverSelafin::persist( MDAL::DatasetGroup *group )
if ( !group || ( group->dataLocation() != MDAL_DataLocation::DataOnVertices ) )
MDAL::Log::error( MDAL_Status::Err_IncompatibleDataset, name(), "Selafin can store only 2D vertices datasets" );
return true;
saveDatasetGroupOnFile( group );
return false;
catch ( MDAL::Error err )
MDAL::Log::error( err, name() );
return true;
bool MDAL::DriverSelafin::saveDatasetGroupOnFile( MDAL::DatasetGroup *datasetGroup )
const std::string &fileName = datasetGroup->uri();
if ( ! MDAL::fileExists( fileName ) )
//create a new mesh file
save( fileName, "", datasetGroup->mesh() );
if ( ! MDAL::fileExists( fileName ) )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FailToWriteToDisk, "Unable to create new file" );
SelafinFile file( fileName );
return file.addDatasetGroup( datasetGroup );
// //////////////////////////////
// MeshSelafin
// //////////////////////////////
MDAL::MeshSelafin::MeshSelafin( const std::string &uri,
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::SelafinFile> reader ):
Mesh( "SELAFIN", reader->verticesPerFace(), uri )
, mReader( reader )
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshVertexIterator> MDAL::MeshSelafin::readVertices()
return std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshVertexIterator>( new MeshSelafinVertexIterator(
mReader ) );
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshEdgeIterator> MDAL::MeshSelafin::readEdges()
return std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshEdgeIterator>();
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshFaceIterator> MDAL::MeshSelafin::readFaces()
return std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshFaceIterator>(
new MeshSelafinFaceIterator( mReader ) );
MDAL::BBox MDAL::MeshSelafin::extent() const
if ( mIsExtentUpToDate )
return mExtent;
return mExtent;
void MDAL::MeshSelafin::closeSource()
if ( mReader )
mReader->mParsed = false;
void MDAL::MeshSelafin::calculateExtent() const
size_t bufferSize = 1000;
std::unique_ptr<MeshSelafinVertexIterator> vertexIt(
new MeshSelafinVertexIterator( mReader ) );
size_t count = 0;
BBox bbox;
std::vector<Vertex> vertices( mReader->verticesCount() );
size_t index = 0;
std::vector<double> verticesCoord( bufferSize * 3 );
count = vertexIt->next( bufferSize, verticesCoord.data() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i )
vertices[index + i].x = verticesCoord.at( i * 3 );
vertices[index + i].y = verticesCoord.at( i * 3 + 1 );
vertices[index + i].z = verticesCoord.at( i * 3 + 2 );
index += count;
while ( count != 0 );
mExtent = MDAL::computeExtent( vertices );
mIsExtentUpToDate = true;
MDAL::MeshSelafinVertexIterator::MeshSelafinVertexIterator( std::shared_ptr<MDAL::SelafinFile> reader ):
mReader( reader )
size_t MDAL::MeshSelafinVertexIterator::next( size_t vertexCount, double *coordinates )
size_t count = std::min( vertexCount, mReader->verticesCount() - mPosition );
if ( count == 0 )
return 0;
std::vector<double> coord = mReader->vertices( mPosition, count );
memcpy( coordinates, coord.data(), count * 24 );
mPosition += count;
return count;
MDAL::MeshSelafinFaceIterator::MeshSelafinFaceIterator( std::shared_ptr<MDAL::SelafinFile> reader ):
mReader( reader )
size_t MDAL::MeshSelafinFaceIterator::next( size_t faceOffsetsBufferLen, int *faceOffsetsBuffer, size_t vertexIndicesBufferLen, int *vertexIndicesBuffer )
assert( faceOffsetsBuffer );
assert( vertexIndicesBuffer );
assert( mReader->verticesPerFace() != 0 );
const size_t verticesPerFace = mReader->verticesPerFace();
size_t count = std::min( faceOffsetsBufferLen, mReader->facesCount() - mPosition );
count = std::min( count, vertexIndicesBufferLen / verticesPerFace );
if ( count == 0 )
return 0;
std::vector<int> indexes = mReader->connectivityIndex( mPosition * verticesPerFace, count * verticesPerFace );
if ( indexes.size() != count * verticesPerFace )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading faces" );
int vertexLocalIndex = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; i++ )
for ( size_t j = 0; j < verticesPerFace; ++j )
if ( size_t( indexes[j + i * verticesPerFace] ) > mReader->verticesCount() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading faces" );
vertexIndicesBuffer[vertexLocalIndex + j] = indexes[j + i * verticesPerFace] - 1;
vertexLocalIndex += MDAL::toInt( verticesPerFace );
faceOffsetsBuffer[i] = vertexLocalIndex;
mPosition += count;
return count;
MDAL::DatasetSelafin::DatasetSelafin( MDAL::DatasetGroup *parent,
std::shared_ptr<MDAL::SelafinFile> reader, size_t timeStepIndex ):
Dataset2D( parent )
, mReader( reader )
, mTimeStepIndex( timeStepIndex )
size_t MDAL::DatasetSelafin::scalarData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer )
count = std::min( mReader->verticesCount() - indexStart, count );
std::vector<double> values = mReader->datasetValues( mTimeStepIndex, mXVariableIndex, indexStart, count );
if ( values.size() != count )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading dataset value" );
memcpy( buffer, values.data(), count * 8 );
return count;
size_t MDAL::DatasetSelafin::vectorData( size_t indexStart, size_t count, double *buffer )
count = std::min( mReader->verticesCount() - indexStart, count );
std::vector<double> xValues = mReader->datasetValues( mTimeStepIndex, mXVariableIndex, indexStart, count );
std::vector<double> yValues = mReader->datasetValues( mTimeStepIndex, mYVariableIndex, indexStart, count );
if ( xValues.size() != count || yValues.size() != count )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "File format problem while reading dataset value" );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i )
buffer[2 * i] = xValues[i];
buffer[2 * i + 1] = yValues[i];
return count;
void MDAL::DatasetSelafin::setXVariableIndex( size_t index )
mXVariableIndex = index;
void MDAL::DatasetSelafin::setYVariableIndex( size_t index )
mYVariableIndex = index;
template<typename T>
static void writeValue( std::ofstream &file, T value )
bool isNativeLittleEndian = MDAL::isNativeLittleEndian();
MDAL::writeValue( value, file, isNativeLittleEndian );
static void writeInt( std::ofstream &file, int i )
bool isNativeLittleEndian = MDAL::isNativeLittleEndian();
MDAL::writeValue( i, file, isNativeLittleEndian );
static void writeStringRecord( std::ofstream &file, const std::string &str )
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( str.size() ) );
file.write( str.data(), str.size() );
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( str.size() ) );
template<typename T>
static void writeValueArrayRecord( std::ofstream &file, const std::vector<T> &array )
writeValue( file, int( array.size()*sizeof( T ) ) );
for ( const T value : array )
writeValue( file, value );
writeValue( file, int( array.size()*sizeof( T ) ) );
template<typename T>
static void writeValueArray( std::ofstream &file, const std::vector<T> &array )
for ( const T value : array )
writeValue( file, value );
template<typename T>
static void writeVertices( std::ofstream &file, MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
std::unique_ptr<MDAL::MeshVertexIterator> vertexIter = mesh->readVertices();
size_t verticesCount = mesh->verticesCount();
std::vector<T> xValues( verticesCount );
std::vector<T> yValues( verticesCount );
size_t count = 0;
size_t vertexIndex = 0;
size_t bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
std::vector<double> coordinates( bufferSize * 3 );
count = vertexIter->next( bufferSize, coordinates.data() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i )
xValues[vertexIndex + i] = coordinates[i * 3];
yValues[vertexIndex + i] = coordinates[i * 3 + 1];
vertexIndex += count;
while ( count != 0 );
writeValueArrayRecord( file, xValues );
writeValueArrayRecord( file, yValues );
void MDAL::DriverSelafin::save( const std::string &fileName, const std::string &, MDAL::Mesh *mesh )
std::ofstream file = MDAL::openOutputFile( fileName.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary );
std::string header( "Selafin file created by MDAL library" );
std::string remainingStr( 72 - header.size(), ' ' );
header.append( remainingStr );
header.append( "SERAFIND" );
assert( header.size() == 80 );
writeStringRecord( file, header );
// NBV(1) NBV(2) size
std::vector<int> nbvSize( 2 );
nbvSize[0] = 0;
nbvSize[1] = 0;
writeValueArrayRecord( file, nbvSize );
//don't write variable name
//parameter table, all values are 0
std::vector<int> param( 10, 0 );
writeValueArrayRecord( file, param );
size_t verticesPerFace = mesh->faceVerticesMaximumCount();
size_t verticesCount = mesh->verticesCount();
size_t facesCount = mesh->facesCount();
std::vector<int> elem( 4 );
elem[0] = MDAL::toInt( facesCount );
elem[1] = MDAL::toInt( verticesCount );
elem[2] = MDAL::toInt( verticesPerFace );
elem[3] = 1;
writeValueArrayRecord( file, elem );
//connectivity table
int bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
std::vector<int> faceOffsetBuffer( bufferSize );
std::unique_ptr<MeshFaceIterator> faceIter = mesh->readFaces();
size_t count = 0;
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( facesCount * verticesPerFace * 4 ) );
if ( facesCount > 0 )
std::vector<int> inkle( bufferSize * verticesPerFace );
count = faceIter->next( bufferSize, faceOffsetBuffer.data(), bufferSize * verticesPerFace, inkle.data() );
inkle.resize( count * verticesPerFace );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < inkle.size(); ++i )
writeValueArray( file, inkle );
while ( count != 0 );
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( facesCount * verticesPerFace * 4 ) );
// IPOBO filled with 0
writeValueArrayRecord( file, std::vector<int>( verticesCount, 0 ) );
writeVertices<double>( file, mesh );
std::string MDAL::DriverSelafin::writeDatasetOnFileSuffix() const
return "slf";
std::string MDAL::DriverSelafin::saveMeshOnFileSuffix() const
return "slf";
// return false if fails
static void streamToStream( std::ostream &destination,
std::ifstream &source,
std::streampos sourceStartPosition,
std::streamoff len,
std::streamoff maxBufferSize )
assert( maxBufferSize != 0 );
std::streampos position = sourceStartPosition;
source.seekg( 0, source.end );
std::streampos end = std::min( source.tellg(), sourceStartPosition + len );
source.seekg( sourceStartPosition );
while ( position < end )
size_t bufferSize = std::min( maxBufferSize, end - position );
std::vector<char> buffer( bufferSize );
source.read( &buffer[0], bufferSize );
destination.write( &buffer[0], bufferSize );
position += bufferSize;
static void writeScalarDataset( std::ofstream &file, MDAL::Dataset *dataset, bool isFloat )
size_t valuesCount = dataset->valuesCount();
size_t bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
size_t count = 0;
size_t indexStart = 0;
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( valuesCount * ( isFloat ? 4 : 8 ) ) );
std::vector<double> values( bufferSize );
count = dataset->scalarData( indexStart, bufferSize, values.data() );
values.resize( count );
if ( isFloat )
std::vector<float> floatValues( count );
for ( int i = 0; i < MDAL::toInt( count ); ++i )
floatValues[i] = static_cast<float>( values[i] );
writeValueArray( file, floatValues );
writeValueArray( file, values );
indexStart += count;
while ( count != 0 );
writeInt( file, MDAL::toInt( valuesCount * ( isFloat ? 4 : 8 ) ) );
template<typename T>
static void writeVectorDataset( std::ofstream &file, MDAL::Dataset *dataset )
size_t valuesCount = dataset->valuesCount();
std::vector<T> valuesX( valuesCount );
std::vector<T> valuesY( valuesCount );
size_t bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
size_t count = 0;
size_t indexStart = 0;
std::vector<double> values( bufferSize * 2 );
count = dataset->vectorData( indexStart, bufferSize, values.data() );
values.resize( count * 2 );
for ( int i = 0; i < MDAL::toInt( count ); ++i )
valuesX[indexStart + i] = static_cast< T >( values[i * 2] );
valuesY[indexStart + i] = static_cast< T >( values[i * 2 + 1] );
indexStart += count;
while ( count != 0 );
writeValueArrayRecord( file, valuesX );
writeValueArrayRecord( file, valuesY );
bool MDAL::SelafinFile::addDatasetGroup( MDAL::DatasetGroup *datasetGroup )
// Create a new file with same data but with another datasetGroup
if ( !mIn.is_open() )
return false;
size_t realSize;
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
realSize = 4;
realSize = 8;
std::string tempFileName = mFileName;
tempFileName.append( ".tmp" );
mIn.seekg( 0, mIn.beg );
std::ofstream out = MDAL::openOutputFile( tempFileName, std::ios_base::binary );
if ( ! out.is_open() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FailToWriteToDisk, "Unable to add dataset in file" );
//write the same header
writeStringRecord( out, readHeader() );
//Read the NBV1//NBV2 size, and add 1 to NBV1
std::vector<int> nbv = readIntArr( 2 );
int addedVariable = 1;
if ( !datasetGroup->isScalar() )
addedVariable = 2;
nbv[0] = nbv[0] + addedVariable;
writeValueArrayRecord( out, nbv );
// write pre-existing dataset name
for ( size_t i = 0; i < mVariableNames.size(); ++i )
std::string variableName = mVariableNames.at( i );
variableName.resize( 32, ' ' );
writeStringRecord( out, variableName );
// write new(s) variable name
std::string datasetGroupName = datasetGroup->name();
if ( datasetGroup->isScalar() )
datasetGroupName.resize( 32, ' ' );
writeStringRecord( out, datasetGroupName );
if ( datasetGroupName.size() > 27 )
datasetGroupName.resize( 27 );
std::string xName = datasetGroupName + " along x";
std::string yName = datasetGroupName + " along y";
xName.resize( 32 );
yName.resize( 32 );
writeStringRecord( out, xName );
writeStringRecord( out, yName );
//check if valid reference time
if ( !mReferenceTime.isValid() && datasetGroup->referenceTime().isValid() )
mReferenceTime = datasetGroup->referenceTime();
//handlle time step
if ( mVariableNames.empty() ) //if no variable name, no valid time step before
mTimeSteps = std::vector<RelativeTimestamp>( datasetGroup->datasets.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < datasetGroup->datasets.size(); ++i )
mTimeSteps[i] = RelativeTimestamp( datasetGroup->datasets.at( i )->timestamp() );
if ( datasetGroup->datasets.size() != mTimeSteps.size() )
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_UnknownFormat, "Incompatible dataset group : time steps count are not the same" );
//parameters table
mParameters[9] = mReferenceTime.isValid() ? 1 : 0;
writeValueArrayRecord( out, mParameters );
if ( mReferenceTime.isValid() )
writeValueArrayRecord( out, mReferenceTime.expandToCalendarArray() );
//elems count
writeValueArrayRecord( out, std::vector<int> {int( mFacesCount ), int( mVerticesCount ), int( mVerticesPerFace ), 1} );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mFacesCount * mVerticesPerFace * 4 ) );
streamToStream( out, mIn, mConnectivityStreamPosition, mFacesCount * mVerticesPerFace * 4, BUFFER_SIZE );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mFacesCount * mVerticesPerFace * 4 ) );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * 4 ) );
streamToStream( out, mIn, mIPOBOStreamPosition, mVerticesCount * 4, BUFFER_SIZE );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * 4 ) );
//X Vertices
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
streamToStream( out, mIn, mXStreamPosition, mVerticesCount * realSize, BUFFER_SIZE );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
//Y Vertices
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
streamToStream( out, mIn, mYStreamPosition, mVerticesCount * realSize, BUFFER_SIZE );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
// Write datasets
for ( size_t nT = 0; nT < mTimeSteps.size(); nT++ )
// Time step
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
std::vector<float> time( 1, static_cast<float>( mTimeSteps.at( nT ).value( RelativeTimestamp::seconds ) ) );
writeValueArrayRecord( out, time );
std::vector<double> time( 1, mTimeSteps.at( nT ).value( RelativeTimestamp::seconds ) );
writeValueArrayRecord( out, time );
// First, prexisting datasets from the original file
for ( int i = 0; i < nbv[0] - addedVariable; ++i )
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
streamToStream( out, mIn, mVariableStreamPosition[i][nT], realSize * mVerticesCount, BUFFER_SIZE );
writeInt( out, MDAL::toInt( mVerticesCount * realSize ) );
// Then, new datasets from the new dataset group
Dataset *dataset = datasetGroup->datasets[nT].get();
if ( datasetGroup->isScalar() )
writeScalarDataset( out, dataset, mStreamInFloatPrecision );
if ( mStreamInFloatPrecision )
writeVectorDataset<float>( out, dataset );
writeVectorDataset<double>( out, dataset );
// if the uri of the dataset group is the same than the file name, be sure to close it before replace it
if ( datasetGroup->uri() == mFileName )
if ( !MDAL::deleteFile( mFileName ) || !MDAL::renameFile( tempFileName, mFileName ) )
MDAL::deleteFile( tempFileName );
throw MDAL::Error( MDAL_Status::Err_FailToWriteToDisk, "Unable to write dataset in file" );
return true;