# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** EditScriptDialog.py --------------------- Date : December 2012 Copyright : (C) 2012 by Alexander Bruy Email : alexander dot bruy at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ __author__ = 'Alexander Bruy' __date__ = 'December 2012' __copyright__ = '(C) 2012, Alexander Bruy' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' import pickle import codecs import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.Qsci import * from qgis.core import * from processing import interface from processing.gui.ParametersDialog import ParametersDialog from processing.gui.HelpEditionDialog import HelpEditionDialog from processing.modeler.Providers import Providers from processing.algs.r.RAlgorithm import RAlgorithm from processing.algs.r.RUtils import RUtils from processing.script.ScriptAlgorithm import ScriptAlgorithm from processing.script.ScriptUtils import ScriptUtils from processing.ui.ui_DlgScriptEditor import Ui_DlgScriptEditor import processing.resources_rc class ScriptEditorDialog(QDialog, Ui_DlgScriptEditor): SCRIPT_PYTHON = 0 SCRIPT_R = 1 hasChanged = False def __init__(self, algType, alg): QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) # Set icons self.btnSave.setIcon( QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionFileSave.svg')) self.btnSaveAs.setIcon( QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionFileSaveAs.svg')) self.btnEditHelp.setIcon(QIcon(':/processing/images/edithelp.png')) self.btnRun.setIcon(QIcon(':/processing/images/runalgorithm.png')) self.btnCut.setIcon(QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionEditCut.png')) self.btnCopy.setIcon( QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionEditCopy.png')) self.btnPaste.setIcon( QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionEditPaste.png')) self.btnUndo.setIcon(QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionUndo.png')) self.btnRedo.setIcon(QgsApplication.getThemeIcon('/mActionRedo.png')) # Connect signals and slots self.btnSave.clicked.connect(self.save) self.btnSaveAs.clicked.connect(self.saveAs) self.btnEditHelp.clicked.connect(self.editHelp) self.btnRun.clicked.connect(self.runAlgorithm) self.btnCut.clicked.connect(self.editor.cut) self.btnCopy.clicked.connect(self.editor.copy) self.btnPaste.clicked.connect(self.editor.paste) self.btnUndo.clicked.connect(self.editor.undo) self.btnRedo.clicked.connect(self.editor.redo) self.editor.textChanged.connect(lambda: self.setHasChanged(True)) self.alg = alg self.algType = algType if self.alg is not None: self.filename = self.alg.descriptionFile self.editor.setText(self.alg.script) else: self.filename = None self.update = False self.help = None self.setHasChanged(False) self.editor.setLexerType(self.algType) def editHelp(self): if self.alg is None: if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_PYTHON: alg = ScriptAlgorithm(None, unicode(self.editor.text())) elif self.algType == self.SCRIPT_R: alg = RAlgorithm(None, unicode(self.editor.text())) else: alg = self.alg dlg = HelpEditionDialog(alg) dlg.exec_() # We store the description string in case there were not saved # because there was no filename defined yet if self.alg is None and dlg.descriptions: self.help = dlg.descriptions def save(self): self.saveScript(False) def saveAs(self): self.saveScript(True) def saveScript(self, saveAs): if self.filename is None or saveAs: if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_PYTHON: scriptDir = ScriptUtils.scriptsFolder() filterName = self.tr('Python scripts (*.py)') elif self.algType == self.SCRIPT_R: scriptDir = RUtils.RScriptsFolder() filterName = self.tr('Processing R script (*.rsx)') self.filename = unicode(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, self.tr('Save script'), scriptDir, filterName)) if self.filename: if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_PYTHON \ and not self.filename.lower().endswith('.py'): self.filename += '.py' if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_R \ and not self.filename.lower().endswith('.rsx'): self.filename += '.rsx' text = unicode(self.editor.text()) if self.alg is not None: self.alg.script = text try: with codecs.open(self.filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: fout.write(text) except IOError: QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr('I/O error'), self.tr('Unable to save edits. Reason:\n %s') % unicode(sys.exc_info()[1])) return self.update = True # If help strings were defined before saving the script for # the first time, we do it here if self.help: f = open(self.filename + '.help', 'wb') pickle.dump(self.help, f) f.close() self.help = None self.setHasChanged(False) else: self.filename = None def setHasChanged(self, hasChanged): self.hasChanged = hasChanged self.btnSave.setEnabled(hasChanged) def runAlgorithm(self): if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_PYTHON: alg = ScriptAlgorithm(None, unicode(self.editor.text())) alg.provider = Providers.providers['script'] if self.algType == self.SCRIPT_R: alg = RAlgorithm(None, unicode(self.editor.text())) alg.provider = Providers.providers['r'] dlg = alg.getCustomParametersDialog() if not dlg: dlg = ParametersDialog(alg) canvas = interface.iface.mapCanvas() prevMapTool = canvas.mapTool() dlg.show() dlg.exec_() if canvas.mapTool() != prevMapTool: try: canvas.mapTool().reset() except: pass canvas.setMapTool(prevMapTool)