Denis Rouzaud 9385de0311
clang-format for analysis and gui on 3.40 (#59736)
* add analysis to clang-format

* handle sip macros

* remove auto-generated files from spell check

* [sipify] supports code in comment

* comment methodcode

* run pre-commit

* [sipify] close type header code earlier

* [sipify] better handling of type header includes

* modify includes

* [sipify] better handling of type header includes (multiple)

* modify core includes

* fix SIP_SKIP

* Revert "[sipify] close type header code earlier"

This reverts commit 0fe88cf945fd2da710453e2a55a4cdc4e2f82802.

* [sipify] do not exit header code if commentting

* fix SIP_SKIP

* [sipify] exit type header code

* fix typo

* src code layout

* sipify

* comment sip directives

* add gui to clang-format

* place SIP_DEPRECATED before definition

* run pre-commit

* fix windows build

* [pre-commit.ci] auto fixes from pre-commit.com hooks

for more information, see https://pre-commit.ci

* fix windows build take 2

* comment to fix win build

* allow combination of SIP_SKIP and Q_DECLARE_FLAGS

* fix SIP_SKIP and SIP_FORCE being left alone

* remove multiline

* [sipify] Fix staticmethod (#59517)

* [sipify] Fix staticmethod 

When building bindings for Kadas, we get an AttributeError on startup and not a NameError.

* [pre-commit.ci lite] apply automatic fixes


Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci-lite[bot] <117423508+pre-commit-ci-lite[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>

* sipify


Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci-lite[bot] <117423508+pre-commit-ci-lite[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-12-09 13:50:17 +01:00

124 lines
3.4 KiB

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